There are any number of Astrologers on this site that can read your Chart. The problem is this: an entire Chart is a HUGE undertaking. And, of course you're confused about your Chart... you're not an Astrologer.
It takes YEARS of study and practice to be able to read a Chart. Because of the huge undertaking mentioned above, we ask that folk do two things when asking Astrological questions here--->
1. Either post a 'link' to your Chart, or, post the 'Birth Info' so we can cast a Chart ourselves, (Birth Date; Time-- with am/pm; and Location-- city, state, country). We are neither robots nor computers... we don't read 'data' (what you have posted... And, FYI, Degrees trump Signs). After all is said and done, we need to 'see' the Chart visually. (personally, I prefer the 'Birth Info' option)
2. Ask a specific question about something in your Chart. Asking for a reading of the entire Chart is beyond unreasonable... there is just too much to tell. Not only is it ridiculously time-consuming for the Astrologer; but, the limited space Y!A gives to answer makes it impossible to accomplish.
I hope you take heed of what I have said and ask your next question with these suggestions in mind. The Astrologers here will be far more willing to respond if you do.
Here's my blurb about Astrology: 'ASTROLOGY IS COMPLEX. There are 10 Planets, 12 Signs, 12 Houses, Nodes, Eclipses, Arabic Parts, MidPoints, Fixed Stars, Solstice Points, Retrogrades, Interceptions, Parallels of Declination, Asteroids, Mutual Receptions/Applications, the Azimene - Critical - Hylegiacal Degrees, and all the Aspects to consider. NO ONE can be summed-up by a Sun Sign.'
If you'd like to study on your own, here is my Amazon list of recommended books, (from beginner to advanced). Websites will only get you so far, (and not very far at that). At some point, one has to start buying and studying Astrology books.
My List: