Ask the Astrologer
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Q: I'd be grateful if you could shed some light on the complicated aspects of my moon [which is also the asc lord]. I am into vedic astro. but I find personality analysis more intriguing in the western. I am more of airy types according to vedic and watery types according to western, but I can identify with both!!! Is the fourth ray energy too expressive?
BTW, my birth details- 26-04-1975, 10.53am, New Delhi
A: by Eleanor Buckwalter: Your Moon in Scorpio makes an opposition to your Taurus Sun (and Mercury) indicating you were born on a Full Moon, an indication of great awareness. The Moon is part of a Grand Trine in Water, associated with the theatre arts, spiritual longing, and mathematics and music. The Sun/Mercury sextiles Mars in Pisces and Saturn in Cancer making the Grand Trine a Kite, which gives more power and opportunity for expression than a simple Grand Trine has. In both the Western and Eastern systems, a Sun/Mercury would give mental or airy qualities, while the highly aspected Moon gives emotional, watery qualities. The Air/Water combination is good for expression and communication of the sensitive, emotional and rhythmic qualities of water. Your chart has enough fire and earth to add spirit and enthusiasm plus groundedness and practicality to your expression. By "fourth ray energy," I assume you are referring to Alice A. Bailey's "Teachings on the Seven Rays of Djwhal Khul." The fourth ray is the ray of "harmony through conflict" and is the ray of "harmony, beauty and art." Humanity itself is the fourth kingdom of nature, and the point of balance between opposites, the world of the personality and the world of the soul, objective and subjective forces, illusion and reality. How can that be too expressive? I don't understand the question.
Q: Could you please tell me what aspects my north and south node make to my boyfriends planets in our synastry chart and the same for his nodes to my planets? And I would also be interested in knowing all the other aspects our planets make to each other as I have a copy of our synastry chart but I don't know how to really read it.
My birth details are: April 16th 1981 - 1:25 pm - Maryborough, Victoria, Australia His birth details are: December 12th 1974 - 9:15 am - Madras, India
Thanks in advance.
A: by Eleanor Buckwalter: Your question would require quite a bit of time to answer and I am afraid I cannot do that without charging you a fee. An Interpreted Compatibility Report is available through this site which discusses how the two of you interact in the love relationship and I think it includes the Nodes. Personally, I think the nodes are only important if one person's planet(s) conjunct a node(s) in the other person's chart and vice versa. We usually find that sort of connection in long term relationships such as family members and very close friends from childhood on (who seem like family members). Frequently we find them between married couples (marriage is a family relationship), but not often in romantic relationships. I will check your charts to see if there is such a conjunction, or more than one such.
There is a trine aspect between you North Node in Leo and your boyfriend's in Sagittarius. However, there are not planet/node conjunctions between you. His own Mercury and Neptune conjunct his N. Node while your N. Node conjuncts your Asc. This indicates his path of evolution is through his own intelligence and imagination while yours is through developing your own creative talents and abilities. You are, it would seem, on parallel tracks of development.
Q: First, congratulations for the site. It is very informative and yet friendly and generous. My question is about having both a grand trine in air signs and a T-square in mutable signs in my chart. These 2 patterns are connected together by the moon. The trine is formed with Uranus in the 2nd in Libra, Mars in the 6th in Aquarius and Moon conjunct MC in Gemini. I've read that an opposition or a square to one of the trine elements could be an outlet for the trine energy: Mercury in the 3rd in Sagittarius is opposed to the Moon; Venus in the 3rd in Scorpio is square Mars. Could you help me understand how I could channel energy out of this trine?
The T-square is formed with Moon in the 10th in Gemini opposed to Mercury in the 3rd in Sagittarius both squaring AC in Virgo. The possible way out of this T-square is through the 7th house in Pisces. Right?
And just like that, I have both the north node and Chiron in the 7th. Is there a duty I have to fulfill there?
Now, back to my first question, what could be the effects or how could I best take advantage of both the grand trine and the T-square which are linked together by the Moon, the Moon being a singleton - only planet in universal houses? Tricky question, isn't it? And I'm no astrologer. If you could help me, I'd be very grateful.
Data: born 11/25/1969 at 00:17 in Mahajanga,
Madagascar, female.
A: by Eleanor Buckwalter: Thank you for the complement on the web site. Credit goes to Carol McKenna and especially to our webmaster, Dwight Ennis.
In looking at your chart, it seems you include the lunar nodes in the T-cross. I use only planets (and not Chiron) when considering major configurations. What I do notice is the Grand Trine in Air, which is actually a Kite because of the Moon opposition Mercury (which speaks to mental and communicative ability). You also have a Yod with Mercury sextile Uranus both quincunx Saturn; that also would indicate unusual mental and communicative abilities. A Moon singleton in Gemini on the Mid-Heaven certainly would suggest a career before the public in some field of communications, publication, media, teaching, etc.
Instead of the Moon connecting two major configurations, it is Mercury (your ascendant ruler!) in its own 3rd house that connects the Kite and the Yod. Mercury is the "lynch pin." The Moon/Mercury opposition is in Gemini/Sagittarius and relates to the world of thought, speech, communication, the media, travel and education.
Hard aspects (square, opposition, quincunx) to a Grand Trine tend to activate it and make it more productive, for the energy of the Grand Trine by itself tends to be lazy and take things for granted. On the other hand, easy aspects (sextile and trine) to a Grand Cross, a T-Cross or a Yod tend to ease the tension and stress symbolized by these configurations.
A North Node and Chiron in the 7th house indicates the path of growth and evolution (No. Node) and healing/teaching (Chiron) lies in relationships with others and with the public. The Moon in the 10th seconds that motion!
Q: Can You tell me how my Sagittarian lover will cope with the loss of his mother please?
A: by Eleanor Buckwalter: I have no way of knowing how your Sagittarian lover will cope with the loss of his mother. You do not include birth data (mm/dd/year, time am/pm, place (city, state)). Without that, we are just discussing the generic Sagittarius archetype: the centaur, the archer, the protector god, the "king of heaven," etc. The Sagittarius archetype of freedom and desire to explore the highest realms of philosophy and wisdom is not terribly concerned with personal relationships. To have any idea of what a person's attitude and feelings toward "mother" are, we need to know the Moon sign and the aspects the Moon makes to other planets. And that can only be found in a timed birth chart.
Q: Can you tell me if my Neptune, Pluto, and Mars qualifies as a Yod? My program (Win*Star) doesn't list it as one in the chart pattern section, but, an astrologer friend of mine said it does. I realize that Mars and Neptune are a wide orb of 6 degrees for an inconjunct. But, again, I'm wondering if I have the Finger of God pointing at a special destination.
A: by Eleanor Buckwalter: If all the planets involved in the Yod are personal planets, I tend to allow somewhat wider orbs (5 degrees is considered the max. for a Yod). But since two of the planets are outer planets (Neptune and Pluto) it is "iffy." Neptune is a singleton, only water, so that may make it powerful enough to count. If it seems to work as a Yod in your personal psychology, then it is. Do you feel you have a desire to be a pioneer in communications of some sort; to write about unusual and strange things, etc.? Mars is in the 3rd house (communications, newspapers, media, short distance travel) and aspects Neptune (widely) the ruler of the third and Pluto, the ruler of the 10th house of career.
Follow-up: I think a Yod could possibly fit then? I'm a published poet and short story writer of twenty years that writes mostly uplifting inspirational and spiritually based material. I'm highly spiritual and always have been since at a young age, and one of the things I enjoy most in life, and feel a calling to do, in fact, is to act as spiritual counsel to my inner circle of friends and family with spiritual wisdoms I've learned along the way. Would that count? Example below of some of the material that spills forth....
A: by Eleanor Buckwalter: I think it is definitely a Yod in your case. Your poetry certainly has the ring of Pluto sextile Neptune both quincunx Mars in the 3rd!
Q: I was reading a web site talking about your book of unaspected planets. I am very interested in this subject now that I have found out I have two of them. My Sun in Cancer (my 2nd house) and my Mars in Taurus (my 12rh house). The lady who told me about this also told me it is a sign of a very gifted person. Now I'm not sure how much you charge to look at charts but my birth information is July 13, 1977, Mississauga, Ontario, 3:10 am. I'm curious about what this means if this is such a "rare" thing. I had always thought it was my Gemini Asc and Moon that made me so flippy/floppy. Another thing I read about you is that you do parent child charts and family charts. This is something else I am interested in knowing more about. I have a daughter who was born July 5, 2001, 1:47 am, Kitchener, Ontario. And my fiancée was born May 7, 1977, Woodsotck, Ontario, 6:30 am. I'm not sure if you do much numerology but us three together is total synastry [her spelling] connected to my daughter. If you could write me back letting me know prices and what exactly it is you do, I would be very happy.
A: by Eleanor Buckwalter: I do not have a book on unaspected planets; perhaps you have me confused with someone else. I use wide aspects, particularly with the Sun and Moon. So, your 21 degree Cancer Sun is NOT unaspected, nor, or course, is Mars. Mars at 27 degrees Taurus is in a sextile aspect to the Sun in Cancer, and since the Sun is the faster moving planet, it is an approaching sextile (more important than a separating aspect). I DO have an online book on SINGLETON planets. Your Mars is a singleton, the only planet in an Earth sign. Mars singleton's can be problematic in a woman's chart. There is something peculiar about the men in your life, especially when it is in the 12th house. At the same time you have a Neptune singleton on your 7th house cusp. That indicates possible deception by the partner, your inability to see other people clearly as they really are, and an alcoholic or drug addicted spouse, to list a few possibilities. You daughter's Ascendant and Venus fall within a conjunction to your Mars singleton. She does have a Sun singleton, the only planet in a Water sign. Like a Mars singleton, a Sun singleton in a woman's chart can be strange. It often indicates a degree of willfulness in the person, as well as difficult, perhaps domineering men, father or husband. With a Mars/Pluto conjunction in her 7th house, that indicator is reiterated; the husband, or male partner, may be a bully. She is just a baby; so it is not possible to tell whether she will use these energies herself, deny, repress, project, etc. them. Your boyfriend's Asc. is in Taurus as well and within a conjunction to your Mars and your daughter's Ascendant. Both the daughter and boyfriend (is he the child's father?) have Moon in Capricorn, not good in a man's chart, OK in a woman's. He has a Uranus singleton in Scorpio, his only Water sign. It is in the 6th house of work, health and service. This could be a Uranus type job, electrician, scientist, etc., health problems involving the nerves (physical or mental health), erratic, and unpredictable employment patterns. Singleton planets emphasize the qualities of the planet that is a singleton, the sign it is in and the house it is in, as well as the aspects to other planets it makes. Try reading more about this in the Articles Section. The only charts I do are computer program generated ones. They are rather general and cannot answer your specific questions as they do not take into account individual circumstances, such as gender, social, ethnic, educational, economic background. They are $35.00 each. I only do personal consultations when the person can come in with specific questions which we can discuss face to face with reference to the astrological chart indications.
Q: Transit Pluto in Sag just ran marched through my life like a hurricane and transformed it. Yes, for the better once I got through life threatening surgery and left my old life behind... My ascendant is 13 degrees of Sag. I note Pluto has a long retrograde will get to 15 degrees again before it goes direct....what orb do you use....need I be prepared again for nightmares? Anything preparatory you could tell me would be appreciated. 4/16/43 Roanoke, VA 11:45 pm Wartime My 26 degree sun is in Aries in the 4th house, Moon in Virgo in the 9th. Shall I send the chart?
A: by Eleanor Buckwalter: Pluto did go retrograde and on station at 17 degrees 38 minutes Sagittarius on March 19, 2002. It goes on station to go direct at 14 degrees 54 minutes Sag. in August (26th). I use a 2 degree orb approaching and separating, i.e. 11 degrees to 15 degrees for a 13 degree Sagittarius ASC. Pluto through the 1st house, or any other angular house for that matter, brings major changes, sometimes they are "nightmares." Many people move when Pluto transits the 1st or 4th houses. There are also often health issues that come up with these two houses being transited. I've known several women who have had cosmetic surgery and "transformed" their faces (1st house), other people loose (or gain) a lot of weight and no longer look the same. I'll sun your chart to see if Saturn in Gemini or Pluto in Sag. are making aspects (square) to your Virgo Moon.
P. S. When Pluto goes direct, it will make a square aspect to your natal Moon in Virgo. This may correlate to a time of difficulties with women in general, with your mother or mother-in-law. If your mother is still living, it may be the time she passes. However, since Pluto natally makes no aspect to the Moon, perhaps not much will happen. Transiting Saturn through your 7th house will soon make a sextile to natal Sun. Since Saturn rules your second house, that may be a time when opportunities for a more stable income arise. But with sextiles, you have to act on the opportunities to take advantage of the benefits they bring.
Q: I want to know the stones favoring me. Please tell the accurate dimensions of the required stones and also tell the day to wear those stones and also the finger to wear them on. My brief profile:
dob: 10 Sept. 1980
place : Rourkela
time 10 am
A: by Eleanor Buckwalter: I am a Western tropical astrologer. What you need is an Indian sidereal astrologer. You are asking for a gemology prescription. Also, you do not state in which country Rourkela is. I would suggest you try James Braha (a Vedic/Indian) astrologer at
Q: I'm a Sagittarius.... and I will like to know if it's true that Sagittarians often have psychic experiences?
A: by Eleanor Buckwalter: I do not believe Sagittarius is any more prone to having psychic experiences than any other sign, except maybe Pisces. Much depends on the signs in which other planets in the chart fall and the aspects (angular relationships) they make to each other. The Moon sign is as important as the Sun sign, perhaps more so, especially for women. I am not sure whether psychic ability shows in a chart any more than does artistic talent, scientific aptitude or financial acumen. And, there are many types of experiences that are labeled "psychic." These include telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, precognition to name a few.
Q: I have been listening to rave reviews of you abilities for