2011-02-01 00:20:32 UTC
I like this Cappy sun / Sag moon / Cappy Mercury / Pisces Venus guy. I'm 20, he's 26.
Of course, he doesn't let me know if he likes me or not. But from the looks of things, I can tell that he does. He's very busy, I love the fact that he has his own life. when he's free he texts me, but I'm normally the one who initiates it. I really don't like pursuing but I will just to get the ball rolling if I like a guy enough.
Although, we are still in the "getting to know you" stage.. I'm very intuitive & know when the connections there. I can also pick on character traits like THAT!
So lately he's been more moody & I've given him space but the more I do, the longer we go without talking. =\
long story short, during the few times I've decided to give him this space, I sent him a very cheesy forwarded text. one that I knew he'd get a kick out of. & at the same time wanted to see if he was into me or not..
what can u see yourself doing with me?
A.) Dating / Being more than friends
B.) Being just friends
C.) U see me as a sister
D.) Sex
Z.) I'm open to anything ur open to
He responded by first saying "I cant answer these, it may be a trap LOL" then asking me to answer it first & I did. I choose Z & so did he. I asked him why he said he thought it was a trap & he didn't respond. I'm assuming I annoyed him?!
apparently this was a FAIL! lol I don't wanna bug him by texting him everyday but I like him. alot. :(
how do I go about pursuing him without annoying him?