A quincunx is present in a chart when two planets are 150 degrees from each other. Since this is one of the minor Aspects (there are nearly ten of them), an orb of influence of only one to three degrees is considered acceptable. This Aspect is also referred to as the inconjunct.
The planets involved in a quincunx do not share the same quality or element, as is the case with squares and trines. Rather, these are two planets with very little in common, and their celestial meeting can be uneasy as a result.
This Aspect, above all, demands that adjustments be made. Things will appear muted or unclear and one must resolve to gain some focus on the matters at hand. A reorganization of priorities, as well as a change in the way things are done, is wanting. A change in attitude, outlook and perspective can also be indicated. The individual must take a further cue from the planets and Houses involved in this Aspect to understand its energy fully.
Quincunxes often influence health and financial matters. It is also believed that this Aspect has karmic lessons to teach us. Along those lines, an extension of the quincunx is the Yod, also referred to as the 'Finger of God.' In this little-known configuration, considered the most fated in Astrology, two planets which are sextiling (a sixty-degree Aspect) each other are in communion with a third planet which rests opposite the midpoint of the sextile. These three planets would then form the letter 'Y' in the heavens (draw it for yourself and you'll see). The third planet, effectively at the bottom of the 'Y' figure, is the trigger point of the Yod. This very fated configuration adds great emphasis to the quincunx and speaks to significant lessons and issues to be overcome. Further, whenever a planet is transiting through the midpoint of the sextile segment of the Yod, the entire configuration is essentially on red alert. The burden is upon us to listen closely at this time, and to learn.
Aries-Virgo Taurus-Sagittarius
Cancer-Sagittarius Leo-Pisces
Aries-Scorpio Gemini-Scorpio
Cancer-Aquarius Pisces-Libra
Taurus-Libra Gemini-Capricorn
Leo-Capricorn Virgo-Aquarius
Yeah, I think they're major too actually, I just copied this off a website tho, and they have it as a minor one.. hmm