Im libra, hes aquarius. any good??
2006-04-06 09:51:36 UTC
Im libra, hes aquarius. any good??
Six answers:
2006-04-06 15:27:43 UTC
It is a smart romance when Libra and Aquarius pair up! Both enjoy art, music, books and anything else that they can learn from. You may see them staying up way late talking on the phone about a new movie and discussing every little detail! Libra and Aquarius are not big fans of rules or restrictions. They like to have fun, try new things and keep the excitement going! This is an energetic couple with enough enthusiasm to keep the sparks flying for a long, long time!
2006-04-06 17:50:33 UTC
Libra and Aquarius

When Libra and Aquarius join in a love match, their relationship can serve to heighten and strengthen both Signs' consciousness. These two connect on a high mental level; they share a love of art, people and culture; they both abhor restrictive influences in their lives. They are likely to get along well because they have such similar needs and will not require more of one another than they're both willing to give. Both Signs are also very energetic, enthusiastic types; this relationship is not likely to become stagnant.

Both Aquarius and Libra are concerned with the betterment of the world and their fellow people. Aquarius is the most progressive thinker of the Zodiac, and they always have a new idea in the works. Libra is the diplomat of the Zodiac; abhorring conflict of any sort, they are born balancers (hence their Symbol, the Scales). Libra's urge to avoid conflict put together with a love of intellectual freedom can lead them to be somewhat indecisive at times; when this happens, more decisive Aquarius can step in and help Libra figure out which direction to turn. Libra can return the favor by smoothing Aquarius's occasionally ruffled feathers that result from the Water Bearer's idealistic thinking sometimes crashing down in the face of reality.

Libra is ruled by the Planet Venus (Love) and Aquarius is ruled by the Planets Uranus (Rebellion) and Saturn (Karma). This combination of influences can be an interesting and productive one; Libra and Aquarius should certainly take on other projects together than simply their love relationship, because they can make great things happen using their hearts, their urge for progress and their consciousness of the greater good. These two are an extraordinary duo for standing up for social justice or radical change in the community.

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Sweet Pea
2006-04-06 22:04:12 UTC
I'm Libra and he's Aquarius. We hit it off instantly...however, nothing lasts forever in our day and age. If you love someone or have strong interest, it doesn't really matter what sign they are. Good luck. I found that Libra's should not be with other Libra's.
2006-04-06 16:53:22 UTC
(it shouldn't matter) But yes. My parents are an aquarius and libra pair and they've been married forvever! But the best pair for a libra is a taurus. (so they say) My bf is a's an awesome pair but hard work
2006-04-06 17:36:27 UTC
yes. libra and aquarius are supposed to get along well, because they are Air signs.
2006-04-06 18:24:15 UTC
If you are good, if he is good--it is good. In no other way it can be good

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