What you are asking about is called magical thinking. There is no evidence that any of this works, let alone exists. What people often do not consider are simpler and more likely reasons for what happens in life. They want the least likely, unprovable magical event.
There is a philosophical and logical concept know as Occam's razor.
In effect, this rule states that if there exists more than one answer to a problem or a question, and if, for one answer to be true, well-established laws of logic and science must be re-written, ignored, or suspended in order to allow it to be true, and for the other answer to be true no such accommodation need be made, then the simpler——the second——of the answers is much more likely to be correct.
Here is an example of a problem:
The claim: that a person can cause an ordinary spoon to bend merely by looking at it, using psychic powers that have not been established and which would violate many known rules (conservation and transfer of energy, etc.) and cause those basic laws of science to be rewritten.
There are two explanations available: one says that these basic physical laws have been suspended in this case——a unique event never before known in history——and the other says that the performer has employed sleight of hand and/or deceptive optical principles and/or psychological misdirection to provide the illusion of the spoon bending without the use of ordinary physical force.
The second of the two explanations is much more likely to be true.