••I don't know how to tell you what is going to happen in the next couple of weeks, but I will give you information on leos. Remember that there is more than just the sun signs and if you want to find out more get a free natal chart (try astro.cafeastrology.com) because there are other aspects to the chart that might have an influence over you••
The LEO Man
" 'Tis love-'tis love that nukes the world go round!"
When Gray wrote the lines about a flower "born to blush unseen and waste its sweetness on the desert air," he certainly wasn't describing a Leo. You might see this man basking in the bright sunlight, and you may find him mak–ing flowery speeches, but it won't be in the solitude of the desert. Most likely it will be on a stage or in front of a circle of adoring friends and relatives. He may waste money, but he's not about to waste his sweetness in the empty air. There will always be an audience.
There you are, in a nutshell. The secret of snaring the lion is that simple. Be his audience. Totally different from the reluctant Virgo and Aquarian males, your Leo pal will happily succumb to the throes of delicious romance, if you play your cards right, adore him, flatter him, and respect him.
Is he a flamboyant August male? Wear dark glasses and submit to his brilliant sunlight. Is he one of the gentle, quiet Leos? Don't be taken in by his sleek softness. Stroke him the wrong way and sparks will fly. Remember, he's only playing the role of the meek soul. Beneath his courte–ous manner and patient fixity are smoldering fires of proud dignity and arrogant vanity, ready to flame up and bum the pushy female silly enough to think she can rule him.
The lion will be a chivalrous and gallant suitor, tenderly protective and sentimentally affectionate. You won't need to lay much of a trap to tempt him into romantic advances. One might say Leos possess a kind of instant passion. Just add opportunity-mix well with candlelight and lush violins-and love's in bloom like the red, red rose. As a matter of fact, you can leave out the candles and music if they're not handy, and just use the first ingredient. Same thing.
If love is missing from his life, the fiery lion will simply pine away-dramatically, of course. He has to be wor–shiped or die, and you can just about take that literally. Leo males seldom spare expenses when they're courting. You'll be taken to the best restaurants, showered with per–fume and flowers, proudly escorted to the theater and you'll tie a ribbon around some pretty fantastic love letters. To tell you the truth, you'd have to have a heart made of stone to resist.
By now, you're probably thinking you've got it made.
Think again. That leonine romance won't be completely trouble free. You might take a lesson from the pampered favorites of royalty. Leo will invite you into his den and warm you at the hearth of his big heart, but the lion's lair can turn into a plush, luxurious prison. Is he jealous? The answer is "Yes," and you can spell it with big electric light bulbs. You belong to him, body, soul, and mind. He'll tell you what to wear, how to part your hair, what books to read, which friends are best for you and how to orga–nize your day better. He'll want to know why you were gone for two hours shopping when you said you'd be back in one hour, who you met on the way, what they said- and he'll even pout if you don't tell him what you're think–ing as you stare out the kitchen window while you're scrambling his eggs. After all, you could be thinking of another man. Just don't ever forget the force of his im–pulsive temper when it's aroused. Teasing him by occasional flirtations to prove to him you are still desirable is absolute folly. He knows you're desirable. He needs no proof whatsoever. Besides, your Leo man is liable to flatten your innocent masculine friends to the floor-if not put them in the hospital-when he's pushed too far.
All is not roses and honey in a love affair with a lion, and that includes the quiet pussycats along with the flashy torn cats. There's no difference in the basic nature. Every woman in love with a Leo should get a copy of Anna and the King of Siam and study it well. The Siamese monarch was a typical Leo and youll get invaluable tips from Anna's technique. First the provocative challenge to interest him, then final feminine submission after you've taught him you won't be completely devoured. Truly, her story is a must. Sleep with it under your pillow.
Be prepared to balance his great enthusiasms with calm reason and willing to soothe him as he blows up problems intr> hnop. (timensions. The eentle Leos do this quietly, but what's the difference? Whether he roars and rages because his employees refused to obey him, or pouts on the back porch because the neighbors snubbed him the end result is identical. He needs your stability to balance his irrational pride. If you don't possess it yourself, your love may turn into a constant battle royal. You'll be breaking up and making up with such speed that your astonished friends will ask, "Where's the fire?" Where? Why, right inside your cozy lion's den. .
Don't try to be a career girl. He'll never stand for it He's your career. The lion may permit his mate to go out hunting for a few skins when the bank account gets low, but she'd better make it clear the job comes last, after him and the home nest. He won't tolerate competition from a male or an outside interest. If you're brave enough to accept these challenges, go ahead and buy your trous–seau, but be sure it's stylish. He'll want to show you off in his own Easter Parade, in December as well as in ApriL Embarrass him by appearing in public looking anything but queenly and you might miss a familiar face in the church while the choir is singing "Oh, Promise Me"-his.
After you're married, mated, and deeply loved, count your rewards. Your Leo husband will be as kind and good-hearted as King Arthur, provided you let the family re–volve around him. If he gets the respect he demands, hell repay it by pouring out generosity. You may be told how lovely you look repeatedly, he'll probably give you a large allowance, and-wonder of wonders, with his romantic dis–position-he'll be likely to remain faithful. There's always a better chance of that after marriage than when he's single, and I'll tell you why. The lion is usually too lazy to chase pretty faces, once he's found a lioness who will capably run his kingdom, while he luxuriously snoozes in the hammock. Hell play affectionately with his cubs, pro–tect his mate from all danger, and thrill her with his ambition to rise to a position of impressive superiority in his career.
You will lead an active social life with your Leo husband, as long as he gets his beauty sleep. But there will be a few nights out with the boys, and there may also be some juggling of finances, due to sudden gambling urges, or a chance investment he thought would pay off. A Leo man I know once bought ten shares in an oil well. Although he was onlv one verv minor stockholder among thousands, about twice a month, he would visit the site of the drilling and look important. When anyone asked him what he wanted, he would tell them, "I'm just checking to see how things are going with my well." The drillers treated him with great respect. They thought he was a member of the Board of Directors.
Take it all in stride-there are compensations. How can he scold you for buying that expensive mink hat after he lost the price of a mink coat in a little game with the fellows or after he spent your savings at an auction on two box cars of folded cardboard cartons in assorted sizes, when he took a notion to go into the mail order business? (Then he couldn't use them because it turned out that they were stamped all over with the words "Rat Poison" and a large skull and crossbones.) Keep him away from auc–tions if you have to lock him up, because he has an irresistible urge to bid higher than anybody on anything at any time He'll be quite the check grabber in public too, cheerfully saying, "The treat's on me," with the money for the new freezer. Leo would be right at home in Texas or Las Vegas, where he would instantly be recognized as a high roller (unless his Moon or ascendant dictates econ–omy).
There's one thing about the lion you may find very handy. Almost all Leos have a marvelous knack for fixing things. It can be anything from a broken door knob or a stubborn bathroom faucet to a tape recorder or a com–plicated stereo hi-fi set. If he's a typical Leo, he won't be able to resist trying his hand at making something work when it's on the blink. If all else fails, he'll give the offending machine or whatever a resounding kick in splen–did leonine anger, and suddenly the door knob will turn, the water will spray like Niagara Falls, the tape recorder will start talking and the hi-fi will start singing. There seems to be something mechanical about this Sun sign. Lots of Leo men can take engines apart and put them back together again, hardly soiling their hands in the process. He's not the type to let a hinge hang for months un–screwed or a carpet lie on the floor untacked. A surprising number of lions are experts at making their own furniture and building an extra room on the house with no pro–fessional help. He may have his own workshop in the basement. Don't complain about a little sawdust on the floor. It keeps him contented-and home at night.
The lion is the life of most parties, but he's no fool. He wears the jester's mask to get attention, and his audiences usually sense they'd better respect him during his temporary playful spells. Regardless of appearances, there's nothing easygoing about the inner nature of your Leo man. He's far more steadfast and tenacious than he seems. He knows what he wants, and he usually gets it. He's pretty good at keeping it, too.
If you expect him to be faithful during the courtship, be sure you keep him well nourished with romance and affec–tion or his huge need for love and admiration will make him stalk all over the jungle in search of it. If your re–lationship is real and deep, he'll probably be true to you, but his eyes may wander a bit. Other than keeping him blindfolded, there's very little you can do about that. Leo appreciates beauty, so if you're the type to get jealous over an appreciative glance at another female, you'd bet–ter get tolerant fast. A Leo man whose lady love leaves him because of his flirting will be honestly hurt and as–tonished. He's entirely capable, then, of faking anything from a heart attack to a tear-stained farewell note to get you to sympathize and run back into his big, warm arms, and hell be so convincing you'll feel like a cruel monster. Unless you enjoy emotional, dramatic scenes yourself, it's much less trouble to understand him in the first place. His capers will probably be innocent and harmless anyway, if you're treating him right. Never overly sensitive to the feelings of others, in spite of their basic kindness, most Leo men are so wrapped up in themselves that they can be brutally frank and untactful. But his dazzling smile soon clears the air. The warm lion doesn't have a malicious bone in his strong, graceful body. He may blow off terrifying steam, yet malice is not a part of his make-up and he can't cope with real cruelty (unless there's an affliction in his natal chart). He will enjoy sports, but as he grows older, he will prefer to watch them from the comfort of his padded throne, while you wait on him.
Not always, but very often, there's an odd twist to Leo males. Unlike the Capricorn, who seeks to rise socially through wedlock, the lion sometimes tends to marry be–neath him. He has as much desire for social status, but he just can't resist acquiring a "subject" to whom he's superior. Sometimes he makes a wrong choice, and the shrinking violet who sat adoringly at his feet makes a surprise move to grab the sceptre away from him. When that happens, the dethroned Leo is a miserable husband who .wears the tragic compression of an exiled monarch.
It's sad. but true- that Leos seldom raise large families. Many of them have no children, are separated from them, or raist an only child. Too bad, because they make warm, wonderful fathers, perhaps somewhat too permissive be–tween sten talks about prope' behavior. Your offspring may chafe under his demands and be bored with his long lectures, bui they'll soon learn how to flatter him into sub–mission. He'11 insist on their respect and get it, but they're liable to wheedle him out of anything by the clever usage of "Yes, Sir. You're right. Sir." Therefore, the real dis–cipline may be up to you. The children may resent his ar–rogant ways. but Leo fathers are almost always remembered with affection in later years. One tip. Don't give the young–sters more attention than you give him, or you may end up with quite a lot of trouble on your hands in the form of a giant bruised ego, which will be nearly impossible to heal.
How can you size up the puzzling male Leo? Is he kindhearted or dangerous, generous or cruelly selfish? Is he really a sociable fellow who loves people? Does he gain his reputation for superiority under false pretenses, or does he, like the real lion, deserve to be called King? Obviously, by his own standards at least, he does deserve to be the Lord and Master in his love life and his career. You have to admit that he's usually highly successful in both romance and business.
Whether the Leo man is truly a king, or just a pretender to the throne, we may never know. But there are several things you do know about your own lion. He has in–satiable appetites, and he's as proud as a peacock. He has am enormous need to command and to be loved by those he rules. Remember that Leo secretly fears he may fail and be ridiculed. It's a constant inner torture, and the true source of his vanity and exaggerated dignity. Yet, when his nobility has been aroused by a great cause, he knows no fear. Only then does the lion learn that the magnificent strength and courage he's been pretending to have has really been there all along.
Your Leo may drive you wild by his antics during court–ship, but he's not at all a bad mate for a long term possi–bility. If you don't mind submerging your ego, and building your life around his, once you've tamed this man, you'll be adored and youll never be lonely again. Besides, he can fix those bathroom faucets.
The Leo man is often a happy individual...warm-hearted, devil-may-care and prone to be rather a show-off at times. This is a male possessed with drive, ambition and virtually limitless courage. For no apparent reason, he is liable to bring his mate a thoughtful gift one day and then totally forget the birthday which falls the following week. Given the chance, he has the inherent capability to play the role of eternal sweetheart. As a partner, he is willing to make his entire life revolve around the partner of choice...although this may not necessarily put a stop to the roving of his twinkling eye. In short, there will never be a dull moment with this man. He likes his mate to be admired and noticed by others and enjoys being seen out and about with his loved one. As a father, he takes pleasure in playing games with his children but is prone to roar when they go too far, promptly dispatching them off to bed and blaming his partner for the lack of discipline. In essence, this is a lovable but maddening male who is both passionate and insistent. The wealthy Leo man is often something of a playboy and may appear to take nothing seriously, which can be intensely irritating.
The man governed by Leo can fit into the scheme of domestic life quite smoothly. Usually, he is a good and very generous provider who is tremendously proud of himself and his family. His desire for his family is the best of everything and his personal wish is to reign supreme at center stage. This is a loving and devoted soul, but one who refuses to tolerate disrespect and insubordination. The Leo male is something of a law unto himself and if he chooses to pursue romance outside of the home, then he will do so without scruple...but his attitude toward life is such that he would never suffer the same behavior from a partner. Still, acute judges of character and fastidious to a fault, the Leo male invariably selects a mate who meets his high standard of perfection and the situation never arises. The man ruled by Leo is essentially generous, kind and loyal...to say nothing of his truly great heart.
In order to give fuller interpretation to the Zodiac Signs, ancient astrologers subdivided each Sign into periods of approximately ten days. These divisions are known as the "decans" or "decantes" and cover modifications of individual traits, attributed to minor planetary influences, which temper or blend with the ruling influence of the period. The ten-day spans are somewhat arbitrary in order to allow for the five (and sometimes six) extra days in the year beyond the 360 days required for the thirty-six decans. According to accepted prodcedure, these days have thus been added to form various six-day periods instead of five. The earliest records of decans have been found inside coffin lids dating from the Tenth Egyptian Dynasty around 2100 B.C. Decans are also mentioned in the Babylonian Enuma Anu Enil, which dates approximately four centuries later. The root of the word "decante" is Greek in origin and means "ten days apart."
The planetary influences described under the decans are valuable in "shading" the traits of many individuals, but are generally subordinate to the stronger characteristics associated with the primary Zodiac Sign. In some people, the traits of the decans may only be slightly traced...in others, they are very marked. As a general rule, the primary Sign of an individual details his or her characteristics with what can be surprising exactitude, but where such individual traits may seem at variance with the accepted patterns of the Sign, then the answer may be found in that person's decan. A study of the decans may also reveal hidden factor's to which a person may be susceptible, even though his or her major traits are fully delineated under his or her primary sign.
The First Decan of Leo is also known as the Leo Decante and the "Week of Authority." This Decan is the most typical of its native Sign, meaning that individuals born during this period possess a tremendous amount of added staying power. Once these subjects set out to accomplish something, they will persist regardless of encountered obstacles, until success is attained. Added to this determination is a driving ability which helps supply the energy and stamina necessary for such persistance. The personality and physical appearance of these First Decan Leo natives has a certain brightness and sparkle often envied by others who are not so blessed. There is an accented personal pride associated with this Decan...a pride easily noticed by anyone who is aware of the erect walk and upward tilt of the head. When these Leo individuals arrive upon the scene, everyone is immediately aware of the regal presence and naturally tends to respect, honor and make room. Since command of the spotlight is so easily achieved, these Leo natives need to exercise care that they do not overdo or abuse such a privilege. It is easy for others to experience envy or resentment toward them. Thus, First Decan individuals should practice giving those around them a small portion of the limelight from time-to-time...if they wish to be as well-liked and highly regarded as they appear to desire. There will probably be some natural acting talent and ability here and it is not unusual for those who fall within the jurisdiction of this First Decan to be involved in the theater in some fashion...or utilizing these talents quite positively in other vocations as well as in everyday personal life. These Leo natives are gregarious souls who fail to feel fulfilled unless they can relate freely and frequently to others in both their business and personal lives. It is imperative that First Decan Leo subjects avoid accepting any role or position which would necessitate them becoming anything resembling a recluse or too private of a person. The influence of the Sun (primary governing planet of this Decan) is dominant here, but any waverings will allow the gloom of Saturn (secondary planet governing this Decan) to take hold. Thus, these natives may become boastful and arrogant, sometimes resorting to violence if ideas are opposed. Through contol of such moods, the knowledge afforded by Saturn can be added to the power of the Sun, resulting in individuals who are generous and steadfast by nature, free from worry and able to override misfortune. These are also warm individuals who love to surprise and please those around them. Subjects of this First Decan are very interested in sports and family, but can be amazingly stubborn when they believe they are "in the right." They also like to keep things and people in a "straight line" according to accepted rules and are somewhat predictable in their actions. First Decan Leo individuals require respect from friends and family almost as much as they need air and water. They also harbor a great desire to distinguish themselves in their chosen fields, express themselves in a creative fashion and find that "certain someone" with whom they can share it all. The motto of the First Decan of Leo is "Rulership."
The constellation associated with this Decan is Crater, a faint constellation which resembles a cup and is also referred to as "a furnace of fire that has tremendous concentrated energy." Crater the Cup is representative of great power which is often expressed in terms of a ruler or leader. In mythology, Corvus the Crow was sent by Apollo (God of the Sun) to fetch a cup of water, but was slow in returning because he had been waiting for a fig near the spring to ripen. Eventually arriving with the cup of spring water and bearing the water-serpent known as Hydra in his claws, Corvus informed Apollo that he had been delayed due to an attack upon his person by Hydra. Knowing that the Crow was lying, the Sun God placed all three into the heavens as constellations. Crater the Cup is to the West of Corvus...within reach, but Hydra the Sea-Serpent constantly prevents the Crow from quenching his thirst.
The Second Decan of Leo is also known as the Sagittarius Decante and the "Week of Balanced Strength." The influence of Jupiter, secondary planet governing this Decan, can induce numerous and rather interesting differences but chiefly amplifies, enlarges and magnifies the more traditional characteristics associated with the Sign of Leo. Jupiter also helps the Leo sense of humor in a very positive way which aids in relating to others. In addition, it appears to add an element of good luck, which is often helpful when things do not seem to be going the way this Leo native would wish. This secondary planetary influence appears to add something of the gambler's instinct to certain Second Decan Leo subjects since they do enjoy taking chances from time-to-time and this element of risk adds a special interest to the lives of such individuals. Hugely interested in advanced education, Second Decan subjects can be motivated toward becoming students for much of their lives. Their ability to communicate in an intelligent fashion impresses others, who may well assume that this native is a college graduate even if he or she has never gone beyond high school. While it is generally true that these Leo natives can (and normally do) relate well to those around them, they do not easily tolerate any form of relationship with another which will be so close or binding as to markedly restrict personal freedom. The enjoyment of freedom is so great here that Second Decan individuals may be willing to fight for the right to choose, should such become necessary. With a love of travel, these natives will likely visit faraway places and other countries more than most. It is also possible that they will reside for periods of time in a foreign land or at least live a long distance away from the birth home area. Basically, the Second Decan of Leo is counted among the strongest to be found in the entire Zodiac. Common sense is frequently accompanied by a most generous disposition which is both open-minded and open-hearted. The "will to win" inherent in natives of the Sun (primary governing planet of this Decan), coupled with talent to "see things through" which is provided by Jupiter, results in individuals who are understanding, tolerant and tactful when dealing with those around them...often able to overlook the foibles of friends and family. Courtesy of Jupiter's influence, these are also witty and philosophical souls who live to inspire and teach others. Indeed, these subjects search constantly for meaning, truth and ethics...even though such may sometimes alienate others. In short, the thirst for knowledge is intense in these individuals, coupled with strong beliefs and a tendency to occasionally be overly-hard on themselves and loved ones. These natives often benefit from being alone and thus, accountable to no one. Nonetheless, they are generally gentle and noble characters who possess a tempering attribute which makes for a magnificent leader and they will doubtless have many friends of both sexes. Perhaps the greatest fault of these natives is overconfidence, which can lead to conceit and may cause those who fall under the jurisdiction of this Decan to place self-interest above the honesty which this Second Decan customarily represents. The motto of the Second Decan of Leo is "Reform."
The constellation associated with this Decan is Centaurus the Centaur, representative of the manner in which the human spirit learns how to cooperate with animalistic prowess, coupled with the ability to fight for a cause and bring about progressive improvements. Centaurus is a huge constellation which includes the bright Milky Way, Alpha Centauri, Beta Centauri and many other fine examples of celestial bodies. Found at the foot of the Centaur, Alpha Centauri is only 4.3 light years away and is the nearest neighbor to the Sun. Beta Centauri and Alpha Centauri are the bright "pointers" to the Southern Cross. In mythology, Centaurus symbolizes Chiron, who features widely in Greek folklore. Chiron was one of the Centaurs...creatures who were half-man and half-horse. However, unlike others of his species who were monstrous and brutal, Chiron was immensely wise and tutored such Greek heroes as Heracles and Jason. According to the fable, Heracles accidently wounded Chrion, resulting in the Centaur experiencing great pain but, due to his immortality, being unable to die. Thus, Chiron appealed to the Gods to end his suffering. Mercifully, Zeus heeded the Centaur's plea and then placed his likeness among the stars.
The Third Decan of Leo is also known as the Aries Decante and the "Week of Leadership." The influence of Mars, secondary planet governing this Decan, can induce some rather excieting and interesting characteristics but chiefly provides the ability to concentrate and focus the power and warmth afforded by the Sun (primary planet governing this Decan), so that such power and warmth may be utilized most efficiently for whatever might need to be accomplished. When this immensely potent energy force is used wisely, then few things can stand in the way of Third Decan Leo natives for very long regarding their progress in life. The external ego is strong here due to the influence of Leo, but is even more accentuated because of the effect of Aries, first Sign of the Zodiac. Thus, it may be necessary for these subjects to exercise some restraint in order to avoid overbearance with regard to interpersonal relationships which could lead to serious problems. Personal pride and natural dynamism are readily apparent here, but will only appear admirable if they do not impose upon the egos and rights of others. The high energy courtesy of Mars makes Third Decan Leo natives very active and quick-moving. Indeed, it is difficult for these individuals to remain idle for even the most brief periods of time and, due to this inherent restlessness, seldom need to be concerned with obesity. Since these subjects respond so well to challenges, they are happier when setting a rather difficult personal goal...and once this has been accomplished, another should be set immediately. In terms of a career, it is important that these Leo natives not settle for the totally ordinary or routine since they can all too easily become bored. Contact sports may have a very special appeal to individuals who fall within the jurisdication of this Decan and they may excel where a lot of competition is involved. If this native stays active, then there is no reason why he or she should not lead a very interesting and fulfilled life. Others generally like to be in the company of these Third Decan subjects because their zest for life seems to inspire those around them to the point of believing that life truly is worth living. The dominance of the Sun is probably at its most forceful in this Decan of Leo, resulting in natives whose disposition is both brave and virile. These are also inspirational, knowledgeable and enlightened souls who are competitive and physical, but possess an absolute aversion of being told what to do. There is a thirst for real adventure here, coupled with honesty and strength of purpose. However, due to the influence of Mars, there is also the danger of its subjects becoming too impulsive and domineering or even overly-aggressive and difficult. Thus, those who fall under the jurisdiction of the Third Decan of Leo often experience serious rivalries in both business and the social arenas. Courtesy of Mars, these natives are also often driven to work for the love of work itself. Finding it impossible to resist a challenge, these individuals are prone to flirt with danger and are independent to a fault...although there may be a secret desire to find someone who will take care of them. There appears to be a great attraction to the color red exhibited by these natives, together with a love of high performance machinery and people who can anticipate personal needs and "deliver the goods." Friendship is very important to these subjects and they should further it by showing appreciation of others, rather than boasting of their own achievements. The motto of the Third Decan of Leo is "Ambition."
The constellation associated with this Decan is Corvus the Crow (also sometimes referred to as Corvus the Raven), representative of a strong character which feeds upon the weak and wounded and one which may also be ruthless and zealous in striving for goals. This constellation contains TV Corvi (also known as Tombaugh's Star), discovered as a nova by Clyde Tombaugh in 1931 while searching for planets, and the Ring-Tailed Galaxy (also known as the Antennae or Rat-Tailed Galaxy). In mythology, Corvus the Crow was sent by Apollo (God of the Sun) to fetch a cup of water, but was slow in returning because he had been waiting for a fig near the spring to ripen. Eventually arriving with the cup of spring water and bearing the water-serpent known as Hydra in his claws, Corvus informed Apollo that he had been delayed due to an attack upon his person by Hydra. Knowing that the Crow was lying, the Sun God placed all three into the heavens as constellations. Corvus the Crow is to the East of Crater the Cup...within reach, but Hydra the Sea-Serpent constantly prevents the Crow from quenching his thirst.
Natives governed by Leo need constant attention in order to keep alive and warm. Here, there is a deep love for life and all of its possibilities, including luxuries. This love transfers magnificently into how Leo subjects express their feelings. When in love, individuals ruled by this Sign are supremely supportive and affection tends to grow stronger the more he or she feels that the chosen partner truly cares. In return, Leo will reward such a mate with true adoration. Leo natives are essentially romantic in a dramatic sense...and not afraid to show it. These are souls who enjoy pulling their loved ones out into their world and radiate when they feel their partners compliment some quality about themselves. Love is a thing of luxury to Leo and his or her mate will receive an abundance of personal attention, lust and emotions. Since Leo individuals are prone to judge themselves on what they have around them (hence their love of luxury), they can be somewhat appearance-conscious at times and may become overly critical of a partner's qualities, looks or talents. In truth, those who are governed by Leo truly require constant input to maintain their vitality and can, on occasion, be self-serving...sometimes to the point where it becomes egotistical. Still, love with a Leo native is like no other love and once these persons decide to give their hearts, they also give every inch of their souls...and here lies the Leo vulnerability. If their trust is broken, they are almost certain to crumble. Again, Leo subjects base their own self-judgments on those they adore. To remove the loved one from the picture is to take away the Leo identity in many ways. When natives of this Sign feel let down...and it usually takes a great deal...they either fall into an abyss of pain and depression, or become utterly cold and without feeling. The sexuality of those governed by Leo is as full of light and life as is their ruling Planet, the Sun. Generally, they are full of showmanship and expressive displays of attention. Leo natives enjoy the height of all feelings in ife and physical pleasure is just another glorious filed to explore. These are individuals who possess exotic tastes and ones who can be aggressive, passionate and encompassing in the romantic arena. It is important to remember that it is the love of life that inspires Leo natives and they can be wonderfully creative and experimental souls, particularly if they feel secure. Leo individuals are as proud in passion...or perhaps even more so...as they are in any other area of life. The more appreciated and cherished a Leo subject feels, then the more expressive and passionate he or she will become.
The gambling instinct is inherent in all Leo natives and this will also apply to their attitude regarding affairs of the heart. These are individuals who tend to take risks and sometimes, will make mistakes. Indeed, many Leo subjects marry more than once. The glorious optimism and warmth of Leo attracts similar type partners. When young, this Sign has no time or patience for the more timid sweetheart and those ruled by Leo will spend a great deal of time juggling with romantic prospects. Leo wants a partner of whom he or she can be proud. Thus, these natives are prone to fall in love with someone they admire. No sacrifice in the name of love is too great for Leo individuals but, once the loving has ceased, then any partner will need to beware since this Sign can be totally unforgiving when crossed. This may sound rather terrible but in truth, it is not. Leo subjects are proud and sunny souls who radiate warmth and happiness, but they are often not sufficiently subtle to detect the presence of unhappiness in those who are close to them. In short, they frequently fail to realize that all is not well in a relationship. Here, personal values provide much self-confidence, yet natives of Leo are continually disappointed in the actions and motives of others. This is why they are destined to be thwarted in love at least once. Still, Leo subjects are renowned for their ability to always come up fighting.
Perhaps the best technique to employ with Leo natives is praise since there is little else that those ruled by Leo appreciate more. While it is true that any potential partner may tire of looking for things to compliment about Leo, finding and voicing such flattering words will produce tremendous dividends. Natives of Leo are drawn to pleasure and pleasant people, so it may be best for any mate not to plan activities with them if in a bad or negative mood, or not up to par in general. Leo individuals are most appreciative of youth and concepts of youthfulness. Hence, a partner is most dear to Leo when he or she thinks, acts and feels as young as possible. They are also great admirers of creativity and imagination. Perhaps the most abhorrent trait to a native of Leo is the turning off of the spotlight when he or she is basking in its warm rays and this is something a potential mate must be careful to never do. Leo subjects cannot tolerate for long those who would constantly or repeatedly attempt to upstage them and are certain to display defiance toward anyone who seriously threatens their right of rulership. In short, those governed by Leo must always be given the leading role and any mate must be willing to accept, at best, a good supporting part.
When it comes to long term commitments, Leo individuals are rather high maintenance partners. They require attention, nurturing and pampering in order for the relationship to thrive. Any potential mate must be personally strong in himself or herself to enhance the partnership...but also willing to step occasionally into Leo's shadow. Those governed by Leo are protective to the death when it comes to loved ones. In a lasting union, these will be generous and expressive souls, provided such union is constantly stoked and fed. Failure to do this will result in the Leo fire sputtering and dying. If mistreated, it will flare and burn into something totally unpredictable but if maintained and tended, it will become a life-giving warmth that is everlasting. It is important to note that those governed by this Sign need to exercise much care and prudence in the selection of a long time mate since any misstep could result in a life of unhappiness. They should be particularly cautioned against hasty commitments of a long term nature at a young age and in most instances, it would it would be advantageous for them if they not take this step until well-settled in life. Any partner should be on an equal plane both socially and intellectually for longevity to be achieved.
The Leo male is generous, sympathetic, kindhearted and blessed with a magnetic personality, not to mention a natural ability to influence others. However, this is a man who is highly emotional...sometimes to his detriment. A born ruler, the Leo male is happiest when at the head of anything he undertakes, be it in the business field or social arena. He can be a truly warm friend since he does carry with him a genuine faith in humanity. In order to be happy with such a man, a potential partner msut do absolutely nothing to challenge his ruling power. He must never be antagonized and his point of view never belittled. In order to cover a soft heart, the Leo man will sometimes display a gruff and harsh outward appearance. Should he become impatient, impetuous and quick to anger, it will be necessary to remember that this is simply his way and within a few moments, the mood will have passed. Since he does believe in the inherent goodness of mankind, it is difficult for the Leo male to hold a grudge and his possibilities for success are limited only by a lack of confidence in those he loves. Being a fiery and romantic soul, this man will demand a mate's attention, becoming jealous, aloof and offended should his partner forget...even for one instant...that he is of kingly stock. Usually creative, the Leo male seeks stability, which stems from a need to control all that he surveys. He also harbors a desire to be constantly told that he is magnificent and wonderful. Exceedingly attractive, individuals of all ages and both sexes are drawn to his charm...and not only will he be uncaring if this makes a partner jealous, he may even revel in the knowledge. Because this is a demonstrative man, a mate can keep his attention by being his exact opposite...silent and subtle. One trick to dealing with the Leo male, should he take to raging at his partner, is to feign a tear. He will instantly melt into sweetness and honey. Being a born actor and natural showman, this man loves to be the center of intrigue but will quickly leave any mate who tries to steal his limelight. Although insistent that any partner be an independent person, the Leo man also wants that partner to be dependent upon him. Thus, the Leo male can be a difficult soul to love...but most find the task well worth the effort. There is a tendency for males ruled by Leo to experience ups-and-down in long term commitments and they actually seem to relish a good argument...perhaps because they relish making up even more. For a relationship to last, it will be necessary for any mate to pull out all the stops by bringing color, gaiety and glamor into this man's life. Indeed, he does love to be fascinated. He is a romantic, so a partner should never laugh at his overtures regarding courtship. Charming on the surface, men governed by Leo are tough underneath and potential mates will need to learn to get their own way via a charm that is equally as melting. This is a male who desires a partner of whom he can be proud and it will be necessary to find out what type of individual he admires most and then employ emulation, if necessary.
The Leo female possesses a flair for the dramatic and clearly has little use for the routine and ordinary. She tends to act as though she is always on stage, basking in the spotlight so everyone who is anyone is sure to be aware of her presence. She may want to be head of the house and at times, behave in a totally unreasonable fashion in order to get her own way. Still, she will listen to reason if her good heart and generosity are appealed to. Affectionate, kindhearted and sincere, women governed by Leo have a deep love of children and make for excellent mothers who adore their homes...but when it comes to being domestic, they prefer being served rather than serving as mistress of the castle. This female is plainly an incurable romantic, forever in love with love...but such love must include affection. Personally magnetic, she has no problem in attracting potential mates...and if any mate should become jealous of her many admirers, it would be best to not let it show. This is because the Leo woman believes, on some level, that she is entitled to as many compliments as others are willing to shower upon her. This is a female who likes to be admired, but cannot abide a mate to chastize her for simply doing what comes naturally. Although she may appear to want to be won, it will be necessary for any potential partner to allow this woman to do the winning. Being involved with a female ruled by Leo will certainly enhance any mate's skills at courting and seduction...provided such mate possesses sufficient wisdom and stamina to survive the course. If an individual would achieve true happiness with this woman, it will be necessary to display pride at her many accomplishments...and be proud of her on a personal level. She requires virtually constant flattery and devotion. Never ever must she be catigated or criticized in public...to do so marks the certain kiss of death for the relationship. Similarly, a partner must never try to deceive this woman in any way whatsoever. She possesses a high degree of honor that should never be trifled with...and should she find any mate unfaithful, then that mate is doomed to spend much time in the doghouse. For a relationship to last, it will be necessary for any potential mate to be gallant, courteous and chivalrous. Proud and domineering from time-to-time, it would not be wise to allow this woman to constantly get her own way. She desires a partner who is ambitious and well-respected in society...and she prefers traditional conformity. Romantic, but often shy of displaying as much, the Leo female can be won with true old-fashioned love and chivalry. Altogether fascinating, this female is something of an ambitious golden girl who likes to be free and independent...until her heart has been won and then, she is self-sacrificial in her giving.
Positive Aspects Of Leo In Love:
Protective - Adoring - Playful - Inventive - Generous - Supportive - Warm - Sensual - Joyful
Negative Aspects Of Leo In Love:
Possessive - Jealous - Cold - Cruel - Selfish - Egotistical - Self-Serving - Issues With Control
Romantic Style:
Ardent - Dramatic - Warm-Hearted - Supremely Confident
Leo natives like to shower loved ones with affection. These are very demonstrative and affectionate souls. They prefer romanic interludes to take place in luxury and generally enjoy the more refined pleasures associated with love. However, those governed by this Sign can be quite domineering and need a partner who can stand up to them. Conscious of their considerable charm and magnetism, Leo natives are powerful and vigorous in a physically romantic sense. Still, for all their dramatics, those ruled by Leo are rather conservative individuals beneath the surface.
The attractions between these two could be passionate, fiery and instantaneous. However, the need of a Leo native to be treated as the greater light in the household, coupled with need for constant attention, could cause much strife with the Aries partner, whose "me first" attitude rivals that of Leo. Moreover, the Leo individual's requirement for incessant flattery may meet with disapproval and resentment, since Aries tends to believe that "once said" should be sufficient for anybody. Should the Leo partner begin to collect his or her compliments from other attractive sources, then Aries will make the effort to appease and if the love he or she holds for the Leo native is very strong, then the Aries partner will make a tremendous effort to become the greatest admirer of all. Still, this could soon venture into the realm of boredom for Aries unless he or she can collect the same from Leo. After all, it is part and parcel of the Aries nature to enjoy being told how wonderful he or she might be. An Aries partner will also need this type of encouragement if any project is to be completed...although this Sign is a true trailblazer, it is not known for its finishing ability. Here, there are many similarities in the romantic arena, which can be one of the most important things that will keep this pair true to commitments. Between the two of them, if at least one is loving and tactful with the other...meeting emotional needs...then this could be a happy union of some longevity.
This is most assuredly a dynamic love affair where sparks will fly. There will also be a mutual and healthy love of sportsmanship and competition. This relationship will likely see a lot of action but both will want to be boss and problems can arise when their equally large egos get in the way. These are two partners who have genuine admiration and respect for each other, but they need to learn how to take turns in issuing commands and delivering orders...even when they are simply deciding which movie to see. Natives of both Signs can be impatient and proud. Leo individuals love to be adored and relish having their egos stroked. These are services that the easily-bored Aries may not always want to provide. Moreover, the Aries partner may be bothered by the flirtatious nature of Leo. Nonetheless, this relationship will never be anything less than exciting. Despite their sometimes noisy differences, Aries often looks to Leo as a guide or counselor and any divergences between this pair can be overcome. Both Aries and Leo are normally respected by others and it will be vital that such respect also exist within the confines of this relationship.
Leo is ruled by the Sun and Aries is ruled by the planet Mars. This is a good combination. These two individuals understand each other because they are coming from the same place. Mars is associated with aggressive energy and the Sun is associated with self, so this is a highly compatible union which can make for a powerful team. Both Leo and Aries are governed by the element of Fire, resulting in an extremely heated and passionate relationship. When this union is good, then it is outstanding...but when it is bad, then it is all about loud arguments and bruised egos. In this combination, there will inevitably be an ongoing competition regarding who is in charge and since a love affair should not be concerned with power, this can easily become a problem. Both individuals here possess boundless energy so they will constantly be "on the go," and although they may often disagree, the differences of opinion rarely last long. Simply put, the Aries partner will be far too busy moving on to the next challenge to harbor a grudge. For this relationship to last, it will be important for Leo to remember not to be resentful if his or her Aries partner does not show enough respect. Leo is Fixed in quality while Aries is Cardinal. Thus, Aries can provide the Leo native with the assertiveness to charge ahead and take chances. In turn, Leo can help teach the Aries partner to stabilize and follow things through to completion. Aries may occasionally damage the feelings of Leo by saying something hurtful without thinking. Conversely, Aries may become irritated by Leo's bossy nature and the tendency to sulk. Still, this will be a loyal pair who care deeply for each other and when they reach an understanding that there does not always have to be a boss, this can be a blissful and exciting union. There is a mutual admiration here and with Aries as the initiator and Leo as the one who follows through, each has an integral niche within the partnership.
In essence, this combination can be a great match. The romantic interludes will be magnificent with little if any infidelity since each finds in the other what he or she needs. Leo natives like aggressive tendencies in others and aggression is part and parcel of the Aries character. Thus, this is something of an ideal union.
The Taurus native may not be able to help but fall in love with Leo for the strength, warmth, generosity and bearing associated with this Sign are impressive indeed. The Leo native will have great admiration for the ability of Taurus in terms of handling finances and he or she will also admire the effortless sophistication displayed by individuals who are governed by Taurus. Because there is so much mutual admiration between this pair, an infatuation may begin the moment these two become acquainted and could very well lead to a commitment of some longevity. At times, the Taurus partner may feel that Leo is too sure of his or her standing and in fact, Leo may take the Taurus native for granted. In addition, Leo individuals are prone to exhibit an overbearing and demanding attitude...to say nothing of possessing dogmatic ways. Battles between these two could be epic in proportion. Both Taurus and Leo are capable of making a good living but Leo will likely expect the Taurus partner to stay home rather than pursue a career. Unfortunately, this will not sit well with those ruled by Taurus. Problems may arise if the Taurus partner believes Leo should do something to cultivate emotional compatibility...or if the Leo partner shows a lack of concern for the feelings and/or emotional needs of Taurus. If this attitude is carried over into the romantic arena, then the Leo partner will probably meet with a very cold shoulder, causing much distress to the fiery and amorous Leo native. In order to achieve even a modicum of peace and harmony, each partner in this relationship must strive to keep the physical activity between them alive and well.
Basically, this combination can result in a magnificent pairing because each knows how to stroke the other's ego and each loves to have his or her ego stroked. In addition, the needs of this couple are similar. Taurus desires an abundance of affection...wanting to be loved and cherished. Leo thrives on compliments, craving declarations of adoration and displays of admiration. In a romantic sense, both are extremely loyal and passionate...and since they share the same desires, can usually provide for one another's needs very well. These are Signs that have an almost overwhelming fondness for status and possessions, placing a high value on comfort and luxury. Leo is frequently flamboyant about attentions and gift-giving, which will greatly please the Taurus partner, who adores the most traditional forms of courtship. Although this pair can work together quite nicely, it is not a garden of roses for these two. Both are stubborn individuals who must work hard to understand and accept one another.
Leo is ruled by the Sun and Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus. The Sun radiates warmth and light. Those it governs also radiate this type of energy and enthusiasm. Venus is concerned with love, beauty and luxury. Thus, this combination of masculine and feminine energies will aid both partners to admire and sustain one another. Venus is never more than 48 degrees from the Sun, so these two certainly belong close together. The Sun is representative of life and Venus is representative of romance. As long as each individual here is careful to understand the other, this match could be a positive one. Leo is governed by the element of Fire while Taurus is governed by the element of Earth. Hence, both partners will be ambitious, but in quite different ways. Leo yearns for fame and fortune...Taurus strives for security and stability in life and in love. Unfortunately, both Signs expect to assume the position of leader in a relationship and the tendency to battle for domination is likely. During arguments, Taurus abhors conceding a point, perceiving such to be an acceptance of domination...unless it is considered to be the practical course. Arguments can be fierce and epic between these two but provided each can be reassured that the relationship is important to his or her partner, then things will progress more smoothly. Leo and Taurus are both Fixed in quality. This means that each partner will be stubborn and once the mind is made up, it will take a lot to effectuate a change of attitude. This is why any argument between them can become so intense...both truly believe they are correct and that their way is the only right way to address an issue. Leo and Taurus are Signs prone to shy away from change. They like to get things settled and then allow them to continue in that fashion almost indefinitely...even if there is room for improvement. If either should decide that he or she wants the love relationship to stay intact, then almost nothing will convince him or her to leave the partner. This is good for the stability of the union, but can be bad if the relationship is inhibitive or destructive. Perhaps the best aspect of this combination is mutual admiration. Both individuals here possess exceedingly powerful personalities, so neither will be likely to dominate the other...regardless of how hard they might try. Friends and family may well consider this pair an excellent union since they share the commitment of fulfilling their goals.
In essence, this combination is a rather good match, particularly when each partner understands the errors of the other. Both Leo and Taurus possess a love for the finer things of life and provided Taurus can restrain the inherent jealousy...and allow Leo to show off a little on occasion...this relationship could work to perfection.
Being strong-willed, natives of Leo have every intention of getting their own way...but since Leo also possesses more warm-hearted moods, Gemini individuals do not find this trait to be so unreasonable. Those governed by Gemini have the strength and adaptability to allow Leo to have his or her own way much of the time since the probing manner of Gemini soon finds that Leo is not only sincere, but that the over-demanding manner is designed to ensure that what is best for both partners is accomplished, The Leo subject is prone to periods of pure laziness during which nothing ever gets done and this changeability in the Leo nature may be beyond Gemini's comprehension. The Gemini partner may experience some jealousy regarding Leo's knack of stealing the spotlight wherever he or she goes since this is sure to overshadow Gemini's inherent gregarious nature. Still, Gemini is smart enough to know that Leo will soon shake off the lazy spell and Leo is smart enough to step aside and allow Gemini to bask in the limelight every now and again. This couple share an ability to adapt to each other's moods and ways, making for a very good union...either because of the challenges it offers or in spite of them. Leo is blessed with the power to forgive and forget Gemini's occasional neurotic outbursts, as well as respecting the Gemini desire for individual freedom. In a physically romantic sense, the variable desires of Gemini may be a complete mystery to the Leo native, who is prone to love whole-heartedly. Still, the Leo partner will be perfectly capable of breaking down...in a warm and affectionate manner...any resentments that Gemini may be harboring and thereby easing the tension in the intimate arena. In short, this is regarded as a favorable union.
The Leo/Gemini relationship will be playful and high-spirited, characterized by light activity and optimism. Natives of Gemini thrive on mental stimulation and thus, will be extremely attracted to Leo's creative and dramatic spirit. However, if the Leo partner takes Gemini's flirty and outgoing nature too seriously, or if the Gemini partner believes Leo desires to maintain total control of the relationship, then trouble is sure to arise and arguments may result. Though the approaches here are different...Gemini likes to analyze things from all sides in an intellectual conversation while Leo would rather not talk about it, preferring to simply jump in...this pair is well-matched. Both Signs are known for their abundance of energy. Those governed by Leo adore being at the helm of any project or venture and those governed by Gemini want to be free to think as fast and as far as they please. Being direct and decisive, the Leo partner can help Gemini to make a decision, if the Gemini native begins to vacillate due to an inability to see all options...but, Leo must take care not to be too bossy, which will certainly ruffle Gemini's feathers.
Leo is ruled by the Sun and Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury. Thus, both individuals will be skilled at communication since the planetary influences are similar and each will simply utilize different approaches to self-expression. There could be many heated debates between this pairing, but while Gemini finds it fun and mentally stimulating, Leo will probably take it rather seriously which could result in hurt feelings. Leo is governed by the element of Fire while Gemini is governed by the element of Air. Air fuels Fire and helps it to spread far and wide. Gemini will find it easy to keep up with Leo's energy and creativity. Leo is prone to be demonstrative and dramatic but the intellectual Gemini will always understand Leo's message. One of the wonderful aspects of this relationship is that Leo can have an energetic and active day and then go home and tell Gemini all about it. Leo is Fixed in quality and Gemini is Mutable. By nature, Leo is stubborn and resolute...a magnificent leader, but somewhat rigid when it comes to changing ideas or direction. Once the mind of a Leo individual is made up, he or she will see something through to the end. On the other hand, Gemini is flexible to the extreme. Natives of Gemini become bored easily and have no problem in allowing Leo to take the lead...to a certain extent. Individuals ruled by Gemini want to be leaders of their own thoughts. Still, they are happy to be in the background, content with their thoughts, permitting Leo to take the spotlight and the glory. This couple share a youthful...even childlike...view of the world and their union can be very successful, given the optimism and explorative natures of both partners.
In essence, this combination can be a good one but not necessarily. The Leo native loves with the heart first, while Gemini loves with the mind. Both are naturally attracted to glamor, flattery and good fellowship but in order to achieve longevity, the Leo partner will have to understand that Gemini will not always be around to provide the attention upon which Leo thrives. In addition, the Gemini partner will need to understand that the desire to run the world is part and parcel of the Leo make-up.
The Leo individual will doubtless experience much trouble in breaking through the protective shell of Cancer, since those governed by that Sign prefer to hide their feelings inside, showing the world a very different image with every indication that they are thicker skinned than they truly are. However, with persistance, Leo will eventually breach the barrier and discover a very sensitive person whose feelings are easily damaged. At the outset of the relationship, Cancer will be very attracted to Leo's regal bearing and fun-loving attitude. But within a short space of time, the Cancer native will find out exactly how different the Leo value system is from his or her own and the fiery ardor of the Leo partner will cause Cancer to feel that real love simply cannot endure in the face of such intensity. Hence, the Cancer individual will begin to doubt Leo's heartfelt words of endearment. Since Cancer is inherently moody and easily hurt by almost everything that is said, he or she is liable to sulk for days and this will certainly not sit well with the Leo partner, who has no time for anyone who cannot keep up. The quiet outer facade of the Cancer personality was quite possibly what first attracted Leo and the Cancer individual would be well advised to try and be everything that Leo expects in a mate. Totally by instinct, Cancer can provide the type of home that Leo wants and expects. This alone can heal many wounds, but the wildly extravagant moods of the Leo nature...no matter how occasional...are sure to aggravate the economical values of the Cancer partner. Cancer worries about the future, but the future could not be the furthermost thing on the mind of Leo and such fretting only serves to amuse him or her. Both Signs here tend to be somewhat bossy and unless allowed to make most of the decisions, the home-loving and nurturing Cancer is likely to spend more time sulking than talking. It is not in the Leo character to tolerate such a situation since Leo must be in the limelight and if such is not the case, then he or she will look elsewhere for attention. In the romantic arena, the demands of Leo individuals can become excessive...their appetites vary considerably. Longevity will doubtless depend upon whether the Leo partner can show consideration and maintain a giving attitude. Still, given all the differences in personalities clashing constantly, this is a shaky union, at best.
The Leo/Cancer combination is generally one of mutual understanding for the most part. Bascially, each knows how to satisfy the primary emotional needs within the other. Both Signs require dedication and tender, loving care...but while Cancer seeks stability and emotional harmony, Leo craves heartfelt compliments and sincere admiration. Here, both individuals are fiercely loyal, even to the point of possessiveness...Cancer for the sake of safety and Leo for the sake of self-confidence. In addition, this pair will be equally committed to an enduring and rewarding connection. Since the desires are similar, Cancer and Leo may fill very important voids in each other's lives. The mutual preference for comfort and security of both partners will be on a grand scale. This couple enjoy a lovely home and close-knit family, with Leo providing the flair and passion, while Cancer furnishes a sensitive yet intense instinct to nurture. However, the Leo partner will invariably be the bigger, bolder and more vivid of the two...the very picture of majesty and status. Still, it should be noted that since both these Zodiac Signs are so strong-minded, this is a pair who must constantly work attentively to understand and accept one another.
Leo is ruled by the Sun and Cancer is ruled by the Moon. The Sun is concerned with ego and self...radiating warmth and light...and vibrant Leo indeed radiates this type of energy and enthusiasm. The Moon is related to nurturing...concerned with creating and maintaining emotional connections. This combination of masculine and feminine energies are why the Sun and the Moon adore and sustain one another as they do so. The Sun is representative of life. The Moon is symbolic of cultivation and growth. Thus, as long as these two individuals are mindful of their inherent differences, the affair can be a positive one. Leo is governed by the element of Fire while Cancer is governed by the element of Water. Leo natives strive with ardent energy toward praise and appreciation. Natives of Cancer yearn for security and stability. Both Signs like to take charge, but they approach the leadership role from vastly different directions. A multitude of disputes are liable to arise from these differences. Still, as long as Leo and Cancer never take their relationship for granted...and provided they reassure each other in practical and romantic ways that the union is important...they can generally find a rather happy medium. Leo is Fixed in quality and Cancer is Cardinal. In the presence of stress, Leo becomes stubborn and opinionated, against which Cancer can act as a subtle and manipulative force. Cancer is the persistent initiator of shared plans and Leo can channel the couple's individual energies, working doggedly to move those plans to completion. Given the choice, Cancer would prefer a calm and stable life, harboring no desire for glamor or acclaim. Conversely, Leo loves to shake things up, embracing all that is novel and unexpected. Although each partner may commit to a relationship on an emotional level, each can continue to follow his or her natural instincts while remaining totally devoted to one another. However, if the love intentions have not been made clear, then this pair may find themselves on an endless and emotional roller coaster ride. Hiding behind his or her innocent shell, the Cancer native can be the more quietly controlling of the two and might...to a degree...manipulate the Leo individual when it appears practical to do so. Perhaps the best aspect of a Leo/Cancer match is the mutual commitment to a sincere relationship. Together, this couple can share a supportive, positive and healthy partnership. Generally perceived by others as a winning team, the mutual desire for a secure and loving union encourages both Leo and Cancer to strive for harmony.
In essence, this combination is usually very good. Leo's huge heart will soon forgive the moody outbursts that Cancer can display from time-to-time. Thus, the Cancer partner will feel a little more at ease around Leo and probably allow his or her Leo mate to run things...or at least let him or her think he or she is in charge. In return, Leo will appreciate the attention of the Cancer partner and this relationship can easily achieve longevity as long as Cancer can dismiss the feeling of neglect that is sure to surface on occasion while Leo is out running the world.
Leo individuals are renowned for their strong and dominating character traits. Here, the Leo/Leo combination would probably not get along as well as other identical Zodiac Signs since both partners would likely be totally inflexible and troubles would undoubtedly ensue before the relationship had gone very far. Leo likes to assume the role of leader but would have to fight any Leo partner for that right, since obviously the other Leo individual would also wish to lead and be the boss. Consequently, it would be virtually impossible for either mate to take orders from the other, thus aggravating what is probably an already tense situation. Career is important to a Leo native, which could result in much competition between these two...particularly in the male/female pairing since Leo males prefer women to be traditionally feminine and would view such ambition as somewhat unnatural. Although no other Sign is as warm-hearted and giving, Leo will always strive to be the center of attention. Unfortunately, there is only ever one center and two people cannot occupy it at the same time. Still, it is in the Leo nature to love with his or her entire heart and this trait alone could go a long way in overcoming some of the more negative aspects of this union. In addition, the shared love of flamboyance could result in a home that is a showplace for friends and family to admire. In general, Leo individuals are prone to gamble with life and enterprises. Hence, their monetary affairs are apt to be somewhat unstable. However, that is why two careers are so necessary in this pairing...so one partner will stand a chance of paying off in case the other falls. Leo thoroughly enjoys the romantically physical side of a relationship, so there should be no problem in that area, but there is a danger that such could develop into an overactive life of intimacy that could branch out into a rather perverse direction...one that may become totally devoid of love unless kept in check and confined within boundaries. The intense relationship between this couple could develop into a lifelong love affair or a lifetime of hate. Basically, it is not generally considered to be the most recommended union.
Without doubt, this pairing will draw a great deal of attention and much notice. Two such stunning, creative and gregarious individuals appear to deserve each other to such a degree that those around them may actually hold their breath at the glorious sight. In terms of socializing, heading a group or even inspiring others in the ways of romance, this is an unbeatable combination. Initially, each partner was probably instantly attracted to the good looks of the other and neither would have been shy in manifesting their desires. The Leo/Leo relationship overflows with the energy and enthusiasm typified by a pair of natural born leaders. However, it is this passion and domination that each mate must learn to tame in order to remain compatible. Great lovers of pleasure, Leo natives enjoy the finer things life has to offer and this couple would never think twice about showing each other a good time. Still, things can become dramatic and each will feed off the other's need for constant attention.
Leo is ruled by the Sun. It is the perfect symbol of Leo's perception of self, being positioned at the center of the Planets. The Sun emantes tremendous light, power and strength. In addition, like the star that illuminates the Earth, the heat from the Sun can be deeply felt by those closest to it, guiding them on their journeys. Alternatively, it can scorch those in its path...their sense of dramatics, exaggeration and self-centeredness...making them at times burdensome for a partner, or others who are around them. Leo is governed by the element of Fire. Thus, the red hot passion created by the coupling of two individuals who fall under the jurisdiction of Leo is unstoppable. Here, the Fire...combined with reliance on physical action rather than emotional or intellectual...makes for a highly dynamic union. This intense energy can be magnificent provided it can avoid catastrophe. In short, it will either be the "best of times" or the "worst of times," as the relationship swings between absolute love and total dismissal. It will take a concerted effort on the part of both individuals to give this partnership any type of fluidity...but the Leo need for constant attention and admiration will doubtless draw this couple together. Leo is Fixed in quality. There is invariably a struggle for power when two Fixed personalties are joined. The rational and social side of Leo will allow this pair to resolve their differences...if the desire is sufficiently strong to do so. Each will be willing to make concessions, but only occasionally. The fiery temper associated with this Sign can explode very quickly and very often, but clashes are also quickly forgotten making it easy for the good times to continue. Perhaps the best aspect of a Leo/Leo match is the amazing fun-loving capacity the two share, coupled with their wealth of creativity. Socializing, entertaining and amusing one another can make this union something of a knock-out under favorable circumstances.
In essence, this combination has the potential to be a good match. It is inherent in the personality of Leo to be positive and its natives love to bask in the spotlight. Those ruled by this Sign also want to be at the head of social groups. However, both individuals would be competing for leadership here and over time, unhappiness could be the result of such a situation. In order for this relationship to achieve any degree of longevity, it will be necessary for one partner to rule the househeld and the other to rule the business and social aspects of life.
In general, Virgo natives are not attracted to Leo subjects. There may well be an intial attraction on the part of Leo, probably due to an unfilled need for constant flattery, which caused the Leo individual in question a rare moment of inferiority. Virgo may have viewed the crestfallen expression of Leo as that of a soul in trouble and since Virgo is a helpful Sign, he or she would have been most eager to provide aid, not expecting to be met with a totally different personality once Leo had regained self-confidence. The Virgo partner will be thrifty with money, whereas Leo is much more generous and the differences here regarding finances will include a vast array of things...everything from planning a budget to putting money away for the future. Leo tends to live for the moment while Virgo exists in the mental world of the future. Thus, these two differing opinions is sure to be the cause of much tension. Critical Virgo is likely to make cutting remarks which will deeply wound the Leo partner...particularly if the Virgo mate is displeased regarding some type of extravagence on the part of Leo. Unlike Leo, Virgo subjects consider recreational pursuits to be a waste of time...time which could be much better spent in reviewing plans for the future...but Leo natives would rather be engaging in fun activities (hosting a party or going out with friends, for example). Thus, the attitude of both partners in this respect will go far in breaking up the relationship. Here, the fiery physical intimacy of Leo will fail to be matched by Virgo, since Virgo is rather easily satisfied and harbors no desire for games or fantasies. In essence, this pairing will generally prove to be a rather shaky union at best.
Initially, this couple may overlook common interests and believe they have nothing to gain from one another. Yet, this is a relationship that could evolve over time, with each partner gradually understanding and appreciating the other. Leo is by nature extroverted, dominant and charismatic, but often cursed with a very short fuse. Virgo is inherently studious and withdrawn, blessed with far more versatility than Leo. Although there are obvious differences, this pair can sometimes make for a rather wonderful love match, provided each mate can warm to the other's unfamiliar style. In the early days of this union, Leo and Virgo may see nothing but faults in the other's personality. Leo will probably appear tyrannical and Virgo may seem too judgmental. However, when they can stop looking solely at one another's flaws, they could begin to discover each other's positive attributes...and with that discovery will come a certain attraction. Leo can show Virgo the benefits of fun and good times, introducing a spontaneity that is often missing from the lives of those governed by Virgo. In return, Virgo will teach Leo the virtue of patience and the ability to focus intellectual energy. On occasion, Leo may feel that his or her Virgo partner is watching with too keen of an eye, but has the talent to inspire the Virgo mate to ease up a little. There will undoubtedly be times when Virgo considers Leo to be selfish and foreboding but if the love is there, each can be taught sensitivity to the needs of the other.
Leo is ruled by the Sun and Virgo is ruled by the Planet Mercury. The Sun emanates light and heat, waiting for others to gather around so the gifts of their presence can be accepted. However, Virgo reaches out to others and works through all the details prior to committing to a determined goal. Both Signs need to take the time to see the value of the other's approach. Leo has the ability to teach Virgo how to be less critical and more spontaneous, whereas Leo can gain stability from Virgo's even keel. Leo is governed by the element of Fire while Virgo is governed by the element of Earth. Leo natives begin new projects without stopping to consider their motivation. Virgo adopts a more practical approach. Those ruled by Virgo are concerned with the outcome of their efforts...Leo individuals simply pursue what they want with no thought for the consequences. Leo is Fixed in quality and Virgo is Mutable. Virgo subjects like to spend time working hard and spreading themselves over many different areas. Conversely, Leo enjoys taking charge and/or managing a project where roles can be assigned to other participants. Still, the absence of "who's who" in this relationship will likely help these two to avoid unpleasant character evaluations. Perhaps the best aspect of a Leo/Virgo match is their effectiveness as a couple, both metaphorically and literally. Leo commands attention and respect by showing others what this pair is made of socially and by following through on new ideas motivated only by way of fun and excitement. Virgo will work very hard behind the scenes, scheduling appointments and following up on details in which the Leo partner has lost interest. Thus, although the two personalities here are opposite in many ways, they can make for a rather complementary union...provided both are willing to invest the time to make it work.
In essence, this combination has a fair chance at achieving longevity. However, in order for this to be achieved, Leo will need to overlook the Virgo tendency to be critical and the Virgo partner will have to take pride in the accomplishments of Leo. In addition, Leo must learn to respect the clever and alert mentality of his or her Virgo mate. If Virgo is willing to allow Leo to hog the limelight and refrain from being overly critical, then there may well be few barriers to a rather happy and successful union.
Both Leo and Libra possess exceptionally warm characters, but the compatability for a favorable union between these two simply seems to be lacking. Leo enjoys a good fight and an arguing match serves to clear the air for those governed by this Sign, but does little (if anything) to thrill the soul of the peace-loving and harmonious Libra. Here, any attempts to discuss differences in a calm fashion will undoubtedly be met by the fiery temper of Leo...something the Libra individual finds ugly, unbalanced and uncongenial. By nature, those ruled by Leo will not face any decision making unless it is a pressing concern and Libra will likely perceive this attitude as irresponsible and decidedly unloving. As might be expected, this will provoke even more friction. Since those governed by Libra worry most about a loss of youth and attractiveness, they are prone to being flirtatious...usually for reassurance when they receive a positive response. However, this is sure to encite a strong possessive and jealous streak in the Leo partner, who will totally horrify Libra with his or her outbursts regarding Libra's harmless actions. Both are "on again/off again" workers and will spend long periods simply lazing around doing nothing. Yet, neither will recognize their own trait in their mate, resulting in the hurling of insults of indolence at each other. In a romantically physical sense, the appetites here are about equal. Libra desires glamor and fantasy in the arena of intimacy, looking to his or her mate to furnish such and if this need is not met, Libra is almost sure to begin searching elsewhere. The Leo approach to an intimate relationship could be one that is direct and straightforward and, with a different partner, might enter the realm of fantasy. With Libra, however, his or her physical desires are unlikely to be expressed to the fullest extent due to the many hours spent arguing and bickering. In essence, this is probably a relationship that should be avoided since it can result in the type of situation that often breeds abuse...if not physically, then at least mentally and verbally.
On the surface, the Leo/Libra partnership promises to be an agreeable one since these two Signs are situated apart in the Zodiac. There will be an understanding by both partners of the inner workings of the other and if Leo's unbounded energy can blend favorably with Libra's natural sense of harmony, the end result could be one of great balance. Leo and Libra are both outlandish as opposed to reserved, and a smooth union could result given that each has the ability to appreciate and benefit from the positive attributes of the other. Libra does possess the power to calm and soothe his or her flamboyant Leo partner and there is potential for this couple to be well-balanced, provided Libra is able to lay on sufficient charm and good manners to tame Leo's direct and acerbic personality. Being the more decisive of the pair, the Leo mate can help Libra to make decisions more easily and act upon them...to say nothing of being capable of teaching the fine art of spontaneity.
Leo is ruled by the Sun and Libra is ruled by the planet Venus. The blending of these two Zodiac Signs form the basic foundation of relationships...warmth and passion. Generally, the Sun and Venus go well together. The Sun is a masculine energy and Venus is a feminine one. Thus, this partnership is capable of striking a balance between energies. Venus is concerned with the beauty of romance and the Sun with invigorating, life-spreading warmth. Hence, if this couple can sustain, they will remain together for a long time. Leo is governed by the element of Fire while Libra is governed by the element of Air. The combination of these two elements can either fuel one another in a seamless fashion or totally diminish the efforts. Libra is able to negotiate with an impetus and vigor equal to that of Leo and both partners tend to take part in one another's projects. If these two can establish a balance, they could move like clockwork and in that event, anything is possible. However, each partner must be mindful of the other's feelings and desires and the action-oriented approach of Leo will likely conflict with Libra's more passive "come what may" outlook. Both Signs have a variety of interests and Leo's need to become involved will provide great stories to share with the more reserved Libra partner. Leo is Fixed in quality and Libra is Cardinal. Thus, the Leo endurance will far outpace the fleeting whims of Libra, which is by nature an initiator. This couple will have to work together in order to make their dreams come true. Leo will be the leader due to the inherent strength and forceful nature, but Libra will quietly take the reins from an intellectual and team-oriented perspective. Leo adores giving orders via personal authority, while Libra tends to charm others into doing things and is more than happy to placate Leo's giant ego. Still, it is important that the Leo partner come to understand the meaning of sacrifice. Able to perceive both sides of any argument, Libra finds it easy to compromise...but Leo is sure to be more put out over having to yield. Perhaps the best aspect of a Leo/Libra match is the harmony that can result from a union of the Sun with Venus. The balance between self and others, which this relationship represents, is a magnificent learning experience and each partner here can make up for what the other is missing.
In essence, this combination may or may not make for a good match and it will depend on many varying factors. The hale and hearty nature of Leo may prove to be too overwhelming for the more sensitive Libra, even though the pair have much in common that could result in a favorable relationship. Here, both individuals adore luxuries, flattery and are artistically inclined. However, Leo does demand constant adulation and that will undoubtedly create problems within the union.
Scorpio natives are prone to dissect everyone and everything that happens to fall beneath their watchful eyes. However, it is also in the nature of this Sign to be highly insulted should any partner attempt to do the same thing with the Scorpio personality. Leo individuals have an open manner of speaking but seldom reveal everything about themselves. These are souls who like to hold back certain things, which usually results in the Scorpio mate becoming indignant...although he or she will be equally as secretive (or even more so) and refuse to fully open up under any circumstances. In essence, those ruled by Scorpio have a difficult time in finding a suitable partner from any Zodiac Sign due to the overly-demanding and overbearing ways which are inherent in these natives. Scorpio expects total obedience and an absorbtion in his or her work and life...often to the suppression of Leo's personal desires. This leads to the Leo partner experiencing much unhappiness and bitterness. Scorpio will doubtless dictate to Leo how the finances may be spent, but will have no qualms in spending money for items that are personally wanted. It is indeed true that Leo is somewhat notorious for being extravagent, but Scorpio will demand that any such cash outlays first be "cleared" with him or her. Scorpio natives are somewhat infamous for being overly active in the arena of physical intimacy, so this aspect of the relationship may compensate the Leo partner for many other things...but this is also an area where the Leo partner is likely to be expected to give way to the wishes of Scorpio and, when it is noticed by the Leo partner that Scorpio is reluctant to reciprocate, Leo will doubtless begin to feel hurt and rejected. In short, this will be a rather storm-tossed union at best.
The Leo/Scorpio relationship tends to result in a dynamic and intense union, with each partner normally being well-tuned to the needs of the other. Scorpio demands respect and harbors a deep desire to be wanted, while Leo needs adoration and has to be constantly complimented. Both individuals are extremely loyal and often possessive of one another, but each is ably equipped to provide what the other needs while still enjoying the strengths possessed by his or her partner. Leo natives relish comfort and luxury, frequently doing things on a very grand scale and prone to be flamboyant. Scorpio is appreciative of these traits and usually quite happy to be audience Leo requires, provided there is equality in the relationship. Those governed by Leo tend to shine more brightly and more insistently than any other Sign of the Zodiac, eventually envolving into the living and breathing manifestation of magnificence and luxury. Conversely, Scorpio shies away from the limelight, but likes to control the mechanics. Thus, since both Leo and Scorpio are so determined, this pair will need to work very hard in order to understand and accept one another.
Leo is ruled by the Sun and Scorpio is ruled by the Planet Pluto, with a secondary influence from the Planet Mars (which presided over Scorpio prior to the discovery of Pluto). The Sun is concerned with ego and self, radiating warmth and light. Indeed, those governed by Leo emit this type of zeal and enthusiasm. Mars is concerned with war, brashness and battle, while Pluto is the governing factor related to Scorpio's inner dialogue. Pluto influences the idea of regeneration and rebirthing, which tends to be a current theme in the life of those ruled by Scorpio. Together, this abundance of male energy causes both Signs to lighten their conflicts and assist one another. The Sun is representative of life...Mars and Pluto represent ambition and the unconscious. Provided each partner here can take the time to truly understand the other on a deep level, then the romance could prove to be positive and carry high expectations. Leo is governed by the element of Fire while Scorpio is governed by the element of Water. Leo demands the freedom to mingle and Scorpio possesses a chameleon-type personality. Both Signs desire to lead, but in different ways. Much like the elements that influence them, this pair has the ability to cancel each other out and at times, this relationship may not be harmonious. However, both partners are aware that petty disputes are merely a distraction. As long as egos can be kept at bay and the union given top priority, most conflicts between these two can generally be resolved. Leo and Scorpio are both Fixed in quality. Hence, each partner here may well be rigid, opinionated and resistant to change with a tendency to be persistent when working toward personal goals. Once natives of Leo have a plan, then they will stick to it until they get what they want. Scorpio subjects are of the same mindset. This couple will share a mutual reluctance to change, each preferring a stable and steady route...but, if their ideas are dissimilar, they may find themselves in a never-ending cycle of struggles. Scorpio natives refuse to budge, believing such to be an indication of weakness. This often leads to Leo perceiving his or her Scorpio partner as being overly self-righteous. If this pair can understand that they are on the same side in the larger scheme of things, then it will be much easier for them to remain productive. Perhaps the best aspect of a Leo/Scorpio match is the shared sense of dedication each will have for the other and for the projects in which they engage. Both Signs here possess exceedingly powerful...yet strategically different...personalities. Perceived as a strong union by others, there is undoubtedly a mutual dedication to the fulfillment of personal desires.
In essence, this combination can make for a good match if there is an amicable joining of these two shining personalties. There is much in common here, particularly if the Leo individual is female and the Scorpio individual a male. Still, jealousy will play a major role in relationship conflicts and any success for happiness and longevity will depend on many factors.
Natives of both Leo and Sagittarius are blessed with the same warm, generous and loving characteristics. However, it will be necessary for Leo to learn that Sagittarius "gives" to everyone with no single individual capturing his or her exclusive attention for very long. In short, the Leo partner could very easily end up with a broken heart as a result of this union. Sagittarius is apt to come up with some wild ideas or indugle in a huge gamble with a view to making a great deal of money. This will undoubtedly entice Leo's support. Yet, should everything fall through or losses prevail, although the Sagittarius partner will be grateful for the love and support offered by Leo, it is inherent in the Sagittarius nature to make the Leo partner also share in the blame for such failure. Those governed by Sagittarius must have "space" in order to exercise the personal freedom which is so loved by this Sign. They simply fail to understand why the Leo partner is prone to engage in fits of jealousy over what are personally perceived to be "harmless flirtations." However, paradoxically, the Sagittarius subject will be very possessive of the Leo partner. Despite being fond of the outdoors and something of a sports enthusiast, Sagittarius will not mind if Leo prefers to remain at home in comfort...provided an agreement can be reached on other recreational pursuits to be undertaken together. If the Leo partner can refrain from trying to "tame" his or her Sagittarius mate and refrain from condemning and/or arguing over the romantic indiscretions that might be committed, then in time, Sagittarius may decide there is no reason to look elsewhere for the satisfaction that can be found at home. The Leo/Sagittarius union does have the potential to be a rewarding relationship provided the love and desire is there.
The Leo/Sagittarius match often results in fireworks. Both Signs are extremely dynamic and enjoy life to the fullest extent. This is an energetic pair who are fun to be around, with each individual encouraging the other to aim high. The philosophical tendency inherent in Sagittarius warrants a distraction to the Leo partner's obsession with the larger-than-life. Plus, these two have a genuine admiration and respect for one another. Both individuals are warm, charismatic and charming. Consequently, other people find enjoyment basking within the energy radiated by this couple. Here, each individual is prone to be impatient...but they are such endearing souls. Leo may well become annoyed by the flirting of Sagittarius, but there will never be a dull moment in this relationship. Natives of Sagittarius view the world as a textbook from which they must study, while Leo acts as the gracious host/hostess. Both are extremely social beings, but it is of paramount importance to Leo that he or she feel in control of the conversation. By nature, Leo is a leader with Sagittarius being an archer...one who slowly takes time to survey any target and feel the nuances of difference in approach. Leo and Sagittarius tend to be well respected by those around them and it is vital that each remembers to also treat the other with the utmost respect.
Leo is ruled by the Sun and Sagittarius is ruled by the Planet Jupiter. Both the Sun and Jupiter are masculine energy archetypes. Thus, the combination is essentially a good one. Each understands the other by virtue of the inherent similarities. The Sun is concerned with self and Jupiter is associated with expansion and excess. Together, this provides both a personal focus and an outward focus...although this can lead to overexertion. A highly compatible match that is blessed with an abundance of energy, these two make for a wonderful couple in virtually any setting or situation. Both Leo and Sagittarius are governed by the element of Fire. Hence, this is almost certain to be a very heated and passionate union. Each partner possesses boundless energy and, as a pair, are often perceived as the only ones who can keep up with the other's intensity. On occasion, Sagittarius may become exhausted by Leo's expansive ego, but differences of opinion are unlikely to last very long since in next to no time, Sagittarius will have moved on to the next project while the Leo optimism and desire for a fan club is able to overcome any petty argument. Leo is Fixed in quality and Sagittarius is Mutable. Sagittarius provides Leo with the deeper understanding that this Sign may be lacking, while Leo can fine-tune the Sagittarius charm and social graces. Although Sagittarius could become irritated by the bossiness of Leo...not to mention the shallow vanity and tendency to sulk...both partners here are essentially loyal souls and if devoted to each other, the rewards of the union are likely to outweigh the minor setbacks. Perhaps the best aspect of a Leo/Sagittarius match is the willingness to work as a team and the mutual admiration each exhibits when dedicated to seeing things through. This pair complements one another with a combined attention to personal and world affairs. Each knows his or her place in the relationship and their comparable high energy, coupled with fiery passion, makes for a very versatile union.
In essence, this combination is close to perfect...most of the time. Both Signs love change and excitement. In addition, they share a magnificent zest for life. However, Leo and Sagittarius are each domineering in nature, which could result in trouble if the Leo partner tries to regulate Sagittarius to the sidelines. Under such circumstances, it would be inherent in the Sagittarius independent personality to rebel, which would likely lead to a serious rift in the relationship. In order to achieve longevity, the Sagittarius partner will need to restrain his or her desire for an over abundance of freedom.
In the area of everyday life, there could not be two more different personalities than those of Leo and Capricorn. Natives of Leo adore clothes, the best furniture and are constantly seeking life's status symbols. Conversely, Capricorn subjects could not care less about such things, finding the simple life far more attractive and believing that to save for the future is of paramount importance. The style that Leo adopts for "show" will probably make the simplest of outings appear as though it cost a fortune to the more thrifty Capricorn...and this will likely be the major source of woes associated with the Leo/Capricorn relationship. It is inherent in the Capricorn nature to indulge in periods of solitude...particularly if he or she feels under too much pressure or the arguments become too intense. It is not unusual for natives of Capricorn to disappear for days, leaving the Leo partner to conduct a panicked and worried search until Capricorn emerges once more, totally unconcerned about the furor his or her vanishing act has caused. Too many occurrences such as this will undoubtedly wreck the nerves of highstrung Leo. Those governed by Capricorn usually find it difficult to see the brighter side of life while Leo tends to be the eternal cock-eyed optimist. Thus, this pair will probably be at odds over even the most minor of things. Romantically, the approach of Leo is light-hearted and fun-loving, but Capricorn is prone to be straightlaced and serious about physical intimacy. Over the course of time, the Capricorn partner may loosen up a little in this area, but that is by no means a certainty. Capricorn probably considers the Leo desire for intimacy to be somewhat overly indulgent and may even grow irritated since by nature, those ruled by Capricorn believe in moderation of all things.
A Leo/Capricorn union generally results in a mutually supportive relationship, although the Capricorn partner will be more conservative, hard-working and traditional in outlook. Natives of Leo are firm believers in hard work, but tend to get things accomplished by way of charm and social skills. Still, both individuals are extremely devoted souls, particularly to each other. On the surface, this appears to be a rather unlikely couple, but love can grow if time is taken to unearth the similarities between these two Signs. Both enjoy comfort, being pampered and working toward their personally set goals. Both also relish the spotlight and harbor a fondness for material possessions. However, while Leo can be outrageous, Capricorn tends to be more classical. These are two very determined Signs and with a little careful attention, the Leo/Capricorn couple can sympathize with each other and eventually come to realize that they have much to learn from one another. Leo can show Capricorn a good time while Capricorn can prove the value of hard work and traditional values to the Leo partner.
Leo is ruled by the Sun and Capricorn is ruled by the Planet Saturn. The Sun is essentially concerned with ego and self. It radiates warmth and light...indeed, natives of Leo radiate this brand of energy and enthusiasm. Saturn is associated with responsibility and hard work. Thus, this pair can learn from one another's diversity. The Sun is representative of life while Saturn represents tenacity. Provided these two pay attention to each other, the combination here could be quite successful and result in many completed projects. Leo is governed by the element of Fire while Capricorn is governed by the element of Earth. Leo desires creative freedom. Capricorn desires professional security. This blend is capable of creating a balanced romantic relationship. This is a couple who will usually enjoy the time they spend together and who will make time to pursue personal interests as well. If each can continually reassure the other of his or or her significance, then conflicts may not necessarily be harmful to this relationship. Leo is Fixed in quality and Capricorn is Cardinal. Thus, both partners here will probably be stubborn, opinionated and ambitious, with a tendency to persevere when working toward set goals. Capricorn prefers life to be steady and ordered...Leo adores indulging in wild times and embraces anything that is unexpected. However, if they can reach an agreement that their union is a good one, then will never forget its value and will devote themselves to maintaining the relationship. Perhaps the best aspect of a Leo/Capricorn match is the mutual devotion to handling the task in front of them. Both Signs are strong in terms of personality and may initially seem a very unlikely pair...but this may well be a prime example of opposites attracting. This couple will enjoy many good times together, which could result in a mutual desire for more of the same.
In essence, this combination is not usually considered to be a favorable one. The slow Capricorn partner may prove too much for the carefree Leo. In addition, it is inherent in the Capricorn nature to have suspicious motives, while Leo tends to enter an arena wholeheartedly with no thought of the consequences. Over time, it is likely that Capricorn will be unable to cope with the Leo attitude toward life and the relationship will suffer, eventually leading to deterioration of the union.
The aloof nature of Aquarius would undoubtedly prove to be something of a challenge to the Leo subject...and quite possibly the initial "draw" that brings these two together. In the beginning, Leo will believe that beneath that frosty exterior, Aquarius is really a much warmer-hearted personality than he or she appears to be. But in order for this relationship to survive, Leo will soon have to accept that Aquarius will never be as warm-hearted and generous with self as Leo would like or expect. Both these Signs are known for their pride and fixed opinions, which will almost certainly result in many arguments between this couple. Above all else, natives of Aquarius are humanitarians and have no interest in material gain. Those ruled by Leo place prime importance upon financial success and thus, have little patience with the ideals of Aquarius, believing such ideals to be unrealistic. The more undeveloped form of the Aquarius personality results in a rather cowardly character who never confronts anything in life, except for violent quarrels with his or her spouse. Once this cowardice is noticed by the Leo mate, then a loss of respect is sure to follow and will result in Leo abandoning the relationship entirely to go in search of a partner he or she can respect. The physically romantic aspect of this partnership is also likely to be rather unsatisfying, particularly for Leo since the Aquarius mate can...and will...undoubtedly find others who capture his or her interests. The Leo individual will certainly find this to be frustrating and cause him or her to believe that Aquarius is essentially inhuman and uncaring. However, if the Aquarius partner is of the more evolved form, then the Leo/Aquarius union could be satisfying and long-lasting.
The merging of Aquarius foresight and Leo creativity will cause those around them to take notice of this pair. An energetic and unstoppable partnership, there is never a dull moment in the Leo/Aquarius union...although occasional competitions may occur. These are both congenial Signs and that could make for a good relationship. In addition, both tend to be idealistic and highly motiviated. Attracted to all things novel, this couple will be thrill-seekers and may, every now and then, turn life into a giant game of "Truth or Dare." Here, the best chance for longevity is probably founded on unending mutual admiration. Leo will admire the individualism, vision and creative characteristics of Aquarius, while Aquarius will admire the zeal, charm and dignity of Leo. It is inherent in the nature of Aquarius to always have new ideas, but not necessarily the drive to bring such ideas to fruition. Leo is capable of providing this trait. Leo and Aquarius are both independent souls, but conflicts could arise if Leo is perceived as being too demanding, or if Aquarius seems too aloof. It will be important for each partner to respect the differences of perspective in the other. Leo may prove to be somewhat overly dramatic for the Aquarius taste...but then, Aquarius could well be too unsteady for the Leo partner. Still, if each can communicate to the other the value of the relationship, then things will probably go more smoothly.
Leo is ruled by the Sun and Aquarius is ruled by the Planet Uranus with a secondary influence courtesy of Saturn (the Planet that governed Aquarius prior to the discovery of Uranus). Together, these three celestial bodies form a type of cycle that is indicative of the Leo/Aquarius relationship and their ability to cooperate in the creation of new institutions. Uranus is concerned with new ideas and creativity. It is from this Planet that those ruled by Aquarius are blessed with great vision. The Sun provides life and an identity to collective ideas, while Saturn ensures that the process will brought to completion, capable of following up after the inspiration of Uranus has been exhausted and the energy of the Sun has moved on to new things. Leo is governed by the element of Fire while Aquarius is governed by the element of Air. Air has the ability to fuel Fire and thus, maintain its warmth and light. Hence, not only can Aquarius keep pace with the motion and fireball of energy that is associated with Leo, but can also add special effects. Together, this pair can soar to astounding heights. Aquarius is able to utilize intellect to inspire the Leo ambition and provide new ideas that can be put into practice. Leo finds this very stimulating. Thus, the two feed a process of mutual personal growth and development. Leo and Aquarius are prone to have a multitude of interests and Leo's desire to be original will lead to him or her being more than happy to carry out the ideas of the more withdrawn Aquarius partner. Both Leo and Aquarius are Fixed in quality. Leo provides Aquarius with the courage to charge ahead and take action, rather than simply sitting around and formulating ideas. The originality of Aquarius will certainly impress Leo...as well the unique Aquarius vision. Both are loyal souls and can become exceedingly devoted to each other. Provided this pair can understand that they do not necessarily need to be in charge all the time, then they can suceed on a side-by-side basis. Perhaps the best aspect of a Leo/Aquarius match is the ability to create magic when they are together. Fixed Fire and Fixed Air should have little trouble in covering all the bases. This is a pair who are capable of conceiving an idea, putting it into action and then seeing it through to completion. Above all, this is probably a union of vision and practice.
In essence, this combination can make for a rather good match. Leo likes to be surprised and Aquarius will be more than happy to provide such surprises. Here, both partners like to do things for others and each possesses a mutual understanding of the other in terms of intimate matters, needs and desires. There will certainly never be a dull moment in a union between Leo and Aquarius since, courtesy of the Aquarius mate, it is sure to come with many surprises.
Natives of Pisces natives tend to give the impression that they need to be protected or mothered and this could be the initial attraction for Leo individuals. However, Leo is sure to get a huge surprise when the Pisces partner suddenly becomes positive and takes any actions necessary on his or her own behalf. If Leo should persist with the union and become involved in a long-term relationship, this can lead to drastic effects on the Leo partner since Leo natives always like to know exactly where they stand in any situation. Both partners here will be vain individuals and share in the love of extravagant clothing...but that is about as far as the sharing will go. Those governed by Pisces are generous with love and affection but, on occasion, may tune-out the Leo partner, retreating into a small and quiet world where personal problems can be resolved and solitary decisions be made. Under such circumstances, the Leo partner is likely to feel puzzled, hurt, left out and frustrated at such treatment...and it is inherent in the Leo nature to indulge wholeheartedly in a round of parties and friends in an effort to combat such feelings. This may result in a Pisces partner who is perplexed and irritated at the reaction of his or her Leo mate. Still, at the end of the day, it will be Leo who is hurt most deeply. Indeed, such behavior could turn the Leo individual into something of a nervous wreck, given the ability of Pisces to employ his or her infamous intuition which can disconcert Leo...particularly since Leo will have no personal secrets that have not been shared with the Pisces partner. In this relationship, physical intimacy could the thing that makes or breaks the union. Both Signs relish romantic interludes...and relish them often. In order to keep Leo happy, Pisces must learn to control the inherent changeable moods and strive to keep such moods separate from the lovelife. If the Leo native is able to accept an individual governed by a somewhat weaker Sign as a partner, then this relationship could work out rather well...but the Leo/Pisces combination will never be one of the strongest unions the Zodiac has to offer.
In the Leo/Pisces match, each partner enjoys the new perspective the other brings to life in general. Native of Leo are strong and assertive, being free to do what they want and taking command of their surroundings. Pisces subjects are more reserved and introspective. In many ways, these two are polar opposites...yet at heart, both are dreamers. When there is true affection between Leo and Pisces, each can fill the other's voids and luxuriate in a caring relationship that is mutually beneficial. Since Leo is a natural leader, he or she often becomes the guardian of the weaker Pisces in this pairing. In return, Pisces will provide Leo with the audience he or she needs for personal ambitions and social performances. Much like the Element of Water that rules Pisces, these natives tend to fill whatever container they are poured into. These are souls who are prone to give themselves over entirely to a loved one, possessing a kind heart that allows them to know Leo in a way that many other Signs are unable to achieve. Alone, natives of Leo tend to be somewhat conceited. Alone, natives of Pisces tend to be rather shy. In this coupling, however, the straightforward nature of Leo shines without conceit and Pisces becomes less bashful.
Leo is ruled by the Sun and Pisces is ruled by the Planet Neptune. The Sun emits light, life and a focus on self. Neptune is concerned with the "big picture," which includes ideas and illusions...but is also related to disillusion and fantasy. Leo can help Pisces turn fantasies into realities. Through Pisces, Neptune works to soften Leo's sometimes self-centered and abrupt actions. It channels the Leo energy into a more creative and fruitful outlet. Leo is governed by the element of Fire while Pisces is governed by the element of Water. This can be an extremely happy and progressive combination provided each partner recognizes the needs of the other, employing introspection and creative ambition to tend to matters of the heart. Pisces is capable of helping Leo to be humble and think of the needs of others. Leo can teach Pisces to venture out into the world and start to loosen up a little. However, there is a tendency for Pisces to be overly emotional, thus dampening Leo's natural enthusiasm. Additionally, Leo can burn too brightly and leave Pisces totally drained. For this relationship to last, it will be necessary for this couple to establish effective communication in order to ensure their balance is maintained. Leo is Fixed in quality and Pisces is Mutable. Pisces fails to serve well as a leader, achieving greatest personal satisfaction from bettering the Universe as a whole...and beginning with the Leo partner. On the other hand, Leo will be the one to initiate ideas and suggest small changes to be made here and there in the relationship. Perhaps the best aspect of a Leo/Pisces match is the receptiveness of each individual to the other's teachings. Pisces will show Leo how to be sensitive and caring while Leo instructs Pisces on how make dreams happen rather than simply sitting on them. This ability to provide what the other mate needs makes for a truly mutual union.
In essence, this combination is proably equally as likely to meet with failure as it is with success. In short, it is something of a gamble. The strong and hearty temperament of Leo may prove overwhelming for the subtle and sensitive Pisces, whose natives are apt to adopt the changing moods of any relationship. While Leo is flattered by the dependency of others, if this is abused in the case of a Pisces partner, then the resentment of Pisces may be too much for Leo to handle over a long period of time.
Natives of Leo are probably most in tune with those governed by Aries, since Aries possesses all the drive and ambition that Leo admires most in a partner. There would probably be total agreement about aims in life and the methods to achieve such goals. On the whole, this would be a happy pairing, although two such strong-minded types are certain to fight on occasion. For the Leo male, a partnership with an individual governed by Aries will be one of drama and excitement. Both are confident, outgoing and love to charge ahead into the unknown. The romantic chemisty is fiery and can achieve longevity. Indeed, the Leo male is capable of sweeping Aries subjects off their feet and they will adore the romantic and generous nature associated with this Sign. In addition, Leo will love the sense of adventure and intelligent mind of Aries. What will truly seal the bond here is Leo's hidden vulnerability, which is certain to bring out the caring side of those ruled by Aries. This is a union of abundant energy. Leo individuals crave adventure, drama and excitement...and partners who know what they want. All this can be found in Aries. The man governed by Leo is sure to ask for loyalty and massive displays of love, but the good news is that Leo natives will never ask for anything that they are not willing to give back in spades. For the Leo female, a partnership with an individual governed by Aries makes for an unbeatable romantic team. There is an incredible chemistry here and both will be physically drawn to the other. Each partner will adore being the center of attention, but this pair can have fun in learning to share the spotlight. Those governed by Aries love to charge ahead and explore and the Leo female is always willing to be admired by new people in new places. There will be much mutual flattering and the constant trading of praise and compliments. This is a union where drama and excitement will reign supreme and the relationship will be fed by a flurry of activity and fun. Indeed, this combination is so powerfully potent that neither partner will want to waste a single minute on down time. Instead, each will inspire the other to take new risks...snowboarding or extreme sports, for example.
Sagittarius, another Sign ruled by the element of Fire, would also be favorable. With Sagittarius, Leo finds humanity and understanding, coupled with a restless, go-ahead quality that is strongly appealing. The drawback here is that there is likely to be an abundance of fighting, but in essence, the tastes of each partner are not too far apart and the Sagittarius view of life coincides to a high degree with that of Leo. The Leo male well may prove to be the truly exciting partner that every Sagittarius individual dreams about. He is very secure and confident and unlike most males, probably not prone to become jealous of the vast number of friends that Sagittarius tends to accumulate. The Leo man is also not likely to flip when he realizes his Sagittarius partner is something of a flirt. He will be aware that such is nothing more than innocent fun and that natives of Sagittarius simply like the attention. There is a mutual understanding here that unleashes the romantic side of a Leo male and Sagittarius is sure to find the occasional display of Leo insecurity to be rather endearing. The Leo man is very dramatic and adores being center stage, which is absolutely fine with natives of Sagittarius, who delight in being where the action is. The Sagittarius sense of humor tends to keep thing light and this is a couple who will have great adventures together. For the Leo female, a partnership with an individual governed by Sagittarius will be intense and brimming with fun. Both individuals are fiery and passionate and will have a magnificent time together going out on the town, exploring new places and meeting new people. Here, each spurs the other to new heights of creativity in many and varied areas. Sagittarius is by nature risk-taking and spontaneous. Hence, the Leo woman will feel as though she has finally met her match in the fun department. There is also an incredibly strong chemistry. However, Sagittarius does sometimes have a difficult time in being faithful. Still, if anyone can make these natives remain true, it is a Leo female and this relationship will certainly never degenerate into one of boredom.
Those who are born under the jurisdiction of Leo tend to retain their youth and exuberance of spirit until well toward the end of their lives. Indeed, in many cases, these natives give the illusion of appearing to grow younger as they actually become older. As a general rule, Leo subjects are of average to slightly above average height with strong, excellently-proportioned and well-sculpted bodies. They are also blessed with broad shoulders and finely-shaped heads, which may be rather large and roundish. They possess strong and pleasant voices and walk with a quick and buoyant step...although the movement itself may be somewhat slow and deliberate, as is their speech. The overall stature here is altogether rather distinguished, being regal and dignified in bearing. The skin of Leo individuals will customarily be healthy, the complexion ruddy, rosy or flushed in many instances, although it can occasionally be light in color. In short, natives of this Sign easily attract the attention of others in a physical sense.
In many respects, Leo natives very much resemble their animal counterparts, tending to be broad at the shoulders and trim at the hips...rather like the anatomy of a lion. There is often something of a "strut" to the walk here with a tendency to puff out the chest and hold in the stomach. One unmistakable trademark will be the very erect and upright bearing of the upper torso, neck and head. The hair, fine of texture and usually wavy, is customarily somewhat light, being either blond or reddish in color. Regardless, it almost always distinctive in some manner...perhaps sweeping gracefully up-and-out, away from the face in mane-like fashion, or laying close to the head, scooping decidedly across the forehead. The eyes, commanding and fearless with a sometimes trace of haughtiness, are usually quite beautiful with a soft and friendly expression. Normally brownish in color, they can also be blue or hazel and customarily possess a slight tilt at the corners. The eyebrows may be thick and rather well-formed while the teeth are usually white, somewhat large and evenly-spaced. The Leo nose is generally straight with a tendency to aquilinity (or a slight hook). The whole expression of these subjects is known to be leonine, combining a regal self-assuredness with an almost disdainful nonchalance. The Leo voice is full-toned and the speech pattern somewhat decisve and often quite commanding. In short, others tend to listen to Leo individuals and obey...partciularly when they "roar" like a lion. Often handsome creatures who take great pride in their good looks, there is a tendency for the Leo native to put on weight after a rather streamlined youth. The smile of Leo is customarily broad and beaming, the walk and carriage being rather regal...full of pride, dignity and, on occasion, somewhat pompous in character. Leo mannerisms are often described as catlike, and its subjects may be inclined to knead cushions and pillows or stroke such materials as velvet while licking the lips in abject satisfaction. Such natives may also unconsciously rub or scratch their necks and heads when upset or nervous.
To some extent, the above descriptions are influenced and affected by the qualities associated with the Decan into which the Leo individual falls. (To read more about the qualities associated with the Decans of Aries, please click on the link given below.)
A subject born within the First Decan (July 23 to August 1...also known as the Leo Decante of Leo), is likely to have a medium-tall to tall body which will tend toward being somewhat slim and wiry. An aquiline or hooked nose is common in these natives with a face that is often thin or narrow. The hair is usually combed back, flat at the sides with a greater length at the back and rarely possesses the customary lion's mane appearance usually associated with this Sign. The personality and appearance of this native is likely to exude a certain brightness and sparkle and there is an accented personal pride which is easily discernable by the erect walk and upward tilt to the head.
A subject born within the Second Decan (August 2 to August 11...also known as the Sagittarius Decante of Leo), is likely to be taller and /or larger than natives of either the First or Third Decans. Indeed, it would not be unusal for a male to be over six feet with an extremely broad body and a weight which is often well upward of 200 pounds. Natives of this Decan are impressive for their sheer size and even the females may well be as tall as five foot ten inches and husky in build. The face here is frequently described as rosy-cheeked and fair hair is exceedingly common, with the head being quite large. The smile is broad and beaming, revealing very large white teeth. These natives will need to watch their diets if they would avoid what could become a bothersome or even serious weight problem.
A subject born within the Third Decan (August 12 to August 22...also known as the Aries Decante of Leo), is likely to be rather short and stocky in terms of body shape. The nose is customarily either aquiline (or hooked) or what is described as button. Indeed, the short body and nose shape are the key physical elements in identifying the Third Decan Leo individual. Quick-moving, it is difficult for these natives to remain idle for even a short period of time and thus, they seldom need to be concerned about becoming overweight. While the features here tend to largeness, they are probably more angular than those of the other Leo Decans.
The position of the Moon in a horoscope is second in importance only to the position of the Sun. In astrology, the Moon is indicative of personality, individuality and the unconscious. It represents instinctive reactions and the side of an individual that will respond to a given situation without prior thought or consideration. Based upon the theories of Sigmund Freud, it is the id, whereas the Sun sign of an individual is the ego.
In many respects, the Moon personality is one which a person keeps hidden and may even represent a nature considered to be somewhat disturbing, uncivilized, primitive or animalistic. In short, the Moon personality is an individual's inner core...the area which experiences hate and jealousy, is brooding and fearful and may indulge in fantasies that a person will deny even to himself or herself. Nonetheless, this Lunar influence is usually a somewhat subtle one, relating to a personality which is beneath the surface. It can also reveal much regarding the manner in which an individual was nurtured and cared for...as well as how he or she perceives his or her mother.
In a horoscope reading, the Moon modifies the Sun sign, bringing into play new forces, different motiviations and special elements to the character of an individual's Sun sign. The effect of a person's Moon sign can significantly decrease or increase the tone of a Sun sign. Since the Moon itself is feminine, its influence seems to affect females more strongly than it does males. In the man, the strength of the Moon influence tends to indicate senstivity more than any other facet of the personality. The Moon travels through all twelve Zodiac signs during every twenty-eight days.
If it is not known in which Moon sign Leo was located at the time of birth,
this information may be determined by clicking on the "Astrolabe" link below.
However, please note that there is no reciprocating link back to this site.
The Aries Moon is an unstable and uncomfortable Moon, since Aries is a Fire Sign and the Moon rules Cancer, a Water Sign. This is a gregarious, generous and optimistic Moon, where opinions are decisive and forceful. The Aries Moon is also a high-strung and controlling Moon, as well as being spontaneous, energetic, friendly and honest. It suggests an aggressive attitude, quick temper, impulsiveness and brutally forthright behavior...the tendency to act through emotion rather than reason. The attitude of the Aries Moon is restless and risk-taking.
In general, those with the Moon in Aries are likely to be spontaneous and excitable. Such individuals are also militantly hostile in their expression of anger and maybe be prone to periods of irritability. These are self-reliant characters who want to have everything their own way, refusing to be pushed around by anybody. Those with the Moon in Aries are self-disciplined and balk against any who would impose discipline upon them. These characters are usually either intensely liked or disliked by others due to their impulsive behavior. Moon in Aries individuals like to take charge and will probably rise to positions of authority in their chosen careers. Being natural leaders, they set the pace and terms for themselves and will likely chose their own vocations, regardless of any advice offered by friends and relatives. The relationship between an individual born with the Moon in Aries and his or her parents may be a difficult one since there is a distinct lack of both sympathy and communication. The actions of these individuals are perceived by others to be impulsive and unexpected. The Moon in Aries is a good sign for those who enjoy originality, adventure, independence and a military life. Such persons may be attracted to studies in the occult or mysticism and possess a great desire to harbor secrets. Impatient, with the need to act immediately and consider the consequences at a later date, those with the Moon in Aries find it difficult to understand opposing viewpoints. These are quick-thinking characters with a love of the instantaneous and a tendecy to become bored with minor practical details. Straight-forward in nature, the Moon in Aries person is very much a "what you see in what you get" type of individual with a wonderfully warm heart most of the time and a desire to comfort those in need of solace.
Aries Moon Influence On The Fire Signs
(Aries - Leo - Sagittarius)
Provides an impulsive aspect to the personality
Aries Moon Influence On The Air Signs
(Libra - Aquarius - Gemini)
Provides a persuasive and intelligent aspect to the personality
Aries Moon Influence On The Earth Signs
(Capricorn - Taurus - Virgo)
Provides a leadership aspect to the personality
coupled with an outspoken and quick-minded nature
Aries Moon Influence On The Water Signs
(Cancer - Scorpio - Pisces)
Provides a forgiving aspect to the personality
coupled with enhancement of the imagination
but also intensifies resentment toward taking advice
The Leo Sun/Aries Moon combination produces a character comprised of intense emotions and strong personal drive. These persons may display exceptional courage because there is little they fear and few challenges they will be hesitant to undertake. There is a tendency for these individuals to throw themselves into every project with total commitment. However, this combination does make for a quick temper and people who are easily excited into action. Any setback or loss is considered to be a very serious matter which must be responded to immediately and positively. When the honor of these individuals is questioned...even in the slightest fashion...they are swift to respond defensively. Indeed, combativeness is almost overpowering in the nature of any Leo Sun/Aries Moon native and every problem is dealt with as though it were a direct attack. In personal relationships and in the everyday world, these individuals come across as executive-type characters. Dynamic and willing to pursue any possibility to further enhance image and self-confidence, Leo Sun/Aries Moon subjects go after what they desire with much enthusiasm and intensity. These may be rash and impulsive souls, but ones which remain willing to give almost any idea a good try. Never hesitant or shirking, this combination produces individuals who will assume responsibility and meet obligations. The only fear here is usually directed toward those who are deemed to be intellectually superior since the Leo Sun/Aries Moon native does not consider himself or herself to be particularly brilliant. Nevertheless, this shortcoming is seldom noticed by others as there is an inherence talent for appearing in complete control, coupled with an air of personal superiority in all situations. A quick common-sense mind is the special gift of these individuals and, when fully-devloped, will ensure that the Leo Sun/Aries Moon subject remains in the "driver's seat."
Some Famous Leo Sun/Aries Moon Personalities
* Gracie Allen * Louis "Satchmo" Armstrong * Antonio Banderas * Aubrey Beardsley * Louise Brown (first test tube baby) *
* Charisma Carpenter * Peggy Fleming * Jerry Garcia * Whitney Houston * Mary Jo Kopechne * Jennifer Lopez * Robert Mitchum *
* Martin Mull * Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis * Kevin Spacey * Andy Warhol *
The Taurus Moon is a positive and practical Moon. This Moon possesses a sharp artistic sense but is deliberate in reaching decisions. The Taurus Moon tends not to be aggressive but instead, is rather good-natured, accenting the need for security and the necessity of saving for "a rainy day." However, this Moon may also be prideful, stubborn and jealous.
In general, those with the Moon in Taurus are, in a word, conservative. They tend to fear anything outside the norm. However, they are deeply moved by things of beauty. Totally lacking in impulsive behavior, such individuals strive for success in a conservative manner and by investing much hard work into the process. Nevertheless, those with the Moon in Taurus tend to attract good company and usually end up with more than their fair share of wealth. In fact, no matter what type of work these individuals undertake, they will usually receive a financial reward in the end...even if the vocation is not considered by others to be worthy of the individual's abilities or standing in the community. Neither of which usually bothers those governed by the Moon in Taurus, whose occupation is often surrounded by something of an aura of mystery in any event. Moon in Taurus people harbor a love for things that are old and well-established. They are generally sociable souls and actually quite sensual in nature, although there is a tendency toward the materialistic in terms of relationships. These individuals often possess a good speaking and/or singing voice and have a natural attraction to the theater. Moon in Taurus persons enjoy making new friends and like to join clubs or other social circles. Emotionally stable and strong, these individuals form loyal bonds of friendship, but any change is usually perceived as a threat and may lead to the revealing of a somewhat jealous streak. These people will go to any lengths to preserve what they already possess and have even been known to test relationships to find out whether they will stand up to the challenge. Stability and continuity are vital to the Moon in Taurus person, together with a desire for traditional values and the occasional outmoded way of being. It is necessary for the Moon in Taurus individual to feel very secure and he or she will put up with more than most in preference to giving up at the first encountered hurdle.
Taurus Moon Influence On The Fire Signs
(Aries - Leo - Sagittarius)
Provides enhancement to all aspects of the native personality
Taurus Moon Influence On The Air Signs
(Libra - Aquarius - Gemini)
Provides a financially intelligent aspect to the personality
Taurus Moon Influence On The Earth Signs
(Capricorn - Taurus - Virgo)
Provides a successful achievement and accumulation of wealth aspect to the personality
Taurus Moon Influence On The Water Signs
(Cancer - Scorpio - Pisces)
Provides a creative and magnetic aspect to the personality
The Leo Sun/Taurus Moon combination produces a very strong and forceful personality...for better or worse. These persons possess the capacity to see things "in the large," with a good deal of practical idealism and an extremely fixed attitude, which can make for much success in business undertakings that require foresight and executive ability. Others will never have cause to wonder where Leo Sun/Taurus Moon natives stand on a particular issue and, although they are prone to make errors in judgment, they are equally as emphatic when they are wrong as when they are right. In short, this combination often makes for stubborn souls who lack an innate diplomacy. Although these individuals can learn to hold their tongues, it is difficult for them not to express personal views with a great amount of conviction. While being utterly honest characters, Leo Sun/Taurus Moon subjects they are nonetheless capable of believing what will suit their purposes and what will support personal ideas. These are individuals who will "make mountains out of molehills" and steadfastly refuse to compromise, which can make life quite difficult at times. Nevertheless, this Sun/Moon combination is one which will get things done...and usually done very well. In all undertakings, there is a good head here for managing and controlling. Although these persons will never yield anything to an opponent, they are very loving and sharing with those close to them. However, this will require complete devotion, eternal love, infinite admiration and constant sympathy from the other party. Leo Sun/Taurus Moon natives are earnest and well-meaning, but may need to become somewhat more detached and try to perceive themselves in something of a more objective light.
Some Famous Leo Sun/Taurus Moon Personalities
* Halle Berry * Delta Burke * Lynne Cheney * Bill Clinton * David Crosby * Kevin Dillon * Sam Elliott *
* Reverend Jerry Falwell * Aldous Huxley * Mick Jagger * Carl Jung * Monica Lewinsky * Pete Sampras * George Bernard Shaw * Sally Struthers *
The Gemini Moon is an intuitive Moon...a rapid learner operating on a mental plane. This is a rather charming Moon with magnificent speaking and writing talents. This Moon struggles to maintain independence and tends to be high-strung...at times, a restless and somewhat confusing combination. However, the swift mental activity of the inherent Gemini character coupled with the emotionality of the Moon causes feelings to be held in too much scrutiny. The Gemini Moon expresses emotions in an uneven and inconsistent manner while harboring a direct need to speak the truth.
In general, those with the Moon in Gemini like to exercise both body and mind. Their time is usually divided between studying and socializing. They may live in more than one place or change residence quite often. In short, these individuals like to move around. The Moon in Gemini is excellent in terms of intellect and those who fall under its jurisdiction are inevitably attracted to the literary and the scientific, which tends to indicate that the chosen vocation will also be somewhat intellectual...writer, teacher, journalist or scientist, etc. However, the influence of Gemini usually leads to the changing of careers as often as it leads to the changing of residence. Gemini's theme will continue through the life of this individual...he or she may be ambidextrous and will probably find it easy to do two things at once. Those with their Moon sign in Gemini are not always honest people, particularly in their dealings with those around them. However, they are usually so proficient at deception, that others rarely realize they have been hoodwinked. Moon in Gemini people tend to be nervous, witty and changeable, thriving on communication and the "cut and thrust" of the social world. Boredom cannot be tolerated by these persons and there is a proclavity for an "up and down" type of personality. The spoken word is the chief means of relating for those who fall under the jurisdiction of this Moon sign, and they are equally adept at coming up with the perfect "put-down" as they are with impressing others through their cleverness and wit. Working in media or travel are ideal for those with the Moon in Gemini, as are careers in sales. However, there is a proclavity for these individuals to push themselves too hard and they often feel exhausted when they have overdone the "partying." Nevertheless, after a brief respite, they are ready to forge headlong into the world once more. A person born with the Moon in Gemini is not likely to be happy with his or her own company for very long.
Gemini Moon Influence On The Fire Signs
(Aries - Leo - Sagittarius)
Provides a strong leadership aspect to the personality
Gemini Moon Influence On The Air Signs
(Libra - Aquarius - Gemini)
Provides an expressive communication aspect to the personality
Gemini Moon Influence On The Earth Signs
(Capricorn - Taurus - Virgo)
Provides a quick-minded aspect to the personality
Gemini Moon Influence On The Water Signs
(Cancer - Scorpio - Pisces)
Provides an extremely creative aspect to the personality
The Leo Sun/Gemini Moon combination produces a character possessed of both action and ideas. This particular configuration blends the vitality, personal warmth, generosity and authoritative nature inherent in Leo, with the intelligence, cleverness, flexibility and adaptability inherent in Gemini. The personality of these individuals is one which is perpetually seeking for ways to impress others via action or achievement...particularly by matters of the mind or personal ideas. The mind of a Leo Sun/Gemini Moon native is facile and intuitive rather than profound or overly-serious. There is an innate ability here for making good impressions on others...this works extremely well in public life and in dealing with those who fall within the personal sphere of influence. Although ideas will not be based on deep philosophy, they are usually quite plausible and always delivered with a manner of expression which is persuasive. Leo Sun/Gemini Moon subjects like to work with their minds and are rarely to be found working hard in a physical sense in order to making a living. Indeed, these are characters who believe in "easy money" and appear to know how to obtain it without exerting great amounts of physical energy. Mentally, however, this Sun/Moon combination could never be regarded as lazy and, at times, can become so mentally active that the result is nothing short of a "bundle of nerves." These individuals truly never stop trying to impress others with their cache of personal knowledge and are very interesting conversationalists. The Leo subject governed by a Gemini Moon is an extremely social soul and loves to entertain...especially when the guests are interesting people who can provide mental stimulation. In turn, glib analyses and sharp observations will make this individual a firm favorite among such gatherings.
Some Famous Leo Sun/Gemini Moon Personalities
* Tony Bennett * Simon Bolivar * Connie Chung * Davy Crockett * Alexandre Dumas * Eddie Fisher * Tawny Kitaen *
* Benito Mussolino * Walter Payton * Alfred Lord Tennyson * B.J. Thomas * Mae West *
The Cancer Moon is a sensitive, patient and devoted Moon. This Moon possesses literary and/or artistic abilities coupled with a sharp memory. The Cancer Moon learns and expresses everything through emotions and harbors a strong desire to be a nurturer. This Moon is likely to have heightened psychic abilities, although life itself is lived within a series of mood swings. The Cancer Moon is prone to the expression of insecurities in a smothering, possessive and/or jealous manner.
In general, the personality of those whose Moon sign is in Cancer will be very similar to those individuals whose Moon sign is in Taurus. Both combinations are very fond of relaxation and satisfaction. However, those individuals with Cancer as their Moon sign are different in that they lack the stability and/or stubborn character provided by Taurus (unless, of course, the person in question happens to have Taurus as his or her Sun sign). The personality of the Moon in Cancer subject is rather supple and flexible. This will be an emotional character whose surroundings play a large role in his or her mood. When individuals with the Moon in Cancer are at home, or some other comfortable place, they can be quite sociable, friendly and charitable. However, when the environment proves to be less comforting, they tend to hide themselves. Basically inherently conservative, those whose Moon sign is in Cancer tend to be very close to their families...in particular, the mother. Here, there may well be a strong attachment and very often, both mother and child will share many personality traits. Generally, accepting advice from others and following through on the plans of others will bring good luck to the Moon in Cancer person. These are people perceptive of the feelings of those around them and they frequently prove to be good actors or mimics. Blessed with an inherent sensitivity, the Moon in Taurus subject is often psychic. These individuals are strongly attracted to water (although they are not always aware of this) and may live or vacation near large bodies of water. They are also likely to favor travel by ship as the preferred mode of transport. Basically sympathetic, kind and compassionate souls, individuals whose Moon sign is Cancer are drawn to the underdog and the downtrodden of society...a hard luck story will win them over every time. There is a tendency for those governed by the Moon sign of Cancer to expect others to see and feel they world as they do. This often leads to feelings of rejection when such is not the case. Those governed by Cancer as their Moon sign are likely to keep mementos of their lives from the first four-leaf clover they found to the dog-eared photograph of their first love...probably all tied up with a pink ribbon.
Cancer Moon Influence On The Fire Signs
(Aries - Leo - Sagittarius)
Provides an extremely creative aspect to the personality
Cancer Moon Influence On The Air Signs
(Libra - Aquarius - Gemini)
Provides an extremely magnetic aspect to the personality
Cancer Moon Influence On The Earth Signs
(Capricorn - Taurus - Virgo)
Provides a passionate and loyal aspect to the personality
Cancer Moon Influence On The Water Signs
(Cancer - Scorpio - Pisces)
Provides a highly intuitive aspect to the personality
The Leo Sun/Cancer Moon combination produces a well-integrated personality since both the Sun and Moon here are placed in those Signs with which they are naturally associated. The positive force of the Sun in Leo serves to offset any tendency toward the moody and introspective traits of the Cancer Moon. In short, this combination is "up" most of the time. The innate boastful character of Leo individuals, coupled with the inherent desire to constantly be "in the spotlight, is well-balanced and controlled by the modest reserve of this Cancer Moon. This makes for a person possessed of a natural warmth and one who will be a sympathetic friend. Others are naturally attracted to Leo Sun/Cancer Moon natives because they are such excellent company and enjoy having a good time. In addition, friends will never hesitate to confide in these natives due to their dependability and trustworthiness. Indeed, if there is some way in which Leo individuals governed by the Cancer Moon are able to help, they will always do so. Leo Sun/Cancer Moon subjects know their worth so well that they take such for granted and refuse to waste time in an attempt to impress those around them. They are realistic about life, applying common sense to situations while striving to do the best they can. In essence, the feet of these individuals are planted solidly upon the ground. Romance and love are of extreme importance to this combination and there can be no true happiness until a partner is found upon whom affection can be lavished. Soundness is the keynote of the Leo Sun/Cancer Moon native and everything he or she does appears to have a stamp of character, persistence and the honest desire to maintain good will.
Some Famous Leo Sun/Cancer Moon Personalities
* Appollonia * Ethel Barrymore * Princess Beatrice * Clara Bow * Emily Bronte * Guy de Maupassant * Joe Elliot *
* Geri "Ginger Spice" Halliwell * George Hamilton * Annie Oakley * Sean Penn * Roman Polanski * Kenny Rogers *
The Leo Moon is an intelligent and strongly emotional Moon. This Moon marches to the beat of its own drummer and relishes being the center of attention. The Leo Moon is an exceedingly charming Moon with an exceptional sense of humor. It is a leader, not a follower. However, this Moon possesses a dramatic flair and tends to take itself too seriously. The Leo Moon is not by nature a self-sacrificing Moon.
In general, the personality of those whose Moon sign is in Leo will be strong, proud and courageous by nature, exuding energy and drive. Such individuals relish responsibility and may be prone to take on too much. There is a natural attraction to authority here, coupled with enjoyment of being in the public eye. Persons governed by the Moon in Leo would much rather lead than follow and inherent pride makes them most susceptible to love affairs. The opposite sex finds this individual extremely interesting because of the frequency and sincerity of such affairs. The actions of those ruled by the Leo Moon attract the attention and respect of superiors within the workplace, which can mean only good things as far as any career is concerned. Such individuals are usually encouraging souls, optimistic and generous with money...sometimes a little too much so, which also applies to the display of affection. Nothing is ever done in half-measures by Leo Moon people and they are prone to set high standards, both on a personal level and for others. Anyone with the Moon in Leo will possess a strong intellect and an extreme love of the arts. Occupations are often associated with the theater, music, painting or literature. There is also a devout love of luxury and a grandiose sense of style. Lively in spirit with a desire to make a statement and a definite distaste for being ignored, the individual governed by a Leo Moon has high intelligence and excellent prioritizing skills.
Leo Moon Influence On The Fire Signs
(Aries - Leo - Sagittarius)
Provides an enhanced creativity aspect to the personality
Leo Moon Influence On The Air Signs
(Libra - Aquarius - Gemini)
Provides an enhanced aspect to the personality
Leo Moon Influence On The Earth Signs
(Capricorn - Taurus - Virgo)
Provides a money-making aspect to the personality
Leo Moon Influence On The Water Signs
(Cancer - Scorpio - Pisces)
Provides an emotionally influential aspect to the personality
The Leo Sun/Leo Moon combination produces a forceful, ambitious and concentrative personality...one which is bent on achieving a good deal of prestige and success in the world. On the surface, these persons appear jovial, sunny, full of vitality and always expressing good spirits. However, beneath this facade, there often lurks a hard streak in the nature...a degree of ruthlessness which never forgets or forgives any injury or slight to the innate pride and/or vanity. Somehow, Leo Sun/Leo Moon natives can be jovial, sunny and friendly while remaining so independent and authorative that they seek nothing less than the ultimate in leadership and prominence. Nevertheless, there is someting magnificent about the methods of fighting associated with this combination...whether the battle be personal or on behalf of others. There is a scorn for enemies here that enables the Leo subject governed by a Leo Moon to demolish such enemies ruthlessly, but the action will be devoid of any malice. In short, there is a detached and impersonal quality marking the nature of this combination. These individuals are not inherently introspective and many of their actions are based upon instincts rather than analyzed personal motive. They also have tremendous personal control...a control which, given time, will likely be exerted over others. Leo Sun/Leo Moon subjects possess a vast degree of pride and vanity which can be satisfied, for example, by displays of admiration and flattery from those around them...or by the broader method of achieved amitions. There will always be a constant tendency toward the excessive in a variety of ways. These individuals are endowed with an immensely strong will...a will which can be used in either a positive or negative fashion.
Some Famous Leo Sun/Leo Moon Personalities
* Yasser Arafat * Stephen Carpenter * Coby Dick * Jonathan Frakes * Herbert Hoover * Donny Most *
* Peter O'Toole * Martin Sheen * Wesley Snipes * Patrick Swayze *
The Virgo Moon is a truth-seeking Moon. This Moon mentally uses what it learns and is suspicious of face value information, possessing a deep desire to carefully sort through all available data. It is a cautious and serious Moon, being also reserved, methodical, analytical and critical. The Virgo Moon is a perfectionist Moon, possessing perseverance and good organizational skills. A sense of being in control is vital to this Moon and the ability to understand the feelings of others may be difficult. The Virgo Moon harbors a deep-rooted need for the acknowledment of personal abilities.
In general, the personality of those whose Moon sign is in Virgo will lead a quiet and unpretentious life. These individuals are strong in intellect and have an excellent memory. Thus, a career of a cerebral nature is highly favored. Occupations dealing with health and healing are ideally suited for those governed by a Virgo Moon...a doctor or dietician, for example. The will of these individuals is usually good and they seldom find themselves in trouble. They are marvellous employees due to an honest and amiable nature. They also make for fair and just employers. Persons ruled by the Moon in Virgo tend to excel in the service of a company or corporation and enjoy social interactions. They are likley to have many friends and embark on many trips...this seems to be particularly true of the female governed by a Virgo Moon. These individuals prefer it when things are going well and may occasionally conceal or ignore problems (especially marital difficulties) in order to achieve such tranquility. However, people who fall under the jurisdication of a Virgo Moon do like to investigate the problems of others and their intellect is quite beneficial in this area. They are attracted to the study of both science and the occult, usually highly sensitive to those around them...which may be an indication of psychic abilities. Social, logical and clear-headed characters, those governed by the Moon in Virgo always appear to be busy organizing and arranging the next "big event." Although these individuals work well behind the scenes, there is frequently a strong social conscience which will question the status quo, refusing to accept things at face value. Communication is vital to those ruled by the Virgo Moon, particularly if it involves facts and information rather than "dreamy" philosophies. There is a strong personal code of conduct here, coupled with high standards, concerning friends and loved ones. Even though these individuals may not actually compose lists, they have the ability to think scenarious through into a logical order, rather than "firefighting" when trouble hits. Those governed by the Moon in Virgo will invariably plan ahead for all possible eventualities in a clear and most logical manner.
Virgo Moon Influence On The Fire Signs
(Aries - Leo - Sagittarius)
Provides much strength and endurance
as well as a creative aspect to the personality
Virgo Moon Influence On The Air Signs
(Libra - Aquarius - Gemini)
Provides great intelligence and originality to the personality
Virgo Moon Influence On The Earth Signs
(Capricorn - Taurus - Virgo)
Provides a money-conscious and practical aspect to the personality
Virgo Moon Influence On The Water Signs
(Cancer - Scorpio - Pisces)
Provides an enhanced emotional nature, common sense,
and mentally-sharp aspect to the personality
as well as providing a wonderful approach to life in general
The Leon Sun/Virgo Moon combination produces a character pairing of two very different influences. Here, the warm, impetuous and dynamic traits associated with Leo are coupled with the cool, cautious and introverted traits of Virgo, resulting in an individual possessed of very strong opinions and emotions. Leo Sun/Virgo Moon natives are critical and accurate in thought, but often too outspoken. Attention is vital to the happiness of this combination. Leo natives governed by a Virgo Moon appear to be dependent upon praise and the admiring attention they are able to command...even if such attention is nothing more than sympathetic concern which can be mustered. Nevertheless, they are selective when it comes to friends and allow relatively few people to become close. To Leo Sun/Virgo Moon subjects, there is only "their way" and the "wrong way." In short, these are individuals who can be exceedingly stubborn and opinionated. They follow a personal and strict moral code, to which they consistently adhere, and expect those around them to also live up to such standards. Although there is an underlying timidity in the nature of this Sun/Moon combination, coupled with an always-present need to please, the independent and somewhat militant pride often impels, for some reason, the need to do the wrong thing out of an impish delight in observing the effect which then results. As Leo Sun/Virgo Moon individuals mature, they can teach themselves to beome tactful, but this is far from a natural trait. However, they do possess an inherent politeness and charm, which can be turned-on at will and, if used to its best advantage, can lead to great success in almost every endeavor. Nonetheless, these natives tend to have an exacting nature and a pride which must constantly be carefully controlled.
Some Famous Leo Sun/Virgo Moon Personalities
* Princess Anne * Tempestt Bledsoe * Sarah Brightman * Claus Von Bulow * Belinda Carlisle * Dustin Hoffman *
* Peter Jennings * Norman Lear * Madonna * Carroll O'Connor * Marilyn Quayle * Robert Redford *
* J.K. Rowling * John Stamos *
The Libra Moon is the most artistic of the Moons. This Moon will do anything in order to avoid a conflict (and, in fact, all general unpleasantness), but needs to learn how to handle such conflicts and be aware that facing a problem head-on in the best method of dealing with it. The Libra Moon possesses exquisite taste and is a coordinating expert. This is a charming Moon with a gentle and peace-loving nature which desires a harmonious environment in beautiful surroundings. This Moon finds crude behavior, poor manners and foul language exceedingly offensive. The Libra Moon prefers shared rather than solitary experiences.
In general, the personality of those whose Moon sign is in Libra produces an individual who likes to make friends. These are very sociable souls who are attracted to people and situations that present a sense of balance. Those governed by the Libra Moon look for partnerships in all aspects of life...love, business and friendships. As perceived by others, those governed by the Moon in Libra are considered to be popular, affectionate and generous. In short, the life of the Libra Moon individual will likely revolve around people. Most often, this means only one person...one with a powerful persuasion over the life of the Libra Moon subject. Here, the inherent love of people, company and sociality can blind those ruled by the Libra Moon to the effects of others' influence, and personal judgment can easily be swayed by those around them. There is usually artistic potential, whether or not the Libra Moon person has explored it, and this explains the love of music, paintings and fine arts in general so often associated with Libra Moon individuals. Such persons have a good fashion sense coupled with a harmonious outlook on life...partnerships and balance are invariably the key themes. Libra Moon people are usually influenced by those around them and are much more productive in the company of others. Being both charming and creative, those governed by the Moon in Libra possess excellent diplomatic skills, but the ability to see both sides can sometimes lead to a "sitting on the fence" attitude. Nonetheless, such a person has the ability to be a wonderful peacemaker when others are locked in a dispute and findings are normally beautifully articulated. The Moon in Libra indicates a great love for taking on new projects, but a tendency toward boredom once the initial excitement begins to wear thin.
Libra Moon Influence On The Fire Signs
(Aries - Leo - Sagittarius)
Provides enhanced originality to the personality
as well as individual magnetism
Libra Moon Influence On The Air Signs
(Libra - Aquarius - Gemini)
Provides a popular aspect to the personality
Libra Moon Influence On The Earth Signs
(Capricorn - Taurus - Virgo)
Provides an increased aspect of creativity to the personality
Libra Moon Influence On The Water Signs
(Cancer - Scorpio - Pisces)
Provides a strong imagination and intuitive aspect to the personality
The Leo Sun/Libra Moon combination produces a very independent, idealistic and romantic character. These are warm-hearted souls with an almost sentimental approach to life. They are highly honorable and possess a sense of personal integrity. Being both conventional and traditional, Leo natives governed by a Libra Moon also have a tolerant and logical approach to life with a healthy respect for public opinion. Although basically straightforward by nature, there is much that these individuals do not reveal about themselves in a first meeting. In short, they are somewhat elusive and rather difficult to "pin down." Leo Sun/Libra Moon natives may know what people want of them, but their usual method is to give a good deal of thought into their actions and not necessarily commit too soon. However, others customarily have an immense respect for the opinion of these individuals, since such an opinion is generally not the first one rendered and is normally well thought out...to say nothing of being solidly founded. Not one to go overboard or fall prey to any type of extremes, this Sun/Moon combination has the capacity for clear and methodical thinking, which is frequently coupled with a gift for creativity and blessed with an excellent imagination. Art and drama often appeal to Leo Sun/Libra Moon subjects since there is much which is dramatic and appealing in the character make-up. These are souls who can live almost independently and the emotional depth necessary for successful relationships can be somewhat lacking at times. Indeed, complex emotionalism can occasionally cause Leo natives governed by a Libra Moon to retreat and become rather aloof. In sum, these will be individuals who are avid observers of human nature, but not ones who wish to become too deeply involved.
Some Famous Leo Sun/Libra Moon Personalities
* Tori Amos * Fidel Castro * Wilt Chamberlain * Julia Child * John Derek * Amelia Earheart *
* Amy Fisher * John Lee Hooker * Iman * Rikki Rocket * Christian Slater * Donnie Wahlberg *
* Esther Williams * Orville Wright *
The Scorpio Moon is a mysterious Moon. This Moon is strongly motivated by feelings while remaining most adept at hiding true emotions. It is a Moon of great willpower and good judgment, but one which never forgets a good or bad deed. The Scorpio Moon is one of the more difficult Moons, often having to face and conquer more obstacles than the other Moons. It is prone to aggressive and dominating behavior in addition to being wilful and stubborn. The Scorpio Moon possesses strong beliefs which will likely be expressed in a passionate manner. This Moon is one of secrecy and personal independence coupled with heightened intuitive and psychic abilities. However, the Scorpio Moon can be jealous and distrustful, believing that the sharing of feelings leads to vulnerability.
In general, the personality of those whose Moon sign is in Scorpio may be one which harbors a feeling of misunderstanding by others. Fighters by nature, those ruled by the Scorpio Moon are usually hot-tempered and stand alone in their battles. They fight with assurance and confidence. However, there is a tendency for such people to bring out in themselves the very things they are fighting against. Persons governed by the Moon in Scorpio will be full of energy with a tendency to express themselves in a rather blunt manner. While such individuals might declare they are "okay with change," it is a somewhat different story inside and they are actually quite conservative, resisting change...particuarly any change which is forced upon them. When such people do change their minds on an idea, they fully stand behind it and help to implement the change. In reality, Scorpio is probably one of the most misunderstood of the Zodiac signs and individuals who fall under the jurisdiction of its Moon are inclined to act out of irritation or anger. In short, these people like to get revenge. Others may perceive those ruled by the Scorpio Moon as lacking in a strong moral code, or that they drink too much, but the truth is, such individuals are truly possessed of a strong willpower and much determination. However, there is also a massive love of pleasure and those governed by this particular Moon will be quite familiar with the subject of pleasure. There is a strong attraction to the opposite sex...and vice versa. Those governed by the Scorpio Moon share many of the characteristics of those ruled by the Moon of Capricorn. Both subjects have boundless energy, a lack of control in certain life areas and oftentimes, trouble with the opposite sex. This could cause a great deal of strife throughout life and more than one marriage is highly likely. The Moon in Scorpio is also closely related to death and the occupation of an individual ruled in this manner might well be so related...policeman, fireman or soldier, for example. Passion and intensity will be paramount in any relationship which involves those who fall under the jursiction of the Scorpio Moon. There is also an ability to inspire others here, for such subjects will never shirk in the face of unpleasant situations and are perfectly capable of speaking up for the underdog. Individuals of the Scorpio Moon know no fear and will refuse to be put off by the views of society when it comes to choosing friends or partners. However, there is a distinct tendency to keep many emotions "under wraps" and others may be unaware of this individual's true feelings until he or she "lets rip" at the last straw. Time alone is very important for those ruled by the Moon in Scorpio...it is necessary in order to process feelings and come to terms with some of the injustices of the world. These are people with a strong moral conscience who, when hit by tragedy, will survive to return again...scarred, but ready to face life. The strong intuitive powers and psychic abilities of Scorpio Moon individuals enable them to see below the surface.
Scorpio Moon Influence On The Fire Signs
(Aries - Leo - Sagittarius)
Provides enhancement to the overall personality
as well as an energetic nature
Scorpio Moon Influence On The Air Signs
(Libra - Aquarius - Gemini)
Provides enhanced mental powers to the personality
Scorpio Moon Influence On The Earth Signs
(Capricorn - Taurus - Virgo)
Provides an ambitious and sensual aspect to the personality
Scorpio Moon Influence On The Water Signs
(Cancer - Scorpio - Pisces)
Provides enhanced strength, energy and creative aspects to the personality
The Leo Sun/Scorpio Moon combination produces a vital character possessed of a highly-charged temperament. In order to achieve the lofty potential offered by this configuration...which is indeed exceedingly dynamic and powerful...these persons will need to learn how to control both passion and temper. Leo natives governed by a Scorpio Moon have a tendency, by nature, to become very emotionally and personally involved in problems or debates. In fact, it would be something of an understatement to say that the likes and dislikes of such individuals are extremely well-defined. Occasionally, a bout of "ranting and raving" can easily result if there is a failure to maintain a "tight lid" on natural inclinations...yet, personal success and happiness may well depend on keeping full control over such emotions and feelings. In short, it is necessary for Leo Sun/Scorpio Moon subjects to direct their energies along constructive lines. There is an inherent magnetism here which will invariably lead to much achievement in the area of leadership. However, there is likely to be far more emotionalism than mental depth in the character make-up. Leo natives ruled by a Scorpio Moon possess an intensely confident and positive nature, often revealing considerable pride and self-regard. They do not appear to rely on logic, intuition or reason but, instead, react on pure instinct. High in moral attitudes, these persons "draw the line" on others quickly and judge those around them far too readily based upon personally stated standards...which these individuals may not always live up to themselves. In sum, everything is colored by personal biases and there is little capacity for objectivity or detachment. This combination of Zodiac signs makes for an extremely driving placement, bent on obtaining power and authority and very capable of fulfilling such objectives. Leo Sun/Scorpio Moon natives are keenly alert to personal interests in business or executive affairs, as well as being aggressive, vigilant and determined. They act quickly upon ideas and without hesitation. These are determined and shrewd individuals who are essentially dramatic...ones who are the main characters in any given drama, themselves occupying center stage.
Some Famous Leo Sun/Scorpio Moon Personalities
* Ben Affleck * Loni Anderson * Rosanna Arquette * Elizabeth, The Queen Mother * Alfred Hitchcock * Don King *
* Stanley Kubrick * Steve Martin * Matthew Perry * Mel Tillis * Cindy Williams *
The Sagittarius Moon is a clear-thinking and quick-minded Moon. This Moon will set goals and have no problem in attaining them. However, there is a tendency to overspend because of the overwhelming belief that things are there to be bought and enjoyed. Basically, this is a charming Moon with a deep love of travel. It is also spontaneous, freedom-loving and optimistic. The Satittarius Moon prefers not to be tied down and, by nature, is a kind and gentle Moon. This Moon has a deep desire to learn and pursue intellectual activities.
In general, the personality of those whose Moon sign is in Sagittarius will absolutely adore the great outdoors. There is an immense love for the feeling of freedom here. Others perceive Sagittarius Moon indidividuals as active with a fondness for travel and sports...not to mention the air of joviality (derived from Jove or Jupiter, the Ruling Planet of Sagittarius). However, when such individuals are not outside, they often appear restless in every sense of the word...physically, mentally, intellectually and emotionally. These are people who act first and think later, a trait which is usually most apparent..and harmful...during conversation. Such individuals say whatever is on their minds, put simply and in a rather blunt manner. In short, they are far from diplomatic and should avoid careers where diplomacy is a must. Indeed, with regard to occupations as a whole, there is a tendency to change employment frequently or have more than one vocation. Overall, Sagittarius Moon persons are usually good-natured, kind and honest. They are perceptive of others' emotions and, if someone is hurt, may even take it personally. Nevertheless, there is an obvious short temper associated with those governed by this Moon although, on a more positive note, they are also quick to forgive and will hardly ever hold a grudge. These individuals make for good teachers due to their perspective on life and are able to perceive the possible outcome of events long before they ever occur...hence the oftentimes favorite phrase of those who are ruled by the Sagittarius Moon: "I told you so!" The intuition here is strong and the dreams of such people frequently come true. This could possibly indicate a psychic influence, but with the Sagittarius Moon, nothing is ever sure. These people are simply unable to stay in one place for very long since the desire for movement is well-nigh overwhelming. Independence is greatly valued by Sagittarius Moon persons, as is freedom of spirit. They are adaptable and attract many friends who warm instantly to the inherent gregarious nature. Not necessarily materialistic, the Sagittarius Moon subject feels that experience will always count for more than the acquisition of objects. There is a firm belief in justice and fair play here, coupled with a desire to help out anyone who is in need, or who has been treated unfairly. Perhaps the worse fault of those ruled by the Sagittarius Moon is that of over-optimism and it will be necessary to learn a realistic approach through experience and the lessons of life.
Sagittarius Moon Influence On The Fire Signs
(Aries - Leo - Sagittarius)
Provides self-confidence and an adventurous aspect to the personality
Sagittarius Moon Influence On The Air Signs
(Libra - Aquarius - Gemini)
Provides a persuasive aspect to the personality
Sagittarius Moon Influence On The Earth Signs
(Capricorn - Taurus - Virgo)
Provides a practical and creative aspect to the personality
Sagittarius Moon Influence On The Water Signs
(Cancer - Scorpio - Pisces)
Provides an artistic and creative-writing aspect to the personality
The Leo Sun/Sagittarius Moon combination produces a character which harbors a constant passion for travel, adventure, change and excitement. These are persons who search continuously for another "mountain to climb" or another "stone to turn," and to whom life itself seems to be a never-ending chain of games to win and adventures to explore. In this Sun/Moon combination, the vitality, magnanimity, warmth and authoritive nature of Leo blends with the honesty, versatility, sincerity and direct nature of Sagittarius, resulting in a yielding, exceedingly optimistic and intensely enthusiastic temperament. Leo natives governed by a Sagittarius Moon possess a restless, but always positive and alert mind. Their challenge is to keep the "white-hot flames" of this dual fire combination ablaze, attempting to avoid the tendency for energies to "go up in smoke" and be wasted upon lively yet unproductive activities. These individuals are more subject than most to experience burn-out. However, by harnessing the inherent fiery emotional nature to constructive purposes and setting personal goals, there is little that they cannot accomplish. Leo Sun/Sagittarius Moon subjects are able to charm others with their dash and enthusiasm. Their boundless energy and imaginative talents assure they have the ability to go far...if they can only channel their efforts and remain true to personal goals. However, it is difficult for these individuals to settle down to a job or to a relationship or to a solid base of operation or even to a truly focused purpose of any kind. Pettiness and triteness infuriate Leo natives ruled by a Sagittarius Moon and subtlety is definitely not their style. They may get into trouble by saying precisely what they feel, but refuse to mince words or spare feelings. While subjects of this Sun/Moon combination remain mobile and independent, they will be happy...but when they begin to experience confinement or any sense of being harnessed, they can easily become very unhappy and dispirited.
Some Leo Sun/Sagittarius Moon Personalities
* Danny Bonaduce * Ray Bradbury * Geraldine Chaplin * Coolio * Quinn Cummings * Elizabeth Dole *
* Alexander Fleming * Alex Haley * Isaac Hayes * Lisa Kudrow * T.E. Lawrence * Herman Melville * Martha Stewart *
The Capricorn Moon is an unemotional Moon, rarely exhibiting feelings in an outward manner. This is not really surprising, given that Capricorn sits in direct opposition to the Moon. Since the Moon itself is representative of emotions, this causes hindrances to the achievement of happiness within the Capricorn Moon. Thus, this is a difficult Moon placement as inherent energies are in conflict. Nonetheless, the Capricorn Moon is ambitious and eager to learn, usually putting such knowledge to excellent use. This is a self-sufficient Moon which has difficulty in expressing spontaneous emotions. It is conservative, competitive and rigid regarding feelings. This Moon desires control...ambitious thoughts being the driving force...and material success is extrememly important. The Capricorn Moon invariably displays a cool exterior and is very difficult to predict.
In general, the personality of those whose Moon sign is in Capricorn were born to be in a position of authority. This comes naturally to such people and could bring either fame or notoriety. Either way, a certain amount of celebrity is almost certainly guaranteed for those governed by a Capricorn Moon. If such individuals focus on their ambitions, employing dedication and a strong work ethic, then the public eye will eventually come to view them as prominent and well-respected. However, the influence of the Capricorn Moon is apt to make a person somewhat insensitive and unperceptive of the feelings of others, which can be viewed as cold and calculating. If the subject is born under one of the Cardinal signs (i.e., Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn), then future success is virtually assured but, with fame and success comes enemies, one of whom is almost certain to appear and attempt to spoil any such success or personal reputation...be it openly or in secret. The good news is that this person will most likely fail. Those governed by the Capricorn Moon share many of the characteristics of those ruled by the Moon of Scorpio. Both subjects have boundless energy, a lack of control in certain life areas and oftentimes, trouble with the opposite sex. Capricorn Moon people tend to assert a strong influence over those around them. They know how to "put on a good show" and will do anything to accomplish desired goals. These individuals are indeed "movers and shakers." There is an earthy practicality to persons ruled by the Capricorn Moon which gives dependence and a sense of responsbility toward others. These people are enduring, brave and do not shrink from less-than-pleasant tasks, if a sense of duty is perceived. There may be a tendency toward shyness in some individuals in which case, they are apt to be reserved and not given to spontaneous outbursts of emotion. In later years, those ruled by the Moon of Capricorn will appears both cool and well in control...life stretching ahead in a series of planned events and expectations. This Moon can lend a sense of loyalty and unswerving devotion once its subject eventually gives his or her heart to another and such an individual can be counted upon to "stick around" when all others have long gone. These persons fear humiliation and will carry around a hurt or slight almost indefinitely. There is a dignity and tenacity here, coupled with a realistic vision of the world as it truly is...not as others expect it to be.
Capricorn Moon Influence On The Fire Signs
(Aries - Leo - Sagittarius)
Provides self-reliance and an authoritarian aspect to the personality
Capricorn Moon Influence On The Air Signs
(Libra - Aquarius - Gemini)
Provides good communication skills to the personality
as well as resourcefulness and a wide range of interests
Capricorn Moon Influence On The Earth Signs
(Capricorn - Taurus - Virgo)
Provides an executive-type talent to the personality
as well as the achievement of great rewards
Capricorn Moon Influence On The Water Signs
(Cancer - Scorpio - Pisces)
Provides an enhanced creativity aspect to the personality
as well as providing a tendency toward fame and
the accumulation of wealth
The Leo Sun/Capricorn Moon combination produces a highly purposeful character. These people have a strong sense of what is personally expected out of life and this Sun/Moon combination confers a good deal of mental ability and quickness. There is a hard inner core here which may keep these individuals from being as sociable as many others who fall under the jurisiction of Leo as their sun sign. Indeed, it is unlikely that Leo natives ruled by a Capricorn Moon will ever allow themselves to be "walked upon" by others. The reputation of these persons...and the impression made upon those around them...is vitally important on a very personal level. In fact, they will make every effort to create a good impression by virtue of appearance and demeanor. In this regard, Leo Sun/Capricorn Moon subjects normally display a cheerful and good-natured exterior which rarely exposes the inherent core of hardness and resolve. While not exactly secretive, these individuals are subtle in disclosing plans and objectives and truly harbor no great desire to be understood too well. They may become depressed on occasion, but will never admit that there could be any doubt about themselves or their abilities. In short, the public face of a Leo native ruled by a Capricorn Moon seldom breaks free from the upbeat mask. These are individuals who possess an immense self-respect and expect others to treat them with equal respect. Success to these persons depends heavily on building up a sound reputation for integrity and reliability...they want to be known as infinitely trustworthy. These are materially ambitious souls...ones who back-up such ambition with steady purpose and tremendous power of will.
Some Famous Leo Sun/Capricorn Moon Personalities
* Neil Armstrong * Lucille Ball * Dan Fogelberg * Estelle Getty * James Hetfield * Magic Johnson * Yves Saint Laurent *
* Napoleon Bonaparte * Arnold Schwarzenegger * Norman Schwarzkopf * Connie Stevens * Hilary Swank *
The Aquarius Moon is an even-tempered Moon, possessing a clear and intelligent logic. Aquarius is an excellent location for the Moon itself. This Moon is humorous but harbors a distinct dislike for restriction in any form, being unable to tolerate possessiveness. The Aquarius Moon is a somewhat detached and intriguing Moon, which has trouble expressing emotions and extensively analyzing any such emotions. Indeed, emotions are usually expressed in actions rather than words. Friendship and freedom are paramount to this Moon. By nature, the Aquarius Moon prefers to work with a group and will relate better to a group rather than in a one-on-one relationship.
In general, the personality of those whose Moon sign is in Aquarius will be cool, perceptive and imaginative, enjoying the opinions that friends and colleagues have to offer. Moon in Aquarius individuals are social creatures, sympathetic to the feelings of others. In short, their attitude is far from what would be considered the "norm." These people are prone to unorthodox, independent and unconventional tendencies. Indeed, their eccentric interests and hobbies are likely to draw strange looks from observers. Those governed by an Aquarius Moon are attracted to anything which is of an intellectual, social, original or unusual nature. The vocation of such an individual may include educational, political, scientific or social work...at heart, he or she is a true humanitarian. There is a strong inclination toward ideals here...ideals which may well be impractical. These persons are drawn to large movements which support great causes and may also belong to a mystical or secret society, brotherhood or association. The intellect and imagination of those ruled by an Aquarius Moon combine to provide inventive and original ideas, together with an attraction for occult subjects (astrology or clairvoyance, for example). As already stated, those who fall under the jurisdiction of the Aquarius Moon are real humanitarians and true liberals who get along well with those who think the same. Although there is a great desire here to care for the "global village," there may be some detachment when it comes to those closer to home. These individuals possess integrity and honesty and will rarely be accused of double-dealing or cheating. With a tendency to "tell it like it is" (because the truth matters regardless of cost, even though the truth may hurt), persons governed by the Aquarius Moon possess their own set of moral standards which may or may not conincide with those of society. Friends and acquaintances tend to come from a rather broad spectrum...a homeless down-and-out together with a member of the aristrocracy would not be unlikely personal companions for those governed by the Aquarius Moon. Although unlikely to ask for help when in trouble, these persons stand ready to help others in an instant, particularly if it is associated with a cause dear to the heart. With more than a casual eye on the future, those people who fall under the jurisdiction of the Aquarius Moon would not hesitate to break rules and/or boundaries in their quest for new ways of being.
Aquarius Moon Influence On The Fire Signs
(Aries - Leo - Sagittarius)
Provides an imaginative and foreceful aspect to the personality
Aquarius Moon Influence On The Air Signs
(Libra - Aquarius - Gemini)
Provides the ability to deal with all personality types
Aquarius Moon Influence On The Earth Signs
(Capricorn - Taurus - Virgo)
Provides a very practical aspect to the personality
Aquarius Moon Influence On The Water Signs
(Cancer - Scorpio - Pisces)
Provides a self-expressive aspect to the personality
The Leon Sun/Aquarius Moon combination produces an interesting character blessed with a personality which is extremely attractive to others. This configuration blends the vitality, warmth, generosity, magnanimity and pride inherent in Leo, with the originality, ingenuity and friendliness inherent in Aquarius. Whatever these persons undertake is usually met with popular support for they are highly social souls who are both likeable and extroverted. There is a natural desire for Leo natives governed by an Aquarius Moon to project their personalities into public affairs or activities of a creative nature. They are exceedingly philosophical individuals, inclined to mental expansion and creativity, but may not be as much purposeful as they are idealistic and romantic. With regard to the many subjects which will attract the interest of these persons, there will be a sense of sincerity...but not one which is deeply involved and/or committed. There is a tendency here to "skim the surface" and drift from one idea to the next...never attaining much more than the most superficial understanding of anything. Leo Sun/Aquarius Moon natives dislike becoming too involved because their interests are so varied. Thus, they are reluctant to remain focused on one idea or one type of person for long. Indeed, such romanticism and idealism seems to out-distance any form of ambition and committment in these individuals. Nevertheless, they do like knowing a "little something" about many different things and usually get along well in life with this gift.
Some Famous Leo Sun/Aquarius Moon Personalities
* Menachem Begin * Peter Bogdanovich * Sandra Bullock * Kate Bush * Keith Carradine * David Duchovny *
* Henry Ford * Tipper Gore * Melanie Griffith * David Koresh * Gerald McRaney * Beatrix Potter *
* JonBenet Ramsey * Billy Bob Thornton *
The Pisces Moon is a senstive and creative Moon, being artistic, intuitive and most probably psychic. This Moon is most assuredly a dreamer. The Pisces Moon keeps emotions hidden, although the inherent extreme sensitivity makes this Moon sympathetic to the plight of the less fortunate and may lead to community service. The Pisces Moon feels all things deeply.
In general, the personality of those whose Moon sign is in Pisces indicates a character driven by emotions. Whatever appeals to these persons will attract them...music, literature or poetry, for example. These are individuals who change their minds very easily and to others, will sometimes give the impression of unreliability. When the "going gets tough," those ruled by a Pisces Moon will become discouraged. They adore change and any form of routine seems to literally drain the life from these persons. There is an easygoing nature here, but there is also a tendency toward shyness. Overall, the Pisces Moon is not perceived to be a favorable influence, often associated with glandular problems and obesity. On the outside, those governed by this Moon appear to be quite happy, but inwardly there is frequently depression and even a distinct lack of a sense of humor. At some time during the life of those who fall under the jurisdiction of the Moon in Pisces, hospitals, prisons or some other type of institution is almost certain to play an important role in some fashion. However, this aspect needs to be put into context and perspective with the rest of the individual's horoscope before any definite conclusions may be drawn, and it is vital that these subjects not become discouraged. The Pisces Moon can be one of the most appealing, sociable, entertaining and humorous of all the Moon Influences dependent upon other factors. There is a flair for music here...either composing, writing or simply listening and appreciating the art. These are emotional and romantic souls with creative ideas, a strong imagination and a desire to make the world a better place, although there is a distinct distaste for anything which is ugly or disharmonious. Perhaps the major key word for the Pisces Moon individual is sacrifice. If the need of another is perceived to be greater than that of the person governed by this Moon, then he or she will willingly give all he or she has to the person in need. These people possess a strong psychic awareness and have the ability to pick up on subtle signs and signals that others might miss. The greatest danger for a person who falls under the jurisdiction of the Moon in Pisces is the tendency to become a martyr and allow personal needs to fade into insignificance. Boundaries are difficult to define by these individuals and they could easily be guilty of getting involved in the problems of others without being asked...although the intentions are always of the highest caliber.
Pisces Moon Influence On The Fire Signs
(Aries - Leo - Sagittarius)
Provides dynamic energy and an an enduring artistic aspect to the personality
as well providing a sympathetic listening nature
Pisces Moon Influence On The Air Signs
(Libra - Aquarius - Gemini)
Provides a strengthened clairvoyant aspect to the personality
Pisces Moon Influence On The Earth Signs
(Capricorn - Taurus - Virgo)
Provides increased perception and an idealistic aspect to the personality
Pisces Moon Influence On The Water Signs
(Cancer - Scorpio - Pisces)
Provides an enhanced and powerful intuitive aspect to the personality
The Leo Sun/Pisces Moon combination brings together influences of extremely different natures. Here, the confident majesty of Leo and the more regressive, fluctuating and variable traits inherent in Pisces blend to produce what is usually a very kind-hearted and likeable personality. These souls are genuine in their attempts to make those close to them feel happy and secure. Attuned and very aware, Leo natives governed by a Pisces Moon have the time and possess the necessary sympathy to listen to others and try to help. Being both emotional and sentimental, the advice and counsel of these individuals comes directly from the heart and it is truly difficult for them to remain cool and aloof. It is also hard for them to say "No" to almost any sincere request...a fact which can often prove to be both physically and emotionally draining. The make-up of Leo Sun/Pisces Moon subjects includes intuition to a large degree and they are well aware of their abilities, as well as making every attempt to live up to personal ideals of a high order. Since these individuals are intensely honest, it is far from easy for them to ever fool others...fortunately, it may be equally as hard for others to fool the Leo native ruled by a Pisces Moon for this is a person who possess an exceptional understanding of human nature and motives. Outwardly, these individuals can appear aggressive and forward, displaying a bubbly and vigorous exterior. Inwardly, however, they are invariably overly-sensitive and sentimental...even brooding and philosophic in some cases. Subject to deep thought and occasional fits of depression, Leo Sun/Pisces Moon natives need many true friends and companions in order for spirits to remain buoyant. In short, these are very serious individuals whose motives are usually of the highest caliber.
Some Famous Leo Sun/Pisces Moon Personalities
* Ginger Baker * Theda Bara * Elizabeth Berkley * James Cameron * Coco Chanel * Robert De Niro *
* Cecil B. DeMille * Laurence Fishburne * Dorothy Hamill * Mata Hari * Victoria Jackson * Susan Saint James *
* Francis Scott Key * Matt LeBlanc * Robert Plant * Gene Roddenberry * Malcom-Jamal Warner *
Leo traits, both good and bad:
Leo Positive Traits
Generous and warmhearted
Creative and enthusiastic
Broad-minded and expansive
Faithful and loving
Leo Negative Traits
Pompous and patronizing
Bossy and interfering
Dogmatic and intolerant