Hey! ok, well I will give you what I can about you from different sites I know.
Tropical Zodiac Standard time observed.
GMT: 16:40:00 Time Zone: 5 hours, 30 mins. East.
Lat. and Long. of birth: 22 N 43 75 E 50
House System: PLACIDUS
Positions and Data for Radha Radha:
Sun position is 12 deg. 39 min. of Taurus
Moon position is 7 deg. 19 min. of Leo
Mercury position is 18 deg. 34 min. of Aries
Venus position is 12 deg. 41 min. of Aries
Mars position is 20 deg. 33 min. of Aries
Jupiter position is 1 deg. 15 min. of Leo
Saturn position is 7 deg. 06 min. of Virgo
Uranus position is 19 deg. 16 min. of Scorpio
Neptune position is 20 deg. 03 min. of Sagittarius
Pluto position is 17 deg. 10 min. of Libra
Asc. position is 26 deg. 41 min. of Sagittarius
MC position is 7 deg. 26 min. of Libra
2nd cusp position is 28 deg. 43 min. of Capricorn
3rd cusp position is 3 deg. 27 min. of Pisces
5th cusp position is 7 deg. 11 min. of Taurus
6th cusp position is 2 deg. 48 min. of Gemini
Astroadvice.com Nine Star Ki
3 Tree/3 Tree People
You are compassionate, giving and kind to those who need your help. A strong individual who will always be looked up to because of the strength you convey through difficult times. You leave nothing to chance as you plan your actions and your life events with great care. You are heading down the road to success and will not stop until you reach your goals. You are an entrepreneur who know how to survive in a society that can be cruel.
You like to work independently of others in order to reach your highest potential. You are competitive, a thinker and a doer. One who needs little guidance. You are a leader not a follower and your mind is focused on the success you can acquire. You welcome a challenge and you shine when you are busy or backed into a corner with deadlines and problem solving. You are a great person to have on a team however you often work by yourself because you don't really need the help of others.
Money rules and you know just how to make it. You can wheel and deal with the sharp shooters and you will not back down until you've played your last card. You thrive on situations that require you to be competitive and adventurous. Taking a financial risk is part of the thrill of playing the game.
Love and Marriage
You are in love with the idea of being in love and you are extremely sexually driven when it comes to relationships. You live life in such a way that you don't do anything haphazardly. You are passionate in all that you do and that includes how you handle your relationships and your family.
Problems with liver, gall bladder, feet and your vocal system can be expected. You must not let yourself be too indulgent as balance will be the key to a healthy life.
Percentages at the end indicate how true this is for you.
Astroadvice.com Self-analysis
You are extremely disciplined, systematic and hard-working. Your patience is above normal. You always have a purpose in mind and hate to waste time doing things that lead nowhere. You tend to be quite serious. You focus on your goals and rarely deviate from your plans. (25%)
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You have original and unique ways to earn money. You are inventive and innovative and can come up with ideas that contribute to your chosen field. You work best within groups, organizations or corporations that can provide you with what you need to get your ideas off the ground. (25%)
You can make your money working in unusual fields. You need to be allowed to incorporate your creative and vivid imagination into your professional projects in order to be happy. Your unusual way of doing things will put you ahead of the competition. (89%)
You have intuitive insight when it comes to matters concerning your investments, work and your home environment. (91%)
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You are extremely emotional in your thoughts and your communication. Intuition plays a big role in the way you deal with others. You can be secretive about yourself and your ideas. You like to be alone when you need to produce work. (25%)
You are understanding and get along well with your siblings, relatives and neighbors. You are affectionate with your friends and family. You have a sensual quality to your body language. You love to take pleasure trips. (50%)
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You like to dominate your home. You will work hard to make everything perfect for your family, but you will also get angry if your efforts aren't appreciated. (25%)
You can be moody and difficult to get along with when dealing with family and loved ones. Discord in your home can be expected throughout life. You need to focus on home improvement projects that will keep you too busy to argue. (59%)
Aggressiveness at home and within your family. Your parents were disciplinarians. You risk having a fire where you reside. You enjoy doing your own renovations. (25%)
You will run your household in a unique manner. Money and other people's possessions will come to you through peculiar circumstances. Family secrets and hidden assets will come in handy throughout your life. (89%)
You will be drastically influenced by your family. You are subject to being abused or to abusing others. Anger must be controlled in order to avoid dangerous encounters. (15%)
You can be moody and difficult to get along with when dealing with family and loved ones. Discord in your home can be expected throughout life. You need to focus on home improvement projects that will keep you too busy to argue. (50%)
You will not reside far from your birthplace. You have a good relationship with your parents. You can work from your home. Family relations are based on intellectual stimulation . You can do well in real estate. (50%)
You can be a bit of a dreamer. You are well-versed and love to live out your fantasies. You run your home in an unusual manner. (84%)
You will have unsavory circumstances arise in your home and with partnerships. Joint money ventures are likely to end in disaster. (19%)
You're strongly influenced by family matters. You hold on to past memories. You have an interest in property investment and you like to work from your home. You will go back to your roots throughout life in order to find solutions to your present problems. (50%)
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You are sensual and romantic when it comes to affairs of the heart. You like to get involved in financial ventures that stand to make you a lot of money. You like the power and luxury that money can buy. You are proud of your children and their accomplishments. (25%)
You are a high-energy individual with great willpower and creativity. You are a leader and will always make decisions for your children or your friends when it comes to entertainment. You have strong beliefs and opinions, and you are likely to share them openly with others. (68%)
You love to live out your fantasies when given the chance. You are creative, intuitive and love unusual forms of entertainment. You attract friends who are peculiar or different in some way. You have a great imagination and you communicate well. (89%)
You can expect to have problems with associates or children. Your health will be in jeopardy if you are self-abusive or don't take proper care of yourself. (21%)
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You are extremely good at churning out work. Your ideas are sound and you have no problem initiating them. You are well-spoken, and admired by your peers. (25%)
You put a lot of effort into your work. You will be very skilled in your profession. You plan your actions carefully, and you execute your plans systematically. You are a perfectionist when it comes to your work. (69%)
You will use your intuitive awareness to get ahead in business. Your ability to know instinctively what to do will help you stay ahead of the competition. (90%)
You will have difficulties with co-workers and friends. You will experience setbacks due to underhanded tactics that associates try to pull on you. Be prepared for power struggles. (25%)
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You are very close to your partner and like to share every facet of life with them. You usually attract individuals who feel exactly the same way. You often work professionally with your spouse or lover. (25%)
You attract honorable and wealthy mates and partners. You have opportunities to meet people in high positions. You can win your legal battles. (50%)
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You like to be in control when it comes to financial matters. You want to be the one who decides who gets what, in any kind of joint venture. You have a strong constitution and will likely live to a ripe old age. (25%)
Your overactive mind is creating the most unusual dreams. You have fears but you aren't quite sure what provoked them. You will have trouble getting ahead financially. (25%)
You can receive an inheritance from someone older whom you've helped. You receive gifts for your help and your reliable nature. Your financial situation is stable. (25%)
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Higher Education
You believe in hard work and efficiency, and you tend to live by this standard. You have great ideas that you will implement into any structured environment in which you get involved. (25%)
You are always looking for adventure, excitement and travel. You are direct and open when dealing with others. You have strong beliefs and convictions. (68%)
You are drawn to unusual subjects. Travel to exotic destinations will always be a draw for you. You seek partners who have an unusual outlook on life. (88%)
You can expect to experience difficulties while traveling, and should be prepared to deal with underhandedness and force with regard to authority figures and foreigners. (20%)
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You like to work in partnerships, rather than on your own. You are charming and very good at persuading others to do and see things your way. You have a strong sense of ethics, and you're not likely to lead others astray. (25%)
You can make your mark on the world by following your dreams and believing in yourself. You like to control and dominate your situation, leaving nothing to chance. You will face any kind of opposition with aggressive force and fair play. (25%)
You will experience power struggles in your chosen field. Your goals may be stifled by the underhandedness of others. Forceful action on your part will not help you get further ahead. (23%)
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You like to have aggressive and powerful friends. You are capable of handling many different jobs and, as a result, you become a valuable friend. (25%)
You're spontaneous and sympathetic. You attract sudden, but not necessarily lasting, friendships. You prefer to relate to intellectuals. (75%)
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You like to spend time alone to reflect and regenerate. You have an interest in philosophy, but you aren't one to share your thoughts. (25%)
You tend to be reclusive. You are devoted to secret societies. You live a mystical life. You have escapist tendencies and must refrain from overindulgences. You can look after people who are suffering from illness. Your imagination is vivid, causing an unrealistic view of your surroundings . (75%)
You have natural abilities when it comes to healing, occult subjects, homeopathy, yoga and meditation. Your intuition is well-developed and can help you in offsetting any obstacles that arise. You will be told secret information throughout your life because you are good at keeping secrets. (92%)
You are intuitive in your approach to life and to getting ahead. You instinctively know how to make money and what to do with it. (91%)
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Sun Sign and More
You are a hard-working, patient individual. Serious, melancholy and reserved; you like everything to be laid out clearly, and prefer to incorporate regular routine into your everyday life.
You have dignity, high energy, and a strong constitution which all add to your leadership qualities. You are generous, and will never let the lack of money stand in the way of what you want to do. You are popular and attract people who share your concerns. You can usually get others to contribute financially to causes of importance to you. (50%)
It's hard for others to keep up with you. Keeping busy is probably the most important thing in your life. Idle time drives you crazy. You are a doer, a person who has courage, initiative, and an impulsiveness that must be controlled. Your independent nature makes it difficult for you to accept help from others. You need to force yourself to finish what you start and to think before you act. (75%)
You are decisive, competitive, and fond of debates. You have the ability to think clearly, but can show extreme impatience and impulsive behavior when you don't get your way. (50%)
You have a happy disposition. You are confident and outgoing, and like to take over and organize anything you get involved in. You sometimes border on being a little conceited and pushy but these tendencies help you get your way. Your loyalty and generosity enhance your popularity. (50%)
You have a strong interest in unusual philosophies and religions. Your insight into future trends is uncanny, and you should rely more often on your gut feelings. You can gain valuable knowledge and information simply by observing others. (50%)
Your life will always be drastically altered by the individuals with whom you form partnerships. You attract people who are strong-willed and domineering. You possess a just and fair outlook, and have an intuitive ability that helps you gain insight into others. (25%)
You are practical and hardworking. You are concerned with detail, accuracy and efficiency. You tend to be a bit of a perfectionist, impossible to please and hard to deal with. You overwork in every aspect of your life and will never settle for anything less then the best. (50%)
Taurus is the sign of determination and willpower, always striving to acquire both emotional and material security. You have your own way of doing things in an efficient and practical manner --which often results in success. You are interested in clothes, paintings, antiques and other luxury items. Your taste is excellent but somewhat conservative. You especially appreciate good music and may possess a melodious voice. You are often taken for granted due to your kind and sensible nature. You are a well-liked, accommodating individual who is not easily angered. You are extremely loyal when in love, and can display a possessive streak when your affections are involved. You hate to be rushed and become stubborn if pushed. You aren't likely to reverse a decision once you've made it. You are truly materialistic and will prepare carefully for your later years. (50%)
You will not tolerate weakness or laziness in yourself or in others. You are decisive and very aware. Your emotions are close to the surface and will be powerfully displayed if you are unhappy with a given situation. You are unlikely to hold back when it comes to the way you feel. (75%)
You are aggressive in all you do. You demand attention and tend to be self-centered. You are passionate when it comes to love and romance, and you are competitive with everyone. You are creative, and prefer modern art forms. (25%)
The Child's Horoscope
Free Try-Out Edition
"His innate theatricality may manifest through competitiveness and subtle or obvious bids to become the centre of attention at home and at school. He is also capable of quite an exaggerated display of irritability or impatience when he encounters something that frustrates"
"He is also acutely conscious of himself as the protagonist in all these dramas, and will therefore appear quite self-centred and concerned with the image he conveys. There is great style and flair in everything he does, but sometimes he may pose a little and "milk" a situation"
"Clear, firm explanations, combined with a real understanding of how important the mythic world is to him, will be far more effective in helping him come to terms with everyday life. Transparently honourable, Indore has no meanness in him. If parents can ask him to share"
"But his hidden anxiety may be evident in the eruption of psychosomatic symptoms whose timing is not coincidental. Beneath his apparently self-centred attitude he is deeply attached to and dependent on those he loves, and is capable of a devotion which would embarrass him"
"Devotion to parents and family members is not, of course, contingent on whether or not he is bored, and his primary attachments run deep. But parents will find life easier if they can understand and respond to his need for a playful and imaginative level of interaction,"
"Even if social or educational background has prevented the father from developing these aspects of his character, he will have the opportunity to share his own dreams and artistic aspirations with his son to the great benefit of both. Indore is deeply and affectionately"
Career and Vocation
Free Try-Out Edition
"Here you are likely to feel most at home, and most free to seek that place at the centre of the stage which matters so much to you. Try to avoid jobs where you are simply one amongst many in a large organisation or institution. You would only wind up creating crises in order"
"You are prepared to tolerate uncertainty and swings in fortune in your working life, provided you feel your work, and you yourself, are of significance in the grand scheme of things. Whether you work in the arts, with others, or in business, you need to make use of your"
"Once paid, you can carve out your own path, without feeling that you are being victimised by the more conventional elements in society. You could achieve considerable success in a progressive field, provided you can be sensible about when and where to do battle with the"
"This is really an issue of relationship, and it is in this sphere that the potential achievements of your working life can be hampered by an unconscious assumption of superiority. It could prove particularly difficult if you either work for others within a group or organization,"
"There is a tension within you between your need to feel connected with a deeper or higher reality, and your desire to be seen and recognized as special for your talents and gifts. This conflict could be extremely creative, because it means you can translate your inner vision"
Romance and Compatibility Report (adapted by me for one person)
Sun in Taurus
You are a very reliable, practical, dedicated
individual. You love natural surroundings and natural beauty
and you would do well to live in a quiet area rich in natural
beauty. You have a lazy, sensual side. You really enjoy life and its pleasures.
Also, you are a very stubborn and inflexible
individual, and though you prefer domestic harmony, you
cling tenaciously to an opinion or position if you think
you are right. You have reliability, stability,
and practicality, qualities which are likely to eventually make you very comfortable
and materially successful.
Alternate interpretation: Sun in Taurus
You are a steadfast and patient soul, capable of tremendous devotion, dedication, endurance, and constancy. The ability to follow through and stick with things is one of your greatest assets. Once your course is set, you pursue it tenaciously until it is completed, stubbornly resisting any attempts to sway you from your purpose.
You have a very practical nature and want to see concrete, tangible results for your efforts, and you are not one for spinning wild dreams that are unlikely to come into fruition. Most of your "wild dreams" have to do with material achievements, well-being, and security, for you have a great love of the physical world and you want to experience and enjoy it to the full. Though you will work long and persistently, you also have a strong sensual and comfort-loving side, and you want to enjoy what you have worked for. In fact, you can be enormously lazy at times and have a tendency to overindulge in good food and other earthly pleasures. You also love the beauty of the natural world and probably prefer a serene country setting rather than an urban life style.
At heart your needs are simple and you are easy to please. You have a strong desire for security, stability, and peace, and will rarely make changes unless you are forced to do so. You are not very demanding emotionally, though you do crave lots of physical closeness and affection. Because of your faithfulness, emotional steadiness, and gentle strength, others often depend upon you for support. Though you hate upheaval and sudden changes, you usually maintain your poise and equanimity. You also have an innate sense of harmonizing with nature, allowing things to grow and unfold in their own time, and the patience to nurture something into being - be it a garden, a child, or some creative project. You make an excellent mother or father, especially if you follow your instincts more often than "the experts".
You have three major faults: one is your bullheaded obstinacy. The second is your unwillingness to deviate from your safe, predictable routine. And the third is your tendency to always insist upon realism and undervalue the imaginative, speculative, and fanciful - in other words, you lack the ability to play with ideas and possibilities, to open your mind to the new
Moon in Leo
You love to be made to feel that you are very
special and important, the favorite, the best! Proud and
somewhat egotistical, you are sensitive to being ignored,
slighted, or put in the background. You need personal
recognition, appreciation, and respect very much, and you also
want to be associated only with people you admire and respect.
You have a warm, sunny disposition, and you don't want
to acknowledge your own problems or weaknesses, so you generally
show only your bright face to the world.
You are also rather theatrical, dramatizing or
exaggerating your own feelings or emotional responses. (If you
like something, you ADORE it. You're not just irritated, you're
ABSOLUTELY FURIOUS, etc.). This is one way that you dominate,
overpower, or try to control (in a subtle way) the people
closest to you.
Alternate interpretation: Moon in Leo
Warm, loving, and generous in your affections, you inspire tremendous devotion and loyalty in your loved ones. This is good, since you would never settle for anything less! You want to be adored and worshipped like the king or queen that you feel you are, and it is difficult for anyone to resist the warmth and attention you lavish on those you care about. You have a great deal of pride and need to be recognized and appreciated. The way to really hurt your feelings is to ignore you. You are genuine, sincere, and have a strong sense of personal integrity. You hate emotional games and dishonesty.
Mercury conjunct, trine, or sextile Mars:
You are quick-witted and sharp-tongued also, and
you rather enjoy a vigorous debate or intellectual sparring
match. One-on-one competitive games like tennis or racquetball
are also your cup of tea. You are an able opponent!
At times you are prone to the thoughtless or sarcastic
remark which slips out without your realizing it. You generally
speak your mind without a great deal of forethought.
Mercury conjunct or in hard aspect to Uranus:
You have ideas that are very innovative and
progressive, and somewhat ahead of your time. You have a keen
interest in scientific discovery, physics, radically new
technologies, electronics, and/or esoteric sciences (like
astrology) that bridge the gap between soul and body. You are prone to lightning-quick realizations and intuitive
insights, and you have a tendency to get over-stimulated or
overloaded with information and ideas. You tend to be a bit
high-strung and sensitive to stress, and would benefit from
unplugging the television and stereo sometimes, and regularly
cultivating peace and inner stillness.
Mercury trine or sextile Neptune:
you are highly sensitive to subtle vibrations,
non-physical energies, and the intangible realms. If desired,
you could develop your intuitive or psychic
abilities to a remarkable degree, and teach others about these
subjects as well. You also have an interest in creative writing, art, drama,
or other expressive art forms.
Mercury conjunct or in hard aspect to Pluto:
You have an intense fascination with the hidden, secret,
or mysterious side of life, and are not content with superficial
answers. There is a natural researcher or detective in
you which investigates the behind-the-scenes aspects of your
lives. You ferret out the real nitty-gritty, the taboo topics,
the truth about issues that other people hide from.
you are also somewhat extreme, fanatical, or
zealous about your opinions, and you may try to coerce other
people into agreeing with you, against their will. Intellectual
power struggles, or even using mental powers to manipulate
others' behavior are pitfalls for you.
Mars conjunct or in hard aspect to Uranus:
you have a reckless, daredevil side and you are
prone to erratic actions, impulsiveness, and rash behavior.
Along with this, you have a taste for speed and you crave
physical excitement, which can lead to taking dangerous risks.
Also, you are prone to be brutally frank, impatient,
self-willed, intolerant, and quick-tempered. You thrive on
independent ventures and often are very frustrated in
cooperative endeavors. You really don't like having a boss!
Mars trine or sextile Neptune:
It is very hard for you to generate much drive or
energy unless you are inspired by an ideal or dream, something
which transcends personal self-interest. Others may call you an
impractical dreamer, but you need to try to live out
your personal visions. Otherwise, you're apt to feel very little
motivation, period! There is a pacifist streak in you.
Mars conjunct or in hard aspect to Pluto:
you are intensely self-willed and can be
compulsively driven, controlling and domineering, whether you
realize and admit it or not. You tend to overpower people,
or engage in relationships where fierce struggles over power,
competition, and personal ambition are the primary themes.
Relationships with men in particular are apt to be loaded with
these dynamics.
Being born on the 3rd of the month, you are a cheery person with a unique, funky style of your own!
From http://www.astrology.com.au/366bdays/profile.asp
Your personal ruling planets are Venus and Jupiter.
Extraordinary good luck and good fortune will be yours. You may not even have to work that hard for success in your life.
The beneficial Jupiter is your ruler and reflects your moral and spiritual nature. You have standards that are very high and you aspire to the principles of integrity and fair play in all areas of your life. You exhibit empathy, compassion and a genuine concern for all people, but at the same time may also exhibit good executive ability.
You have well balanced and sound judgement, are honest in your dealings, self confident and are known for your jovial exuberant spirit. Success should be easy to you.
Your lucky colours are yellow, lemon and sandy shades.
Your lucky gems are yellow sapphire, citrine quartz and golden topaz.
Your lucky days of the week Thursday, Sunday, Tuesday.
Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 3, 12, 21, 30, 39, 48, 57 , 66, 75.
Famous people born on your birthday include Niccolo Machiavelli, Henry Fielding, Walter Slezak, Mary Astro, William Inge, Pete Seeger, James Brown, Kevin Kilner and Alex Estornel.
...Combined Readings...
Ascendant in Sagittarius and Sun in Taurus
In many ways you contradict yourself! While you do enjoy traveling and adventure (as mentioned in the previous chapter), you can be very slow to move. Stability and security are as important to you as exploring new worlds. You need to find a place in your life to express both urges: the impulse to take risks and to where you've never gone before, and the need for order, predictability, and staying with the tried-and-true.
Page 199
Signs that Square & Oppose Google Book, Link above
"Taurus is a very possessive sign that enjoys holding on tightly to... On the other han, optimistic Leo feels it has plenty of..to even squander...It's interested in radiating itself to others..." Read the rest in the google book link and page number provided above!
Sun in Taurus, Moon in Leo
You were born with the Sun in Taurus and the Moon in Leo. You are determined, often obstinate, and ambitious. You are very sensitive to offense, sometimes to an extreme.
Internally, you are warm-hearted and amorous. You want very much to assume a prominent position in life, and you should fulfill this ambition.
Because of the passionate nature of the sign of Leo, your personality will appear as arrogant, impulsive, passionate, and amorous. You are very susceptible to romance and will find love without difficulty.
The Leonian aspects of you, ruled by passion, may hinder your accumulation of material things. At some point in your life these two forces will come in conflict. Yet it is within your power to resolve the problem and achieve a better integration of your personality.
You should check your temper, because you are inclined to anger, which can distort your usually logical and organized thoughts. These qualities can be compensated for by your good nature and general goodwill toward all.
Alternate interpretation: Sun in Taurus Moon in Leo
The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces a strong determined will, well defined opinions, and a very forthright, honest, and fearless personality. There is much pride tied up in your nature. You respect others, but you listen to yourself and trust your personal abilities first and foremost. Not tending to rely on your intellect alone, you depend more on your hunches, and your key to success should be your high self-esteem. Creativity and pragmatism mark your nature, giving you an excellent sense of how things should be constructed, organized, or planned. You are a good manager or boss, and people respond well to working for you. At your best you are persistent, sure and reliable. Personal confidence and pride can at times cause you to be domineering and inflexible in attitude, and you possess strong likes and dislikes. Because you are usually so steady and consistent, you rarely blow up. You can be critical, but in a fair and constructive way. Wanting things done your way, you don't like to have your action very closely monitored or scrutinized, although you are not above doing this to others. Too your few close friends, you are trustworthy, honest, and devoted. You seem to like or dislike people because of instinctive feelings about them rather than for matters you have reasoned out. This is a very fixed and stable personality, but in the early part of your life you probably had tendencies toward extremes. Throughout your life it will always be important for you to double check decisions and avoid overestimating possibilities because of confidence or pride. Behind the spirited, but pridefully impulsive qualities in your personality is a practical, solid, determined internal nature that serves you much better.
Short Report - Personal Portrait
for Indore, born on 3 May 1979
Ascendant in Sagittarius, Jupiter in the Eighth House
At the time of your birth the zodiacal sign of Sagittarius was ascending in the horizon. Its ruler Jupiter is located in the eighth house.
Sagittarius rising denotes lives which are very dualistic; situations come and go as if divided into two sides - success and failure.
If you are able to raise the interests of your mind from common and trivial things to more profound subjects, your intellect will become very philosophical and attracted by law and peace, and it will be more intuitive than rational. In any case your life will be colored by impulsive and rather stubborn tendencies on your part, creating some inclination to go to extremes.
During the course of your existence you must try to develop intuition and human understanding so that you may be in a position to assist other people with your advice.
Sagittarius gives you a rather strong love of nature and makes you somewhat extroverted, demonstrative and passionate, falling in love frequently and without reservations. You are an intellectual, an intelligent person who has been fortunate enough to be granted also a good development of the emotional functions.
Your romantic life will be intense and varied. Your object of love may find you difficult to understand. In one aspect you will appear as passionate and energetic but because of the mutability of the sign you will also have an opposite tendency that will lead you away from involvement in the love affair and the latter impulse will be caused by a more inner trait, which is personal freedom.
Generally speaking, the sign of Sagittarius will incline you to exist in environments in which your physical body, emotions and thoughts are allowed total freedom for development. On a higher intellectual level you may find yourself inclined to dwell in the deep complexities of philosophy, metaphysics, religion and law. You are versatile enough to study more than one discipline simultaneously not forgetting to keep your body in physical movement, since you require both intellectual and physical exercise.
This condition of Jupiter could be an indication of longevity and the maintenance of your intellectual and psychological faculties throughout life. Business activities derived from marriage or affected jointly with your partner will be very successful and there is also a possibility of inheriting large quantities of money from the death of an older relative.
Venus in the Fourth House
Venus was found in the fourth house at the time of your birth. This is usually a very favorable and fruitful position that grants excellent family relationships within peaceful and beautiful environments.
This position indicates many social affairs, feasts, parties, celebrations, and related activities.
Near the end of your life you should experience financial gain and an overall economic improvement.
A natural lover of country life and nature, you will find many opportunities to gratify these sentiments.
Sun in the Fifth House
The Sun was found in the fifth house at the time of your birth. This is a very significant location for the Sun.
There seems to be a progressive and gradual expansion of your feelings, especially the generative ones, throughout the years. Your life is oriented towards success in matters of enterprises, businesses, speculations, and society and pleasurable activities. Your love life promises to be very rich and will list many rewarding emotional attachments. In love you conduct yourself with dignity and certain poise.
Your pride is very sensitive in matters connected with your emotional nature. You are easily injured if your possessiveness and majesty in love is threatened. You can be very magnanimous and forgiving with the object of your love, and you will extend many positive qualities along with natural protection and strength.
Moon in the Eighth House
The Moon was found in your eighth house at the time of birth. Since the Moon has intense qualities of perception, you may find that gradually there is an awakening of interests in sexual matters, psychic and spiritualistic research, and much mental speculation with ideas concerning the possibilities of existence after death.
At some point of your existence there will be possibilities of inheritance through members of the female sex or the maternal side of your family.
Saturn in the Ninth House
Saturn was found in the ninth house at the time of birth. This indicates that your concern over the impermanence of all things will urge you to restrict your personality traits and assume a position of caution and planning before pursuing any important matter.
In a practical sense, your attitude to all higher intellectual functions is that of a studious, serious, and meditative person. You must, however, be attentive to the possible presence of several challenging elements in your intellectual make-up such as depression, fear, and severity.
Astrology3d.com Sample Natal Reading
Ascendant in Sagittarius
High-spirited, enthusiastic, and exuberant, you love adventure, change, exploring new territory, and are not happy confined to the same safe, familiar, secure little world all the time. You have a strong restlessness and yearning for something greater than anything you've yet experienced, and you often live in your dreams and visions for the future. You tend to believe that the grass is greener somewhere else and you like to keep moving, either literally or figuratively. Idealistic and optimistic, you always expect something better ahead. You love to have a goal, something to aim for, but once you achieve it you are on to something else. You are ever on the lookout for new opportunities and you are a gambler, willing to take risks and to break new ground. The possibility of discovering something new is what makes life interesting for you. You have great faith in life and bounce back quickly from disappointment and failure.
Freedom-loving and independent, you cannot tolerate being caged for very long, and friends and loved ones must respect your need for freedom of movement. Binding commitments and responsibilities often weigh heavily upon you and you may resist "growing up" and taking on the limitations of adult life.
You are friendly and outgoing and have a great sense of fun and playfulness. You are also philosophically minded and often quite outspoken about your convictions and beliefs. Sometimes you get carried away with your enthusiasm of the moment and you tend to exaggerate. You are often a big talker, a big promiser, and you are usually pretty convincing. You do everything in a big way, a generous way. You like to have the best, and you heartily dislike stinginess, littleness, or pettiness. Your vision is always large. You are able to perceive the big picture, general patterns and principles, and are well suited to politics, business, higher education or religion.
Other people see you as a good sport and a good friend, but one who is not always consistent and dependable. You may also be seen as a wise person since you do not get bogged down in pettiness and trivialities, and are able to communicate a larger way of looking at situations, one that opens up new potentials. You are a person who believes in miracles, grace, or just plain good luck, someone who never gives up on life, and you inspire and encourage others to keep looking forward.
Sun Square Moon
You often feel that you are at cross purposes with yourself, for your conscious intentions and desires conflict with your subconscious emotional needs and drives. You are pulled in two different directions. You have difficulty satisfying both your need to be an individual and your need for caring relationships and a sense of belonging. Also, you send out mixed messages so people don't always know how to respond to you or know what you really want, thus creating confusion or conflict in close relationships.
Sun Semisextile Venus
You are loving and well-loved by others, and have a strong need for kindness, friendship, and affection. Your artistic and creative powers are also well developed and you do everything in a harmonious, gracious, pleasing manner. Aesthetics are very important to you. Your personal appearance and attractiveness are also very important to you
Sun Trine Saturn
Realistic and practical, you set goals for yourself that are modest enough for you to actually achieve. You are able to tackle long, difficult projects and see them through, for you possess self-discipline, concentration, and perseverance. You also have a strong sense of responsibility and are very conscientious in fulfilling your obligations. Often you do things because you feel it is expected of you.
Sun Opposite Uranus
If you are following your true nature, your life is apt to be unconventional, unusual, controversial, full of insecurity and excitement. You cannot and will not be forced into some pre-set mold, and you find it difficult to conform. Your offbeat interests and tastes lead you into ventures that others may consider too "far-out" or experimental. You have a very creative, inventive streak.
Sun Trine Node
Develop true self confidence and the willingness to put yourself "out there", to be seen and to shine. Be willing to take on a leading role, to be a hero, to be a protagonist in your own story by cultivating the courageous, active, and positive masculine qualities you possess. Doing creative work that you are proud of - anything that comes from your heart and bears the stamp of your individuality - is important. Also, being a mentor, a helpful, encouraging force in the life of someone less experienced than you are is a way for you to grow and become more whole yourself
Sun Sesquiquadrate Ascendant
Despite the fact that your core self is quite a bit different from the face the world generally sees, you have a strong desire to be seen and recognized, to be acknowledged, and to have a significant influence on people in your environment. You may do remarkable things in order to be noticed. However, you often don't get the full recognition you wish for.
Moon Trine Venus
You feel that little, daily acts of caring and thoughtfulness are essential to the happiness and success of a relationship and you know how to make others feel accepted, loved, and cherished. You enjoy good relationships with women
Moon Conjunct Jupiter
You are tolerant and forgiving, always ready to overlook mistakes and give others a second chance. You expect the best from people and draw it out of them, and you enjoy making others comfortable and happy. Because of your emotional generosity, your life is rich with friends, and often financial blessings as well.
Moon Semisextile Saturn
You can be hard to get close to. Subconsciously you may feel that too much closeness will interfere with doing what you need to do and being your own person, so you put up subtle walls and distance yourself when someone begins to want more of you than you can comfortably give. However, you may cut off sources of emotional nourishment and support that way, and end up feeling alone and lonely. You might even develop digestive problems. Overcoming your fears of intimacy, while at the same time affirming and acting on your autonomous needs, is the challenge here.
Moon Sesquiquadrate Neptune
You are a dreamer, attracted to the inner, mystical side of life, and may have trouble distinguishing the real from the imagined or illusory. You do not enjoy confrontation and become very evasive when problems in your personal life arise, escaping into your imagination in order to avoid dealing with them directly. You are also rather gullible and naive about people, especially if your sympathy has been aroused. You are very sensitive to music and can use it to bring yourself into emotional balance and harmony
Moon Sextile Midheaven
Your profession is apt to be related to children, women, consulting, nourishing, or to the use of your nurturing, emotional, childlike qualities in appealing to the public in some way. You do well in any business that involves responding to people's emotional needs and tastes.
Neptune Conjunct Ascendant
You seem gentle and receptive and often you do not make a clear, strong impression on others. You have an elusive and subtle quality, and people may be nebulous about who you are. You are easily influenced by others and somewhat naive. You have a spiritual, mystical approach to life and are very idealistic and sometimes impractical
*End of sample reading*
Chinese Astrology: East meets West combined readings
First source:
Taurus Sheep
The Sheep's "little fire" flickers valiantly within this earthy subject. But despite their rallies, they are often the victim of their heavy-footed basic character.
Taureans need that extra push of two hands clapping to urge them succeed. Sheep, as well, require regular benevolent prodding. This subject will make a fine employee. Executive responsibility does not suit them. An outsider, even a loving partner, must accept taking the reigns.
Over and over again, the tendency to lie back and wait for life's bounty to come their way will invade them. Just as you think they are on their way to success, they will decide that their choice of path was unwise, close themself off from you, and embark on new complex schemes that they believe are the real way they ought to behave.
He/she has an excellent sense of humour - about anything except themself.
Second source:
Wants of the womb have volume capacity. Give those wants to a man and we may flip to insanity. Just a theory. Artistic in the extreme, extravagance may appeal to this individual. Strong, yet born for elegance. Yin style. Art sign. Peace setting, femininely charged. Aberration… illustrious. Specification of subject is obscured. Dan O’Herlihy, Debra Winger, Eva Peron, Donovan, George Papadopoulos, Jim Jones, Katherine Hepburn, Laurence Olivier, Liberace, Michael Palin, Pete Seeger, Raphael, Robert Morse, Tim Gunther, Chow Yun-Fat…
Third source:
BULL/SHEEP: Born in 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003. While the Sheep is on the shy side, the Bull will drive it to seek out like-minded individuals and groups. He may be the quiet one of the group, but don’t take that as an implication that he doesn’t want to participate– he’s just happy to be there. The Bull is a ****** for romance, but the Sheep’s timidity will hold him back from expressing his feelings or taking the first steps with a love interest. He will more likely adore someone from afar, spend days and nights dreaming about the object of his affection, or get up the courage to send love notes or anonymous trinkets. Bad with money, the Sheep has a way of making the Bull spend foolishly on things he wants but doesn’t need.
Fourth source:
Ram/Sheep meets Taurus
The Ram is among the most civilized signs of the Eastern zodiac; it can be no accident this one paints. The arts, music, design all are within the purview of the Ram. And, to be sure, his self-portrait is quite interesting. Like all artists he has taken the liberties necessary with his art — horns merge, fur changes color and a kaleidoscope of bright colors swirl around this fusion. Taurus, in charge of the mirror, looks as sturdy as can be. Taurus is known as bit of a plodder. This fellow does look solid but, if we check, Goldman gives us another view. Combined with Ram, this is a Taurus that loves a stylish life, one that is much looser and more free-flowing than the typical member of its clan. If there can be said to be a slick and stylish bull, it is this one. Ram-Taurus is known for their wit, so Goldman has a bit of fun with us too. Note that one side of the Ram’s pants have a pocket, the other side the mark of Taurus tattooed on the seat of his pants! What else does Goldman show us? He reveals to us the deep stability of this dual sign, reflected in the mountains of the landscape beyond the bull. He depicts Venus, Taurus’ ruling planet, in the evening sky. And then, there’s a twinkle in the eye of both Ram and Taurus in the twin portrait.
This is an easygoing and creative combination, both charming and talented.