After practicing Astrology for 12 years now, I have come to the conclusion that 'sugar-coating' is a waste of time. And I came to this conclusion because the people that come to me to have their Charts read, are in a mess... either that, or they want a date to get married, buy a house, etc etc.
When people are in trouble, I have found it's best to just lay it out. I say what I see... and if I see co-dependence issues, I call them on it. If I see manipulation, I call them on it. If I see egocentricity, I call them on it.
Now then, having given them the bad news, I also give them the good news. But the bad news is always first, as I want them leaving with a good feeling about the good news AND the steps they need to take to get that good news in the forefront of their lives.
Quite frankly, I am appalled at how many Astrologers sugar-coat everything. I first got into Astrology because I had gone to 4 Astrologers who sugar-coated what was going on in my life; and, while I enjoyed the good news, I didn't get any help whatsoever as to why all this bad stuff was happening.
Because I believe in Astrology, I resolved then and there to get to the bottom of it, so took up the study myself and became a practicing Astrologer.
The problem is this: In days of olde, Astrology was all about PREDICTION, period. There was none of this psychological stuff going on. Self-examination was quite unheard of. People went to an Astrologer to find out the best time to do whatever... buy a cow, sell a cow, get betrothed, and to whom. But in today's modern world, we view things in a psychological sense.
And most Astrologers are not psychologists. They don't know how to give the good with the bad, they aren't comfortable with it, so they don't do it. They sweep 'the shadow' under the carpet. But does that REALLY help the client?
I say it does not. If you've got Mars conjunct Pluto opposing Uranus, you've got some MAJOR control issues going on. And it needs to be pointed out very directly. None of this shilly-shallying around it, or ignoring it. The client has come to you for help, so explain that this issue is the reason why they're having the trouble they're complaining about.
As well, I am not of the school that people are all that evolved, either spiritually or psychologically. I do not give them the benefit-of-the-doubt about that at all. I view all the 'crap' stuff first, (focusing especially on the Mid-Points and Fixed Stars), and consider that this is where they are coming from. If, in my speaking with them, I ascertain that they have some semblance of ascendency, then we go from there into the deeper, more mystical-side of Astrology, the Universe, and Everything, *lol*
But on the whole, I would say that most people have a great deal of unconscious, unresolved, and intractable baggage that, until it's pointed out to them, would never occur to them as suffering from, never occur to them as being the cause of their troubles. Hence, why they feel lost, feel out of control, feel hopeless, feel the world is against them, blah, blah, blah, and have now fallen thru my door to figure it all out.
The individual aspects point to those things that desperately need to come to the client's consciousness, both the good stuff and the challenging stuff. And, in my view, it's my job to do just that for them.
In my opinion, negative aspects DO NOT lead to positive results in a mundane sense at all. Negative aspects are there for a reason, that reason being for us to recognize them, acknowlege them (own them), and transcend them. They don't go away. What goes away is our perception of them, our response to them. WE are the one's who change our mind about them. Hence, 'Dear Brutus, the fault lies not in our stars, but in ourselves.'
Truly, the easiest forte of Astrology is the Predicitive one, the Electional one. They want a date, you provide it. No muss, no fuss. But when someone asks 'Why?'.. Why is this happening? Why is my life a mess? Why doesn't anything ever go right? Why did my lover leave me? Why did I get fired? Why? Why? Why?', then the whole can of worms is opened. They want more than a date... these people want 'Understanding'. And that is a huge job. And one that far too many Astrologers really aren't conducive to filling.
I have yet to read one Astrology book published in the past 15 years that wasn't what I consider 'baloney', (except for Edna Rowland). My education has been from the Astrologers of past. The one's who didn't 'sugar-coat'. The ones that said it like it IS. All this new-agey, mumbo-jumbo Astrology is just 'crap' as far as I'm concerned. Rob Hand doesn't hold much water for me at all, and Liz Greene even less.
Give me Sepharial, Barbara Watters, Nicholas DeVore, Alan Leo, HL Cornell, Reinhold Ebertin, Sophia Mason, Doris Chase-Doane, Ivy Goldstein-Jacobson any day of the week... people who actually said 'what was what', who don't treat you like you'll crumble to pieces.