Venus in Libra is essentially dignified, Venus is the natural ruler of Libra, it is strong there so it is free to act the way it wants without the need for help. The only way Venus can be hindered from acting what it is, is when it is placed in the 6th 8th or 12th house. In these houses, Venus is accidentally debilitated, meaning its shine is struggling to pass through. But it is still a strong Venus.
If Venus is not in aspect with any other planet, there is simply no interaction in the area Venus resides in and other areas of life. However, I doubt this to be true. Modern astrology calls this Venus peregrine, a wandering planet without any companion. You can picture Venus as a capable, civilised, rich woman but without a companion in her life. You can call her " raw ". And the way for a peregrine planet to come in touch with the outer world and to be civilised ( mind you Venus in Libra is already as civilised as it gets ) is through transit and progression. Every month Moon will kick Venus up a little by conjunction, every once in a while Mercury, Sun, Mars will come to knock on its door. Every 12 year, Jupiter will make a visit, of course Saturn transit in hard angles to Venus will sure make her squeal, nothing is more uncomfortable than making young Venus see naked old men with a taste for domination. Then the big one, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. These 3 bullies will make sure Venus have a taste of life. Of course this is what modern astrology would see. Of course, Venus in Scorpio will also be called peregrine if it is not aspecting another other planet, and transits and progressions are necessary to bring her out to play. But if Venus is sextile Neptune, then she is NOT unaspected, she has an aspect, with Neptune. Raw in modern astrology means that the planet has full expression of what it is without being modified by anything else, it is capable of acting without hindrance, be that negative or positive.
Traditionally astrology however, would pay attention to reception and mutual reception. And Venus is not peregrine anymore since she is dignified - in the sign she rules. Venus in Scorpio is in detriment, so she is essentially weak there. But she is not peregrine, weak and peregrine are different in classical astrology. If Venus is found in the last 10 degree of Scorpio or so, she will gain term and face (decan), which are positive essential dignities, which help mitigate the detrimental position she is in. To be " unaspected " or peregrine in classical astrology, a planet would have no essential dignities or debilities.
Back to reception, if Venus is found in Libra, and Saturn is found in Taurus, there is a mutual reception between Venus and Saturn since Venus rules Taurus and Saturn is exalted in Libra. So whatever Saturn rules, in whatever house he is, Venus has an influence, and to a lesser extent, whatever Venus rules, Saturn has a say. Neptune is not used in classical natal astrology, so if Venus is in Scorpio, look to Mars, whatever Mars signifies, Venus will follow, because Mars rules Scorpio. Alternatively, look for the 7th house for clues about the women he tends to attract in his life.
A man with Venus in Scorpio generally speaking is atached to lusty, sensual and voluptuous women, someone who is passionate and strong emotionally. If Venus is sextile to Neptune, he will like those who are artitically inclined, soulful, has a sensitive touch, caring and devoting.