You have a really nice Jupiter in the composite which is helpful in order to overcome a few hard aspects. Your Sun does square Jupiter so you might have some "friction" regarding your belief system, spending too much money perhaps, too much of a good thing in some way. Moderation should be used regarding just about everything I would think.
Sun sextile Uranus gives you an "excitation" to try new things together which is great. I don't think boredom will be a problem with this sextile as Uranus hates routine and requires frequent "change" in order to be content. So this would find you both interested in new and different things as a couple. I like that aspect.
Your Moon has a couple of emotional relationship issues with those oppositions to your Mercury and Saturn. Mercury conjunct Saturn can make it difficult to communicate freely and with the moon opposition this adds an emotional quality to the ability to communicate that might cause some "discussion" regarding how to feel that you both really "hear" what the other is saying. The Moon oppositions can make it difficult to understand what each is "saying" because emotions always change the "content" of communication. Possibly some "silent treatment" when upset with each other. Possibly an inability to really hear what each other is really saying due to the Moon's emotional involvement in your Mercury/Saturn conjunction. Again Moon sextile Jupiter will help overcome these issues which is great.
I just don't care for the Mars/Pluto conjunction as this often manifests as violence in some way. Or a competitive streak might manifest with this aspect. There might be some "control" issues as Pluto so loves to manipulate and Mars so loves to "battle." Some type of martial arts or other physical activities done together could diminish this hard aspect. I would suggest that when having issues that you separate until both of you have "chilled" as this can be an "escalating" aspect. Just be watchful of this one.
With your Yod having an apex Moon both inconjunct Uranus and Sun which is in sextile aspects seems to me that this heightens the emotional energy of your relationship and this lifetime together can "evolve" to great heights once you understand how to work together when emotions become tense. This will strengthen your bond because the Sun and Uranus (having a nature that loves doing new and different activities) can strengthen the emotional bond. The Moon is highly aspected so maybe you are working on loving each other in a stronger emotional way. Emotions are key I think here and once you have learned to "work" together with no emotional baggage getting in the way you will make great strides in your bond that ties you together.
Venus is square Neptune so you both might have a very high ideal regarding loving each other that might not be based on reality. Neptune is the higher octave of Venus so attaining a "higher love" is one of the goals of this relationship so you both must do your best to take your love to a higher level while making sure that you "see" each other as you really are. This aspect might find you trying to "ground" your love first and then move your love into a higher realm of spiritual love. Try to see your love as it really is instead of reaching for love that is based on somewhat of an illusion. Earthly love first followed by a higher spiritual love. I think that is what this aspect is "saying."
Hope this is helpful in some way and good luck and bless you too.