What are some good and bad traits of Virgos?
Cubitpipi a fan of Amazins
2005-12-11 15:58:43 UTC
What are some good and bad traits of Virgos?
Eight answers:
2005-12-12 10:53:32 UTC
Positive Traits

Their mental bend gives them the ability to analyze and solve the most complicated problems. Virgos have a wonderful eye for detail and often neglect the overall issues. Hard workers and conscientious, they are perfectionists with little tolerance for shoddy work. There is no place in their world for people who are footloose and fancy free.

More concerned with the outcome than the process, Virgos lack spontaneity.

Main positve traits: Practical, analytical, neat, industrious, detailed.

Negative Traits

On the negative side, Virgos have a penchant for turning molehills into mountains, difficulties into stress and cleanliness into obsessive behavior. There is a need to pay attention to health concerns, particularly those related to overt stress. Virgos are predisposed to worry and hypochondria. They can make themselves so useful to others, it often leaves them vulnerable to exploitation. They need to avoid being shy or inhibited when it comes to dealing with others interests as well as with their personal interests .

Main negative traits: Fault -finding, cynical, shyness, perfectionist, worrying, critical of self/others.
2016-09-28 12:00:08 UTC
Virgo Bad Traits
2016-12-26 09:33:52 UTC
Virgo Positive And Negative Traits
2016-09-24 07:44:24 UTC
Virgo Personality Positive And Negative
2016-03-19 12:27:49 UTC
Virgo's are typically: See everything as 'black or white'. There is no 'fuzzy middle-ground'. It's either right or it's wrong. (Virgo's make good scientists & mathematicians, but not very good poets or artists). Perfectionists - everything has to be 'just right'. Can often be as critical to himself as anything else. Hate to admit defeat and will stick with a job until it's done right. Analytical - pick every detail apart thinking about all the possibilities, all the why's & how's, to make sure it's right. Strong-willed, opinionated, & stubborn - once a Virgo thinks he is right, he doesn't care who is offended (because if he is right, then they must be wrong). You'll need a LOT of hard factual proof to get him to change his mind and admit he was wrong. But the good points: Virgo's are honest (often too honest & outspoken) and the most loyal friends you could wish for - for all the reasons above. Once they decide that a person is a "worthy friend", they'll stick by that person until the end. Virgo's have extremely High Standards and don't put up with 2nd-rate. If you are the partner of a Virgo, you really must be something special indeed. But betray a Virgo, and he'll cut you dead (that black+white 'right or wrong' mentality).
2005-12-13 03:27:23 UTC
I agree with cruise_queen32 but I will add a few more good traits, ok? :-)

Virgos will relax and blossom when love comes their way and will work hard to keep the relationship alive and exciting. Deep inside they can be the most sensual lovers when aroused. Although slow to make friends a virgo will make a kind, thoughtful, considerate, very loyal, supportive, delightful friend...that will never forget your birthday! You can also trust them with you deepest darkest secret. This works well in business & relationships, where they are both trusted & valued. Marriage isn't entered into lightly but when they do settle down they will be your partner for life and enjoy caring for you even when your ill. They can be practical and down-to-earth with money and if they have enough they can be very generous. It important for them to look after their body as well as their mind and like to get the balance right. Virgos have an enquiring mind and like to know how things work and can absorb new information quite quickly.

I could go on but will stop by saying, lastly look out for a sensation in you throat or the pit of your stomach. It's a sigh of your psychic sense and if you take notice of this sign it can be a valuable way of tapping into your own innate wisdom.
2015-08-18 20:09:13 UTC
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What are some good and bad traits of Virgos?
2005-12-11 16:02:54 UTC
Virgos are perfectionistic and driven. They are also very loyal and highly sexual with the right person.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.