Sun-sign astrologers ... are not doing anybody any favors. Sun-sign astrology is bunk. You and I both know that 7 million people are NOT going to be all the same, just because they were born in a certain month.
Real astrology ... well, my best clients always came from the sceptics. Not only did they send me the most referrals, they came back regularly, once a year (you don't really need to talk with an astrologer any more-often than once a year). I especially liked the engineers ... it was so fun to blow their mind with the specifics and watch them change their mind about astrology. Engineers are so logical and scientific and literal you know ... they have to be in their field of work.
But to answer your question, everything in astrology has a meaning, a dynamic. You learn the meanings. And just as you know that -22F is .... cold!!!!! (it helps if you have seen this for yourself), you know that certain astrological indicators mean certain things. Of course, you also have to understand the dynamics of human personality ... just HOW is a person most likely to react when they need one thing but also need something totally contradictory?
- Each "planet" (there are 10) represents a specific inner need, a particular facet of your personality.
- The sign a planet is in shows the style of that need, or that facet
- The "house" (the part of the sky) shows where in your life you turn to try to meet that need
- And the "aspects" (which are certain distances or arc around the 360-degree circle of the ecliptic) shows how one need interacts with another need ... how and why the two might support each other, or how and why they might be in conflict with each other and thereby produce inner stress.
A good astrologer can see the interplay of these internal needs ... and can also suggest ways to work through the conflicting needs. How do they "see"?
Well ... I learned the theory. Then I spent about 5 years following 100 people who I saw on a regular basis. I observed, compared, questioned ... came to a sense of what the theory actually meant in real terms. Then I spend 3 years giving "free" readings ... my "fee" was that the person had to understand that I was testing myself, and they had to correct me if I was wrong, they had to be willing to look inside themselves, and to help me understand how their inner dynamics affected them and how these dynamics were outwardly expressed. I learned a lot from those 3 years. And when I thought I was ready, I went and wrote a professional-certification exam (proctored) to test my own knowledge. I was self-taught, but the American Federation of Astrologers figured that I had learned the same things they had. And if an astrologer's independent learnings don't match the concensus of other astrologers, there's something wrong with their grasp of astrology.
Only after getting my certification was I ready to do actual sessions with clients.
I think it helped that my IQ is in the 98th percentile ... I see patterns well, and astrology is all about patterns.