This Astrologer has Saturn explained well for each zodiac. How will eggect us. Look at her other videos.
I watch Sagittarius because of my moon sign. I watch Scorpio because of my Rising sign. I watch taurus & gemini because of my Cusp Sun sign.
Excellent video explaining saturn effects. Easy to understand this astrologer.
My Saturn in Aries in my Fifth House of Pisces. Where my Chiron is 28°
My sixth house is aries void any planets.
My first house is SCORPIO
my moon second house SAGITTARIUS
my mercury eighth house gemini
My mc tenth house Leo void any planets
Saturn Hard reality
Naturally rules tenth house mc - CAPRICORN (my third house CAPRICORN void any planets)
Saturn in SCORPIO
Will be effecting me. I have been studying effects for a week now.
As far as effects now, I think I need tape for my mouth. Quiet Scorpio Rising-NOT. Because of my 8th house in gemini mercury. I need to stop lecturing others of my idea of idealism /how THINGS should be.
I think, I need to work hard & stay focused on NOW. Accept others ways & keep quiet, take note, move on.
If I stay focused on the Now & task at hand, I should do well.
Tell others my opinions & answering silly meaningless questions from NOSEY human beings is " EXHAUSTING" and meaningless & wasted energy on my part.
Is a challenge for me, because I see right through others & their motives & intents . & I can provoke others with my words, because I know they are lying to me immediately. I think black&white/usually.
Not my job to judge others.
Solution » I "should" walk away with a smile (shake the dust off my sandels & move forward)
(seriously regarding where I work & dealing with bar customers. I know- I picked that job 11 years ago. I deal with my job better today. I work around drunk humans & I am 100% sober. - pays the bills. I am grateful in many ways for my job. ) gives me an opportunity to Keep on SMILING & living with Thankfulness in my heart & mind. ) yes I can accurately pick others Sun & Moon signs, but not always. Is their behavior. Scorpio traits easy for me to pick up on & capricorn traits asks tons of questions aries -easy & Leo easy for me. Working at a bar helps me learn more about the Truth of Zodiac! Trust me . Plus I study numerology, that is extremely accurate.
People ask inappropriate questions & does push my SCORPIO buttons of anger, sarcasm, & I get annoyed .
I have to remember to let Go. Move on. Breath. Let others be who they will be. Wasted energy on my part . My energy needs to stay focused on what I need to do. I do help others, but I need to keep that SIMPLE. Letting go of my nature to be in control. I know.
1+1=2 ALWAYS & never anything but 2.
I understand quick, simple solutions. My advice is rarely taken. Due to > humans usually do as they will.
Excellent video for those who have =
PLEASE WATCH. REGARDING OCTOBER 2012 (including saturn)