Am I Manglik? When will be I get married?
2010-01-06 08:58:14 UTC
Muthu, Male, DOB - 05/10/1980, Place - sivakasi, tamil. (India), Time - 11:15 AM.
please tell me that i have manglik or not.When i do horoscope matching online. I'm getting high manglik and bride has low manglik.what it mean ?. but still i get 24/36 matches.please explain.....which phase of shani is running for simha and when will it come to end
Five answers:
veerabhadrasarma m
2010-01-08 00:29:59 UTC
born on sunday, krishna paksha dwadasi,

magha - 2, dhanur lagna, simha rasi,

sani aspected by kuja,

hence may cause a little dealy,

kuja in Neecha in Navamsa,

kuja in vruchika

hence kuja dosha not harm ful,

Kalasarpa Yoga is formed when Rahu leads the group of planets (all planets are between Ketu and Rahu)

Kalamrita Yoga is formed when Ketu leads the group of planets (all planets are between Rahu and Ketu)

it is (kalamitra ) good

try remidies to speed up ,

may have chances in 2010 , after 3/10

good luck,
2010-01-06 17:03:26 UTC
Yes. You are manglik. Cevvai is in your 12th house (Viruchigam). Somebody may tell it is exempted because the chevvai is in it's own house. But the exemption is for mesha only. Anyway your wife will be richer than you and from your western direction. You are in last leg of 7 1/2 saturn period and also you have kalsarp yog means all the planets are in between raghu and kethu
2010-01-06 09:29:01 UTC
Mangala DoshaThe blemish attributed to Mars by being in the 1st , 2nd , 4th , 7th , 8th or 12th house and capable of killing the marriage partner. There are many cancellations to Mangala Dosha and it's ill effects virtually never occur.

Auspicious Results : You will be brave, pleasant natured and firm in physique. Your eyes will be lively and mind energetic. You will have a desire to roam around. You will give evidence and complete work. You will be truthful, liberal, frank and sacrificing. You will be charitable. You will be the founder of an association. You will attain fame in the 26th year. You will go abroad.

YOU ARE MANGLIC BUT IN A LOWER DEGREE, we need to get the other chart( female ) to analyse... mail me / call me for details

Compatibility Analysis Vedic Astrology has a unique system of determining the compatibility between two charts. Chart compatibility is determined by precise analysis of how the planetary positions in the charts compare and interact. Traditionally, the position of the Moon is considered the most important factor, and a simply scoring system based on the Moon alone has become very popular in India. This system is called the "Koota" system, as it expresses the degree of compatibility in "kootas" (points). What is the rationale behind a compatibility calculation? Compatibility for the purpose of love has several aspects. Each aspect has to be taken care of, but together they form an optimal situation. Similarity Astrologically, one can determine how much the two people have a similar basis in their psychological makeup. This similarity gives them the necessary common ground to feel comfortable about being close. Without having commonalities, love has to bridge too far of a gap to be stable and will not be able to survive. For example, in Vedic Astrology terms, the Ganam (classification of Divine, human and demon) of the Moon's Nakshatra should be the same. Also the caste of the Moon's nakshatra should be the same. Difference Just like 2 magnets attract each other only with the opposite poles, Vedic Astrology compatibility specifies various factors that should not be the same. If the couple is having these factors identical, some kind of over emphasis will take place, and too much of the same thing is harmful here. For example, the Rajju (one of the nakshatra classifications) of the two Moons should be different. If they are the same, negative results are predicted based on the nature of the Rajju group. Placement In real life, too close can be too close, and too far can be too far. In Vedic Astrology there is rich set of techniques that evaluate just how optimal the Moon's placement is relative to one another. Since specific distances (measures in the number of nakshatras) have different meanings, each carries a positive or negative compatibility rating. For example, having the Groom's nakshatra right next to the Bride's, is great, but if there is just one nakshtra in between it is considered negative. Unique Matching Other factors have to be uniquely rated to properly judge what any one particular quality goes well with. For example, if one of the Moon's is in Purvaphalguni (one of the nakshatras), it will work out well if the other's Moon is in Anuradha. Many specific favorable and unfavorable combinations are specified, based on unique characteristics of the factors considered. Cultural Reinforcements Finally, the Vedic Astrology compatibility system has an aspect that considers the favorable reinforcement of the relationship man and woman have from a biological/cultural perspective. For example, if the man's Moon is in a male Nakshatra, and the woman has the Moon in a female nakshatra, that is best, and will support their natural male-female balance. The traditional approach in Vedic Astrology is to consider these factors for the Moon sign only. Many people extend the same principles to also compare the Ascendant's positions and the Sun's positions in the two charts. And finally one could superimpose the two charts entirely, and evaluate in detail how they work together. Since the Moon is so critical to how our feelings operate, and relationships are predominantly based on feelings, there is no doubt that the Moon plays a major role. A good Moon compatibility will generally indicate a good emotional/mental fit. The Ascendant represents the personality of the individual, which is a more outward and public aspect of the person. A good Ascendant based compatibility is therefore favorable for having cordial public relations together. When the two Ascendants are not favorable together, the couple may have a hard time presenting themselves coherently to the world. The Sun's position relates to our physical body and spiritual nature. Compatibility in this regard indicates being physically comfortable and spiritually aligned. A lack of compatibility indicates physical needs or characteristics that do no
2016-03-03 09:40:09 UTC
It sounds like your panditji's words have really disturbed your mind. It is a dreadful state to be in. Please go to another panditjis and perhaps he will be able to give you words of comfort and undo the damage the previous panditjis has done. You will get through this, and come out the other side smiling and happy.
2010-01-06 09:45:50 UTC
within 6/7 months you will be married to the person of your dreams..

and both of you will have a happy life.. and will love each other a lot..

dont worry you will find your soul mate in a couple of months

good luck!! =]

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.