I read an article saying that aquarius is a "cold hearted" sign recently. It confused me because both of my aquarius friends are probably the two most WARM HEARTED people I know! I mean, I was walking in town with one of them, (my college roommate, Cyrus.) and we passed an old homeless man on the street and my friend didn't hesitate to pull out his last twenty dollar bill and give it to him happily! If that isn't warm hearted then I don't know what is! lol. Sure, every now and then he will get angry and snap when an "injustice" is committed, but if anything, I feel like it's because he cares too much. My other aquarius friend, Caleb is the same way. He doesn't really care what people think of him, so he won't act nice to please people, in other words, he values being genuine. He does volunteer work at the homeless shelter down the block. When I asked him why he spends so much time there, he just said, "I don't know", casually and changed the topic. And I've also read about how leos are known for being warm hearted. My leo friend is anything but that! I mean, on the outside he acts super cool to people, but it's only because he wants them to think that he is awesome. In other words, he selfishly manipulates people and he doesn't ever hesitate to freak out and say some of the nastiest things to people who call him out on being selfish. Is that warm hearted? I feel like astrology books judge character based simply on how people come off on the surface, rather than by their true intentions. What ever happened to the saying, "don't judge a book by it's cover"? Anyways, I realize that not all leos and not all aquarius' are the same, but these are just some observations I've made. Tell me what you think of all this?