2009-04-15 16:43:18 UTC
Scorpio is naturally jealous (and sometime paranoid), and they'll need mutual reassurance of monogamy. Betrayal of any kind is the death knell for the Scorpio couple, and the writhing demise is often a long, drawn-out, embittering affair. It may be hard to separate, keeping them locked in and fighting as exes. Or they keep going on and on in a relationship that's making them miserable. Having merged on every level, it's hard to say good-bye.
We wer thinking that since the two are often so jealous, there jealousy is the only reason that they want to continue with there relationship but they're really just putting themselves in pain... idk we thought dat it goes deeper than dat, so wat do u think it means? LoL, no mean comments wer just asking, thnx ^ - ^ =] =d =p