Ok, so I'm back.
1. Grab the book nearest to you. robbins judge organizational behavior 13th edition (it's not mine)
What is the first sentence of the 3rd paragraph of the 6th page? Managers are also responsible for designing an organization's structure.
2. What is an item nearest to you of? publix disinfecting wipes lol
3. What was the first CD you bought? confessions by usher.. yeah, I so did.
4. What was the first song you heard by your favorite band? Drive by Incubus
5. What is your guilty pleasure [movie, book, song]? slow songs like this one
6. How would you murder your victims? lol probably get them drunk, make them think they're gonna score like a femme fatale
7. What would you do if you were a ghost? I think possessing certain people, like Bill O'Reilly
8. What is a super power you wish you had that could save people right now? Probably like the seed of life, like my hand touches the ground and creates some huge forest
9. What is something you love/hate from your daily routine
I love having a life. I hate traffic.
10. What is the best advice you ever got? "don't get caught up in one guy, if you're dating, you I have the right to date more than one person, so when one guy is acting up, don't waste your energy. you won't have to care because you'll be preoccupied with the others. don't give up your freedom until he decides to put a ring on your finger." seriously, this advice came from my mother. It's like the best advice that I will never go by.
11. What is an instrument you hated playing? Trumpet,only because I sucked at it. I could only play Battle of the Heroes by John Williams and that's it.
12. Where would you time travel to and what would you do there?
To one of Oprah's favorite things episodes haha free stuff
13. Favorite: Things to put in a sandwich? pickles
14. Favorite: Object in your room? i have a show box full of old stuff, like my jrotc ranks and ****
15. Favorite: Shoe you own? army green suede converse
16. Favorite: Scene from movie/drama? it was an episode on skins, when pandora introduced her friends to her mother. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwSw0J86Zbk @11:00
17. Favorite: Song by favorite artist? What you want by bombay bicycle club
18. Favorite: Person to hate? meh
20. Favorite: Memory: just being a kid not having a care in the world
Your sun and mercury please? Pisces sun Aquarius mercury