2010-03-13 11:23:20 UTC
I am a Pisces Sun, Cancer Moon, Pisces Mercury, Virgo Venus, Libra Mars, and Virgo rising. According to my chart I was supposed to be really sensitive and quiet, but ho come I'm so darn loud and argumentative? I also have a high temper, I get angered easily and yet I barely have any fire in my natal chart? Ummmmm hello?!! I'm full of water for crying the heck out! Water signs are known to be sensitive and calm, not easily angered and violent!!!!!
And to add on to that, I also have Venus tightly conjunct my Virgo rising which is SUPPOSED to make me very pleasant, a charming personality, very easy-going, laid-back, and have good manners. Ohhhhh really? I fart in public, burp in peoples' faces, give people dirty looks, steal stuff, bring others down just to make myself feel better and you call that charming and good manners??!!! WHAT THE FREAK!!! HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!! I have like no charming personality and no good manners at all!
And yes, I DID look at the aspects made between my planets. Yes, I DID look at the positions of my planets in the houses. But ALL of them doesn't describe me at all!!!! I have no indicators in my dam chart that says I have a horrible personality!!! There are no Mars aspects being made in my chart that says I have a high temper!!!!
That's because like I said before, Astrology is total BS. It's totally fake, and those fake Astrologers are just doing that just to make money out of you idiots. Good thing I'm not an idiot who believes in Astrology because it's freaking fake!!!!!