Is it weird that my horoscope is weirdly true about me?
2013-01-19 12:03:49 UTC
I mean they might just be made to make me think that, but I swear some of the things they say about me, as a Taurus, are true to me as a person as appose to everyone in general. and I cant help but agreeing with what they say.
Seven answers:
2013-01-19 12:14:58 UTC
It's not weird at all. It's called the Barnum Effect.
A statement can seem like it's very, very personal, yet in fact be quite general. We like to think we're special, unique snowflakes but in fact we're all kinda similar. People have been given identical, boilerplate "horoscopes" with statements like "You're kinda shy in large groups, but act like you're not to compensate" which may or may not apply to you but the majority will identify with it. They swear blind it was written specifically for them, because it describes them so well, even accusing the researchers of having had access to their diaries.
Some even refuse to believe it's a blanket text when the subterfuge is revealed and it becomes known everyone has the same one, such is the power of their belief.
2013-01-19 12:35:33 UTC
Not at all. I don't agree with those two. Taurus likes to live a simple and safe life.Sensual and likes to touch. This statement won't go with someone unless he or she is not Taurus influenced. For example an aquarius would live to change the world instead of living a simple life,that bores him.
2017-01-09 10:05:04 UTC
nicely, because it unusual to imagine that this is unusual that human beings do unusual issues because of the actuality unusual issues take position because of the actuality distinctive unusual issues which you concept were unusual befell themselves because of the actuality some thing unusual befell to the unusual human beings who requested the unusual query interior the first position. unusual, isn't any longer it?