Do you believe in astrology in the first place?
Many people do and many other's don't.
Astrology is more than the Sun signs alone. Your Moon sign, Ascendant etc are also very important. Maybe they influenced you a lot. Or maybe you were born on a cusp.
Persons born "on the line" between two Zodiac Signs partake of qualities found in both Signs or, more strictly speaking, have a blend of traits that may compose an individual nature. Due to variations in astrological calendars, this may became apparent during the last few days of a departing Sign, but the "cusp" (as it is termed) pertains chiefly to the first week of the incoming Sign. While the new Sign is gaining its ascendancy, the influences of the old will persist but gradually loses its hold day-by-day until, by the seventh day, the new Sign is in complete control.
To find out more about cusps please visit
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And if you do not know your Moon sign, Ascendant etc you can go to for a free sample personlized chart.
By the way, you said you like simplicity--that is a Piscean trait-- so maybe you have a lot of Piscean influence in your horoscope.
Taurus information:
Taurus The Bull
April 21 to May 22
Taurus is the Second Sign of the Zodiac, represented by the Bull which is prized for strength and stamina. The Egyptian Horus was the Bull of Heaven and a white bull was sacrificed in Babylonia at the time of the New Year to placate Ramman, the God of Thunder and Lightning. Taurus peacefully tends and nurtures Spring's garden, bringing forth harmony from chaos. Like the Bull, Taurus does not move unless there is something worth moving for. Taurus likes to keep a firm hand on possessions and nothing makes this Sign happier than secure material prosperity. Taurus craves the good things in life. Dominated by the romantic Planet of Venus, Taurus is deeply loving with strong values, but can be slow to make decisions. Earthbound with worldly goals and in tune with nature, Taurus is the most reliable and faithful Sign of the Zodiac. In essence, Taurus governs practicality and security.
The symbol...or glyph...of Taurus represents the horns and head of the bull. It is the Sign of the Builder. The glyph also outlines the chin and Adam's apple of the human throat (the part of anatomy over which Taurus rules). Symbolically, the glyph is a half-moon forming a cup which rests on the circle of the Sun. The cup represents material power and wealth derived through the force of will (represented by the circle). In Vedic Astrology, this glyph is representative of the Divine Spirit with the crescent above being symbolic of the flowering or blossoming of Spirit in its process of materialisation.
Also known as the Sign of the Producer or Builder, Taurus is Negative in polarity (as are Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces). The general characteristics of Negative Signs lean toward introversion and prefer to draw upon personal resources rather than look for external stimuli. Such individuals are naturally more receptive, sensitive and nurturing than are the Zodiac Signs of Positive polarity (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius). However, Negative Signs are also likely to be much more cautious, retiring and standoffish than their Positive counterparts with a tendency to keep personal feelings under tight control. Taurus is the most introverted of the Negative Signs (with Virgo a close second).
All Zodiac Signs governed by the Elements of Earth and Water are considered to be Feminine in nature. Thus, Taurus (ruled by earth) is considered Feminine (as are Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces). Feminine Signs are traditionally conceived as being more receptive and less active than their Masculine counterparts which are ruled by the Elements of Fire and Air (the Zodiac Signs of Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius). Feminine Signs focus primarily on the emotional and material world with particular attention to sensitivity and depth of feeling. Feminine Signs are said to be noctural or night-oriented. Therefore, the term "feminine" should be viewed in the same light as the Yin (or dark) Polarity of the Tao.
Taurus is the natural ruler of the Second House of the Zodiac, commonly referred to as the "House of Material Possessions" and known in Vedic Astrology as the "Gate of Hades." This is the field which challenges an individual to define and refine his or her personal sense of values. The things and qualities that a person treasures, cherishes and enjoys are to be found here. This is the area of personal security and, employment, possessions and life's simple pleasures, as well as its luxuries. The Second House is concerned with ethics, morals, integrity and priorities...what an individual "stands for" and what influences that individual's choices in life. In addition to personal values, this house is traditionally associated with inner and outer talents and resources. The Second House is governed by the Planet Venus (which is also Planetary Ruler of the Seventh House).
The opposite sign to Taurus is Scorpio. From Scorpio, Taurus can learn to recognize the needs of others. Thus, can Taurus natives gain insight not only into the motives of others, but also into their own.
Positive Traits: practical, reliable, patient, persistent, determined, strong-willed, solid, affectionate, warm-hearted and trustworthy with a firm sense of values
Negative Traits: possessive, jealous, lazy, self-indulgent, greedy, boring, unoriginal, stubborn and inflexible in opinion
Likes: permanency, stability, luxury, comfort, pleasure and good food
Dislikes: disruption, being rushed, being indoors, being pushed too hard and any break in routine
Spiritual Goal: To learn the value of insight
Spiritual Correspondence: The Cherubim
Apostle: Simon
Prophet: Haggai
Anatomy: Rules the neck and the throat
Corresponding Tarot Card: The Heirophant or High Priest
Associated Countries: Ireland, Switzerland, Iran, Sweden, Cyprus and Greece
Associated Cities: Dublin, Lucerne, Leipzig and St. Louis
Animals: Cattle
Watchword: Stability
Keynote: Peace
Physical Manifestation: Inertia
Mental Manifestation: Steadfastness
Motto: Gentle and Bold
Quote: I Have
Physical Appearance
Those born under the jurisdiction of Taurus are, for the most part, of a robust and healthy appearance, normally of medium height or somewhat below average. The bodily structure is typically thick, stocky and "squarish," with a large trunk and comparatively short limbs. In a physical sense, they tend to very much resemble their Zodiac mascot, the Bull. The shape of the face is often full and square, displaying somewhat flat features, while the head itself is normally quite round. The ears are usually small and close the head while the chin is rounded, chubby and often sports a dimple. The nose is frequently short, often turned-up at the end with distended nostrils. The eyes (generally large and expressive) are customarily soft and affectionate in appearance...rather like those of a puppy...and members of the opposite sex may find it hard to resist the seductive charm such eyes exude. The neck of a Taurus individual is normally short, thick and sturdy-looking, while the general countenance is serene, characteristic of the Bull's persona, combining great mildness with great strength. Taurus natives are frequently big-boned with large and imposing bodies, giving an appearance of "weightiness" in every sense of the word (this particularly applies to the male Taurus). They seem to have an extra layer of insulating fat, distributed more-or-less evenly over the entire body. However, this layer of fat is by no means unattractive, appearing solid and well-suited to the Taurus frame. Indeed, although many Taurus individuals give the appearance of overall "bigness," they are usually far from what would be considered fat. Stocky or solid is truly a much better description and the average Taurus individual would not be offended in the least by the use of such terms. In general, a Taurus individual is large in build with broad shoulders, representing a great capacity for manual labor.
The majority of Taurus subjects are considered to possess a most excellent physique, displaying the promise of youth, vigor and freshness far into the declining later years of life. That having been said, the big-bodied image of Taurus natives can, however, be misleading and does not always apply. Many are quite thin or even frail, their appearance defying the usual physical characteristics of this Zodiac Sign. Those born in the month of May as opposed to the month of April are likely to have a Gemini, Sagittarius or Pisces Ascendant and this can greatly alter the classical Taurus appearance. In fact, nowhere else in the Zodiac are the physical characteristics of a sign so mitigated by other planetary influences than in Taurus. (The May-born, slight-of-frame, Bing Crosby, Fred Astaire and Audrey Hepburn, for example.) Nonetheless, varied as the natives of this Zodiac Sign may appear, there remains one telltale characteristic by which Taurus individuals can usually be identified: the eyes, which seem to be rather prominent or slightly protruding, having a conical or pointed shape at the cornea...and even the more slender Taurus natives will possess the typical broad shoulders and straight back. The overall appearance of all Taurus individuals exudes a somewhat distinct sensual aura.
The skin of a Taurus individual will be glowing and opaque in nature, soft to the touch and even "creamy" in appearance. However, some may sport a florid complexion which will, nonetheless, be clear in character. The lips are normally full and well-shaped with the teeth typically small and even. Generally, those governed by this Sign move gracefully and well in coordination with others. Although height is likely to be average, there is a tendency to plumpness around the area of the torso and it will usually be necessary for Taurus subjects to wage a constant guard against the proclavity toward easy weight gain. The nostrils may be flared...particularly in times of anger...with the nose and mouth being customarily wide. The hands of a Taurus subject are generally broad, thick and rather short or "pudgy" in shape. The hair of a Taurus individual ranges from dark to the lighter shades of brown, varying in character from naturally wavy to curly to crinkly. Whichever the case, its texture will invariably be thick and soft. There may also be a tuft or curl of hair above the center of the forehead...curiously similar to the growth often found between the horns of a Bull. The voice of a Taurus native is likely to be quite musical with the manner of speech slow but friendly. It should be noted that there are two unconscious mannerisms by which Taurus subjects may be readily identified: the female's tendency to tap the feet in a nervous manner when angry or irritated; and the male's tendency to move the head slowly but noticeably from side-to-side under similar agitated circumstances. In addition, the nostrils of both sexes are liable to become distinctly enlarged.
Being light-hearted and joyous individuals, Taurus natives seldom dwell in the depths of sorrow. The inherent personality of those governed by this Sign is one of geniality. They are bright, witty, fond of music, dancing, poetry and the arts. Blessed with a sympathetic nature, their winning manner readily adapts them to blend well within all classes of society. These are magnetic individuals who are usually well-liked by everyone and their numbers of friends is limited only by the numbers of their acquaintances. Although natives of this Sign tend toward the conservative regarding taste, they will buy only the very best quality and take great pains to ensure that their purchases last. They are fond of expensive (albeit somewhat ornate) jewelry and almost anything fashioned from gold.
subject born within the First Decan (April 21 to April 30...also known as the Taurus Decante of Taurus) possesses many physical features that others find most attractive and appealing. These may include: smooth and radiant skin; well-formed sensuous lips; soft and manageable hair; a youthful appearance; and a "ski" nose. There is a tendency for these native to be rather too sensual for their own good and some may need to select a wardrobe which tones down a few of the "too-sexy" features. The hands are likely to be smooth and fleshy, with short rather stubby fingers. However, the nails will probably be well-manicured. First Decan Taurus individuals prefer only the most expensive of clothes, since they revel in the sensuous feel of fine fabrics and the pleasure of an excellent fit. This native is likely to be medium-tall to tall in height, with slim to medium shoulders and a bony build. The forehead is usually broad and the eyes widely separated. On rare occasions, the females of this Decan can be be somewhat flat-chested and both sexes tend toward the thin side in physical build.
A subject born within the Second Decan (April 31 to May 10...also known as the Virgo Decante of Taurus) is likely to be identified by a slim build and shortness of stature, often making for something of a tiny individual. Indeed, these Taurus natives are usually smaller and more trim than others born under the jurisdiction of this Sign. Normally careful of diet, appearance and wardrobe, these subjects strive to avoid being overweight, unkempt or ostentatious. The voice is normally clear and pleasant and there may be an aversion to grammatical errors since every effort is made here to use precise words in order to express meaning and/or feeling. Because these individuals need to use gestures rather frequently, they find it difficult to communicate if their hands are otherwise occupied. Facial features tend to be relatively small and round with one possible exception...the nose, customarily soft and broad, may be a little larger (or longer) than these Taurus natives would prefer. The physical appearance of this Second Decon is very similar to those who fall within the Virgo Decante of Virgo.
A subject born within the Third Decan (May 11 to May 22...also known as the Capricorn Decante of Taurus) is likely to be of small to medium height and slim to medium in build. There is a tendency here for these natives to look somewhat older that they truly are...particularly up until the mid-thirties, after which they may not appear to age very much more. The neck is apt to be somewhat longer and thinner than average and although the upper torso is seldom large, there is a tendency to fullness of the hips and legs. The skin is prone to be dry and may require ongoing care to avoid a "leathery" appearance. In the males of this Decan, there is an unfortunate proclavity toward relatively early hair loss. There will usually be a strong, rounded jaw and face...the hallmark and influence of the Sign of Capricorn.
In order to give fuller interpretation to the Zodiac Signs, ancient astrologers subdivided each Sign into periods of approximately ten days. These divisions are known as the "decans" or "decantes" and cover modifications of individual traits, attributed to minor planetary influences, which temper or blend with the ruling influence of the period. The ten-day spans are somewhat arbitrary in order to allow for the five (and sometimes six) extra days in the year beyond the 360 days required for the thirty-six decans. According to accepted prodcedure, these days have thus been added to form various six-day periods instead of five. The earliest records of decans have been found inside coffin lids dating from the Tenth Egyptian Dynasty around 2100 B.C. Decans are also mentioned in the Babylonian Enuma Anu Enil, which dates approximately four centuries later. The root of the word "decante" is Greek in origin and means "ten days apart."
The planetary influences described under the decans are valuable in "shading" the traits of many individuals, but are generally subordinate to the stronger characteristics associated with the primary Zodiac Sign. In some people, the traits of the decans may only be slightly others, they are very marked. As a general rule, the primary Sign of an individual details his or her characteristics with what can be surprising exactitude, but where such individual traits may seem at variance with the accepted patterns of the sign, then the answer may be found in that person's decan. A study of the decans may also reveal hidden factor's to which a person may be susceptible, even though his or her major traits are fully delineated under his or her primary Sign.
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