Cancer goes the best with earth signs (taurus, virgo, capricorn) and fellow water signs (cancer, scorpio, pisces)
Cancer: June 21 - July 22
Your most likeable trait: LOYALTY
No one has ever said Cancerians are easy to understand. You may appear gentle, kind, sympathetic, and a patient listener. Then someone asks for advice, and you turn cranky, snappish, and appear to be completely indifferent to anyone's problems but your own. You may wallow in self-pity and complain endlessly about how mistreated you are by the world. Turn another page of the calendar and suddenly you are back being helpful, solicitous, ready to do anything asked of you.
What's your secret? Cancer, which is ruled by the Moon and has water as its element, can be likened to the shifting tides of the oceans. Like the tides, Cancer is the sign of powerful forces moving under the surface. That surface, however, is quite difficult to penetrate, for Cancerians tend to build up an elaborate array of defenses to hide their deep feelings and extremely sensitive.
Complex, fragile, unpredictable, temperamental, the typical Cancerian needs a constant support and encouragement. You want desperately to be loved and approved of but resent needing approval so badly. When you get what you need, you give the best you have in return. Those who make you feel secure command your undying loyalty. When you really care for someone there is nothing anyone can say about that person that will make the least bit of difference. You have a real blind spot when it comes to seeing a failing in those you love.
You tend to be a worrier and a silent brooder. People may pour out their hearts to you, but the flow never goes in the other direction. You guard your secrets well.
If offended, you do not strike back directly. Your method of retaliation is to sulk, and it is often very effective. The technique is somewhat like being whipped to death by a dozen strands of boiled spaghetti.
Cancer's symbol, the crab, has a hard outer shell that protects soft, vulnerable flesh underneath. The same is true of Cancerians, who are often crusty, gruff and grumpy, but possess a proverbial heart of gold. Beneath your tough exterior you are a sentimental softie who will make any sacrifice for someone in need. If someone asks for a favor, your first reaction will probably be no, but the final answer is always yes. You should be judged not by what you say but by what you do.
You are possessive. Anyone who becomes part of your life will never again be entirely free. You try to stay in touch with friends, ex-lovers, former spouses, business associates, persons you knew as children. If you let anyone go out of your life, it is unwillingly and never completely. This reflects your preoccupation with the past. An aura of nostalgia dwells about you; the events and people of bygone years continue to inhabit your memory and usually grow dearer to you as time goes by. You are devoted to family and home and continue to believe in the old fashioned idea that marriage is forever—even if the events in your own life contradict this.
It is hard to deceive you, for you can spot the tiniest nuances of behavior. In fact, you are almost psychic in your intuitions. A photographic memory added to intense powers of observation makes you extremely canny about divining other people's inner motivations.
Cancerians are crab-like in their indirect approach to an intended target. Observe a crab moving on a beach and you will notice its strange sidewise movement toward a goal. People born under the sign of the Crab never take the direct approach. You step to one side, then step to the other side and sometimes go completely around. But you get where you intend to go.
If channeled in the right direction, your enormous sensitivity can be a greta source of strength. Once you overcome your shyness and touchiness and master your turbulent emotions, your intellect and imagination enable you to become a success in almost anything you undertake. Contrary to the impression you often give, you can be shrewd and canny in business. Cautious, conservative in your approach, you possess an antenna that quickly gauges public taste and opinion and senses new trends in the making. This instinct for business combined with imagination is visible in such famous fashion designers as Bill Blass, Oscar de la Renta and Pierre Cardin.
Cancer people hold on to money as tenaciously as they do to everything else that belongs to them. To you money spells security, yet no matter how much wealth you accumulate you never feel really secure. That is true of your emotional security also. A Cancerian never gets enough love and approval, you always need more. it is very easy to fall in love with this loyal, devoted, affectionate, and protective Moon-child.
Sun in Cancer
Because the moon, which rules this sign, has no light of its own but shines by the reflected light of the Sun, you have a need to find an inner center. Your power can be very great, or very insecure, and you shine best when you are centered on others outside your own personality. This is the most feminine of all signs, and you have a very strong attachment to home and mother. There is a grave need to protect self and family from threat, and you use your hard crab shell to sustain a remarkable self-defense.
You have a capacity for tremendous kindness and caring, thus you are very emotional and intuitive. You can also be very shrewd, imaginative, and good at problem-solving since you work instinctively to make decisions. You have a tendency to look to the past, however, and your worst faults are worrying, clinging to others, an inability to let go when something is over, and moodiness (which you get from the moon). You make very nurturing, loving partners, however, and take great pride in giving very inventive presents to those close to you. You are firmly committed to children and a family life, but you do enjoy variety and change within a need for continuity. You are naturally attracted to the caring professions such as teaching, nursing, social work, counseling, psychic healers and psychologists. Teaching kids, running a daycare center, or even taking care of other people's homes are good for the Cancerian personality. You are natural cooks, and enjoy any work involving the past, such as museum curators or antique collectors. You also enjoy working out of your home, and do well in any field involving medicine due to your intensity of feeling. For you, fulfillment is more important than ambition, although you like to make money and can even hoard it at times.
You are like a receptive sponge, taking in all around you, sensitive to your environment, building a hard shell in which to hide at times. You are naturally nurturing--the mother of the zodiac--moving with the ocean tides, surging and ebbing like the moon. Your symbols are the womb, the house, the home, the interior of all things. As a Protector, Cancer carries its house upon its back, thus your home can be two places--on land in the real world, or in the water in the emotional world. Your greatest challenge is to find an inner center or shell and function from there. This will stabilize you from the rocking of the tidal flow of life. Add some reason and discrimination, and you are sure to find happiness wherever you go.
You possess a subconscious mind that keeps many things hidden. Nothing is very clear or direct for you. You tend to respond to most things through your feelings, which can appear to others as vague. Many times, feeling and thinking are not separated. As a result, you can be very psychic.
Cancer rules the public, or mass consciousness, thus you are never ruled by reason, but by emotion. You tend to have a civilizing, taming influence on people. Your deep need for roots, or a peaceful state of mind, can turn into neediness if you don't find a good place to rest your powerful emotions. If you do, you can shine and even provide a safe harbor or refuge for others seeking a retreat for solitude. You are usually gentle and kind, unless you are hurt. In that case, a vindictive and sharp claw can attack, and can even smother. You move sideways, like a crab, when in love, avoiding confrontations, sometimes hiding behind protective urges.
On the downside, you can be lazy, and dislike exercise. Later in life, some Cancers have suffered from poor circulation, perhaps because they absorb so much feeling and pain in their life. They have incredible memories, and use their "antennae" to probe what is in front of them, asking: "Is it safe?" Cancer rules the stomach or "gut feeling," so they typically make decisions using their intuition. Their tough shell, if not matched with an equally secure interior, can prove crusty, hard and judgmental.
Cancers are great business and resource people. They also make good historians, protecting the "womb of time." They have a definite preference for old things: old houses, sweaters, jewelry, etc. They enjoy rituals or traditions that link the past to the present. Like crabs, they tend to prefer small, dark spaces--perhaps this gives them the psychological safety of a womb. They are the Great Mother--nurturing, protecting--yet this could also turn into the Devourer if not balanced properly. You can't feed them enough. Generally, though, Cancers try to mother everyone, and make great adoptive parents. They are fiercely protective, flowing with the ebb and tide of the moon. Experience flows through them, and their moodiness results in changeable interests and social circles. Once a Cancer trusts you, however, he or she lets you into a most private world.
Cancers have a natural connection with children and animals. A Cancer woman is enigmatic and elusive, with changeable moods that are difficult to pin down. She is frequently insecure and scared of commitment, but is gentle and sympathetic to your needs. She has a deep need for roots or a home, anything near water (remember Cancer is a water sign). She nurtures everything--animals, children, orphans; feeling always comes first for her.
A Cancer man has similar needs--up to a point. He retreats just like a crab when infringed upon, burying himself in the sand by going to a special place--the couch, the TV, his bedroom. He also gets along well with kids, and has a need to nurture. Don't try to corner him or prod him; he doesn't react well to pressure. He could delight you with his revelations in the spiritual world; if the intuition is powerfully developed, a Cancer man could be a psychic healer or clairvoyant. Be careful what you think.
In romance, Cancers are generally evasive--flirtatious, coy, the ever-moving crab seeking food and running from predators. He or she enjoys entertaining at home, surrounded by all that is familiar. They are usually not lavish spenders, except with the home or family, and tend to buy inexpensive items. They also tend to be big savers. Cancers and Scorpios have been reputed to be a good match. This could be because both have pincers--they both have secrets to entrust with each other.
Cancers are generally drawn to an organized religion, and once they find one they tend to stick with it if it feels right, exploring its depths, using intuition to understand it. Cancers are hungry for spiritual satisfaction, but also give freely from their knowledge to others. They enjoy a creative response to life, and have a deep desire to build and grow something of lasting value, something real. In conjunction with the Moon, Cancer rules all growing and changing in life, through natural cycles, shifting tides, which find an outlet in rituals and brooding--anything that connects the present to the past, and marks a new beginning.
Cancer is the Fourth Sign of the Zodiac. Its name derives from the Latin "cancer...literally "the crab." Cancer individuals are "tried and true." They tend to cling to tradition as though they were a part of it, yet their moods and even their purposes may become as changeable as this Sign's ruling celestial body...the Moon. Thus, such self-contradiction is understandable, given that it is part of the Cancer person's innate nature. Much like their representative symbol, the Crab, Cancers are well protected on the outside but are prone to be soft on the inside. They are good at sustaining others and appear to have a mission to take care of not only people in and of themselves, but also their means of making a living. The association of this Sign with water dates back to the very emergence of astrology itself and is Babylonian in origin. In Egypt, Cancer was represented by two turtles known as the "Stars of the Water" and occasionally as an obscure aquatic creature known as Allul. Perhaps more than any other Sign, Cancer is symbolic of the passive, receptive but profoundly powerful and emcompassing female force in nature...the all-nourishing or all-devouring mother. The Crab itself is associated with the sea...the cradle of life. Those born under the Sign of Cancer should strive to find a safe haven in which their exquisite sensitivity can bloom and flourish. If this is not achieved, then they will find themselves dominated by the prickly and grasping aspect of the Cancer personality.
The origin of the symbol...or glyph...of Cancer has been given diverse interpretations. Some sources describe it as a representation of the breasts, an area of the anatomy ruled by Cancer and which is also indicative of the inherent nurturing nature of this Sign. Other sources liken the glyph to a pair of crab claws, intertwined in such a manner as to represent the dual nature of the Cancer individual. In this latter interpretation, it could well be considered similar to the Asian symbol of the Yin and the Yang. In Vedic Astrology, this glyph signifies the Womb of Time, in which all manifestation takes place and is symbolic of the caring qualities associated with motherhood, as well as spiritual creativity.
Also known as the Sign of the Prophet or Teacher, Cancer is Negative in polarity (as are Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces). The general characteristics of Negative Signs lean toward introversion and prefer to draw upon personal resources rather than look for external stimuli. Such individuals are naturally more receptive, sensitive and nurturing than are the Zodiac Signs of Positive polarity (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius). However, Negative Signs are also likely to be much more cautious, retiring and standoffish than their Positive counterparts with a tendency to keep personal feelings under tight control. Taurus is the most introverted of the Negative Signs (with Virgo a close second).
All Zodiac Signs governed by the Elements of Earth and Water are considered to be Feminine in nature. Thus, Cancer (ruled by water) is considered Feminine (as are Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces). Feminine Signs are traditionally conceived as being more receptive and less active than their Masculine counterparts which are ruled by the Elements of Fire and Air (the Zodiac Signs of Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius). Feminine Signs focus primarily on the emotional and material world with particular attention to sensitivity and depth of feeling. Feminine Signs are said to be noctural or night-oriented. Therefore, the term "feminine" should be viewed in the same light as the Yin (or dark) Polarity of the Tao.
Cancer is the natural ruler of the Fourth House of the Zodiac, commonly referred to as the "House of Family and Home" and known in Vedic Astrology as the "Subterraneous Place." This is the field which represents the childhood home and all that such implies. It is the place of an individual's deepest personal roots. It is also the house of tradition and the location of a person's most intimate and ingrained nurturing. In addition, this house is the place of human ending..."from dust we come and to dust we go," thus completing the mortal circle. The Fourth House has been classified as the "Womb of Eternity," where all things come into being and pass out of being at the appointed time. It is the House of Genesis and also of Nemesis. This house contains the basic and symbolic foundation of an individual...the side of a person that decorates and maintains a home, deciding what such a home will look like and how much privacy will be needed. The Fourth House also deals with matters of real estate but most importantly, it is the house where emotional memories are stored and from which an individual operates on a subconscious level. The Fourth House is governed by the Planet Moon...not truly a "planet," but classified as such for the purposes of continuity in the Science of Astrology.
The opposite sign to Cancer is Capricorn. From Capricorn, Cancer can learn to get things into a proper perspective and take a realistic view of life. Thus, can Cancer natives learn how to make good judgments.
Positive Traits: kind, loving, emotional, intuitive, imaginative, shrewd, cautious, protective and sympathetic.
Negative Traits: changeable, moody, over-emotional, touchy, untidy, clinging, unable to "let go," and a tendency to wallow in self-pity.
Likes: hobbies, romance, children, parties, home and country.
Dislikes: failure, opposition, aggravating situations, being told what to do and being given advice...whether good or bad.
Spiritual Goal: To learn how to take a balanced view of things
Spiritual Correspondence: The Dominations
Apostle: Andrew
Prophet: Amos
Anatomy: Rules the chest, breasts and stomach
Corresponding Tarot Card: The Chariot
Associated Countries: Scotland, Holland and New Zealand
Associated Cities: New York, Venice and Amsterdam
Animals: Crustaceans, Otter, Seal, Turtle, Stag, Unicorn and Sphinx
Watchword: Sympathy
Keynote: Patience
Physical Manifestation: Flexibility
Mental Manifestation: Imagination
Motto: The Tide Will Turn
Quote: I Feel
Cancer subjects are "tried and true" individuals who cling to tradition as though they were a part of it. Some are even fearful of the future and the unknown, while others find the real world to be a threatening place, whereupon they retreat into dreams and fantasies, sheltering themselves in the relative safety of the past. Yet, the moods and even the purposes of Cancer natives may become as changeable as this Sign's ruling planet, the Moon. However, such self-contradiction is understandable when recognized as part and parcel of the innate Cancer nature. These are people who are home-loving, fond of family life and domestic tranquility, but who also enjoy travel and adventure. Those governed by Cancer adore the past and, at times, practically live in it. This accounts for the manner in which they seek out the new while always returning to the old. Cancer individuals are sensitive, though this may not always be displayed. Arguments tend to wear them down, crticisms hurt them and, somewhat like the crab which symbolizes their sign, they are prone to crawl into their shells under such circumstances. Proud with deep reserves of emotion, Cancer natives tend to "scuttle away" at the first sign of danger. Basically, these are timid souls yet, in a real emergency, they tend to be fantastically brave. Those who fall under the jurisdiction of Cancer tend to build boundaries, make homes and gather things for incubation, protection, nurturance and "mothering." Security is all-important to Cancer natives there are definite inclinations toward melancholy and introversion.
While strongly conservative, Cancer individuals are nonetheless fond of amusements and the social life. Their moods may differ by or night, and even changes in the weather are liable to affect the restless Cancer nature but, beneath that variable surface, these are steadfast characters who disapprove of sudden or radical changes. The loyalty of a Cancer subject to friends and family is constant, unless broken by some actual hurt or imagined slight. In that event, he or she may never feel the same toward a person. Although imaginative and affectionate, those born under this Sign of the Zodiac are not apt to show such emotions in an outward fashion. Thus, they are all too often misunderstood or go unappreciated. Any form of spite or jealousy should be avoided by those governed by Cancer and indeed, these can be the Cancer individual's greatest faults. The goal of Cancer natives should be toward outward expressions of sympathy and loyalty. If this is not achieved, then friends may perceive them to be fickle. Cancer subjects respond gratefully to appreciation and encouragement but will not tolerate interference in personal affairs by matter how close that person might be. In short, those born under the jurisdiction of this Zodiac Sign are not truly quite as "soft" as some would imagine. These individuals are prone to giving the wrong impression and, very often, Cancer subjects themselves are not at all sure what they wish the desired impression to be.
Cancer natives are frequently vivacious and normally humanitarian by nature. Many devote themselves to worthy causes. However, there is a tendency to become too opinionated to understand another's viewpoint. When this happens, the Cancer individual is always puzzled as to why he or she is being neglected or ignored. In short, Cancer subjects have a difficult time in admitting personal blame or fault. Occasionally, the firmest decisions of a Cancer individual will be abandoned without reason...yet one more indication that those who fall under the jurisdiction of this Sign are swayed by moods. Nevertheless, despite these contradictory characteristics, Cancer can prove to be one of the best Signs of the Zodiac if its natives are willing to subordinate their morbid side and refuse to dwell in the past. Cancer persons are blessed with strong determination and great perseverance, otherwise they would not go to the extremes that they do. If these faculties are employed toward constant effort instead of toward futile conflict, then Cancer subjects can attain the loftiest of goals and free themselves of worry and despondency.
Those governed by Cancer have a tendency to gravitate toward becoming a "jack-of-all trades." Deep concentration on one specific aim will aid these individuals in gaining success. However, the heart of a Cancer individual must be in a project fully before he or she can be interested enough to totally commit to the work involved. Thus, the Cancer subject should always be free to choose a career that he or she really loves. Yet, there will be times when Cancer individuals are hesitant to commit a course of action or a personal relationship or a promise. Nevertheless, once committed, Cancer natives feel obligated to keep their word. Those who fall under the jurisdiction of this Sign will shrink from opening their hearts to anyone if they feel they have made a mistake or taken a wrong step. That having been said, Cancer is quite adept at grumbling in general when things fail to go as anticipated. There also tends to be a fear of old age associated with this Sign, which is why Cancer subjects are prone to keep looking and thinking young...a self-protective mechanism against the loneliness Cancer believes is sure to accompany advancing years. Pride comprises a large portion of the Cancer personality, both in a positive and negative sense. On the positive side, Cancer individuals take pride in family, position, children and the home. On the negative side, pride may prevent the Cancer native from making and forming lasting friendships since he or she can be very suspicious, constantly questioning the motives of others and never quite ready to accept open-heartedly what appears to be overt overtures of friendship. In other words, Cancer persons tend to be perpetually "niggled" that something somewhere is not quite right. They are also inclined to be somewhat smothering or overly-possessive of loved ones.
In business, those governed by Cancer succeed along established lines. They do well as manufacturers and merchants. Quality is important to a Cancer native and he or she will be proud of whatever is produced. However, Cancer individuals must learn to be progressive since they are liable to vacillate in business (as well as other fields) and may find themselves left far behind. Professionally, Cancers make for good teachers or lecturers. If inspired with the romance of a subject, they will go to the ends of the earth to communicate their passion for that subject to their students. Librarians, historians and scientists are also excellent career choices. Cancers are capable lawyers and politicians, while many rise to high ranks in art, literature and music. Nonetheless, there is a tendency here for missed opportunities because of the inherent Cancer changeability. This particularly applies to those Cancer individuals who hold subordinate positions and become too content with their "lot in life" to think of what they might have been, instead of becoming what they should be. Occasionally, proper business associations can do much to verify this. Cancer and Capricorn are opposite enough to form a strong combination. There is also an affinity between Cancer and Aquarius, which marks this pairing as good business partners. An association with Gemini may also prove most beneficial...provided Cancer can keep the versatile Gemini partner under due restraint. A teaming with the exuberant Leo may also be very long as Leo is allowed to be the dominant factor in any decision-making.
Traditionally, the complex mother/child relationship will dominate the emotional life of any Cancer subject. This dynamic may play itself out in a number of ways...the Cancer individual taking the role of good or bad mother...good or naughty child. In child mode, those born under this sign hunger for love. There never seems to be enough to bring true satisfaction since Cancer natives feel compelled to doubt the sincerity of such affection and, therefore, are obliged to test it by seeing how much a friend or partner can endure before withdrawing or withholding the desired love. In this regard, the generally mild Cancer can be the most "pushy" of the Zodiac Signs and there will always be an overwhelming need for security, protection, tenderness, domestic harmony, ritual and routine. At their best, Cancer subjects may be counted among the most loving of people. They will be profoundly intuitive, quick to grasp and respond to the emotional needs of others. Such Cancer persons will inspire and nurture growth...of children, animals, plants, projects, homes, ideas and cultures. Thus, it is important that Cancer individuals find the safe haven in which their Sign's exquisite sensitivity can bloom and flourish...otherwise, he or she may become dominated by the prickly and grasping side of the Cancer nature.
Cancer natives love the security of a home around them and the female especially often makes for an excellent parent. These are also frequently intellectual souls with an extremely retentative memory...indeed, memory recall is one of Cancer's most special gifts...and nature which is yet unspoiled particularly appeals to the Cancer personality. It is important that Cancer individuals use their inborn tenacity to help them succeed only when they have carefully considered which course should be taken. The Moon makes Cancer emotional and those who fall beneath its jurisdiction should not fight those emotions, or it could lead to inhibitions and unhappiness. Cancer subjects should strive to be unafraid of others perceiving their basic qualities. Only then will Cancer individuals find joy in releasing emotions under all circumstances. The secret fear of those who are governed by the Sign of Cancer is that they will be hurt and, in the end, will have nobody to care for.
Those who are born under the jurisdiction of Cancer will fall into one of two types: The Moon or The Crab. Moon natives are the easiest to recognize and will give every indication of a lunar appearance. The catchword for this subject is most assuredly "round." They will have large, round eyes, a round face, a round body and even rounded limbs. This classical Cancer type also possesses a somewhat wide-eyed impressionability. Crab natives are more difficult to discern but exemplify many physical characteristics of a crab. There will be will be a rather broad cranium, somewhat bony in appearance, for example, with a large, overhanging brow. Here, the eyes will usually be set far apart and somewhat smaller than those of the Moon native...still, the overall impression will be round. These Crab individuals have a large or wide mouth which seems to be set in a grin even when the face is totally relaxed. The jaw may be prominent in some manner...sometimes resembling the mandibles of the crab...and the teeth may appear loosely joined in the mouth or irregularly spaced. Both types are generally short with rather wide shoulders and there may well be a tendency toward a pleasant plumpness. The Crab native will usually have a more rugged appearance than the Moon subject, who will appear to be more delicate. The complexion of all Cancer natives is invariably smooth and free from blemishes and the arms may have a crab-like motion while the legs are prone to be short and stocky.
Natives of Cancer can be among the most attractive of the Zodiac when it comes to personal appearance. The males of this Sign are inclined to possess a full chest and there will be ample bust development in the female. In essence, the upper body is invariably larger in proportion to the lower, which may make for a rather clumsy or top-heavy bodily appearance at times. It is interesting to note that many dwarfs are born with Cancer as their governing Sign. A certain amount of plumpness in build is typical of Cancer natives. Typically, the hands are plump with short fingers, which are likely to curl inwards when idle, the thumbs being tucked tightly into the palms. The profile is frequently dish-shaped with a well-rounded chin which has a tendency to "double." The mouth tends to be rather large with teeth which are often chalky in color. There is also a tendency for the teeth of a Cancer individual to be somewhat poor in appearance due to the unfortunate habit of grinding attributed to this Sign's rather nervous disposition. The complexion is usually either pale or tawny in character with the eyes normally being light or greyish in color. The eyebrows of a Cancer native appear to constantly be raised in a questioning manner. The hair of a Cancer female is frequently light to golden brown. Her face is typically round with pale eyes and a placid or serene expression. The Cancer female is exudes a very feminine aura. The hair of the Cancer male is customarily dark in color. With the advancement of age, a prominent abdomen can become apparent with this Sign, due chiefly to a tendency toward overeating. Many Cancer individuals walk with something of a "rolling" or "nautical" gait. There is often an inherent tendency to clasp the stomach area when resting or if perplexed. The voice tone of Cancer subjects is often low with a slow and deliberate speech rate. It should be noted that the constitution of a Cancer native is rarely as robust as it seems to be and it is important that those born under the jurisdiction of this Sign never over-estimate or over-extend their limits of endurance. Many Cancer subjects are not easily distinguishable from natives of other Zodiac Signs. However, one possible indentifiable trait may manifest itself in a dreaminess or preoccupation of manner...perhaps even an air of shyness which would typify the individual as a Cancer.
To some extent, the above descriptions are influenced and affected by the qualities associated with the Decan into which the Cancer individual falls. (To read more about the qualities associated with the Decans of Cancer, please click on the link given below.)
A subject born within the First Decan (June 22 to July 2...also known as the Cancer Decante of Cancer) is likely to be quite tall and very robust in build. The nose is customarily long and straight. The eyebrows are usually heavy and may also be rather bushy in character. The overall facial effect is that of an owl. If the coloring of this type is light, then the eyebrows will also be light. It is not unusual for men of this type to be well over six feet in height, with the women reaching a height of up to five feet ten inches.
A subject born within the Second Decan (July 3 to July 12...also known as the Scorpio Decante of Cancer) is likely to be medium to tall in height and slim...or even downright "skinny" build. The eyes of this type tend to be very round with the nose being straight and pointed. Despite the overall slimness, the cheeks of the face are prone toward plumpness. The body of the Second Decan of Cancer is relatively long in comparison to the length of the legs.
A subject born within the Third Decan (July 13 to July 22...also known as the Pisces Decante of Cancer) is likely to carry the broad and heavy frame which is typically associated with the Sign of Pisces. The face will be broad and the height will be medium or average. Although plumpness is not necessarily inherent to this Decan of Cancer, it certainly is considered extremely commonplace. Both males and females customarily possess round faces, pale complexions and relatively large eyes.
The actions of Cancer natives are governed by feelings and emotions that are both strong and out-rushing. When these individuals love, they love forever. The extremely tough outer shell makes it difficult for others to truly penetrate the heart of a Cancer person but once such is achieved, the loved one becomes pampered, adored and likely to be the focus of Cancer's feelings and moods. It is instinctive in the Cancer character to nourish and dote upon the object of the heart and this can be all-encompassing in virtually every way. Traditional and home-oriented by nature, the Cancer male prefers to follow the proper rules of fall in love and then make the arrangement a permanent one. Likewise, the Cancer female is prone to wait until her partner makes the move...regardless of how strong her own feelings might be. There is no other Zodiac Sign that can equal the intensity of a Cancer native's love, but such love is based upon the heart and is also maternally oriented rather than sexually oriented, with its worse tendency to be smothering. A Cancer native who feels insecure in a relationship is liable to become demanding...either sulking and hurt in silent fashion or making it verbally plain as to what is wrong and why. The outer shell protects Cancer from giving too soon and often, those ruled by this Sign will hold onto a loved one with a tenacious grip that may be almost impossible to break. Still, the actions of Cancer will always be driven by a true depth of feeling and the object of desire will constantly hold a cherished spot in the Cancer heart, even long after the relationship has ended. In terms of protection, Cancer possesses a fierce and loyal strength that cannot be surpassed. In the romantic arena, physical contact is not definable without emotions for those governed by this Sign. They must feel something with relative strength for their truest feelings to emerge. These are tender souls who are essentially partner oriented and very concerned with pleasing their mates, perceiving the returning emotions as nurturing proof of the partner's love. For Cancer individuals, the sexual act is attached to all things which mean security, loyalty and truth of the heart. Their needs are apt to fluctuate in accordance with their moods and emotional state. The same can be said for their intensity and level of desire. Nonetheless, a Cancer native who is in love and feels secure will intuitively understand as much and regard same as the joyful gift that it is.
Emotional and possessing great depth, Cancer individuals are endowed with a dreamy and imaginative quality that makes any love affair more of a romantic venture than a physical attraction. These natives can be swept off their feet by love, but are still perfectly capable of making a wise long term commitment and putting earlier and less suitable potental partners out of their minds when the time comes to choose a mate. There is a definite charm here and those governed by this Sign often attract others romantically without being aware of the fact, which can result in the breaking of hearts. Although Cancer individuals are emotional, they can sometimes be somewhat unsympathetic when it comes to other people's problems...not so much from coldness as from the will to preserve themselves from unnecessary danger. Indeed, they are frequently rather grateful for the inherent tough outer shell and will scuttle away from romantic showdowns as fast as they are able. This is a Sign that can also be tactless in love...unaware of the other partner's needs until attention is drawn to them. Still, natives of Cancer are invariably full of good intentions and would certainly never inflict hurt on purpose. It should be noted that the happiness of those ruled by Cancer must come from within. These are persons who suffer much from relatives, friends and loved ones...their sicknesses or troubles...and although healthy and independent of spirit themselves, Cancer natives are often in touch with life's problems through others, despite the desire to run away. The Cancer individual who chooses the wrong partner will be a very unhappy soul and this state of misery is liable to reign for a long time, since this is a person who rarely has the courage to admit that he or she made a mistake. However, with the right partner, the Cancer native will find that success, contentment and fulfilment follow as a natural course of events.
It will be necessary for a potential mate to provide both the feeling and obvious presence of security in order to achieve longevity with a Cancer native. Having a place which, in the classical sense, is a home will be of paramount importance to those governed by this Sign...they must receive support and help in finding, maintaining and improving their "nests." In addition, those ruled by Cancer must be made to feel most welcome and at home in a potential partner's residence when they come to visit. For instance, the potential mate could prepare and serve a good meal...or allow the Cancer native the pleasure of preparing something palatable. However, it is important not to be remiss in offering sincere compliments about the Cancer expertise in any culinary efforts. In addition, points may be earned by stating nice things (or even bragging) about the Cancer native's family and home. A relationship with those governed by Cancer is sure to be short-lived if anything that is emotionally or materially meaningful is taken away...even on a temporary basis. To do so is comparable to removing a stone from the foundation of a building. Thus, a potential mate must always be guarded in what he or she says because the words...however unintentional...might be almost as painful as piercing arrows. Cancer works extremely hard to maintain an overall sense of security and unkind or thoughtless comments can cause these natives to quickly withdraw into their protective shell for fear that some additional damage will be done to their self-image. Most importantly, criticism should never be voiced regarding a Cancer individual's mother or other members of the family.
When it comes to long term commitments, Cancer individuals who are in solid and secure relationships can easily support the nuances of such partnerships since it is inherent in their character to nourish and supplement the changing nature of the union. Nevertheless, it will be important for any mate to understand the emotional vulnerability of this Sign and the manner in which those who fall under its jurisdiction cope with the situation via built-in defense mechanisms. It cannot be denied that Cancer individuals are prone to a certain moodiness and such is the way they can learn to bend and flow and provide what is needed to nurture those around them. The more a partner leans to enhance the Cancer ability to detach from what is transpiring and learn the truth of personal power which results in emotional freedom, then the less this natural moodiness will manifest in overt ways. Nevertheless, a long-term commitment is often a hazardous step for those governed by this Sign and should be deferred until it is felt that such natives have complete control over the fickleness and inconsistancy that besets them.
The Cancer male is basically a kind-hearted and sympathetic who is always willing to share. However, he is endowed with a natural feeling of inferiority, which has absolutely nothing to do with his educational level, accomplishments, success or income. If the man governed by Cancer cannot come to grips with this shadowy aspect of his character, then he will be prone to frequently talk about himself...turning any conversation until if focuses on him. By nature, he is very nervous beneath the surface, but may appear calm and contented on the outside. To achieve happiness with a Cancer male, it will be necessary for a potential mate to smother him with an abundance of affection and constant attention...ensuring that he feels his home is truly his castle. This man makes for an excellent partner, assuming that there are unending appeals to his emotional side and his generosity. Empathy, appreciation, encouragement and attention...particularly in the romantic arena...are the keys to this man's true nature. He has the ability to earn large sums of money and will be a good provider. Generally speaking, Cancer males are not necessarily the easiest of individuals to love but, behind that hard shell lays a heart that is essentially soft. An outright idealist who expects to make his own mistakes, this man will be totally thrown should his partner do the same. Even though this is a sensitive and peace-loving individual, the man ruled by Cancer does enjoy a good family feud from time-to-time, believing that it serves to clear the air. But, should someone outside his family attack anyone he loves, then he will always stand ready for battle. The biggest challenge here will be dealing with the Cancer moodiness, which is composed of fragments of his deepest feelings, character, hopes and dreams. If he is caught in the act of daydreaming, it is important to allow him his reverie for this male needs dreams in order to be the highly successful provider that he is. Above all, a potential mate should never approach the Cancer male in search of sympathy when he is in one of his moods. To do so can accomplish nothing. An excellent partner and father to his children, the Cancer male should be absolutely certain about a future mate prior to embarking on a long term relationship. This is a man who should not commit too early in life, but needs to wait until he has learned to control his well as determining what he wishes to do with himself when he grows up. For a relationship to last, it will be necessary for any mate to recognize that this man likes to be left alone, without question, when he feels the need to sort out the world's problems and his own. Flattery never works with the Cancer male unless there is a genuine desire to please him and no attempt on the part of any mate to achieve personal ends. He can be deeply hurt, so restraint must be used with regard to any quick or thoughtless criticism and/or reproof. This is an attractive man, although he seldom believes such to be the case. Thus, his ego needs boosting at all times.
The Cancer female is truly affectionate and kind. She will be devoted to family and friends and is inherently very sentimental and charitable...particularly where illness or trouble is concerned. However, unless completely satisfied with her position in life, which includes an active and monogamous physical relationship, this woman can become inconsistent and fickle. Here, there is a combination of loneliness and loveliness. More than anything else, the Cancer female desires security. Her home is not only her castle, but also a moated fortress which stands against all the trials and tribulations of the world. Indeed, this need for feeling safe is so strong that if a partner cannot provide it, the Cancer woman is certain to stray and begin to look elsewhere...but if such is furnished, then she will be incredibly faithful, loyal and charming. Domestication means everything to this female, which is not to say that she is so much into material things. Rather, she rather wishes to share everything with her mate and her house and home are symbolic of this desire. Blessed with a highly developed sense of intuition, it is impossible to keep secrets from this woman or conceal an interest in someone else. Not only will she know in advance when something important is about to happen, she also in some strange way knows what her partner is doing...with whom, as well as where and when. In short, the woman ruled by Cancer is nobody's fool. Above all else, this female requires constant assurance that she is loved, which could mean devoting more time to the romantic arena that a partner may be accustomed to. In order to achieve happiness with this woman, it will be necessary to constantly appeal to her loving nature and emotions. Under no circumstances should she ever be belittled or subjected to scorn and/or sarcasm. In addition, it would be unwise to criticize this female, even if it is felt that such comments are necessary and helpful. The Cancer woman is naturally supersensitive and can all too easily develop an inferiority complex if her attention is called to some peculiarity she may possess. One such idiosyncrasy is likely to be the tendency to collect, rescue and save things that others would probably consider to be totally useless items. Stray pets...and possibly even stray people...could well find their way to this woman's doorstep. When contented and secure, the Cancer female makes for an excellent partner and a loving who will sacrifice anything and everything for those she loves. The Cancer woman may well consider a committed relationship as something of a status symbol and is essentially a feminine soul who will undoubtedly seek a partner with very masculine traits. For a relationship to last, it will be necessary for any mate to realize that the moods of a woman governed by Cancer are changeable. She must be treated with love and ruled with an iron fist in a velvet glove. It is important to respect this female's opinions and views and avoid arguments as much as possible...particularly over trivial matters since any partner is probably destined to come off worst. She appears to have more self-confidence that she truly possesses, so it will be necessary to provide her with constant reassurance.
Positive Aspects Of Cancer In Love:
Loyal - Supportive - Nurturing - Compassionate - Caring - Dedicated - Faithful - Tender - Pampering - Adoring
Negative Aspects Of Cancer In Love:
Possessive - Jealous - Moody - Volatile - Controlling - Dependent - Prone To Depression
Romantic Style:
Protective - Sensitive - Sentimental - Tender
Cancer natives are wonderfully caring and yearn to look after their partners. However, their own emotional tensions frequently result in something of a sulky attitude. In addition, a mate may find the affections of Cancer to be a little suffocating at times. In general, Cancer needs to be encouraged and coaxed in terms of pysical intimacy. It will be necessary for any mate to be homely and nurturing...but any nagging needs to be kept to a minimum. Responsive to kindness, a word of cheer and encouragement works wonders with those governed by Cancer. They are usually gentle in the area of romance and need to be supplied with an abundance of security.
The Aries individual may experience some trouble in trying to break through the protective shell of a Cancer native. Those governed by Cancer tend to hide their feelings inside and may project to the world at large a somewhat false image of being thicker-skinned than they truly are. Eventually, if the Aries individual does manage to penetrate the outer shell, then he or shee will find an extremely sensitive person with feelings that are easily damaged. Initially, Cancer will be attracted to Aries courtesy of this Sign's strong personality, but within a short time, the Cancer native comes to realize just how different the value system is between them. In addition, the fiery love of Aries may well cause Cancer to wonder exactly how long real love can last with such intensity. Being prone to moodiness and easily hurt to the point where the Cancer subject may pout for days does not sit well with the direct and energetic character of Aries, who thrives on activity and new beginnings. The quiet outer facade of a Cancer native was most likely the chief attraction for Aries, since this individual is a go-getter and likes to have a tranquil place to recover in peace. Cancer is essentially a homebody who wants a large family and the Aries individual might not be ready for such a scenario for quite some time. Thus, the Cancer partner will begin to lose interest in the sexual act since secretly, Cancer does believe that sex is for procreation. This is an attitude that will rapidly cause the Aries native to seek elsewhere for a partner. Energetic, sociable and forward-looking, the Aries native will find it difficult to adapt to the desires of home-loving, protective and nurturing Cancer, who likes to be the leader and will spend more time sulking than talking unless he or she is allowed to make most of the decisions. Given the differences and clash in personalities here, this could be a shaky union at best.
A Cancer/Aries love affair is essentially a case of "opposites attract." Aries individuals are rash and brash while Cancer individuals are sensitive and emotional. Aries can certainly be emotional, but in a fiery and impetuous way that can totally overwhelm the Cancer native. Although Cancer prefers to take time with relationships, he or she will probably find the Aries whirlwind approach to be exceedingly stimulating. In turn, Aries will undoubtedly regard the Cancer sensitivity to be is a good balance for the typical Aries bluntness. However, trouble may arise if Cancer's mood swings or the aggression of Aries becomes hurtful. Here, each party must take time to listen to the needs of the other and understand that they are coming from different directions to meet a common goal. Cancer is indicative of home while Aries is indicative of self. Still, one magnificent dynamic shared by this pair is that both will be fiercely protective of those they love. Cancer individuals use their shells to draw around themselves, family and mate when trouble threatens. Aries individuals use strength and bravery for the same purpose...rather like a knight in shining armor. Cancer will provide Aries with a happy domestic life and emotional security. However, there is sometimes a tendency for the Cancer partner to build an idealized image of the Aries mate or be overly-possessive and this can grate horribly on the independent Aries. Still, if the Aries native can reassure the Cancer subject that he or she is loved and cherished, this will help tremedously. In short, Aries truly needs to learn to listen to Cancer, who operates on an instinctive level. In return, the advice given by Cancer can aid the Aries partner to avoid silly mistakes caused by the typical lack of planning inherent in this Sign.
Cancer is ruled by the Moon and Aries is ruled by the planet Mars . The open and passionate nature of Aries will appeal to Cancer, who often internalizes emotions and feelings. Moreover, those governed by the Moon can possess an intense energy that Aries can help them to release. The Moon controls the tides of the Earth, quietly affecting all life...similarly Cancer works behind the scenes. In addition, Cancer tends to be sentimental and can teach Aries to slow down and appreciate life instead of constantly rushing to the next thing on the agenda. Cancer is governed by the element of Water while Aries is governed by the element of Fire. This can be a magnificent combination if the parties work together...using both action and emotion to get things accomplished. Cancer can help Aries to be more gentle and Aries can teach a Cancer native how to emerge from his or her shell. But, Cancer can be emotionally manipulative and on occasion, there may simply be too much Water which dampens the enthusiasm of Fire. Conversely, too much Fire can cause Water to evaporate, leaving the Cancer partner emotionally raw. Here, it will be necessary for both partners to talk openly and freely in order to ensure that their balance is maintained. Both Aries and Cancer are Cardinal in quality. Hence, both are initiators but will have to learn how to cooperate. Aries is a natural leader, always rushing forth to meet a challenge, but Cancer is also indirectly in charge courtesy of emotional control and the ability to weigh a situation. Cancer tend to compromise somewhat easily while Aries may be unwilling to yield and the Cancer partner may have to accept giving in. Perhaps the best aspect of a Cancer/Aries match comes with the realization that they are on the same team...the combination of Fire and Water does work well together. If Aries is out there getting attention and Cancer is quietly supporting the back end, then each partner's ability to provide what the other lacks will make for an equal relationship.
In essence, this combination may experience difficult times in terms of longevity. By nature, Cancer is moody, sentimental and secretive, with a tendency to live in the past. These natives have a hard time forgetting serious conflicts that may happen in a relationship. Plus, the secretive nature has the potential of clashing with the openess associated with those governed by Aries. Here, the first year will be the hardest. If this pair can make it beyond that point, then there is a good chance the union will endure for quite some time.
In this partnership, Cancer will want to understand every nuance of the Taurus personality and will make the Taurus native fell as though he or she is the most important thing in the life of the Cancer individual...however, Cancer will expect the same. This pair share a mutual strength in terms of domestic impulses and will devote much time and effort to a home and children. The Taurus partner will never have to worry about being taken for granted by the quiet and moody Cancer native. Being a dreamer by nature, Cancer is sure to place Taurus on a pedestal and always expect nothing less than perfection. Consequently, when the flaws begin to show, Cancer will become disappointed and retreat into his or her infamous shell. Since Taurus is not the most tactful of Zodiac Signs, he or she will clumsily attempt to coax Cancer's emergence, resulting in the Cancer partner retreating even further. Cancer needs and demands...usually in a pouting manner...a plethera of sympathy and those governed by Taurus do possess a nurturing instinct for providing that. Thus, this pair may get along better than might be expected. On occasion, the nerve of the Cancer partner will fail him or her, but with an abundance of support and backing from the Taurus individual, Cancer should be able to face life...and may even be successful in personal endeavors, should any be tried. This is a union that can and will improve with age and hard work. These are two persons with such different personalities that in many ways, the strength of one partner will lend support to overcome the weakness of the other. The physical side of any relationship for a Cancer native will very much depend on what transpired earlier that same evening. If there was an argument or some other unpleasantness, then Cancer is unlikely to be in the mood for intimacy...and if Taurus is subjected to this type of treatment too often, it will certainly drive a wedge between the couple. Still, if both partners here are willing to give rather than get, this could be a match of some longevity.
Basically, this is usually a very good combination. These Signs are two apart within the Zodiac Wheel and such a position tends to indicate a sharing of karmic ties and a deep mutual understanding. In addition, there is much in common here. Both individuals prize security in a love relationship above almost anything else and both are prone to be nurturers...Cancer being emotionally nurturing while Taurus relishes in spoiling a sweetheart with sensual delights, gifts and excellent meals. Both these Signs are somewhat domestic by nature and thus, will enjoy a quiet night spent at home in each other's company. In short, this has an excellent chance of being a happy union, courtesy of the mutual fondness for security and the comforts of home. In this pairing, there is often found the ideal family that those governed by other Signs of the Zodiac strive to attain. This will be a union that is family-oriented rather than directed toward the outside world. The only major problems likely to arise are if the Taurus partner insists on having his or her own way and Cancer responds by sulking. Thus, it is important that the Taurus native understand Cancer's emotional sensitivity. In turn, the Cancer partner needs to rely on open and honest communication instead of resorting to emotional blackmail.
Cancer is ruled by the Moon and Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus. Both these celestial bodies vibrate with feminine energy. Cancer often keeps emotions bottled up and simmering inside, which can lead to the occasional boil-over and this is probably why Cancer is so attracted to the open, honest and unafraid nature associated with those governed by Taurus. As the Moon controls the tides of Earth, quietly affecting all life, so does Cancer, manipulating things behind the scenes. Natives of Cancer are prone to be sentimental and each partner in this pairing will prefer to enjoy each other rather than socializing with large groups. Cancer is governed by the element of Water while Taurus is governed by the element of Earth. Water and Earth are basically compatible as tangible, physicial energies. Influenced by Water, Cancer is born to nurture those Signs ruled by Earth...akin to manner in which rain nurtures the soil and helps crops to grow. In turn, Taurus has a more stable view of life and is less prone to emotional turmoil. Hence, Taurus can help Cancer stablilize tumultuous feelings. Still, both Signs need to be careful in this relationship. The Taurus partner may tire of Cancer's mood swings, causing the Cancer partner to believe that Taurus is insensitive to his or her needs. Cancer is Cardinal in quality and Taurus is Fixed. The habits of Taurus are well-nigh rigid and an opinion once formed will not be changed. This can provide the Cancer native with an emotional rock since Taurus is totally dedicated to the relationship. In return, the Cancer individual can bring new inspiration to the union, beginning new projects that Taurus will undoubtedly enjoy taking over at a later point in time. Basically, these two make for a steady and reliable team. Both Taurus and Cancer are dependable and nurturing Signs, strongly oriented toward domestic life together. A mutual love of home and security could easily result in an ideal family union of some considerable longevity.
In essence, this combination is a very favorable match. Cancer likes a good home with much affection and this is exactly what Taurus hopes to find when embarking upon a relationship. On the emotional side, there is nothing to stop the prospect of a happy and long term union between this pair. However, it is important that the Taurus partner remember that Cancer is very sensitive and is prone to close within himself or herself if emotionally unhappy.
Initially, a Gemini subject will probably be attracted to Cancer due to the stability and peace-loving nature, coupled with domestic tendencies. The compliments that a Cancer partner regularly delivers will be a large ego-booster to Gemini, who also appreciates the manner in which Cancer responds to his or her sense of humor and fun. If all goes well, then Gemini will learn from Cancer to be more sensitive to the feelings of others and Cancer will adopt the Gemini way of speedy action. Cancer natives are basically home-loving and will be content to remain there, locking the rest of the world outside. On the other hand, being a very sociable soul who enjoys the company of other people, Gemini would soon become restless and angry at such isolation. A Gemini individual has no desire to be a prisoner in his or her own home...indeed, such a life would be unbearable and intolerable. The actions of Cancer are always dicatated by feelings, no matter what the level of intelligence. Thus, there is likely to be much bickering due to the clash of this pair's personalities...a situation in which neither partner would want to remain for very long. Cancer natives also depend upon the feelings of the moment in terms of physical intimacy and those feelings can run very deep. Conversely, the desires of Gemini are dictated by the mind. This alone would undoubtedly create much confusion in the romantic arena since the same things cannot be expected to stimulate both partners and eventually, frustration in this area is probably inevitable.
Basically, the Cancer/Gemini love match is a rather curious affair. Those governed by Cancer have trouble in communicating clearly, but clear communication is what defines Gemini. Still the chivalrous nature and silver tongue of Gemini may encourage the Cancer individual to emerge from his or her shell more quickly than usual and in turn, Cancer can teach the Gemini native to slow down and appreciate the world...which the frenetic Gemini rarely takes time to do. However, if the Gemini partner seems to ignore Cancer or fails to provide Cancer with the necessary reassurance and intimacy, problems are sure to arise. These are two Signs who approach the world in very different fashions and each must be able to understand and accept the other's differences. Cancer is associated with home and hearth...Gemini is a thinker. On occasions, the Gemini partner can easily slip into the role of "knight in shining armor" to a Cancer individual, who returns the favor with a characteristic urge to protect loved ones. Quality of home life is of paramount importance to Cancer and the Gemini partner will undoubtedly be spoiled by the Cancer mate's hearty home cooking, soft bed and other creature comforts. It is natural for those ruled by Cancer to be strongly intuitive and maintain an almost psychic connection with those they love...but this can tend toward possessivenes and idealization. Nonetheless, if the Gemini partner can just reassure Cancer they he or she is loved and cherished, then all will probably go quite smoothly.
Cancer is ruled by the Moon and Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury. Natives of Cancer are prone to keep their emotions bottled up since they have trouble in expressing themselves. Cancer individuals envy the gift of open and clear communication that comes so easily...courtesy of those governed by Gemini. Still, Gemini can benefit from Cancer's intuitive approach, which is so different from the bubbly suface nature of Gemini...and Cancer can teach Gemini how to slow down and appreciate life instead of passing up the good things in a rush to get to the next new thing. Cancer is governed by the element of Water while Gemini is governed by the element of Air. When Water and Air work together, it can produce a formidable team...after all, the best decisions are made by incorporating emotion and intellect. However, the problem lies in cooperation. These two Signs come from such opposite points of view that at times, it can seem as though they simply have nothing in common. The deep and emotional Cancer can also dampen Gemini's airy enthusiasm on occasion, while the light and fast-paced Gemini can leave Cancer feeling ruffled...even tattered. Here, the key to balance is learning to talk openly. Cancer is Cardinal in quality and Gemini is Mutable. Thus, Gemini is flexible, willing to "go with the flow" and follow another's lead. On the other hand, Cancer is an initiator and likes to provide that lead. Still, Gemini may try to lead by being brave and even confontational. In order to achieve longevity, each must learn when to back down and let the other lead the way. If this pair can come to the realization that they are allies, then they could soar to great heights together. Gemini is always thinking ahead and Cancer will quietly support Gemini's ideas from behind the scenes. Here, each partner's ability to provide what the other is lacking can make for a fulfilling relationship.
In essence, this combination may not be an easy one. While the Gemini native is constantly on the alert for change, the Cancer individual is satisfied to become a truly domesticated partner. In addition, the inherent Cancer moodiness may prove to be too much for the Gemini partner to cope with. The best chance for longevity here would probably be a relationship between a male Cancer and a Gemini female.
Since both these individuals possess an excellent memory, the cause of their disagreements will keep coming up time and time again because neither are of a particularly forgiving and/or forgetting nature. Still, since both partners are basically romantics with domestic and sensitive characteristics, this coupling should make a good basis for a happy relationship...the problem being that this is a case where excessive sensitivity could lead to trouble. Each individual in this partnership takes words and actions to be literal truths, which can result in some consistent pain and unrest. Tending to perceive themselves as martyrs, Cancer natives are vastly giving souls and when one of these partners fails to see this in the other, then the reaction will undoubtedly be one of shock. These two will waste a lot of time in petty bickering and dredging up past mistakes...time that would certainly be better spent on other activities. If they can act and react in a more positive and mature fashion, they will come to realize just how much they truly do have together to be grateful for and fortunately, this pair are generally quick to reconcile after an argument. Each partner here is a complex and emotional individual. Thus, they find it difficult in viewing life with a realistic eye. Consequently, their life together never quite lives up to the expectations that each is seeking. In a romantic sense, the Cancer/Cancer match could lead to trouble because the desires of one rarely coincides with the feelings of the other. Each will expect the other partner to adapt and this can result in an even more problematic situation.
Basically, the Cancer/Cancer match is a loving and deeply devoted affair, but one that is very emotional in terms of a domestic relationship. Endlessly loyal to one another, each partner will strive to learn the "ins" and "outs" of his or her mate. Both also find great comfort and satisfaction in their underlying commitment. This is a faithful, caring and helpful that is sympathetic to individual needs and certainly oriented toward making a home and creating a sense of family. However, each will need to learn how to overcome the inherently brooding, manipulative and self-pitying habits. If this pair can find a way to keep their fluid and moody emotions in check, then the result will be a relationship that nurtures both individuals. Essentially, Cancer's place of preference is the home. Once safely entrenched in this personal sanctuary, those ruled by this Sign are prone to forget about the outside world, paying no mind to the opinions of others and concered only with what is transpiring behind their own closed doors. This attitude may carry over into relationships...cherished possession and/or material comforts, for example. Cancer is notorious for never hesitating to defend a loved one if threatened, and this devotion and willingness to fight and toil for the survival and success of a relationship may truly be this Sign's greatest contribution to any love affair. Outbursts and flare-ups are commonplace with the emotional Cancer individual and while the mood swings of one partner may injure the feelings of the other, it is the subtle masterly of the fine art of emotional manipulation that is the most dangerous aspect of this Sign.
Cancer is ruled by the Moon. Thus, those who fall under its jurisdiction are senstive to the moods that ebb and flow with the monthly cycles of this celestial body. The Moon is the matriarchal orb of the heavens...the force behind Cancer's magnificent maternal and nurturing character. The energy of this instinct creates a warm and secure home environment...a perfect love nest for the growing and cultavtion of a healthy relationship. Cancer is governed by the element of Water. Consequently, instinct and emotion will be the driving force in this pairing. However, with such deeply intense and intuitive powers comes a certain frailty. Cancer's feelings are brittle and easily hurt, resulting in a withdrawal into the infamous shell that protects natives of this Sign when they become frightened or overwhelmed. Such retreat can put a strain on any partnership with a Cancer individual, but when both are ruled by this Sign they can hopefully be perceptive of each others' need for space and a temporary time-out. The key here comes with realizing that it is not a personal slight if one of the partners wants to spend some time alone...particularly since this aspect of the Cancer nature can protect its natives and its natives' loved ones from the harsh realities of the outside world. Cancer is Cardinal in quality. While not the most physically active of the Zodiac Signs, those governed by Cancer do possess speedy emotional reflexes and powers of perception that offer an alternate line of defense when facing stressful situations. Cancer is not shy when it comes to getting exactly what he or she wants from a mate. The instinct to protect is usually the initial emotional element to leap forward when threatened or under stress. However, these burst of emotion may become overwhelming and crush the tender Cancer feelings. Fierce loyalty undoubtedly binds this union, but can also jeopardize its very existence. It will be necessary for both partners to constantly strive to see things from the other's point of view as well as their own. Perhaps the best aspect of a Cancer/Cancer match is the utter devotion they share, which enriches their commitment and the strong emotional bond between them. Together, this couple will protect one another and keep their love safe from the outside world. In addition, they will certainly work toward creating a happy domestic life and the nurturing of a loving family.
In essence, this combination could be a beautiful match. Each partner will have a sympathetic understanding for the moods, wishes, desires and needs of the other, even in times of disagreement. Each possesses a high degree of tenacity and once in a relationship tend to be commited to the long haul...both for the better and for the worst.
The Leo individual will doubtless experience much trouble in breaking through the protective shell of Cancer, since those governed by that Sign prefer to hide their feelings inside, showing the world a very different image with every indication that they are thicker skinned than they truly are. However, with persistance, Leo will eventually breach the barrier and discover a very sensitive person whose feelings are easily damaged. At the outset of the relationship, Cancer will be very attracted to Leo's regal bearing and fun-loving attitude. But within a short space of time, the Cancer native will find out exactly how different the Leo value system is from his or her own and the fiery ardor of the Leo partner will cause Cancer to feel that real love simply cannot endure in the face of such intensity. Hence, the Cancer individual will begin to doubt Leo's heartfelt words of endearment. Since Cancer is inherently moody and easily hurt by almost everything that is said, he or she is liable to sulk for days and this will certainly not sit well with the Leo partner, who has no time for anyone who cannot keep up. The quiet outer facade of the Cancer personality was quite possibly what first attracted Leo and the Cancer individual would be well advised to try and be everything that Leo expects in a mate. Totally by instinct, Cancer can provide the type of home that Leo wants and expects. This alone can heal many wounds, but the wildly extravagant moods of the Leo matter how occasional...are sure to aggravate the economical values of the Cancer partner. Cancer worries about the future, but the future could not be the furthermost thing on the mind of Leo and such fretting only serves to amuse him or her. Both Signs here tend to be somewhat bossy and unless allowed to make most of the decisions, the home-loving and nurturing Cancer is likely to spend more time sulking than talking. It is not in the Leo character to tolerate such a situation since Leo must be in the limelight and if such is not the case, then he or she will look elsewhere for attention. In the romantic arena, the demands of Leo individuals can become excessive...their appetites vary considerably. Longevity will doubtless depend upon whether the Leo partner can show consideration and maintain a giving attitude. Still, given all the differences in personalities clashing constantly, this is a shaky union, at best.
The Cancer/Leo combination is generally one of mutual understanding for the most part. Basically, each knows how to satisfy the primary emotional needs within the other. Both Signs require dedication and tender, loving care...but while Cancer seeks stability and emotional harmony, Leo craves heartfelt compliments and sincere admiration. Here, both individuals are fiercely loyal, even to the point of possessiveness...Cancer for the sake of safety and Leo for the sake of self-confidence. In addition, this pair will be equally committed to an enduring and rewarding connection. Since the desires are similar, Cancer and Leo may fill very important voids in each other's lives. The mutual preference for comfort and security of both partners will be on a grand scale. This couple enjoy a lovely home and close-knit family, with Leo providing the flair and passion, while Cancer furnishes a sensitive yet intense instinct to nurture. However, the Leo partner will invariably be the bigger, bolder and more vivid of the two...the very picture of majesty and status. Still, it should be noted that since both these Zodiac Signs are so strong-minded, this is a pair who must constantly work attentively to understand and accept one another.
Cancer is ruled by the Moon and Leo is ruled by the Sun. The Sun is concerned with ego and self...radiating warmth and light...and vibrant Leo indeed radiates this type of energy and enthusiasm. The Moon is related to nurturing...concerned with creating and maintaining emotional connections. This combination of masculine and feminine energies are why the Sun and the Moon adore and sustain one another as they do so. The Sun is representative of life. The Moon is symbolic of cultivation and growth. Thus, as long as these two individuals are mindful of their inherent differences, the affair can be a positive one. Cancer is governed by the element of Water while Leo is governed by the element of Fire. Leo natives strive with ardent energy toward praise and appreciation. Natives of Cancer yearn for security and stability. Both Signs like to take charge, but they approach the leadership role from vastly different directions. A multitude of disputes are liable to arise from these differences. Still, as long as Cancer and Leo never take their relationship for granted...and provided they reassure each other in practical and romantic ways that the union is important...they can generally find a rather happy medium. Cancer is Cardinal in quality and Leo is Fixed. In the presence of stress, Leo becomes stubborn and opinionated, against which Cancer can act as a subtle and manipulative force. Cancer is the persistent initiator of shared plans and Leo can channel the couple's individual energies, working doggedly to move those plans to completion. Given the choice, Cancer would prefer a calm and stable life, harboring no desire for glamor or acclaim. Conversely, Leo loves to shake things up, embracing all that is novel and unexpected. Although each partner may commit to a relationship on an emotional level, each can continue to follow his or her natural instincts while remaining totally devoted to one another. However, if the love intentions have not been made clear, then this pair may find themselves on an endless and emotional roller coaster ride. Hiding behind his or her innocent shell, the Cancer native can be the more quietly controlling of the two and a degree...manipulate the Leo individual when it appears practical to do so. Perhaps the best aspect of a Cancer/Leo match is the mutual commitment to a sincere relationship. Together, this couple can share a supportive, positive and healthy partnership. Generally perceived by others as a winning team, the mutual desire for a secure and loving union encourages both Cancer and Leo to strive for harmony.
In essence, this combination is usually very good. Leo's huge heart will soon forgive the moody outbursts that Cancer can display from time-to-time. Thus, the Cancer partner will feel a little more at ease around Leo and probably allow his or her Leo mate to run things...or at least let him or her think he or she is in charge. In return, Leo will appreciate the attention of the Cancer partner and this relationship can easily achieve longevity as long as Cancer can dismiss the feeling of neglect that is sure to surface on occasion while Leo is out running the world.
Those governed by Virgo are ruled by intellect and logic, which goes far in making such an individual a formidable force to deal with. The emotions of Cancer prevent him or her from being the gregarious type and, at times, Virgo can find this frustrating. However, the nurturing and domestic qualities of the Cancer native will certainly help make Virgo feel loved and secure...and in return for that, much can be forgiven. Cancer family ties are exceedingly strong and relatives may visit more often than the Virgo partner prefers...yet another state of affairs that can serve to irritate Virgo. Cancer will be shrewd in handling this pair's finances...although he or she may not be emotionally equipped to handle the criticism that will surely be coming his or her way should there be a mistake. Living with critical Virgo will be no easy task for the emotionally high-strung Cancer, who is certain to take all criticisms to heart and sulk for days. One of the dangers is this union may well be too much caring. Cancer and Virgo are Signs that love to nurture, prone to fuss around those they love. This could make life intolerable for both of them. Together, these two will do a lot of talking about things that need to be done, but each needs to be paired with a more positive personality for anything other than talk to actually be achieved. Neither Sign is greatly moved by the urge for physically romantic interludes and because of this, sexual encounters may not play a large role in the relationship. Here, petty quarrels and criticisims may easily spoil whatever harmony this couple can create together.
The Cancer/Virgo combination will be a strong, down-to-earth relationship with the potential for staying power and could get better with the passage of time. Both partners are disciplined and goal-oriented. In addition, these are sincere souls who share a solid sense of purpose and a proclivity for devotion. There is also mutual admiration. Virgo respects the quiet strength and dedication of Cancer, while Cancer appreciates the keen adaptability and intelligence of the Virgo nature. This relationship is likely to get off to a slow start but the longer it endures, the stronger the bonds. This is a match that prides itself on common sense and firm principles rather than fluff and inconsequential or fleeting connections. There is a shared enjoyment for the material comforts of life, but this couple will only feel good about their bounty if it has come as a result of honest hard work. There are liable to be tiffs if Virgo becomes too critical for the Cancer partner's easily bruised feelings, but Cancer needs to understand that it is simply part of the Virgo character to point out what is is not a personal attack. Virgo will probably bristle at the Cancer mate's stubborn streak, but it is a trait that a patient and understanding individual (which Virgo undoubtedly is) could come to appreciate. In addition, Virgo's desire to serve will suit the affectionate and nurturing nature of Cancer.
Cancer is ruled by the Moon and Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury. The Moon has a mothering influence, related to cultivation and fostering growth...central concerns for Cancer. Mercury is all about communication and is an androgynous energy. Thus, Virgo will adapt and take on the form it chooses...the guise that best serves a situation. The Virgo approach to life is intellectual...particularly when compared to the emotional Cancer...but still manages to be perceptive and sufficiently intuitive to figure out those around them, should Virgo choose to do so. Thus, fortunately for Cancer, the Virgo partner will be able to get a feel for devotion and domestic fulfillment if such is what his or her Cancer mate desires. Here, there will be little arguing related to the satisfaction of one another's needs. This couple will work at it and relish the rewards of their conscientiousness. Cancer is governed by the element of Water while Virgo is governed by the element of Earth. Individuals ruled by Earth are down-to-earth, but can also be materialistic and preoccupied with acquisition. Indeed, natives of both these Signs love to surround themselves with comfortable and well-crafted things. Those ruled by Water rely upon feeling and intuition, thus making Cancer the emotive force behind any relationship with Virgo...but in a subtle way. Coupled with the desire for prosperty, this couple appreciate a fancy home life and will work hard toward such a shared goal. In addition, this is a practical pair and the loss of control is never truly an issue. Cancer is Cardinal in quality and Virgo is Mutable. While Cancer gets things going, Virgo thrives on a changing routine of responsibilities and challenges. Because this couple is so ubiquitous, the Virgo partner will find a place in Cancer's plans if he or she really desires to do so. In return, Virgo will keep Cancer's plans in mind and eventually bring results...even if Cancer has moved on. Perhaps the best aspect of a Cancer/Virgo match is a mutual dedication to working toward the same goals. Here, both partners desire a stable home life and nice things. In addition, Virgo will truly enjoy helping Cancer along the way to achieving goals. It is these shared goals and desire that can make this combination a highly compatible pairing.
In essence, this combination is often regarded as somewhat odd. One of the dangers is that the demands of Virgo may be a little too much for Cancer, who yearns for peace and quiet. On the other hand, the affectionate Cancer may not necessarily be completed satisfied by the Virgo direct approach to practical matters. Cancer is inherently sentimental, reticent and even shy, which Virgo can find frustrating. Still, if the Virgo partner can be a shade more demonstrative and affectionate, this is a relationship that can easily work very well.
The Libra individual is well-versed in romantic desires and will probably know exactly what his or her partner wants at any given time. Making a relationship work is the very thing that brings Libra natives the most happiness...but they need broader horizons than simply the domestic situation and if the Cancer partner thinks he or she can settle Libra down, surprise and even disappointment is sure to result. This is not to imply that Libra natives fail to appreciate the domestic scene. They can learn to enjoy it...if it is not pushed upon them. Here, the Cancer partner will have to enlarge his or her knowledge base and conversational skills, since it takes intellectual stimulation to keep Libra from becoming bored and restless. In addition, if Cancer persists in playing the role of a quiet and sulking martyr, then he or she will not last long in Libra's affections. Thus, it will be necessary for the Cancer mate to learn how to relax and enjoy life more, resulting in Libra coming to realize and appreciate the devotion Cancer is sure to shower upon him or her. The Cancer partner will also have to project some excitement and glamor into the romantic arena if he or she would capture and hold Libra's attention. Those governed by Libra tend to possess something of a roving eye...constantly looking for greener pastures...and the physical side of a relationship is probably one of the most important aspects of life for Libra natives. The Cancer preference for a loving and tender approach is simply not stimulating enough for those ruled by Libra, whose stirring thoughts of various sexual perversions may revolt the Cancer partner and make him or her feel slightly dirty.
The Cancer/Libra combination can result in each giving to the other important things that each lacks. Basically these are both Signs that seek a secure and assured relationship...enjoying a shared appreciation for beauty and luxury, particularly in the domestic environment. If this pair choose to work toward a common goal, then they can blend their energies in a harmonious fashion. The relationship between these two may progress more slowly than most other combinations and initially, they may fear that they have little else in common other than their mutual needs for companionship and love of beauty. However, the more they get to know one another, the better each individual will recognize and respect the positive qualities to be found in the other. Neither Sign is prone to shy away from combining the powers of emotion and intellect and both enjoy the occasional weepy opera or sentimental heirloom. Expressions of sentiment and happiness are important to both individuals, who can complement one another in a variety of ways. The Cancer partner will appreciate Libra's charm, tact and the calm, cool diplomacy skills associated with this Sign that can tame even the wildest pouting fit Cancer could possibly muster. In turn, Libra...whose natives adore aesthetic beauty and harmony...will appreciate the Cancer partner's nurturing instinct for a comfortable home and the security that comes with it. Libra can offer the sometimes emotionally impetuous Cancer some perspective on situations. Cancer individuals need to see the different sides of any given issue or they are apt to make decisions without knowing all the facts. Conversely, Cancer can help Libra cure the notorious indecision inherent in those ruled by this Sign.
Cancer is ruled by the Moon and Libra is ruled by the planet Venus. These planetary partners share a love of home, family and romance. Libra natives are famous for their balancing nature and a love affair between these two can be a sharing of nurturing personalities coupled with a desire for harmony over conflict. Perhaps more than any other combination of Zodiac Signs, this pair bring a warmth and sense of stability to those around them. However, despite all the harmony and domestic bliss, the Libra approach to life is essentially based on intellect and its natives can be somewhat snobbish, exuding a rather superior air. This will not be good for Cancer individuals, whose approach to life is founded on emotion and who must frequently contend with easily bruised feelings. Cancer is governed by the element of Water while Libra is governed by the element of Air. Libra perceives life as a purely mental exploration. Cancer's experience is more tactile...more kinesthetic. Cancer natives are at their most satisifed when emotional needs are met while Libra simply focuses upon what stimulates the mind. There will be times when this couple may find it difficult to understand each other and conflicts are sure to arise if Cancer seems too "crabby" or Libra appears too provocative. Thus, each partner must learn that the other simply views the world in a very different way. Both Cancer and Libra are Cardinal in quality. Hence, there could be royal battles for control in this relationship. If Libra's indecision irritates the Cancer partner, then Libra is liable to turn on the subtle charm and sense of fairness, and go along with Cancer's decision...provided Cancer does not become "crabby" about the whole thing. Both these Signs are initiators which can, when ideas and approaches differ, result in quite a struggle. Perhaps the best aspect of a Cancer/Libra match is a mutual appreciation of stability and domestic balance. Aesthetics are important to both partners and they share a love of life's comforts. It is the similar tastes and loves here that can make for a relationship of great dedication and harmony.
In essence, this combination may not necessarily be the best pairing either individual could attain. Cancer is probably not temperamentally suited to cope with freedom-loving Libra and this couple could ignore each other for days if they have a serious disagreement. In addition, the immense desire of Libra for attention may bring a period of depression that could create a controversial situation. Libra does possess a love of justice and fair play...but unfortunately, Cancer has the tendency to take advantage of such qualities for his or her own use.
Individuals of both Cancer and Scorpio are motivated by emotion and intuition. Thus, the bond shared by these two will be very strong. Scorpio natives are inclined to throw heart and soul into a relationship and expects any partner to be true. They are also prone to keep a jealous eye open for any wrongdoing. Fortunately for this pairing, the beliefs of Cancer mirror those of Scorpio and the Cancer partner will never give any reason for the Scorpio mate's jealousy to blossom. It is part and parcel of the Scorpio character to work hard...either at home or on a job...and his or her residence is the place reserved for peace and quiet, which is paramount if Scorpio is to unwind from all the daily tensions. If the emotional needs of the Scorpio native is met and he or she is comfortable with the trust placed in the Cancer partner, then it is extremely unlikely that Scorpio would ever dream of being unfaithful. Cancer's natural concern for the welfare of others may somehow lead to Scorpio thinking that those people are using Cancer's good nature and disposition...thoughts that originate from a touch of jealousy in the Cancer partner having an interest...however well-intended and someone else. Here, the Cancer partner will have an immense respect for Scorpio and even though Cancer is of a highly critical nature, he or she will learn to phrase those criticisms without wounding the Scorpio pride. In the area of physical romance, Cancer may well be totally possessed by Scorpio...even to the point of being inspired to a greater response than he or she can achieve with any other Sign. Thus, can Scorpio widen the Cancer horizons of passion. In short, this is a most favorable and compatible match.
The Cancer/Scorpio combination results in a drawing together of energies found in two emotionally intense Signs. This usually leads to an excellent blend, with each partner's strengths balancing the weaknesses of the other. Here, there is a very potent sexual attaction and this couple will have much in common...and much potential to keep the relationship both passionate and strong. These two will enjoy making purchases together and creating a comfortable living space. Cancer craves security and Scorpio strives for power. Thus, both partners will occupy their minds with thoughts of domestic good and resources, including stocks, bonds and inheritances. Since each individual is concerned with the home and possesses fierce loyalties to the family group, they will complement each other very nicely. In addition, these are Signs who view life as a passionate and deepy emotional exercise of human connection.
Cancer is ruled by the Moon and Scorpio is ruled by the planet Pluto, with the secondary influence of Mars (the planet that ruled Scorpio prior to the discovery of Pluto). Courtesy of Pluto's powerful influence, this is not only an intense combination of planets but a good balance of masculine and feminine energy. The blending of Cancer with Scorpio forms the basic foundation of human relationship...the Moon's nurturing love coupled with the ambition and passion associated with Mars. The Moon and Mars cooperate nicely with each other. The Moon is concerned with growth and rebirth...Mars is associated with the passion of romance. Thus, influenced by the energy of Mars, Scorpio is smoldering and intense and the emotional Cancer cannot help but be attracted to such intensity. In turn, Scorpio enjoys the adoration inherent in the Cancer native who is ruled by the nurturing Moon. Both Cancer and Scorpio are governed by the element of Water. Hence, both these Signs are exceedingly deep and...much like the is virtually impossible to really see to the bottom of either. Cancer and Scorpio may draw further and further into themselves and then suddenly roar back with intimidating force. Here, the loyalty between this couple will be formidable, thanks to the mutual desire for emotional security. However, while Cancer will fix emotional energy on the family and home, Scorpio is prone to focus more upon life's nuances and undertones...the secrets behind the true intentions of others and the power that can be wielded over emotions. In this pairing, the Scorpio partner can take Cancer on a journey beyond the literal surface of things and the expansive heart of the Cancer mate can open Scorpio to his or her own emotions...teaching Scorpio that feeling is nothing to fear. In addition, there can be no doubt that the Scorpio individual will appreciate Cancer's practicality and Cancer rather relishes the jealousy of Scorpio...proof to Cancer that the Scorpio mate truly loves and cherishes him or her. Cancer is Cardinal in quality and Scorpio is Fixed. Once these two have a common wish, then it is virtually sure to be achieved. However, if opinions clash, there is going to be trouble. The Cancer partner will likely be the first to instigate an argument and Scorpio almost certainly the last to finish it. Cancer may appear to act as the dominant partner in this relationship and manage to get his or her way more often, but such is not always the case. On occasion, Scorpio refuses to even agree to disagree...simply pretending to give in...and neither Sign is beyond using emotional manipulation to exact revenge. In order for this partnership to work, each partner must strive to avoid allowing disagreements and bad feelings to boil over, instead discussing what is truly important on a personal level and then reaching an equitable compromise. Once Cancer and Scorpio learn to trust and believe in one another, they can achieve almost anything by virtue of sheer determination and this love affair will probably only fail if the couple cannot overcome their opinionated and stubborn sides. Perhaps the best aspect of a Cancer/Scorpio match is the powerful teamwork than can result if each partner can agree on mutual goals. When Cancer realizes that Scorpio is there for the long haul and that the relationship is an emotionally productive one, there is no doubt that this affair can blossom. Here, the shared determination makes for a partnership of formidable strength.
In essence, this combination in an excellent one. Jealousy may plague both partners from time-to-time, but the magnificent mutual ability to love on a deep level will generally limit periods of conflict. Scorpio is well equipped to cope with the moods of Cancer and the excess energy of the Scorpio mate will usually act as a potent tonic for the reticence of Cancer. Thus, the Cancer/Scorpio match could prove to be one of the Zodiac's most ideal unions.
The Cancer/Sagittarius relationship is one where both individuals should be ready for a fight the second they enter the romantic arena, since there will certainly be constant bickering and arguments are sure to flourish. The Cancer partner must be prepared to emerge from his or her shell and live life to the fullest if he or she wants Sagittarius to stick around as the Sagittarius native has no time for anyone who wallows in the depths of sulking. Here, Sagittarius will expect Cancer to follow along with his or her ideas and engage in a very active social life. There is nothing a Sagittarius native adores more than having fun...his or her definition of "fun," of course. There will likely be times when the Cancer partner wishes to stay home...put the feet up and watch television. On such occasions, Sagittarius will try to talk Cancer into accompanying him or her. Should this fail, then the Sagittarius partner will simply go out on his or her own and find other excitement. By nature, Sagittarius is brimming with charm and also believes that personal freedom is paramount. Should Cancer take offense at this attitude or display a jealous reaction, then the Sagittarius mate will begin to feel as though he or she has made a serious mistake in choosing Cancer in the first place. Although the loving and nurturing manner of Cancer is what first attracted Sagittarius, it is not enough to keep this Sign faithful or true. In a physically romantic sense, Sagittarius is very active and, as a rule, Cancer is easily satisfied. Thus, the Sagittarius mate could begin to feel let down, depressed and unfulfilled. This is certain to send him or her in search of a new partner. In short, this is not a particularly favorable union.
The Cancer/Sagittarius combination is one where both individuals need to be patient and give the relationship time to grow and mature. If the affair is allowed to develop, then each will discover that they have much to offer the other. Initially, it simply appears as though Sagittarius is a thrill seeker who enjoys the occasional adrenaline rush and that Cancer derives far more satisfaction from emotional security. In the early days of the relationship, the Cancer individual is likely to desire more of a commitment than Sagittarius is willing to provide but with the passage of time, the Sagittarius native will learn to appreciate the strong emotional support that Cancer offers. These are two Signs that have very different approaches to life. Cancer survives on emotion and tradition...Sagittarius is a restless wanderer. The emotional tidal wave of Cancer can be difficult for Sagittarius to accept, to say nothing of overwhelming. On the other hand, Cancer might be resistant to accepting the Sagittarius mate's restlessness and craving for external activities. Nevertheless, a Cancer partner can offer Sagittarius a secure home base...a place where Sagittarius can go to keep dreams and ambitions in persepctve...and the free spirit of Sagittarius could well lend Cancer's daily life a little diversity and excitement.
Cancer is ruled by the Moon and Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter. The Moon is concerned with love, nurturing and the maternal instinct. Jupiter is philosophical, focused on expansion, optimism, luck and travel. Thus, this is a combination of growth and expansion...of masculine and feminine energy. The two are able to sustain each other and when working toward a common goal, can combine energies to great effect. Cancer is governed by the element of Water while Sagittarius is governed by the element of Fire. Natives of Sagittarius desire freedom...Cancer natives yearn for emotional security and stability. These basic needs color each Sign's approach to projects and to relationships. Here, one partner may not always understand where the other is coming from, but when they combine their complementary energies, sparks can fly and dreams can reach fruition. If each individual values the intimate connection they share...value the friendship and one another's opinions...then any conflict can usually be amicably resolved. Cancer is Cardinal in quality and Sagittarius is Mutable. Natives of Sagittarius move from idea to idea, venturing to venture as the spirit takes them. Cancer is the instigator of new plans. It will be important for Cancer to give Sagittarius the freedom to explore personal space and interests external to the relationship. Nevertheless, Cancer can breathe life into the magnificent ideas of Sagittarius, if Sagittarius has lost interest and moved on and Sagittarius does have the ability to teach Cancer the virtues of an open mind as opposed to constant and inflexible determination. Perhaps the best aspect of a Cancer/Sagittarius match is the security each can provide...once Cancer gives Sagittarius the freedom to freely offer such security. This could be a compatible couple if they open themselves to one another and accept as valid each other's differing life philosophies. Provided the lines of communication remain clear...and as long as these two take time to appreciate and celebrate their differences...this can make for a rather stable and happy union.
In essence, this combination is not particularly favorable in terms of longevity. The Cancer partner is sure to adore everything about Sagittarius, but once the busy Sagittarius partner has been captured, Cancer may find him or her difficult to cope with. It will be virtually impossible for Cancer to keep Sagittarius close to home. To Cancer, home is his or her castle, but to Sagittarius, it is simply a place to hang around from time-to-time. Thus, although this relationship can be made to work, care needs to be taken and it should not be entered into lightly by either individual.
Whether a Capricorn partner be male or female, this individual is likely to be involved in a career which will occupy most of his or her time and attention. Thus, it will be necessary for Cancer to accept the excess time that is given to this career since Capricorn will naturally expect as much. Cancer natives tend to demand a lot of attention and if it is not provided, are likely to pout for days. Unfortunately, pouting will probably not even be noticed by Capricorn, who is sure to be far too busy planning ahead on his or her career performance. Because natives of Capricorn are so absorbed by their own affairs, Cancer will undoubtedly come to consider his or her partner as a total bore. In turn, Capricorn is likely to feel that Cancer should put some of that sensitive and emotional instanct to good use in his or her own career which, in Capricorn's mind, will make the Cancer partner less dependent...both emotionally and financially. Both individuals will be good money managers and not usually prone to experience financial problems. In the eyes of a Capricorn native, waste is an is extravagance...but he or she will be a faithful and devoted mate, which the more positive type of Cancer subject can be content with...even if life does tend to be a tad boring on occasion. Capricorn enjoys reading and studying in bed and this can interfere with the romantic mood. So, it will be up to Cancer to initiate seduction in order to get the Capricorn partner's attention. This relationship could possibly achieve longevity...but is liable to take a lot of hard work on both sides.
The Cancer/Capricorn combination, in terms of the celestial level, is a pairing of great tenacity and determination. Capricorn is focused on logic...being down-to-earth and real. Cancer brings a charge of emotional intensity to this relationship. Here, each individual holds the other to a high standard, which is tempered by an abiding mutual respect. In the Capricorn partner, Cancer finds dedication and in return, Capricorn will come to love Cancer's persistence. These two Signs, which are opposite each other in the Zodiac Wheel, can combine to create a very successful and secure connection. This is a relationship that builds and grows from a strong foundation of material and emotional security. Both partners can be depended upon to make frugal and conservative decisions...but it does not necessrily have to be all solemnity. Cancer can help the hard-working Capricorn mate to relax a little at the end of the take time to enjoy the reward of all that labor. Cancer will also be the one to polish and preserve the fruits of their shared accomplishments since these natives are characteristically the keepers of nostalgia, cherished memories and possessions. Capricorn will move Cancer toward achievement and enlighten Cancer to the more important matters of the world outside his or her easily bruised heart. If there is an ironclad commitment and a stable, traditional home environment, then this union is almost certain to succeed.
Cancer is ruled by the Moon and Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn. The energy of the Moon is warm and feminine, whereas the energy of karmic Saturn is masculine and cold. The Moon is emotional and nurturing, concerned with maternal care giving and intuition...both of which become vital to natives of Cancer. Saturn practices integrity and discipline to achieve goals. Thus, a Cancer partner can show the more serious Capricorn companion how to enjoy to appreciate beauty and comfort...and mothering Cancer will truly revel in smoothing Capricorn's hard edges. In return, Capricorn can smooth Cancer's ruffled emotional feathers by providing the type of solid foundation that a native of Cancer desperately craves. Capricorn teaches Cancer to be more disciplined, to venture into the world and strive toward goals. Cancer is governed by the element of Water while Capricorn is governed by the element of Earth. The focus of Earth is upon possessions. The focus of Water is upon emotion, intuition, beauty and nostalgia. Thus, this couple like to surround themselves with beautiful things...a stately home, magnificent artwork and expensive vehicles, for example. Their desire to be ecomonically stable and their shared loved of finery ensure that this pair will work hard toward such an end and other mutual goals. It is this desire for fine things that keeps these two partners free of arguments related to one of them trying to live osententatiously or beyond his or her means. Both Cancer and Capricorn are Cardinal in quality. Hence, each individual in this combination will be initiatory, active and ardent. Although this can prove to be a catalyst for some dynamite conflicts, it can also provide Capricorn with an emotional pillar since Cancer is totally dedicated to the relationship. The differing emotional dispositions complement each other well. Natives of Capricorn excel in getting the business done and Cancer always steps in when emotional counseling is required. These two are destined to get along very well...if each partner allows the other to use his or her respective individual strengths. Perhaps the best aspect of a Cancer/Capricorn match is the utter dedication each has for the other and their mutual commitments toward shared goals. Both adore quality and beautiful, luxurious things...and neither is inclined to shirk at the idea of a little hard work if that is what it takes. Indeed, Capricorn natives would probably rather be working than almost anything else. Here, the shared passions, sense of responsibility and morality make for a highly compatible union.
In essence, this combination initially appears not to have the ingredients of a good mix since the two natures are somewhat far apart. However, on closer inspection, there is plenty in common here. In addition, Cancer is capable of displaying great sympathy and understanding toward others which, in turn, acts as a soothing balm for the misunderstood complaints of Capricorn. This pair does have a tendency to plod along until they get what they want...which could be good or bad, dependent upon the circumstances.
It is inherent in the character of Aquarius natives to strive for improvement in everything around them...and this will include trying to change the Cancer partner, even though the initial attraction here is most likely related to the quiet, domesticated and sensitive aura which radiates from the Cancer individual. The tenacious nature of Cancer subjects will probably not allow Aquarius to change them in any direction and any attempt to do so will only drive Cancer further into his or her shell. Cancer is very proud of...and satisfied with...the intuation associated with this Sign. Conversely, Aquarius is exceedingly proud of his or her logic. There are certain to be many arguments stemming from these differing aspects. Aquarius can live a full life with the Cancer partner being almost an afterthought. Indeed, natives of Aquarius spend much time with friends and out doing favors for or helping others. Thus, Cancer could easily begin to feel neglected and ignored. Eventually, this is sure to degenerate into a fight. If the Aquarius partner airs his or her feelings about believing the truth to be the most important thing in the world, then Cancer will doubtless take to speaking out and could become a nagging complainer, resulting in the Aquarius mate being constantly upset. In a physically romantic sense, these two are on a par with each other...but most times, Cancer will be required to engage in the enticing before the Aquarius partner can get his or her mind on the matter at hand. Basically, this relationship is not likely to achieve longevity.
The Cancer/Aquarius combination is usually an initial case of opposite attracting. Cancer takes an emotional approach to life whereas Aquarius is offbeat and unconventional. While Cancer often retreats into his or her shell, Aquarius siezes every opportunity to be the extrovert...the organizer...the party animal. Natives of Aquarius love to find themselves among friends and social settings are their ideal. If Cancer and Aquarius can find a way to combine these qualities in a positive fashion, then they can go anywhere together. Both Signs can be ambitious and determined. They want to get their own way but neither is particularly fond of conflict. Cancer individuals tend to be old-fashioned, attached to tradition and routine with morals that are conservative as opposed to progressive. Conversely, natives of Aquarius are prone to be very modern and easily numbed by routine...yawning at the "dull and boring" in which Cancer sometimes finds comfort. The Cancer partner may well be intrigued by the Aquarius sense of excitement, but will undoubtedly become frustrated in trying to maintain the pace of the revolutionary Aquarius mind. Natives of Aquarius certainly will not appreciate the possessiveness of a Cancer mate, but they could find much comfort in the solid base these individuals provide. However, getting an Aquarius individual to admit as much will be virtually impossible.
Cancer is ruled by the Moon and Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus, with a secondary influence courtesy of Saturn. The energy of the Moon is radiant and feminine. The energy associated with karmic Saturn is cool, contained and masculine. The rebellious Uranus is concerned with all things abnormal and novel. The Moon is emotional and focuses upon growth and domesticity, both of which become central themes in the lives of many Cancer natives. Saturn is concerned with hard work and the discipline needed for achievement, while Uranus symbolizes forward thought. This combination makes sense to those governed by Aquarius since they are futurists who are unafraid of getting their hands dirtied by labor. From Cancer, the social and intellectual Aquarius can learn the value of emotional impulses, and there is no doubt that the feminine influence of Cancer will bring beauty and comfort into any home. While Cancer teaches the important lession of an open heart, natives of Aquarius can respond with the usefulness of a detached heart. Individuals ruled by Aquarius are blessed with the ability to extricate themselves from uncontrollable situations and reevaluate goals if they should happen to stray off-course. Not necessarily cold by nature, Aquarius could still benefit from the warm and feminine Moon-based influence of the Cancer partner. Cancer is governed by the element of Water while Aquarius is governed by the element of Air. Aquarius individuals perceive life as an intellectual exercise...a constant exploration and expansion of the mind...always questioning what else there might be. Alternatively, Cancer is more pragmatic, often stopping to ask how something feels. It may be very difficult for each partner in this match to truly comprehend where the other is coming from. This can easily result in a conflict, particularly if Aquarius becomes a little tool cole or Cancer too emotionally demanding. This couple may find themselves working at cross-purposes, with Cancer asking for more and more while Aquarius pulls further and further away. By accepting that their world views are dissimilar, this pair can maybe move on and celebrate their diversity rather than feel threatened by it. Cancer is Cardinal in quality and Aquarius is Fixed. Both Signs persevere when working toward goals and if there is a set path, will follow it to the end. With this brand of mutual doggedness...and provided each partner places a high value on the relationship...then it is possible that this couple will never be dissuaded from that knowledge and will constantly think of one another. However, if snags should arise, Aquarius will soon discover that Cancer...although seemingly shy and retiring...can actually be very tenacious and dogmatic, not above utilizing emotional manipulation on loved ones. In addition, the Aquarius partner may be bothered by Cancer's over-emotionality. Still, if they agree to work toward a common goal, this is a couple who can get along with each other quite nicely. Perhaps the best aspect of a Cancer/Aquarius match is when these two decide to come together, they are an indomitable force. Should they make the decision to combine their disparate energes, then each partner can find his or her own natural balance and have fun with the differences, rather than allowing such differences to frighten them away from a chance at romance.
In essence, this combination would probably be a difficult match in terms of longevity. The social side of Aquarius may prove much for the home bodied Cancer. Plus, Aquarius loves to share his or her life stories with the world, while Cancer is satisifed to concentrate upon personal obligations. It is likely that the odds are against this union achieving longevity, unless one partner is willing to become subservient to the other.
Here, the shared facets of both natures...a strong imagination and instinctively intuitive powers...will enable each partner to understand the other with a minimum of trouble. Emotional security is a need that is tantamount to the happiness of both these Signs which, coupled with some effort, will create a close relationship and a lasting bond. Pisces is a champion of the underdog and he or she possesses a soft spot for all vulnerable beings. The home of a Pisces native is usually filled with all types of stray animals, as well as the occasional stray human who has no place else to go. If the Pisces partner becomes depressed or turns pessimistic for no apparent reason, then it will be necessary for Cancer to pour much love, understanding and a dash of optimism into the relationship in order to lift the Pisces spirit. Here, there will be times when the maternal instinct of Cancer will be sorely needed because those governed by Pisces take a lot of looking after, being inclined to depressions and liable to rely upon the crutch offered courtesy of alcohol. It is in this manner that Cancer can happily express the maternal side of his or her nature, but the Cancer mate should do so in a subtle fashion...on the many instances when it will be necessary. There is apt to be a strong physical attraction between this pair. Each possesses an active imagination...although any sexual fantasy will probably move along very romantic lines. This is a couple who will employ physical intimacy to ehance an already good relationship and given the generalities, would make for a very workable union.
The Cancer/Pisces combination is a positive meeting of spirits. Both Signs are basicaly tolerant and sympathetic. In addition, Pisces is easily energized by Cancer's ideas. A Pisces mate has the ability to open the eyes of his or her Cancer partner to the world of creativity and spirituality. In return, Cancer's practicality can be a guide which leads Pisces to the fruition of his or her dreamy and uptopian ideas. In short, this pairing benefits from an amazingly strong and multi-faceted bond. Natives of Cancer love material goods, being both admiring and appreciative of such possessions. They also desire comfort and a rich home. Thus, at times, those ruled by Cancer might not understand the simplistic and minimalist lifestyle of their Pisces mate. Yet, although this couple may work toward different goals of acquisition and lifestyle, the shared emotional depth makes for a very rewarding partnership.
Cancer is ruled by the Moon and Pisces is ruled by the planet Neptune, with a secondary influence courtesy of Jupiter. When the emotional Moon and illusionary Neptune combine, a beautiful spiritual connection is formed. Both these celestial bodies vibrate with energy that is warm and feminine. Together, they create an idealistic...almost divine...relationship that places much significance upon dreams and illusions. Jupiter is considered to be a planet of good fortune and adds a masculine energy to this mix, representative of philosophy, expantion and excesses. The character of this blend offers a utopian union, drenched in emotional intrigue. It is a true celestial bond...emotion, depth, warmth and expansion. Still, both Signs are prone to ask a lot of their love relationships and Cancer must be careful not to cramp his or her Pisces partner, who will suffocate under too many demands. Both Cancer and Pisces are governed by the element of Water. Water is a tangible and physical entity. Thus, these two Signs are generally very compatible. Natives of Pisces are in this world to create human connections and when they come in contact with the intuition and nurturing nature of Cancer, there is no stronger bond. Fortunately, the Cancer partner's stable view of life will hold the couple afloat and prevent the union from washing out in a stream of romantic idealism. But it is not simply a case of Cancer tolerating his or her dreamy Pisces mate. Cancer truly understands emotional ambiguity and can help Pisces stablize his or her ephemeral nature. Although it is possible that the Cancer partner could grow weary of Pisces' faraway character and although Pisces may be bothered by Cancer's self-centeredness, it will always be easy for these two to find a compromise. Cancer is Cardinal in quality and Pisces is Mutable. While love as in life...those ruled by Cancer do like to get things moving with a good idea and solid plan, even going so far as to makes notes in order to keep track. Conversely, natives of Pisces are more concerned with relying upon instinct and would doubtless lose the plan as soon as the Cancer partner handed it over. It will be necessary for Cancer to allow Pisces the freedom to enjoy his or her external interests and to occasionally follow a whim in undeterred fashion. Pisces has the ability to show Cancer that completion is sometimes better than initiation...and that compromise without struggle can reap its own reward. This pair will feed off each others' energies well and should be totally compatible in terms of romance. Perhaps the best aspect of a Cancer/Pisces match is the similarity of their emotional natures. Both have a huge capacity for emotion and compassion...and both can act as teacher and student. This pair complement and harmonize with each other superbly. The overall empathy and commitment that these two Signs value in a relationship is what will keep the ties strong and long lasting.
In essence, this combination is something of a consummate match, due chiefly to the ideal sentimental blend of characters. Even if both tend to have their moments, they will soon emerge into the sunshine once more, ready and willing to forgive and forget. Here, both partners will cherish the home, possessions and friends. There will also be mutual effort to fulfill all obligations. Each mate in this relationship is a romantic soul...with a need to love and be loved. It is likely that this couple can even communicate without the necessity of words or facial gestures. In short, this is generally considered to be a perfect union.
Natives of Cancer are probably most in tune with those governed by Pisces, since Pisces is prone to moods just like Cancer, but of a less volatile nature. This is a couple who will find peace and harmony throughout the majority of their relationship. For the Cancer male, a partnership with an individual governed by Pisces is one where he can drown himself in the charms...which are considerable...of the Pisces partner. In short, this will be a deeply romantic pair. The love, passion and tenderness that can occur in this union is incredible and much so that it can appear almost unreal to outside observers. There is a mutual physical attraction here and the Cancer male will be very appreciative of Pisces' special hidden qualities. Thus, he will idolize his Pisces partner. Together, this is a couple who can tune out the world and create a dreamy love nest. Basically, this is a perfect match both emotionally and romantically...a definite soulmate connection. Indeed, each partner will find comfort in knowing that the other shares the same worries and concerns. The only potential problem is that both tend to dwell on the negative when things are not perfect and it will be necessary for someone to lighten the mood. As long as that can be accomplished, this will be a constantly smooth and magnificent pairing. For the Cancer female, a relationship with an individual governed by Pisces will provide the lavish emotional warmth that the Cancer female seeks in a partnership. The Pisces native is strongly passionate soul who, much like Cancer, dwells within a world of feelings. The affection displayed by Pisces will make the woman governed by Cancer feel completely special and totally adored. In essence, this is a perfect fit between two exceedingly deep-feeling Signs and a true soulmate love match. This couple will ooze with mutual love and devotion. Both partners here understand each other in ways that would perplex an outsider and somehow, each always knows the right thing to say when the chips are down.
Scorpio, another Sign ruled by the element of Water, would also be favorable since Scorpio is equal to the moods of Cancer and capable of great understanding. Cancer finds the Scorpio depth of character intriguing and will certainly appreciate the rich view of life inherent in the Scorpio nature, to say nothing of the awareness and perception associated with that Sign. This is a couple who will likely provide everything either has ever wanted in a relationship. The physical chemistry here is quite is long-lasting and only gets better with the passage of time. For the Cancer male, a partnership with an individual governed by Scorpio is one where he can devote himself to making his Scorpio mate feel special. The man ruled by Cancer has emotional staying power and can easily satisfy the Scorpio partner's need for security. Thus, the Scorpio individual can relax in his company and truly enjoy being taken care of. This is a match where both feel treasured. The initial reaction between a Cancer male and his Scorpio partner will certainly be electric and fired by deep emotions. Mood is generally the order of the day when these two Signs get together. Each can inspire the other to wonderful heights...provided neither allows negativity or possessiveness to enter the picture. For the Cancer female, a partnership with an individual governed by Scorpio is one that is magnificent in every respect and the passionate Scorpio nature will certainly draw out the sexy girl who is hiding beneath the Cancer female's good girl exterior. Scorpio can also be trusted not to have a wandering eye. Once the mind of a Scorpio individual is made up, this is a Sign that sticks to a decision. Additionally, the Cancer woman has the ability to make the Scorpio partner feel very secure because of her loving and loyal nature. In short, this is a pairing that can spark an intense and very intimate relationship. The only problem that could occur is one of possessiveness. A relationship is meant to be a shared experience...not one where ownership or domination takes control. If this can be learned by both the Cancer woman and her Scorpio mate, then there are likely to be nothing but good times ahead.
Cancer Traits
Emotional and loving
Intuitive and imaginative
Shrewd and cautious
Protective and sympathetic
On the dark side....
Changeable and moody
Overemotional and touchy
Clinging and unable to let go
The Cancerian character is the least clear-cut of all those associated with the signs of the zodiac. It can range from the timid, dull, shy and withdrawn to the most brilliant, and famous Cancerians are to be found through the whole range of human activity. It is a fundamentally conservative and home-loving nature, appreciating the nest like quality of a secure base to which the male can retire when he needs a respite from the stresses of life, and in which the Cancerian woman can exercise her strong maternal instincts. The latter tends to like and to have a large family. `Nest like' is an appropriate adjective for the Cancerian home, for its inhabitants tend to favor the dark, mysterious but comfortable type of house which has something of the air of a den about it, a place which belongs to the family rather than existing as a showcase to impress visitors.
That is not to say that the Cancerian is unsociable, just that for them there is a time to socialize and a time to be solitary, and this is part of the apparent contradiction in their nature. Outwardly they can appear formidable - thick-skinned, unemotional, uncompromising, obstinately tenacious, purposeful, energetic, shrewd, intuitive and wise, sometimes with a philosophical profundity of thought verging on inspiration. Their intimates, however, may see a very different character, one with a sympathetic and kindly sensitivity to other people, especially those they love. They are able to identify with the situations of others because of the keenness of their imaginations. They are often over-imaginative and prone to fantasy, sometimes trying to shape their lives to fit some romantic ideal. They are appreciative of art and literature, and especially of drama, where the spectacle and ebb and flow of action and feeling particularly excite them. They may themselves possess considerable literary, artistic or oratorical talent. Their sharp ears and talent for mimicry can sometimes give them success on the stage, though their tendency to be emotional may make them overact. Interestingly - because they give the impression of being down-to-earth - they are often fascinated by the occult and are more open to psychic influence than the average. If they can reconcile the personal conflict of their urge to be outgoing with the reserve that causes them to withdraw into themselves, then at best they can inspire a generation, especially the youthful part of it, by their idealism. A job in which they can express this, and in which they can do well, would be as a leader in a youth organization.
In their personal relationships they are mentally a mixture of toughness and softness, often emotional and romantic to the point of sentimentality in their fantasies; but in real life and in marriage, their loving is not so sentimental but tenaciously loyal. Even if they have affairs (and they may do so, for the male in particular is open to sensual stimulation), their first loyalty remains to spouse and family, of whom they regard themselves as the protector. Both the
Cancerian man and woman love unreservedly, giving much and asking little in return - in fact, one of the most important lessons they have to learn is how to receive gracefully. They are too easily influenced by those they love and admire, and swayed by the emotion of the moment. They are also loyal friends, the negative side of their faithfulness being clannishness, the narrow patriotism of "my country right or wrong"; and closing ranks in suspicion and coldness toward outsiders.
Cancerians have a retentive memory, particularly for emotionally laden events which they can recall in detail for years afterwards. they are strongly governed by childhood memories and since they live intensely in the past in memory and in the future in imagination, a chance meeting with someone for whom they had an unrequited love, even if they thought they had conquered the feeling, will easily rouse the emotion all over again.
The Cancerian has many potential faults. They can be untidy, sulky, devious, moody, inclined to self-pity because of an inferiority complex, brood on insults (very often imagined), yet are easily flattered. They can be tactless and difficult yet, because they are normally ambitious, they will curry favor by floating with majority opinions, outlooks and fashions of the day. As a result they often change their opinions and loyalties and, indeed, their occupations, and lack stability. They are easily corrupted and, because they are convincing romanticizers, can make successful confidence tricksters. Their romanticism in another sense make them ardent supporters of causes, for example a football team with whose heroes they can identify in a world of fantasy.
Their abilities fit the Cancerian for a wide range of occupations. As they are interested in what people are thinking and able to judge what they can safely be told, they can be good journalists, writers or politicians, though in this last capacity they are more likely to remain in the background rather than attain prominent positions of power. They may, indeed, change their party affiliations. They can serve in other departments of public affairs, especially those which involve looking after others, for example in any kind of service from welfare and nursing to catering - their own love of comfort and good living makes the Cancerian an excellent chef or housekeeper. They sometimes have a penchant for trade or business and are often successful as a captain of industry. This is because they are excellent organizers with a good sense of value and economy which they may combine with a flair for inventiveness and originality. The romantic side of their natures make them enjoy grubbing about in places where exciting discoveries may be made (old stamp collections in attics, etc.), and if they can do this professionally as a secondhand dealer or specialist in antiques, they will be happy. More common occupations which suit some subjects of Cancer are real estate broker, gardener and sailor.
Physically they are average to below average in height, with a fleshy body and short legs in comparison with the rest of them. Their hair is usually brown, their faces round, their complexions pale, their foreheads prominent, their eyes small and blue or gray in color, their noses short, perhaps upturned, and their mouths full. They sometimes walk clumsily.
Possible Health Concerns...
Cancer governs the chest, breasts, elbows, stomach and digestion, womb and female reproductive organs. Cancer, which can affect any part of the body, is sometimes said to have taken its name from this sign, which can therefore afflict its subjects with imperfections anywhere. This is incorrect, however, the derivation of cancer being the Latin cancer meaning gangrene as well as crab. nevertheless, Cancerians are said to be liable to breast cancer and to suffer from pleurisy, dropsy, piles and varicose veins. The excitability mentioned above can lead to weak digestion, gastritis and other stomach ills, and there is a tendency to coughs and weakness of vision.
Home and Country
Aggravating situations
Being told what to do ;)
Advice (good or bad)
How to Recognize CANCER
"I can't explain myself, I'm afraid. because I'm not myself, you see,"
"Oh, my fur and whiskersi" It is this, it is this that oppresses my soul.
The best time to hunt for human crabs is by the light of the silvery Moon. It's usually easier to recognize them at night, when they're all dressed up to go dreaming, wrapped in vivid imagination. Moonlight becomes them beautifully. It goes with their many moods, and it matches their chang–ing emotions.
You'll gather lots of clues to the Cancerian nature by doing some Moon-gazing on a clear night in the country. It may be hard to see it through the smog in the city, but you can always study an almanac. Notice the Moon's changing shape and appearance. As it waxes and increases in light, it slowly grows into a perfect, round ball in the sky. When it wanes, it gradually disappears, so there's nothing visible but a thin sliver of light with a faint, silver shimmer.
The Cancerian's passing moods are synchronized to the Moon, answering to the same mysterious lunar influence that causes the tides of the ocean to flow in and out. Yet, the Moon doesn't really change at all. It just seems to. Likewise, the Cancerian remains the same person through all his fluctuating highs and lows. Such dependable peri–odicity-constant in its inconstancy-makes the crab easy to recognize, once you know the phase he's in when you see him.
You may first come across him when he's laughing the "crazy lunar laugh." It's inescapably contagious. It runs up and down the scales with a deep, throaty undertone. It giggles and gurgles, then finally erupts in a loud cackle that sounds exactly like two hundred hens laying two hundred perfect eggs. In his life-of-the-party mood, youll have no trouble finding the Cancerian. Hell be the funniest one in the room, a laugh a minute. If he's not performing himself, then he'll be grinning at someone else's antics. No one likes a joke better than Cancer, and his funny side is all the more startling when it pops up so incongruously from his normally quiet, gentle personality. Lunar humor runs deep. It's never shallow or superficial, because it stems from the sensitive observation of human behavior. Cancer may not wear his lunar laugh every day, but he can always dig it out of his old trunk in the basement at a moment's notice.
These people don't pant after the spotlight like the extro-verted Leos or-clownish Sagittarians, but Cancerians have an uncanny sense of publicity, when it pleases them to be noticed. Don't let that unassuming manner fool you. They secretly enjoy attention, and they'll soak up any headlines they get. You won't find Cancer pursuing fame with pas–sion (he pursues nothing with true passion), but he cer–tainly won't shrink from it. He's far more likely to bask in the reflected glow of applause than to run away. Cancer may hide from things, but you can be sure that apprecia–tion is not one of them.
If you're the kind of person who catches cold easily, wear your raincoat when you expose yourself to the damp–ness of a Cancerian in a melancholy mood. He can wrap you in wet blankets until you shiver and shake. Cancer can turn bluer than an inkwell, and drown you in depression deeper than the floor of the ocean. His fears are usually well covered by the nutty lunar humor, but they are always with him, haunting his days and nights with a vague sense of nameless dangers, lurking in the shadows. Pessimism is never far away, always ready to spoil those beautiful nights of fancy. A Cancerian can take the dreamiest trips to the stars on the gossamer wings of his imagination, if he leams to ignore that harping inner voice which keeps nagging him and warning him he might get lost in outer space. But until he leams to conquer his fears, they form his Achilles' heel, and they hurt every time he starts to fly too high.
His tears are never crocodile tears. They flow from the deep rivers of his fragile and vulnerable heart. You can wound his sensitive feelings with a harsh glance or a rough t- tone of voice. Cruelty can bring on brimming eyes or a 'complete withdrawal (It's an odd thing that Cancerians seldom get fevers; they're more likely to suffer from the chills.) It won't be easy to spot the crab in this mood, because when he's hurt, he disappears into reproachful silence. Sometimes, he can retaliate with an almost scorpion revenge, but he'll usually do it secretly, seldom openly with the Scorpio's fine contempt for consequences. Most of the time, however, hell turn away from getting even, content to hide under his protective shell. Once you've wounded him, you can poke at him with a sharp stick for days afterwards and not reach him. He won't answer his phone, his doorbell or his mail. In the midst of uncertainty, despair and sadness. Cancer people seek retreat and solitude. Just like real crabs.
That's another mood Cancerians have. Crabby. The person who gave you a cranky answer when you asked for the time, the one who nearly snapped your head off when you asked him to pass the salt-was probably a Cancer person going through one of his occasional crabby spells that makes him hate the world. He's not angry with you. He's disappointed with life. He'll get over it, and be his own sweet, gentle and understanding self when the Moon changes. Consult the daily paper for the next quarter, or wait until the tides come back in.
There are two basic Cancer types. The first kind has a • handsome round face, soft skin, a wide, grinning mouth, almost circular eyes, rather a baby-faced look. Think of the man in the moon. That's a perfect image. The second type is more common. The unmistakable "look of the crab" is immediately noticeable in the face. You'll see a fairly large skull, an overhanging brow and high cheek–bones. The brows themselves will seem to knit together in a sort of permanent frown which, strangely, isn't offensive, but rather interesting. There's a pronounced lower jaw, and the teeth are either prominent or irregular in some way. The eyes are small and usually far apart. Sometimes you'll see a Cancerian who combines both the lunar face and the crab face but each is so distinctive that, even when they're blended, it's easy to recognize them as Moon people, born under the sign of the crab. Some of them are indisputably plump, but the great majority have a strikingly bony structure. The arms and legs may be extra long in propor–tion to the rest of the body. The shoulders will be broader than average, and often the hands and feet are either unusually tiny or quite large. Most Cancerians are a little top heavy, and they waddle slightly when they walk fast. Whether the body is plump or wiry, the women will usually wear a sweater size considerably larger than the skirt size. Or they'll be absolutely flat-chested. Either way, this par–ticular characteristic is quite marked. There is never a middle ground for this part of the anatomy with female crabs.
All lunar people have enormously expressive features. A thousand moods play fleetingly across their faces in the course of a conversation. Do you know someone who some–times cackles wildly, then weeps despondently,-who occa–sionally snaps at you irritably, and then hides when you hurt him? Does he normally treat you with gentle con–sideration? If he's gruff, yet kindly, a fascinating conversa–tionalist with deep wells of creative imagination, that person was probably born in late June or July.
Caneerians have such control of imagery, and their moods are so intense, they can make you feel them, too. Their imagination seizes joy and despair, horror and com–passion, sorrow and ecstasy, and holds each emotion fast with a retentive memory. Like mirrors and cameras, they absorb images and reflect them faithfully. Every experience is engraved on the heart as a photograph is etched on a negative plate. They never forget any of the lessons life has taught them nor do they forget the lessons history has taught mankind. A Cancerian reveres the past and is usually patriotic to the core. Historical figures intrigue him as much as his own ancestors do. He often collects antiques, old treasures and ancient relics and has an insatiable curiosity about yesterday. Cancer is a sort of mental archaeologist, always digging for more fascinating facts.
He's also a well of secrecy. People automatically confide their secrets to the crab, but with his sensitive emotions he already knows what's on their minds. Cancerian compas–sion is deep and highly intuitive. There's hardly a secret he can't strip naked, if he chooses. It's a one-way street, however. He'll eventually soak up all there is to know about you, but you'll never guess his own private thoughts. He guards his inner feelings carefully from prying eyes. The typical Cancer person doesn't like to discuss his per–sonal life, but he's delighted to hear about yours, as his lunar imagination lets him easily guess the parts you leave out. Cancer seldom judges, however. He simply gathers, absorbs, reflects.
Although the crab gives back emotions like a mirror, he won't give up tangible things without a struggle. Take a stroll along any beach and observe the habits of the real crab. When he grabs an object (and make sure it's not your big toe), he'll hang on for dear life. He'd rather lose a claw than let go. If the crab does sacrifice a claw, he grows a new one, so he can grab hold once more with the same tenacity; and let that be a lesson to you when you're trying to get a Cancerian to give up something he or she really wants. Cancer will never relinquish a treasured object, and that can range all the way from a beloved friend or relative to a title or a position-from an old tintype photo to a pair of frazzled house slippers, with the soles half worn away.
While you're still on the beach, take a few more notes on the customs of the real crab. The way he walks, for instance. If his eye is on that big toe, he'll never come forth directly and head for your foot. First, he moves backward a few paces. Then he moves sideways. Suddenly, without warning, he crawls to the other side. He always appears to be moving in the opposite direction. But he's watching every second. If that delicious toe starts to get away from him, he'll move straight forward, and you'd better run if you don't want those claws to dig in. He means business when he sees he has a chance of losing the morsel he covets. The human crab imitates these tactics precisely. Cancerians never go directly after what they want. Their strategy is to move in every direction but straight ahead. They'll play this shifting game indefinitely, until it looks as if someone else is about to grab the prize. Then the cards are played quickly and cleverly-Cancer lunges forward, takes hold firmly, and refuses to let go.
They behave much the same way when it comes to generosity and giving. Cancer's heart is too soft not to be touched by someone's need. He truly cares and he wants to help. But he'll sit back cautiously and wait to see if. there's anyone else who might move in first. Why should he foolishly squander his time or money if it is not necessary? When all other sources fail, when no other help shows any sign of materializing. Cancer will rescue the struggler at the last minute. He'll let you go down twice, but he'll save you just before you submerge the third time. He's too kind to watch you drown, but he's certainly not going to get all wet if there's a life guard around, or if it looks as if you can swim to shore yourself. It's self-preservation, not self–ishness or unkindness. The crab's heart is soft at the core, under his hard, conservative outer shell. But there's just so much of his time, his money and his emotions he has to give, and he chooses to distribute each wisely. His even–tual gesture will often be grand and generous. Yet, in his mind, it's only sensible to watch and wait before plunging. No one could accuse him of being impulsive.
When he does make a move, he'll want some sort of track record behind him-or behind you. The crab care–fully calculates his actions on experiences, either his own or someone else's. He needs the strength of an accepted precedent or the assurance of financial security as a foun–dation. He fears going it alone without such an insurance policy, which is why most of his ventures are successful and each final move a coup de grace, executed with finesse. Naturally, Cancerians will seldom stumble into deep holes in the dark. With a fiery Moon sign, or a fire sign on the ascendant, he may gamble on an occasional maneuver, but if he fails, he'll be miserable about going against his own better inner judgment. Leo or Sagittarius influences may have driven him to act, but when he falls back on his own Sun sign after defeat, misery sets in. Cancer tends to brood over mistakes instead of shrugging off bad luck and trying again, and it will be some time before he takes another chance.
Male or female, the Cancerian loves his home with a respect bordering on reverence. No devout high priest of ancient times ever considered his altar more sacred than Cancer considers the place where he hangs his old hat. You're liable to notice a sampler on his wall with the words, "There's No Place Like Home, Be It Ever So Humble." (Yes, I know the verse is backwards, but his little girl made it at school, and to him it's a masterpiece, a pearl beyond price. Admire it often.) His home is where he plays, lives, loves, dreams and feels safe. Though he may travel over half the earth in connection with his career, no Cancer person is ever quite happy without a hearth to call his own. Sometime make a point of noticing the expression on the face of a crab who has just returned home from a long trip. Pure ecstasy.
No matter how much money he piles up in reserve, Cancer never feels really secure, and no matter how much love he gets, he always needs more. His emotions never let him become sure enough to relax completely. He's always piling up tangibles against some imaginary future disaster. Some Cancerians actually keep big cardboard cartons of food of all kinds under their beds. It keeps away those nightmares. You may think that's stretching the truth, but when was the last time you looked under a Cancer's bed? If you don't find the canned foods there, look on the closet shelves. You may find two dozen cans of paprika and twenty-eight boxes of fortified bread crumbs he bought on sale in 1943. What's he saving it for? Don't ask ridicu–lous questions. There might be a famine someday. He's prepared. (Noah must have been born in July. The flood didn't catch him with his rudders down, either.) Why doesn't he use all that paprika and all those bread crumbs? The answer to that one raises another question. Why doesn't he use those fourteen pairs of new pajamas and the seven dozen cashmere scarves he's been given over the years as gifts? They're still in the original tissue paper. Who knows? Maybe he's planning to wrap them around the animals to keep them warm when the next flood comes. Could be. He thinks that far ahead, and he remembers yesterday's catastrophes vividly, even if he wasn't there.
You'll often find the Cancerian on the water. If he's not swimming, he's water-skiing or at the very least, wad–ing. Unless there's some definite planetary affliction in his natal chart that makes him fear the waves, he'll usually be found spending most of his leisure time on a beach. Lots of Cancer people own their own boats. He'd much rather have a trim little ship he can escape to than a dozen color television sets and fifty limousines. Some crabs have fabu–lous yachts, but even if it's a rowboat or a canoe, he'll blissfully row, paddle or steer it to happiness. It's as though the Cancerian has a special, private dream that's been lost out there somewhere in the deep waters, and he keeps seeking it. Over half the crabs you meet will be weekend sailors. Maybe it's the moon and the tides calling him. Whatever it is, he's never as moody when he's happily walking his own deck in the tennis shoes he bought when he graduated from college. (Don't ever suggest that he buy new ones. There's one thing you have to understand about these people. If it's old, it has value. If it's new, it's suspect.)
Cancerian emotions can be stronger than the physical body. Worry and apprehension can make him ill, and
I cheerfulness can make him well. Often, he fears financial * collapse or the loss of someone he needs emotionally. If his security is threatened, either at the bank or in his heart, he can fall into a depression which unconsciously courts sickness or accident. His active imagination can be morbid enough to turn a minor illness into a grave or chronic one. When he gets gloomy, he responds poorly to positive statements. Then he's apt to think you're unkind for not sympathizing with him. But sympathy is the last thing Cancer needs when he's sick, never mind what he says. If he grows melancholy about fearsome possibilities, he invites real trouble, and he'll take twice as long to get well.
The most vulnerable areas are the chest or breast region, the knees, kidneys, bladder and skin. The head and face areas are also sensitive, as are the stomach and the digestive system. Cancerians practically invented ulcers. But those who keep serene, and who call on their marvelous sense of humor to see them through their moods, can easily stay well until a ripe old age. If they get a firm grip on happi–ness and refuse to let go, the crabs have the power to cling to life with the same tenacity that they cling to those old newspapers and pot holders. Cheerfulness, optimism and laughter, taken daily in large doses, will keep their minds and bodies healthy. As Cancer imagines himself to feel, so shall he actually feel. No other sign is so prone to let negative thoughts bring on illness, yet no other sign can create such miracles of self-healing. It's a strange contra–diction, and it would immensely benefit all Cancerians to ponder it.
Lots of Cancer people have very green thumbs. They produce some beautiful gardens that are tended and watered with loving care. Most of them also have very green savings accounts, which they cultivate with the same devotion. Money clings to Cancer, and they like the feel of it, so they allow it to cling. They spend frugally, to say the very least. Even with impulsive influences in the natal chart, Cancer will keep a few dry bills aside for a rainy day. If he tells you he's broke, he means he's down to his last few thousand. To him, that's a desperate situation. No one is a more capable manager of funds than the crab (although Taurus, Capricorn or Virgo may run a close second). He's an expert at accumulating cash and making it grow like the trees and flowers he plants. It will seldom dwindle in his tenacious hands or run through his shrewd fingers, and you won't catch him tossing bundles of it out the window for the sheer joy of getting rid of it. His generosity is exceeded only by his caution. Cancerian John D. Rocke–feller, Sr. probably thought he was being wickedly extrava–gant when he handed out all those dimes to small children;
it tickled him to go on such a wild spending spree and teach economy at the same time. Still, the crab will share whatever he has willingly when someone he likes or loves is in real need. A child will never fail to move him to part with cash, but hell come down hard on a grocer who over–charges him two cents on a can of beans.
Pood somehow represents security to Cancerians. If Old Mother Hubbard had been born in July, she would never have recovered from finding the cupboard bare. Whether he actually eats it or not, the crab feels safer when the larder is full and overflowing. Just talking about food brings a rosy glow to his expressive face, and stories of starvation will actually horrify him. Cancerians care deeply about the hungry, and they feel a responsibility toward every empty stomach in the world. (The noted mathematician-astrologer Carl Payne Tobey has pointed out that Cancerian Nelson Rockefeller campaigned in supermarkets with the political slogan, "He Cares.") Wasting food is a crime to Cancer. You'll get all the second helpings you want, but be sure you clean up the plate.
There's a strong maternal instinct in both sexes. They're always trying to stuff hot food into you, or bundle you up against the damp, night air. Cancerians baby their friends and loved ones and hover over them protectively. It's hard to tell which stirs the lunar emotions more deeply-chil–dren, food or money.
The crab's sensitive nature is covered with a hard shell, and he's wise enough to avoid the stormy seas. Half the time he lives on dry land, the other half in deep waters. He wears the luminous, pale gold and shimmering colors of moonlight, and hides his powerful emotions behind the pale green, mauve and lavender tints of modesty.
There's a touch of Moon madness in every Cancerian. He knows a wild and secret place where two lilies and seven white roses grow among the iris. Sometimes the memory of this faraway garden causes him to explode with laughter. Now and then it causes him to weep with sadness. Cancer patiently gathers the emeralds, pearls and moon-stones carelessly dropped in the sand by others, as he waits for the tides to wash his silver dreams ashore.
Famous Cancer Personalities
John Quincy Adams Louis Armstrong Ingmar Bergman Milton Berle Julius Caesar James Cagney Marc Chagall Jean Cocteau George M. Cohan Calvin Coolidge. Phyllis DiUer Stephen Foster John Glenn Oscar Hammerstein Ernest Hemingway Henry VIII
Helen Keller Charles Laughton Gertrude Lawrence Anne Lindbergh Gina Lollobrigida Marcel Proust Rembrandt
John D. Rockefeller Nelson Rockefeller Richard Rodgera Red Skelton Barbara Stanwyck Ringo Starr Henry D. Thoreau John Wanamaker Duke of Windsor
Andrew Wyeth
"I sometimes dig for butter rolls, Or set limed twigs for crabs:
I sometimes search the grassy knolls For wheels of Hansom-cabs:
And that's the way," (he gave a wink) "By which I get my wealth-
And very gladly will I drink Your Honor's noble health."
A taciturn expert at circumlocution he is. A scatterbrain and a chatterbox he is not. Don't expect this man to bare his soul when he first meets you. Cancerians never confide in strangers, and there are certain things even their best friends don't know. It will take a long time and a fair amount of patience to really know him. If you catch him in one of his cantankerous moods, you may not be very anxious to really know him, but try again. Don't give up so easily.
He can be flirtatious and fickle, but he can also be sensi–tive and loyal. Without warning, that wrinkled frown can be replaced by a gentle smile. His crabby complaints aad gruff manner can warm slowly into a tender tone, just before he breaks into a deep chuckle, a muffled giggle or loud, hysterical lunar laughter. When he's sad and wistful, you'll want to put your arms around him, and soothe away his melancholy. When he's showing off his sharp, intuitive mind, you'll stare at him in awe. His caution will impress you. His pessimism will depress you.
He can be so courtly, courteous, and considerate, you half expect him to ask you to dance the Virginia Reel. There's no question that he's a romantic dreamer, yet he's so sensible and practical, his enemies may call him "Old Marble Nose" behind his back. What do you do with a man like this?
You try to understand him. These aren't changes of per–sonality. They're simply lunar moods, moving across his consciousness, here today-gone tomorrow. Both during and between each mood, the Cancer man is true to him–self. His nature never deviates from its basic mold, despite the changes of expression that play on his features. Always try to remember that although a Cancerian's manner can be rough and aloof, his heart is always soft and affection–ate, and so full of sentiment it often makes him feel too vulnerable. Then he crawls into his convenient shell (the one he carries with him at all times), safe for a while from his own emotions. You'll think he's a real crab and give up when he retreats into injured silence. But the next time he cautiously peeks out to see the sunshine, you'll be tempted all over again to get close to him. Unfortunately, a Cancer male can be a regular wet dishrag now and then, disparaging everything and everybody, and splashing gloom in big, blue drops all over your ego. Yet, at other times he can be as funny as an orangutan with the hiccups. No wonder you don't know whether to give him a cold shoulder or a warm hug. The temperature changes of a Cancerian could puzzle anyone. First you shiver under his freezing glances, then you get smothered with devotion. His moods are the meanest when he's the most afraid of losing something. Maybe it's you. Reassure him you're his a thousand and one times. Words of love are music to his ears.
Of course, he may wade into one of his loony spells right in the middle of a tender scene some night under a full Moon. Just when you're drifting away on lovely dreams, he may offer to tell you his favorite poem. You'll sigh, lean back on his shoulder and close your eyes. Then he'll cackle something like, "The stag at Eve had drunk his fill-where danced the Moon on Monan's rill. He blew his nose and shined his shoes-and took a swig of Mountain booze!" It may jolt you out of your magic spell, but that full Moon can do strange things to the lunar emotions. What I mean is, he can be as nutty as a cuckoo, even if he is smart enough to make a million dollars and keep it.
I'm glad we brought up money. You will be too. If you're the kind of girl who likes to pay the rent on time, you're in love with exactly the right man. He's almost as fond of security as he is of you. You may have a slight edge, but you can safely consider money your worst rival. He's going to pursue it with dedication and a sort of quiet, religious fervor for most of his days. (The nights may bring other things to pursue.) It's not the worst fate you could ex–perience. Finances have fascinated him since childhood, and saving will be substantially more attractive to him than spending. He's not exactly stingy, but let's say it's not likely you'll ever see him lighting his pipe with a dollar bill for a parlor trick. The Cancerian sense of humor seldom takes in the topic of cold, hard cash. Money is not a laughing matter to the crab. He could probably add a column of figures in his head before he learned the alphabet, and had a paper route when he was eleven. Don't be surprised if you find he still has his first piggy bank, unopened. The tinkle of silver and the rustle of fold–ing green paper soothe his nerves, but he won't brag about his Dun and Bradstreet rating. Cancerians seldom collect cash for status. They collect it for its own sweet sake. In fact, he will probably belittle his financial wizardry. He's "just a poor boy, trying to earn a living, and getting along the best he can." You may even feel so sorry for him, you'll offer to get him a loan at the bank. Don't. He proba–bly owns part of it.
A fire sign on the ascendant may give him a rare ex–travagant urge, which he'll resist with admirable courage. Even if he gives in to an occasional spending spree to cheer himself out of a blue mood, it won't become a habit. Be-foi-e you start mumbling "tightwad" under your breath, you should know that the Cancer man has an interesting idta of economy. He'd rather take you out to the best restaurant, and get what he pays for, than risk offending his sensitive tastes with over-cooked lamb chops and in–different service in a second-rate place. He thinks it's silly to waste money on a cloth coat, when a mink or chinchilla will amortize itself over the years. A good, conservative Cadillac or Bentley is a safer investment, in his opinion, thqn a cheap car that depreciates as soon as you drive it around the comer. Quality and thrift are synonymous to the Cancerian. There, I thought that would bring the sparkle back to your eyes.
£ven the most poetic and dreamy Cancerians, who spend their lives immersed in music, art or other cultural pursuits, have a shrewd sense of the value of cash. A lunar artist may paint in an attic, but you needn't send him any Care packages. There are probably some stocks and bonds hidden in the rafters. He won't donate his paintings, either. He'll sell them for a pretty price, if he's a professional. But they'll be worth it. When a Cancer person tackles a career, he's sure to be at the top of it. He's loaded with artistic talent. You might suggest that your Cancer man design your Christmas cards. They're sure to be lovely, even if he's only an amateur.
If he's a true Cancerian, he won't be wild about sports clothes. There's a certain formality about his toilet. Whether be'ss worth billions or only a few paltry thousands, he likes conservative cuts and good tailoring. He often leans- to colllar buttons (yes, they still sell them-to Cancerians), French cuffs and expensive shirts he gets wholesale, usually without monograms (too showy; he prefers to be incon–spicuous). Even when he's short of cash for a brief period whiile he's working on his first million, his shoes will be poliished and his socks will stay up. During any shaky financial period (and it will be temporary), a Cancer male will. somehow exude an air of genteel rich, or one who has known better days. If he hasn't, he will. Fairly sub–stantial amounts of money will someday come to this man, or he'll be given the opportunity to earn large sums of it. He won't always be wealthy, but a Cancerian in the un-emrsloyment line is as rare as a pineapple tree in Si beria. His secret motto is that "all play and no work gives Jack a skinny billfold," and he prefers his wallets pleasingly plump.
Let's hope you find his mother congenial. In fact, let's pray you do. It's fairly certain she'll pop up in his con–versation frequently, in remarks like, "My mother never wears much makeup, and she's a beautiful woman. Don't you think your eye shadow is a little heavy, sweetheart?" Or "You use frozen pies and instant potatoes? My mother used to bake her own bread when I was a youngster." This paragon of virtue is quite likely to pop up just as often in person, when you least expect it. "Darling, I have to cancel our date for the theater tonight. I'm driving Mother out to the country for a few days." To put it mildly, the Cancer man may be reluctant to dethrone Mama and crown you as his new queen. He's a terribly domesticated crab, for all his occasional stirrings of wanderlust, and if his mother made his home cozy, he'll be in no hurry to leave it. Cancerians are either very, very close to their mothers or completely alienated from them. The relationship is never casual. Those who don't revere the maternal parent are either adopted, or jealousy of the father's place in the mother's affection has caused an emotional block. Then there can be an unnatural coldness and isolation.
With the typical crab, however, the problem is far more likely to be closeness. There's no use hiding the facts of life. If you're in love with this more common type of Cancerian, you'll have to cultivate his mother, and you'll have to be her rival while you're showering her with compliments. It's not easy to cultivate and compete at the same time, but that's the strategy you'll need. Don't ever let her get the edge on cooking and homemaking. Let her teach you how to bake lemon chiffon pie. He'll like that -you two girls getting along so nicely. Then turn around and do a brilliant beef Stroganoff on your own. Be sure to spoil him at least as much as she does, and that may be a lot. He's probably grown accustomed to being considered the apple of her eye. Being fussed over, fed regularly, catered to, hovered over when he's sick, and tucked in bed tenderly at night can turn him into a mighty sweet crab. Cancer men will never admit it, but they love to be petted and babied by females.
There are certain traits, however, which can even up the score in your relationship. For one, he'll be a pretty good chef himself. He may surprise you with his ability to whip up a gourmet meal. When this man invites you to come up to his apartment for dinner, he's usually quite serious. Even if he asks you to look at his etchings, there may be no ulterior motive. The typical Cancerian male is a devotee of the finer things in life. In plain talk, he diga culture. For all you know, he may actually own some rare etchings or at least a fabulous record collection. You're fairly safe in risking an unchaperoned trip to his rocky cave, because the typical lunar man is the soul of gallantry with women. Hell usually be a gentleman until you stop being a lady. It's the way they did it in Grandma's day, and to him, those were the good old days. (That's proba–bly Grandma's photograph on the mantel.) Ask him about his family tree. He'll love to tell you. Most Cancerians delight in their backgrounds and their blood lines. He likea old things, from Grandma herself to that Eighteenth Cen–tury fruitwood table he bought the first time he went to Europe.
If he asks to take your picture, don't grab your babushka and run. Photography is a common lunar hobby, and few Cancer males live their lives without at least one camera. Of course, he could have Venus in Scorpio or a Leo Moon, so maybe it would be more discreet to check his natal chart before you agree to anything. Whatever it is, just say, "I'd love to, dear, but do you mind if I call my astrologer first? I'll need your birthday." If he thinks you're jesting, you can straighten that out right away. Just tell him that J. P. Morgan seldom made a move in the stock market without consulting astrologer Evangeline Adams, who was the granddaughter and great-granddaughter of John Quincy Adams and John Adams. The combination of both history and money will open his eyes wide with interest.
The Cancer man may go for quite a spell without inviting you to see either his etchings or his fruitwood table. Al–though he may engage in light flirtations, it may be many years before he becomes seriously enamoured, because it isn't easy for him to find a woman he feels is worthy of his interest. When he finds her, he'll be beautifully senti–mental, and he'll lavish her with gifts and admiration. But his standards are high. Not every girl can meet them. Most crabs are afraid of being burned, and not without cause. A mismatched alliance which would cause only a few sad weeks of readjustment for the average man can be a dis–aster to the crab. When something separates him from a partner he's allowed himself to get close to, he can carry a torch for many years.
He's naturally shy of rushing in, but once he's sure, he won't be easily rebuffed. Cancerians can play the role of the romantic lover artfully. After he's declared himself, and has some hope of winning you, his timidity will switch to tenacity overnight, and you'll find yourself being courted by an earnest, determined man who won't take no as an answer for any proposal he has in mind. He's likely to stuff himself in your mailbox (figuratively, of course), camp on your doormat and monopolize your phone. It's hard to slide away from the grip of the crab. You probably won't want to, of course. Lots of girls are looking for a moonlit world like his to dream in, where someone will hold them tightly and protect them from the big, bad wolf at the door.
Now that you know he's not a sloppy dresser or a spend-thrift, that he can probably cook like a dream, has excellent taste, is looking for an old-fashioned girl like the girl who married dear old dad, and that he can be a cooing lovebird (when he's not in a snappy mood), what other information could you possibly need? How is he as a father? That's the best news of all. Cancerians are all mothers at heart. Even the men.
What I really mean to say is, he'll be a fine parent, be–cause of the same caring, gentle, sympathetic, and under–standing nature you fell in love with yourself. He'll have infinite padence with the children, be genuinely interested in every mashed toe, broken toy and toothache. Hell wear a paper hat at their birthday parties, be a pied piper for all the kids on the block, and spend countless hours entertain–ing the little people. Cancer dads are proud of their sons and fiercely protective of their daughters. When they're small, he'll be just the grandest daddy you could imagine. However, adolescence may chum up the water somewhat. He'd like his loved ones to lean on him forever, and when they show signs of independence, he may become a cranky crab again for a period, as he rebels against their desire to experiment with the world outside.
Hell pace the floor until he wears a hole in the carpet when young Henry has the car out after midnight or when pretty Lucy stays at the dance past her curfew. Remember how figures impress him? Use plain ar thmetic to make him see the error of his ways. "It's like this, dearest. Right now
we have two children. When they get married, we might have six or eight grandchildren, like dividends at the bank. :
Six or eight adds up to more happiness than two, right?" (You have him there.) "I'm so glad you agree, luv. Now will you please tell us where you hid Lucy's wedding gown, and will you please take those handcuffs off Henry so he can pick up his marriage license?" Don't try it dur–ing a full Moon. He might misunderstand. Besides, no Cancerian can think straight when the lunar vibrations are strong. It's hard for him to give up control, but when he's reminded that he still has you to cling to, his grip will
Well, that's all in the future. Your immediate problem is to entice your crab to move directly toward a proposal soon, instead of cleverly dodging from side to side and skirting the issue. You might try pretending you're leaving him for a bolder, cave man type. Usually the crab will stop his backward direction when the object-that's you -shows signs of getting away. But that requires scouting around for another man to wake him up. And that can be a real bore, since he watches you so closely.
The easiest way to get him in the mood to take hold tightly and stop playing scrabble every night is to work on his emotions, which are always right below the surface of his adding machine mind. Music, poetry, flowers, beautiful clothes, expensive perfume sparingly used, soft words and sweet caresses are all weapons which should mow down his weak resistance to romance. Don't overlook that direct line between his heart and his stomach. Cut out baby pictures from magazines, leave your sewing machine out in full view, take up the hems of your skirts an extra inch, and baby him a little. Wear one of those bracelets made of foreign coins. That will strike two sensitive chords-travel to faraway shores-and cash. One night he'll impulsively ask you if you'd like to meet his mother. The very next morning feel perfectly safe to order your invitations and your trousseau. You will have won the heart of a moody lunar man with a thousand secret dreams-and the ap–proval of his best girl. Then you can "sail away for a year and a day" and "dance by the light of the moon" while you "eat with a runcible spoon." Bon voyage! Don't forget-never throw away his battered old hat, his torn tennis shoes, his stamp collection or his grade school report cards. They're his treasures. Be sure to take your umbrella along. There will be some damp nights. May I say that you look beautiful in your chinchilla? But of course. A woman is beautiful only when she is loved-and you are.
The CANCER Woman
. . . Echoes fade and memories die:
Autumn frosts have slain July.
Still she haunts me, phantomwise, Alice moving under skies Never seen by waking eyes.
There's so doubt about it. In the beginning, you'll have trouble deciding if your Cancerian girl is a gentle moon maiden or a wild loony-bird. In the end, you still won't know.
During the rainy season, she'll drown you in her sorrows. When the sun peeks through the clouds again, she'll double you up with laughter, and touch you with tenderness. Experiencing her moods is like watching one of those old-time silent movies where hysterical slapstick humor comes on just before the Perils of Pauline thriller, and the entire show is backed by the tinny piano in the pit Sometimes the tune is lively and gay; then it gets mel–ancholy and blue. The music is variable, to suit the occa^ sion, never stagnant or monotonous. So it is with the Cancer girl. She's just a little mad, slightly sad and superb–ly imaginative. She also knows how to save the shekels.
Naturally, you can't look under her mattress until after you've married her. Modesty is a thing with her. But you can safely make a bet she probably has an old sock there, stuffed with green bills and silver coins. She may have an extravagant ascendant or Moon sign, but even so, she'll' have a quarter or two stuck under the potted azalea, or salted away in the folds of that lace tablecloth she got for her birthday ten years ago and still hasn't ever used. Open One of her books of poetry, and a wrinkled dollar bill may fall out, blinking at the light of day. A Cancer female can go on a sudden spending spree when she's been hurt and needs balm for her injured ego, but most of the time her outgo will lag considerably behind her income. Your sav–ings account may be of unusual interest to her, and money may be one of her favorite topics of conversation. She won't look down on you if you don't have it, so long as you're the kind of man who tries to get it. She'll help you make it and save it, but you're on your own when it comes to wasting it. Don't go too far, or she'll see your mutual security slipping away. When you give this girl a terribly expensive gift, and she says, "You shouldn't have done it," let me tell you, she means it.
To take her mind off insurance, mortgages, rent, bills and her Christmas club balance at the bank, bundle her off to the seashore at midnight for a walk in the moonlight. That's when shell be at her best. The Moon will pull out all her secret dreams, and the nearness of the water may loosen her four hundred and three inhibitions. You're liable to see her whole range of emotions in the space of an hour. Then you can choose the one you like the best and en–courage her to cultivate it. A strange transformation will take place when you get the typical Cancerian girl alone on a beach under a full Moon. That cool and reserved lady you see in the daytime, or even the giggly, outrageous flirt you notice on an occasional evening in a restaurant or theater, will suddenly become a creature from another world when the magnetic rays of the Moon shine in her eyes and the compelling sound of the surf fills her ears. She'll turn into a sea nymph, who can soar with you as far as your imagination can reach. It will work nine times out of ten, and the tenth time you probably picked a new Moon. That won't accomplish the same purpose. She'll be shy and sweet when the Moon is waning but what you really want is a Moon that's full enough to arouse all her latent talents. Under its spell, at the right time in her personal ebb and flow of emotions, she can write a poem, compose a song or tear the veil off mysteries the philoso–phers have pondered for centuries. Naturally, she makes an interesting conversationalist at these times. To say the very least.
You should know that there are two distinctive ap–proaches when a Cancerian female is in love with you. The first is gentle and womanly, shy, modest and pleasantly trembly. The second is rather sticky. This last type will use every trick of Eve to sit as close as possible to you in the booth. It can be very exciting, of course, if you really care for her. But if you're just being friendly, and she deliberately squeezes your hand or busses you on the cheek just as the girl you found at the end of the rainbow walks by, the game may lose some of its flavor. You can go along with the gag, but I know one man who did, and the other girl, who was for real and didn't play games, kept on walk–ing. He was left with a clinging crab with a fit of the giggles. This kind of Cancerian woman can be a real threat to true love and happy homes. Fortunately, she is in the minority. Still, even one can cause a lot of trouble.
As you know from the other Sun signs, few women are perfect. The Aries girl is always running around hailing her own taxis and butting her head against brick walls, the Sagittarius girl is shockingly outspoken, the Scorpio girl can frighten you, Gemini can be fickle, Leo too proud- and so on. Cancer women ordinarily have none of these faults.
Nevertheless, there are some "don'ts" to remember with her. She hates to be criticized, she is deeply wounded by ridicule, and she just can't stand being rejected. One, two, three. They're basics. Seldom openly aggressive, the typical Cancerian hesitates. You'll have to make the first move. If she moves anywhere at all, it will be backwards or side–ways. With her basically shy nature and fear that she won't be accepted, she echoes .the male of the Sun sign. I know of a Cancer woman and a Cancer man who, for seven hours, sat close to each other one night in her apart–ment, under the pretense of looking at magazines. While their pulses pounded silently, they went through a stack of back issues, the morning and evening papers, and worked a few crossword puzzles. Neither crab, you see, wanted to make the first move.
Be kind to her mother, or she'll never forgive you. Mother is a lady she won't like to see abused. The Cancer girl's sense of humor doesn't react favorably to mother-in-law jokes. And never read her five-year-diary. It proba–bly has a lock and key, anyway. Cancerians like to keep secrets. They're not much for true confessions, unless you're the one doing the confessing.
The fears of your lunar lovely can really hang you up, along with her. She's afraid she isn't pretty enough, she isn't smart enough, she isn't young enough or she isn't old enough. It makes no difference if she has a figure like Venus de Milo, a face like Helen of Troy and a mind like Aristotle: she'll still feel inadequate. Assure her that she's young, she's lovely, she's engaged, and she has you. About twenty times a day should begin to make a dent. Her moods will change on the average of four times a month, with each quarter Moon plus minor fluctuations twice a day- reflecting the tides. She's sort of predictable in an un–predictable kind of way. It may make her fascinating and mysterious, but so doggone aggravating youll feel like whacking her. During one of her blue spells, she may even be afraid she's not a good cook, which is utterly ridiculous, because the typical Cancerian woman can make a French chef look like the mess sergeant you had at boot camp. This woman isn't an automatic can opener or a frozen food fan. She would rather shell her own peas and bake her own biscuits. Her casseroles are sensational, her potatoes are fluffy, her vegetables are crisp and crunchy, and she tops it all off with heavenly strawberry jam. Cancer women are very friendly with their ovens. The kitchen will be her favorite room by far (next to the nursery). She'll fuss over you like a mother hen, and you'll probably love it.
Most men do.
In addition to the obviously unjustified fear about her culinary skill, she may be afraid you don't love her enough. That should be easy for any red-blooded male to remedy. Go ahead and prove it-as often as you like. She'll be beautifully receptive. Once you've turned on the green light, she'll happily recognize the signal, which may re–move her feelings of inadequacy, but which creates a new problem. Truthfully, after you've won the Cancerian fe–male, she may be just a little tenacious-like, she'll never let go of you as long as she lives. That's not bad. There »re men who starve for such loyalty. You'll never starve for either food or affection when you've been lucky enough to win her kind of love. The loony laugh that accompanies it can be kind of kicks, too. Her rich humor is even warmer and dearer when you think of all the sarcastic sirens with their cynical wit and hypocritical laughter.
It's brutally unfair to toy with the heart of this girl, because shell love, honor, obey and nag you a little with sincere devotion. Why encourage such rare love unless you mean to reciprocate with equal ardor? Remember her tenacity. You may only be flirting lightly, but you'll have a hard time calling the end of the inning. She won't hear the whistle. There's nothing shallow or superficial about the sentiments of a Cancer woman. When she owns a man or a teacup, it's hers forever.
She may not overwhelm your friends with her vivacity and sparkling flattery, but she won't fail to impress you with her charm. July women prefer to save their deepest emotions for people closest to them. After you've dated other girls and compared them to her, you may go running right back to your female crab, and beg her to hang on again. Tightly.
The trickiest aspect in handling her is to keep her from crawling into the always handy, tough Cancerian shell. Her feelings are so sensitive and tender, the slightest un–intentional remark can wound her harshly. It's hard to know when she'll suddenly become vulnerable to hidden meanings. You could waltz in some night and say, "Your hair looks gorgeous," and she'll get a tear in her eye. Why? Because you insinuated her hair looked frightful the last time you saw her. Cancer women can be quite touchy. They cry a lot. Always have a fresh handkerchief ready.
Females born under the sign of the crab aren't neces–sarily stingy, but they have this little habit of saving things. You could say it's a downright compulsion. She'll seldom throw away pieces of string, buttons, jars, cans, husbands, or old dress patterns. Who are you to say she won't find a purpose for those torn theater stubs, faded love letters and used tea bags? Someday in the unpredictable future, she may need the burned-out fuses she keeps in the drawer with those broken Christmas ornaments. Don't ask her how she's going to find a use for two hundred stockings and gloves, long divorced from their mates. She will, she will! This isn't the girl to take kindly to someone who burns a hole in the heirloom bedspread her great-aunt Matilda quilted. Everything has a sentimental value, in–cluding canceled checks from 1952 and her old Girl Scout badges. She treasures the things she owns and guards them jealously. That, of course, includes you. She's not so much jealous as possessive. There's a shade of difference.
Women born under the fire signs may strain and protest against life's delays and disappointments, but the Cancer girl usually feels nothing can be changed or overcome by getting all stirred up. When things don't go her way, she may shed a few quiet tears alone, but her normal reaction will be to fold her hands serenely and wait patiently for things to right themselves. Patience is one of her loveliest virtues. When she's depressed, however, youll have to find a way to take her out of herself. Try to catch her be–fore she has burrowed too deep. She does have a way of wanting to be babied. The desire to be a little spoiled by loved ones seems to be buried deep in the Cancerian nature. She needs desperately to know you can't live with–out her. and sometimes shell go to great lengths to arouse your pity and protective instincts, just to be assured she means a lot to you. It's really very little for her to ask, when she gives so much in return. But don't be fooled by her weakness during these episodes. That helpless little baby who seeks your big, strong arms to keep out the cold, cruel world is perfectly able to manage by herself, if she must. In the middle of a quarrel, when your lunar girl looks up at you with her eyes all wet and dewy and frightened, remember that after you leave and are safely around the corner, she's likely to dry her eyes, put a stack of records on the player, and calmly clean out her closets. Of course, you can't rule out the times when her depres–sion is real, instead of a typical Cancerian bid for sympathy. Those nights you'd better stay, listen to the music with her, and hold her hand tenderly.
There's no end to the heroic sacrifice a Cancer woman will be capable of for those she loves. The bravery she can't seem to muster for herself and her own fears is there shining when someone close needs her to be strong. She'll never let you down when things get really dismal, and then she'll remind you more of a gigantic, rugged rock than a fragile, silvery moonbeam. Her children will also find her a tower of strength and refuge. She'll help them find their way with sensitive understanding. They'll cling to her, and the warmth of her love will make their home as rich and comfortable and bright as a palace, even if it's a shack. You might suffer a slight loss of attention when the babies come along. Cancer rules motherhood, you know. There will still be room for you, but you'll have to move over a few inches. (A childless Cancerian woman will love an animal or her friends with her stored up ma–ternal affection, and the pets and pals will be fortunate.) Like baby birds, her youngsters will probably be fed every time she finds their mouths open, and always the food will be hot and nourishing.
Nothing is too good for her family. When a child sneezes, he'll get plopped into bed with medicines, hot tea and chicken broth until he gets old enough to resist. The offspring of a Cancer mother won't get away without wear–ing his thick sweater on a cold night, his scarf and mittens in the snow or his galoshes in the rain. A child has to have lots of will power to fight the crab's protective solici–tude. He has to be pretty tough not to get spoiled, too. It's often quite a jolt when he goes out into the world and finds out he's not the center of everyone's universe. Such complete dedication and devotion can give him a wonderful featherbed of security to fall back on when life gets too real, but it can also make him abnormally dependent on home ties, and unable to see his own faults. It's often im–possible to tell whether a Cancer mother ties her children to her apron strings or they choose to tie the knot them–selves. She'll save every spelling test paper, proudly hang clumsy crayon drawings on the wall and tenderly wrap baby shoes in tissue paper. Those little wrinkled bits of white kidskin are precious, because the lunar parent with her clear, photographic memory will recall a child's first steps long after he's flown away from the nest. The flight itself may be painful. Cancer women are reluctant to give up their youngsters to the ties of marriage. They tend to hang on too hard and too long, and think no one is good enough for them. Sometimes, the potential bride or groom of a man or woman with a July parent has to pass every–thing but the ink blot test to get approved.
I once knew a Cancer mother who used to meet her small son every day after school. He would always come bursting through the door like a jet-propelled rocket, and immediately run furiously around the schoolyard a few times before he came near her. Once, when she was ac–companied by her sister, the aunt started to go after the little boy, but the Cancer mother stopped her. "No, let him be," she said quietly. "He's just working off steam. He'll be back when he's through running." Finally her son walked over to her, took her hand and said, "Let's go home. Mom. I'm hungry."
That sums up the whole attitude of the lunar female toward all forms of love, and most of all toward her m arriage. It's her strange brand of possessiveness that's unshakable, but never aggressive. She knows, in her secret heart, that no matter how far away you go to follow your dream, youll always come back again and she'll be there patiently waiting. Her eyes will still be beautiful with the Moon magic you remember, the kitchen will smell deli-ciously of warm spices, and she'll ask you how things went, how you feel. If things went badly and you feel miserable, shell tell a joke to get you to laugh. Then she'll fill your stomach, and after you're relaxed, she'll gently smooth away your worries with her sensible advice and her rich humor. Later, in the firelight, you'll look at her serene face and ask yourself all over again, "Is she really a Moon maiden from some misty garden or a lovable loony bird?" But the answer won't seem very important.
The CANCER Child
Dear, dear, haw queer everything is today! And yesterday things went on just as usual.
Write it down so you'll remember it and not be surprised every day of your life: your Cancer baby will change his moods as frequently as you change his diaper. It's a strange new world for the lunar infant. He'll be fascinated by delicious things to eat and drink, and he'll love all the colorful pictures which pass before his sharp little eyes, and impress themselves on his indelible memory. What he experiences will never leave him. When he's old and gray, your Cancerian boy or girl will remember every feeling and emotion, and be able to give it back as an exact image.
One of the dearest Cancerian women I ever knew was born in Europe, and when she was ill, she would sing every word of the Russian lullabies she had heard as a child, even though she came to America almost half a century ago. Most of us would be lucky if we remembered the tune or words to "Rockabye Baby."
From breakfast until bedtime, the busy mind of the Cancerian child will be recording what he sees and hears.
It's difficult for worldly adults to follow him up his Moon mountain of dreams or go beside him as he wades in the streams of his luminous imagination. His emotions are rich, colorful and varied, but for all that, he may be lonely.
Playing with lunar babies can be loads of fun. They're funny little creatures, with droll expressions and eyes that almost talk by themselves. Their features constantly eon-tort with tears, twist with a grimace or spread wide with smiles. It's interesting to watch those elastic expressions, but you may frequently wish you could predict when he's going to giggle, or get that faraway look in his eye as he listens to the curious music every Moon child hears.
These youngsters have more emotional needs that Pisces boys and girls. Much more than with any other children, the strongest influence on Cancerians is always the early home environment. From infancy through the teens, young crabs are tremendously dependent on the reactions of their parents and their brothers and sisters. Your lunar child may be too shy to express his real inner desires, but he secretly wants to be made over, cuddled and adored. If he doesn't get attention and approval from his family, relatives and friends, the rejection can simply crush him. I have a close friend who was born in July. Late one night in her kitchen (where else?), we were talking about her childhood.
She told me, "When I was a little girl in grade school, my parents gave me ten or fifteen cents a week to spend. But I never spent it. I saved it, so I could give a prize."
"For what?" I asked her.
A wistful look passed across her wonderfully mobile features. "Well, I used to offer fifty cents at the end of each month to the friend who treated me the nicest."
At first I was amused, and started to remind her of all tfae candy and treats she had missed by passing out her entire allowance for kind treatment, but something in her eyes changed my mind.
Although your young Cancerian may briefly turn into a rebel without a cause in adolescence, during his tender years the little crab is usually easy to manage and dis–cipline. His inner life is very real to him, and he'll happily play by himself for many hours. He may even have an invisible playmate called something like Boris or Betty, who helps him make mud pies, plant imaginary flowers or play cowboy and Indian. The make-believe Boris or Betty are always well-behaved and courteous. They will always let the Cancer youngster win, and they'll give in to his desire to be a gentle leader without a murmur. Sometimes these imaginary playmates will disappear for weeks at a time, but they'll return as soon as a real, live neighbor–hood chum or schoolmate wounds those little lunar feel–ings or bosses the Moon child around too much. As docile and quiet as most Cancerians are. Cancer is a cardinal Sun sign of leadership. Despite their tender emotions and gentle manners, they are not followers. There's a great deal of independent thinking and individualism.
If your offspring follows the pattern of most July chil–dren, he'll get his way and be slightly spoiled around the edges. It's the squeaky hinge that gets the most oil. He won't exactly squeak, but he can get mighty weepy when he's ignored or treated harshly. Talk about tears! A Moon child can cry rivers and flood a room. It's as if someone left the kitchen spigots running. If all that dampness doesn't get him the tender sympathy he must have for healthy emotions, the little Cancerian boy or girl will grow up into a dry-eyed adult with a barren heart, unable to give or receive love easily-seeking solitude, forming very few warm friendships-and become a recluse in old age.
When such a sensitive little crab is in your care, it's really urgent to laugh and cry with him and to calm his fears. Hell have a whole passel of them. Your own. lunar child may not have each one on the list, but he's sure to have quite a few. He can be afraid to go to sleep in the dark without a soft night light, afraid of fire and matches, afraid of fast cars and loud noises. He can fear strangers, large animals, bright lights, food he's never tasted before, lightning and thunder.
Lots of young loony-birds get the blues when it rains. A spring or fall shower can do strange things to the inner nature. It can make him suddenly want to write a poem, paint a picture or make music. At other times, it can cause him to hide his frightened little head under the bedspread, while his bottom half protrudes and trembles visibly.
This child requires much emotional empathy to develop his fine, loving, artistic and creative qualities. If it is given wholeheartedly in his formative years, it will help him grow into a patient, generous, quietly confident and open-hearted adult. If attentive understanding is denied him, his natural compassion and gentleness may be warped and twisted into self-pity and bitter, silent brooding. Fear, unless coped with early, can become illogical prejudice and hatred. Little crabs who have been stunted in their emotional growth sometimes turn into suspicious snappers, often revengeful and even suicidal. At best, these moody, un–happy men and women lead sad, uneventful lives, unless they make a dramatic decision to bury themselves in build–ing a financial empire or developing a latent talent. Either one can mercifully replace the love and affection withheld from the gentle lunar heart when it was the most vulnerable -in childhood.
It can't be emphasized enough that these sensitive chil–dren can imagine hurts or slights, and dream up a rejection which never existed. Special care has to be taken to con–vince them that they're good, smart, pretty, handsome, loved and wanted. Many parents sense this, which is why lots of little crabs are pampered so much at home that they get quite a shock as adults when they discover the world takes a cool, disinterested view of their personal desires. No wonder so many Cancerians fondly remember Mama and practically build a shrine to her as they grow older. No one else will ever again care quite so much. The big question with a Moon child is always whether to be overly firm and warp him, or overly permissive and spoil him. Finding the middle road is never easy, and the problem can keep you up a few nights. The keyword is: relax. Love usually finds the way. The best formula is a good old-fashioned spanking when he needs it, with plenty of hugs and kisses and lots of physical expressions of affection at all other times.
Teachers normally find the Cancerian boys and girls whizzes in history. They seldom forget dates or events. That's because, thanks to their mirror-like sensitivity, they can read about something that happened years ago, and almost believe they were there. If Paul Revere, Thomas Jefferson, or Abraham Lincoln themselves could return and tell their stories, they probably wouldn't be recounted with much more color than the typical young Cancerian uses when he discusses the happenings of the dim and dusty past. It's as if they actually saw the Battle of Lex-ington, the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the shot fired on Fort Sumter. There's hardly a detail they can't imagine. It's easy to see why so many of these sensi–tive boys and girls go on the stage, become creative photographers or follow a distinguished career in music or art. Instructors of the young lunar mind may now and then complain of stubbornness or daydreaming, but it's not often that either failing becomes pronounced enough to be really troublesome. There may be some exaggerating. The boy may describe the ordeal of being attacked in the woods by a dangerous bear to explain some scratches caused by a fall from his own front porch. The girl may give a sad recital of how she was locked out with no supper by cruel parents, after what was only a mild argument with her family. But a few tall tales can be expected when you consider the strong mental impressions created by reading adventure stories with the lunar imagination. When there's real heartache, instead of make-believe tragedy, the typical Cancerian child will normally remain quiet and decline to speak about it. There's an old Chinese proverb: "He who is really hurt-doesn't talk."
Like the Libran child, happy Cancerian youngsters can run up the family food bill to fantastic proportions and soothing hurt feelings caused by the nickname Fatty is common. If there's a lot of brooding or nervousness, the nickname may be Skinny. It's best to bypass all nicknames with Moon children. They should never be teased.
Most young crabs look forward to working for pay, and they'll scour the neighborhood for odd jobs. Your Cancer child will begin early to cut grass, sweep leaves and babysit. He'll return bottles for refunds, help hang out the laundry, assist the trash men, sell lemonade at the curb, or anything else he can think of that will make his pockets jingle. The pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters-and finally the dollars he makes will be carefully accounted for, and a good portion of them saved. After a while, you may be able to save some yourself-on his allowance. He'll probably sup–ply his own spending money sooner than other children, and be proud of it. You'll find him easy on your pocket-book in many ways. These children often work their way through college. The boys will have a healthy curiosity about the business world. The girls will be efficient in cash matters, too, but they'll also spend lots of time with their dolls and baking brownies, practicing for their future careers as mothers.
The Cancer child will keep you amused with his jokes and his contagious laugh. He can make funny faces that look like Halloween masks, and he sees the humor in every facet of the human parade as it passes. Give him, if pos–sible, a little plot of earth he can call his own, where he can plant things with his green thumb and watch them grow. He'll be tenderly concerned with relatives who are ill, financial emergencies in the family, and the difficulties of his friends and neighbors. Lunar youngsters love books about heroic people who braved hardships to do great deeds, and they'll be especially gentle and sympathetic with animals. But if they feel cruelly treated themselves, they may pass on the cruelty, or rather, reflect it to others smaller than themselves in a sort of "kick the cat" pro–gression. Young crabs can live up to the name and be quite crabby, but such moods seldom last more than a few hours, before they're replaced by a lovable loony grin.
As you turn off the lamps at bed time, you may wonder, as all parents do about a day in the not too far distant future when the little head that keeps popping up "for one more drink of water" will be missing. The house will be still then, and empty of his alternating tears and laughter, after the funny, imaginative little crab crawls away to raise his own family. Will he forget? Not if he was born in late June or July. Years can go by, and he may sail on distant seas, but you can keep his bean bag-the one he gave you that Saturday afternoon you quarreled-on his dresser. And you can leave her rag doll in its place on the window seat. Your Moon child will come home again ' many times throughout every tomorrow-to meet old mem–ories and return to the past. No matter how many miles separate him from yesterday, anywhere he lives is always handy to home. Keep the cookie jar full
"You see," he went on after a pause, "ifs as -well to
be provided for everything. That's the reason the horse has all those anklets
around his feet." "But what are they for?" Alice asked, in a tone of
great curiosity. "To guard against the bites of sharks," the Knight
After learning about the Cancerian sense of humor, you may have the impression that the office of a Cancer boss is a real fun place, with everything except confetti and a sommelier to serve champagne. The employees will all be straight men, and the lunar executive is the stand-up comic with the clever one-liners. It will be like going to work in a nightclub every day. Well, no-not exactly.
If you work for a TV or movie funnyman, all that just might apply. Anywhere else, you'd best dust the confetti off your shoulder, straighten your tie and forget the jokes. The serious, hard-working Caneerian executive doesn't go for hilarity on the job. His working humor can consist of anything from laughing at an over-confident competitor falling on his face to a faint chuckle when you ask him to double your salary before you have proved yourself. Both of these situations will strike his funny ribs and bring a wide grin. Nothing else will arouse much mirth or many giggles. The humor is still there, beneath his crisp business face and his snow-white collar, but it will be used sparingly on the job. Most of his laughs at work will be saved for the human comedy of errors, or to ease someone's nervous–ness, and the tone will usually be kindly. Seven hours and fifty-nine minutes out of every eight working hours, how–ever, will be humorless, even grim.
I don't mean to frighten you into thinking he's Simon Legree (though there are a few Cancerian bosses of that type scattered around the world). It's just that your job under a Cancer boss will be more secure if you see that your trousers are creased, your hair is parted neatly, and your brain is operating at a sharp level than if you tell a few fast ones, happily trying to play second banana. The top banana you're trying to impress is off duty in the humor mill while he sits behind that polished mahogany desk, with his mother's picture on one side, and the group picture of his family on the other. Can you imagine what would have happened to a member of Calvin Coolidge's cabinet if he pulled the one about "who was that lady I saw you with last night" in the middle of a meeting? I know an employee who made a serious error in quoting a shipping date to a valued client. When his Cancerian superior called him in for an accounting, prepared to be kind, he cheerfully said, "Boss, I sincerely regret my stupidity, and if you'll give me a couple of days, I'm sure I can come up with several excellent excuses!" He would have been a scream in old-time vaudeville, but he got the hook from his unamused Cancer employer.
Hopefully, you will profit from the large egg that em-i ployee laid at his last performance. The Cancer boss is in | business for one purpose only. To make money. Period. I Money. It's made of green and black printed paper, and | it has different numbers in the upper comers, signifying ! how much power, prestige, and luxury it will buy. You trade it for hard work. The harder you work, the more pieces of this green and black printed paper you get and the larger the numbers are in the upper comers. That's his philosophy, in a crab shell. It would be wise to make it yours.
So you think he's a little stuffy, do you? Maybe if he re–laxed more, and stopped being so strict about goofing off, -and created a friendlier atmosphere, he would not only be more successful, he would be happier, too. Has that oc–curred to you? Glance at a copy of Who's Who in Com–merce and Industry. The summer birthdays will be the heaviest, and July will top them all. Then take another look at the names of the Cancerians at the end of "How to Recognize" this Sun sign. He must be doing something right.
Whatever business he is in, the Cancer boss is really in his element when it comes to trading-from horses to stocks-and anything in between. He is a past master at figuring out what people want and supplying it at a sub–stantial profit.
The lure of cash may even have taken him away from the education he wanted, and he became a self-made man. It not, then you can safely wager a month's paycheck that, while he was in college he was working part-time and setting a little moola aside. What am I saying, college? This man probably had his first employment at the age of six or seven, going to the comer store to get milk or bread and charging his doting mother two cents for the trip. Ask him when he began his first salaried job. You'll probably get quite a shock. But it will increase your status with him. He'll respect you and make a mental note that you're thinking right. By the way, watch those mental notes he makes. He has a memory like an elephant. Cancer bosses seldom forget a thing. That includes what time you arrive, what time you leave and how many times you visit the washroom while you're there. But hell also remember the nights you stayed late and the time you worked all week–end to help him with an important contract, and you'll be justly, even generously, rewarded.
He may have inherited wealth and position, but the Cancer boss will seldom rest on his family's laurels. He has to prove he can stack up the gold pieces on his own. Still, he's not greedy. He's truly sympathetic and charitable, without being naive about it. To him, charity begins at home. His family comes first. Next, his business. After that, it's your turn-and everybody else's. No one can be as big-hearted and financially generous when the recipient is deserving, and when there's really nowhere else he can go for help. The crab will make his gesture then-and it • won't be small. Just remember that there's a wide berth between honest charity and rash speculation. He has a soft heart, but he doesn't have a soft head.
In reality, your Cancer boss is a deeply sensitive, gentle person, and basically insecure. Success calms many of his inner fears, and that's why he pursues it so devotedly. When he's hurt, and that may be far more frequently than you realize, he crawls into his hard shell. It's also a Cancerian defense when he doesn't get what he wants, and it often works to his advantage. People always feel sorry for a crab who has retreated inside his shell, and some–times they'll promise quite a bit to coax him back out.
There are lots of female Cancerian bosses, too. Almost every single Cancer woman you'll ever meet has worked at sometime in her life, is working now, or is bossing you now. She may be in love with love, but it will have a rival in her job that can win in a walk. She won't be happy with emotional security alone, even if she sometimes thinks she would. To all Cancerians, happiness is a twin-money and affection in equal measure. The female crab probably detests housework, anyway. Most Cancer women do. If you've heard differently, it's because of the attachment they have to the kitchen. Actually, these women would much rather compete in a man's world, with all their sensi-jtive feelings, than drudge through the daily routine of j sweeping and dusting and dusting and sweeping, with an i occasional mopping thrown in to relieve the monotony. | They hate to admit it, and their homes are usually pleasant | enough places, clean or messy, but they do dislike being ; housewives. The affection and protection that goes with it I is dandy, but the furniture polish they can do without In most ways, the women executives don't differ essentially from the men, with one exception. The girl crabs dont wear trousers and white shirts and ties. They wear gentle smiles to hide tender hearts and hard shell minds, usually topping it off with feminine and romantic clothing.
All Cancer bosses have a remarkable insight into your feelings. They'll understand everything you say with un–canny accuracy, and the unnerving part is that they're also perceptive enough to sense the meaning of the words you leave unspoken, so watch what you leave unspoken. Cancerians aren't really loners. They may act like it at times, when they're passing through a cranky or depressed mood, but they usually surround themselves with people. Solitude is fearful to most crabs, except to those who have sought it because of very deep wounds very early in life, and even they are miserable alone, though they may not consciously realize it.
It's good to work for a Cancerian executive. Youll Ie am more in one month from him than you will in a year from other bosses. The most important thing you'll learn is consideration. A Cancer boss drives a hard bargain, but he's fair while he's being shrewd. Playing a game of win or lose with the big guys who hold the blue chips is one thing. Taking advantage of the innocent is another.
I He's essentially a kind and decent man, who's moved to deep pity by both cruelty and misfortune. Courtesy and compassion aren't old-fashioned words to him. They are part of his gentleman's code. If your intentions are sin–cere, your motives are sound and your heart is honest, he'll back you through mistaken opinions and personal troubles.
The crab waits patiently and tenaciously, with both eyes wide open. His mind remains alert and practical, but his heart dreams, and the dreams are as magic as the moon–light that stirs him. They can take him on a glamorous, exciting trip around the world, or inspire him to build a towering industry that uses its excess profits to encourage scientific research which will help humanity. But every dream is built on a solid foundation. His poetry is beautiful, but it always makes sense.
As for that joke, make sure you tell it to him at lunch, not on company time. If it's about plain people and has a good point, hell laugh. Then you'll find out what he's really like. Watch his eyes, and you'll see that the lunar laugh is a bright and brave answer to inner fears and hurts that only the patient crab, with his gentle heart and tough shell, could dare to give.
The CANCER Employee
"And they drew all manner of things- everything that begins with an M- .. . such as mouse-traps, and the moon, and memory, and muchness. . . ."
It's always nice to have a Cancerian work for you, because he actually works for you. He doesn't work for glory or a misty chimera, and he doesn't stop by each day because he has a crush on the receptionist. He never thinks of his job as a way to express his ego or as an amusing way to pass the time between coffee breaks. He works for the simplest' reason in the world. Security. Meaning, of course, his pay-check.
You should understand immediately that a Cancerian paycheck must be made of elastic. It will have to gradually stretch bigger and bigger. As time goes on, and he gathers experience, proves his loyalty and shows his talents or abilities, he'll expect more money. His income must al–ways equal his output, and his output will steadily increase. The paycheck will have to match it or he'll be forced to do something completely against his nature-let go of his job and go elsewhere. It's never easy for the crab to let go of anything-toothbrushes, old get-well cards, shoe-strings, socks, girls, empty ball-point pens or jobs. He gets a firm grip and you can't pry him loose. Dependability and tenacity were the materials used in building his nature, and they were used with a lavish hand. They serve him well on his ambitious climb to success. He may shake and shiver and tremble a little on the way when the sharks ap–pear and his emotions are cut to the quick, but all that will be kept safely encased inside his tough shell of de–liberate purpose. Despite the crab's apparent gentleness, Cancer is a cardinal sign, which means Cancerians were born to take responsibility-to lead, not be led. They'll accept discipline from the boss with calm docility while it's necessary, but never forget what's behind their willingness to follow orders gracefully. When the crab obediently serves, he's really serving his own secret purposes. His job happens to represent an important brick in the large edifice he's building. As soon as the sturdy structure is completed, he will take over and rule. In other words, he is aiming for an executive position. It never leaves his mind for an instant. It's best you keep it in yours also, for obvious reasons.
His motivation in laying those bricks with such strong mortar is seldom a desire for power. Prestige doesn't goad him on, as it does the Capricorn, the goat, nor ego, as it does Aries, the ram. He's driven to accumulate cash and an unshakable position of authority for different reasons. Cancerians need the security of knowing that all their tomorrows are safe, so they can finally relax and live where their hearts are-in yesterday. That takes money. Antiques are expensive. So are huge, old houses and luxurious dinners, served graciously. Collecting old autographs requires a lot of cash, too, and handsome frames to hold portraits of ancestors aren't cheap. Good hi-fi sets for classical music cost plenty of dimes. Besides, the Can–cer employee may need ubstantial sums to support rela–tives who have moved in during a troubled spell, or an offspring may be in need of more money for a variety of reasons. In addition, the crab has a multitude of fears, both real and imaginary. They form a complicated network of nagging self-doubts and feelings of inadequacy, which authority and leadership will ease the way novocaine dulls pain.
He needs one more thing. Affection. Naturally, that's not your responsibility. Still, it helps to be aware of it. Some-day you may have to give him a squeeze of the hand and a speech of warm gratitude instead of a raise. It won't be a substitute for cash by any means, but it might make him decide to stay around a little longer. Appreciation is soothing to the Cancerian, but it will never completely re–place his sentimental attachment to his bank balance.
So don't go overboard and get into the habit of saying, "Rocky, old boy, I can't pay you the money you're worth now, but I love you madly." He may misunderstand your motive after a time or two. That is, he may think you're insincere. Be equally cautious with your female Cancerian employees. You could easily be misunderstood by them. The Cancer woman is shy and timid with strangers, but she recognizes a romantic signal from miles away with frightening speed. If she's single, you'd better hope you are, because she'll get that tender, possessive look in her eyes, and you'll have quite a time getting out of the noose. If she's married, she'll freeze you cold or snap at you until you're properly respectful. Give your lunar people love, but try to remain impersonal about it. I know that's like saying, "Hang your clothes on a hickory limb, but don't go near the water," but that's the way it is. The strategy is something you'll have to figure out for yourself.
Just as surely as Cancerian Stephen Foster wrote "My Old Kentucky Home," the symbol of home will enter the lives of these employees one way or another. Your lunar secretary's mother may drop by frequently to lunch with her daughter-and a female crab working responsibly as a clerk in a department store for years will walk out suddenly if her son is in trouble or ill, and needs her. That salesman who was born in July will enjoy a bit of travel, if he's a bachelor (as long as some one calls his mother every day while he's gone to see if she wants anything). But if he's married, he may not appreciate being sent out of town or being asked to sacrifice holidays at home for business emergencies.
If you have any Cancerian employees who are going through a separation or divorce, you have a problem on your hands that may disrupt your staff for weeks. They'll spread a cloud of gloom over the office. If it's a female, double your order of Kleenex for the powder room. There will be periods of moody weeping, and she may spend a lot of time in court. The judge will award her substantial alimony or else. If support money for children is involved, she may need a month off. Physical desertion is bad enough, but the threat of losing financial security will arouse every ounce of tenacity in her, and that's a lot of ounces. Crabs of both sexes take a broken home very hard. Your best bet about this Cancerian home fixation is to hang a poem on the wall of every office. "Home Is Where The Heart Is." Just beneath it, hang one of those arrangements of rare coins, on a background of lavender velvet, framed in sterling silver. Have you missed the point? They won't.
When there's something you want to discuss with the Cancer employee, and you want to put him in a receptive frame of mind, take him to lunch or dinner. Cancerians adore people who invite them for a meal. Not only does it mean he won't have to pick up the check, but food spells security in capital letters. Just watch his eyes light up. He may not be a big eater himself, but he's still more contented and peaceful when there's an abundance of food around. Be sure you take him to one of the finest restaurants in town. He'll love the luxury, since he's not paying the bill.
Cancerians are industrious workers. You can rely on them to be steady and reliable under all circumstances, except one. Cancer is a water sign, and people born under the three water signs enjoy liquids in all forms. If the aspects between the planets were afflicted at birth, one of these forms may be a hundred proof. The Cancerian with a drinking problem is rare, but if you should happen to come across a July-born employee who fills the air with the crazy lunar laugh too frequently, or who weeps melancholy tears continually, he may be enjoying some–thing stronger than Java on his coffee breaks. Don't form the opinion that every Pisces, Scorpio or Cancer person is a nipper. True, people born during these periods are more often found drowning their sorrows than others, but that's an overall statistic, covering millions of humans, and you can never use it when judging people individually. Most of the Cancerians you meet will be sober. In fact, they may be so sober you wish they would relax a little over a cocktail.
They take their work seriously, and themselves even more so. The lunar sense of humor is warm and wonderful, full of sensitive insight into human nature, but when some–one's wit hits a tender spot, the crab may be deeply hurt. It's best to let him make the jokes. With his kind heart and his sharp perception, it's unlikely that he'll wound anyone under the guise of comedy. The typical Cancerian employee won't scatter his punch lines during working hours on company time, but when you take him to dinner, he might keep you chuckling from the tomato juice through the cherries Jubilee. Crabs can be utterly fascinating con–versationalists, unless they're in a gloomy mood, in which case one word an hour, snapped out briefly, will be about par. They can pout beautifully. But they can also speak magnetically, and sway your emotions easily through their ability to play on people.
Cancerians feel things. No one can be more tender and sympathetic than a Cancer person when you need a friend, and no one can be crankier when they suspect someone is trying to take something from them, either emotionally or tangibly. When the bank statement doesn't balance, they may frown in sullen silence for hours afterwards, and if a crab thinks an associate is after his or her job, there can be some pretty childish behavior, as a prelude to a fight-to-the-death for possession and ownership. The victim may not even suspect war has been declared until the vic–tory has been won. Cancerians have more secrets than J. Edgar Hoover, James Bond and Sherlock Holmes com–bined. They seldom advertise their moves in advance, and they almost never reveal their true inner thoughts, except to those who are so close to them there's little chance the confidence will ever boomerang.
The crab does well in any position that lets him use his natural abilities. He's often successful in merchandising, trading, manufacturing and buying for large chains. The baking, canning, packing and distribution of foods attracts many a Cancerian. Art (painting or sculpting), design–ing and interior decorating, music, museums, writing, ac–counting, real estate, children's clothing, social work, acting and directing, photography, gardening, lecturing, teaching, banking, oil, commerce, shipping and politics are all typical Cancer careers. Managing hotels or restaurants, controlling theaters and arranging loans are also natural occupations for lunar people.
Your female Cancer employee loves babies, children, men, flowers, warmly heated offices, courtesy, romance, cooking, movies, books and money. She's sensitive, re–sponsive to kindness, responsible and extremely capable.
She's moody.
Your male Cancer employee loves babies, children, women, respect, admiration, warmly heated offices, cour–tesy, romance, cooking, movies, books and money. He's sensitive, responsive to kindness, responsible and extremely capable. He's moody.
Well, can you tell the difference between the boy and girl crabs on the beach? Both sexes are gentle and dreamy, yet as sensible and practical as red flannel underwear. You'll be glad you hired them when business takes you away from the office more than you like. They love to watch the store.
The Queen turned crimson with fury, and, after glaring at her for a moment like a wild beast, began screaming, "Off with her headi!
‘Tis the voice of Lobster’ I heard him declare,,
“You have baked me too brown, I must sugar my hair.”