my name is Vaishali & i dont know my zodaic sing pls tell me what is my zodaic sing ?
2006-10-28 08:41:44 UTC
my date of birth 9th december 1978 and my birth time is not acturate but it is near about 8.00 pm. it is day on saturday. In my information that number is very lucky so pls give me details about that.
33 answers:
2006-10-29 07:15:07 UTC

The Archer

November 23 to December 21


Sagittarius Traits

Optimistic and freedom-loving

Jovial and good-humored

Honest and straightforward

Intellectual and philosophical

On the dark side....

Blindly optimistic and careless

Irresponsible and superficial

Tactless and restless
2006-10-28 08:48:25 UTC

State of mind:

Clear and content

Karma Numbers:

2, 7, 15, 50, 57

Buzz Words:

Build happiness into your schedule

Compatible Sign:



Demands are not heaped upon you until closer to the 25/26th when the pace picks up big time. Travel, errands, fulfilling needs of elderly, children, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Libra, Scorpio and Aries members is likely. Health issue may surface and appear to be solved quickly. High rates of contentment are indicated for the 24th and again for the 28th but the time in between and the 29th are not reflecting that good fortune.


Romance actually does very well this week with some hot spots for 'next level improvements' likely near both the 24th and the 26th, especially if you are paired to Scorpio, Libra, Taurus, Aries or other Sagittarius's. Avoid discussions on money or power/children/discipline near the 23rd or 29th. Read the weekly partner horoscope...


New friends are likely but invitations from afar are even MORE likely or invites eventually coming FROM them and we can include foreign countries or friends from foreign cultures in with that one.
2006-10-28 09:58:03 UTC
Dear Miss vaishali,

According to the information you have given (you haven't mentioned the city of Birth), your lagan is Gemini; Lagan Swami.... Merc ; ....Rashi.... Pisces (meena); ....Rashi Swami.... Jupt ; ....Nakshtra.... Revati ; ....Nakshtra Swami.... Merc ; ....Charan.... 3 ; ....Yoga.... Variyan ; ....Karan.... Vanija ; Janam Namakshar.... CHAA ; ....Surya Rashi.... Sagittarius ; ....Varana.... Shudra ; ....Vashya.... Jalchar ; ....Yoni.... Gaj ; ....Gana.... Deva ; ....Nadi.... Antya ; ....Varga.... Simha ; ....Tara.... Pratyari .

Planet Sign Degrees Speed Dir/Ret

Ascendant Gemini 19°26'22'' ---- ----

Sun Scorpio 23°36'11'' 0°28'28'' Dir

Moon Pisces 25°51'18'' 6°26'29'' Dir

Mars Sagittarius 4°4'32'' 22°35'45'' Dir

Mercury Scorpio 15°6'10'' 2°22'47'' Ret

Jupiter Cancer 15°11'4'' 1°21'23'' Ret

Venus Libra 16°4'8'' 11°52'43'' Dir

Saturn Leo 20°9'38'' 0°50'23'' Dir

Rahu Leo 28°50'58'' 1°35'20'' Ret

Ketu Aquarius 28°50'58'' 1°35'20'' Ret

Lagnam in Mitunam

Jup in katakam

Sat & Rahu in simha

Venus in Thulam

Sun & Merc in Dhanos

Mars in virchigam

ketu in kumbam

Moon in meenam so you are meena rasi.

you are having kuja dosha (mangalik), so your marraige may be difficult. Marry a mangalik dosha man.

For more info consult a Astrologer as more about you cannot be discussed here.
2006-10-28 08:56:45 UTC
Your sun sign (the main sign you're after) is Saggitarius.

Your moon sign is Aries

Your venus sign is Aries (well, heloooooooo nurse)

Mars is Sagittarius

and if you believe in this the astrolgy tell me:

you're all fire signs, so you're a pretty stable person. moon governs emtions so moon in aries is a bit ... 'yeeeha'. you rush in where others fear to tread - then run out and run back in again.

i bet you like volcanoes and earthquakes. powerful nature of any kind. you manifest your creativity in creatinging things from scratch rather than adding frilly little decoration and you like being outside. you like bossy partners, or people who challenge or dare you.

you are competitive and it drives you to suceed. but this can be a problem as you can value too much how others see you.

is any of this hitting the mark - tell me i'd be interested to know :D

EDIT: ...and what are you doing later? lol
sachin k
2006-10-28 08:53:14 UTC
oh you know your birth date and still don know your zodiac .any way

you are Sagittarius

Your element: Fire

Your ruling planets: Jupiter

Symbol: The Archer

Your stone: Turquoise

Life Pursuit: To live the good life

Vibration: Overly expressive - frequent burnouts

Sagittarian's Secret Desire: To make a difference in the world


Ruled by the benefic planet Jupiter, Sagittarians possess a natural exuberance, sense of adventure and love of life that makes them one of the most optimistic zodiac signs of all. Like their astrological symbol - the Archer - Sagittarians are renowned for aiming their sights towards whatever it is they find alluring - a love partner, dream job, vacation - and making it their own. They believe that anything is possible - and because of this belief system, Sagittarians are adept at seeking out their very own pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

But sometimes trying to tie down these free-spirited individuals is frustrating for those around them. Sagittarians are happiest on the move - exploring new cultures and ideas and many are attracted to occupations related to travel, the media, outdoor work and philosophical pursuits. In love, their catch-cry is "don't fence me in". But once they find a partner who understands their need to retain their own sense of self and identity, Sagittarians can be the most big-hearted, generous and fun-loving companions of all.

Freedom loving, optimistic and honest, Sagittarians are ruled by Jupiter, the planet of abundance and higher learning. The wisdom of Jupiter imbibes Sagittarians with an inherent need to develop their own unique philosophy of life. The Centaur is their astrological symbol, and it gives many insights into the Sagittarian personality. The higher-evolved Sagittarian learns to integrate the two ends of the Centaur (half-human, half-beast) in order for their arrow (another Sagittarian symbol) of higher aspirations to be more on the mark. Although they are intellectually and spiritually advanced, Sagittarians are notorious for their lack of tact. In relationships they demand independence, but when in love, it can't be denied that they are one of the most big-hearted signs of the zodiac.

If you were born on the first or last day of a Sun sign, in astrological terms you were born on a cusp. If that's the case, you will probably benefit from reading your own Sun sign and the Sun sign that ends or begins right before or after your date of birth. For example, if your birth date is 22 December, your Sun sign is Capricorn, but you probably have some Sagittarian traits as well

need more click here
2006-10-28 09:02:15 UTC
you are Sagittarius so is sonia gandhi. your date of birth too is that of sonias,

your principle number is 9. that means that u r an indestructible person, no one one on this earth change your mind. you are tooooooooooooooo independent..

your universal number is 37. add up full date. you belong to a class of your own abs independent.

your mind is fundamentally clear , u like many friends and sex. u should be tall. you should have stamina and long hair black.

2006-10-28 22:39:13 UTC
Do not go carried away by number game alone. If you are born by 8PM then apart from other factors you may not be married till 28 years of age and if earlier your spouse will not keep fit. Must be parent of daughters. You may prefer teaching line for you yet be in swinging mood trying to go frequent changes.
2006-10-28 09:12:43 UTC
2006-10-28 08:57:58 UTC
i cant tell you right now,but it is very simple.u don't need your birth time or year only the date and month.i was born on march 11,so my sign is Pisces.your sign might be Sagittarius.go to your local book store and ask them for the bejan daruwalla's zodiac book [which is white this year].it tells u how your year will go.turn to the last page and see which sign 9th DEC is of luck
2006-10-28 09:19:23 UTC
Your birth star is Polaris

Sign - Ursa Major
2006-10-28 13:41:27 UTC

my mothers birthday is 12-9-46 you are definitely a Sagittarius
2006-10-28 08:45:52 UTC
sure zodiac sign would be Sagittarius because it goes from november 22nd to december 21st and ur birthday falls in between those dates
2006-10-28 08:46:54 UTC
You are a Sagittarius with Cancer Rising
2006-10-28 08:45:56 UTC
Sounds like Sagitarrius. Don't need the time or day of the week. just the birthdate. What's unlucky?
2006-10-28 11:03:34 UTC
Your a Sagittarius.
2006-10-28 09:00:16 UTC
you are sagittarius by english sun signs. however in hinduism, zodiacs are decided by the day, date and time of birth.
2006-10-28 09:14:53 UTC
as far as ur zodiac sign is concerned its sagittarius....and as far as i know u have to consult a neumerologist in order to get the details
Vijay Agarwal
2006-10-28 09:04:01 UTC
So many answers..........???

however i cant tell u aboiut the nakshatras and zodiacs according to the janma kundali but accouding to the name "Vaishali" your name starts with "va" so your zodiac according to your name will be "Taurus" and by the date of your shall be "Sagittarius".
2006-10-28 08:46:34 UTC
saggitarius but remeber zodiac effects in personality not in luck
Lady Ettejin of Wern
2006-10-28 08:43:33 UTC
I think you're a Capricorn, but I could be wrong. You might be the one right before that.
2006-10-28 08:44:37 UTC
So your looking for your zodiac sign, I can help!

Look at these fun sites!
rajeev a
2006-10-30 02:09:37 UTC
dear vaishali cn u tell me ur date of birth time of birth and palce of birth i cn tell u u r future


2006-10-28 16:07:12 UTC
your a sagitarius, cuz ur b-day on december
2006-10-28 16:26:41 UTC
your a saggi, and by the way its sign not sing
2006-10-30 06:36:13 UTC
sagitarius-the archer

R. S.
2006-10-28 08:48:21 UTC
acc. to d.o.b. ur sign is saggitarius. and may differ if u would like to knw acc. to ur name also.
2006-10-28 16:30:30 UTC
Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the zodiac is concerned with:

* philosophy, idealism, religion, spiritual growth

* optimism, positive outlook, forward planning

* travel, freedom of movement, the outdoors

* honesty, justice, morality

* imagination, aspirations, open-mindedness

* wit, intellect, flashes of intuition

* generosity, pleasure, romance

Spiritual Goal

To learn to use their talents to guide others.

Secret Sagittarius

Inside anyone who has strong Sagittarian influences is a person who wants to be free. Possessive partners, conservative thinkers, and bureaucrats with whom Sagittarius comes into contact should be aware of this. No matter who or what the cause, the Sagittarian who is held back in life, in love, or in opportunity for spiritual growth will be unhappy, even though he or she will keep smiling through all adversities. Like the centaur, one of the Sagittarian symbols, the Sagittarian personality exercises conflict between mind and body. The Sagittarian purpose is to overcome this conflict so that they may guide others.

Ruling Planet and Its Effect

Jupiter rules the zodiac sign of Sagittarius, so anyone whose birth chart has a strong Sagittarius influence will tend to be expansive, pleasure-loving, benevolent, and have a strong sense of justice. In astrology, Jupiter is the planet of beneficence. Psychologically, Jupiter is linked with wisdom and is the guide of the psyche.

What you should do:

1. Say to yourself that life is beautiful, all the time. The Archer hates to be morose.

2. Make personal space an important part of your relationship. The Archer craves freedom.

3. Be all ears. The Sagittarian needs to know that there is a shoulder to cry on, when he needs it.

4. Be prepared to pack your bags at a moment's notice. With the Sagittarian love for travel, you never know where you will be whisked off to!

5. Develop a good sense of humour, and appreciate the value of a good joke.

What you should not do:

1. Don't sulk too often. The Sagittarian loves a sunny personality, and may not take too kindly to a morose you.

2. The Sagittarian hates to hear he is wrong, so reserve your judgement.

3. Don't be in a hurry. The Sagittarian likes to take time with the relationship.

4. Don't frown on the Sagittarian love for taking chances. Sometimes, your Sagittarian lover will toss a coin on the gift he should buy you!

5. Don't expect the Sagittarian to be by your side very often. The sign loves to travel, and may take off on flights of fancy anytime!

SAGITTARIUS goes with Leo, Aries, Pisces and Aquarius.

(Best match is Aries)

Your year sign is Horse

Thank goodness for open spaces, because the Horse needs plenty of room to roam! Energetic, good with money and very fond of travel, Horses are the nomads of the Chinese Zodiac, roaming from one place or project to the next. All of this Sign's incessant activity and searching may be to satisfy a deep-rooted desire to fit in. Paradoxically, Horses feel a simultaneous yearning for independence and freedom. Horses crave love and intimacy, which is a double-edged sword since it often leads them to feel trapped. Love connections tend to come easily to Horses, since they exude the kind of raw sex appeal that is a magnet to others. This Sign tends to come on very strong in the beginning of the relationship, having an almost innate sense of romance and seduction. Horses are seducers in general; check out any A-list party and you're bound to find the Horse in attendance. This Sign possesses a sharp wit and a scintillating presence; it really knows how to work a crowd. Surprisingly, Horses tend to feel a bit inferior to their peers, a misconception that causes them to drift from group to group out of an irrational fear of being exposed as a fraud. An impatient streak can lead Horses to be less than sensitive to others' needs. These colts would rather take a situation firmly in hand as opposed to waiting for others to weigh in or come to terms with it. The lone wolf inside the Horse can at times push others away, but this also makes this Sign stronger and is a key to its success. Horses are self-reliant and, though they might lose interest fast in a tedious, nine-to-five day job, are willing to do the work necessary to get ahead. Horses tend not to look much at the big picture; instead they just follow their whims, which can result in a trail of prematurely ended relationships, jobs, projects and so on. This Sign really knows how to motivate others, though, and get a lot accomplished. Once they find some peace within themselves, they can curb their wandering tendencies and learn to appreciate what's in their own backyard. The most compatible match for a Horse is the Dog or the Tiger.

Life Path or Destiny number is a 1

The Destiny number describes the life lessons that we have come here to learn. It reveals to us the path we must take, and the role we must play to fulfill our mission. Often our choice of career is based on this vibration, and if not, then it will manifest through avocational pursuits. We may attract people and experiences into our lives that mirror the traits of this number for us, so that we may develop into our highest potential. We don't always welcome our life lessons, so it is a possibility that we may even feel an aversion to the characteristics of our Destiny number in other people, and we may ourselves act the opposite. In spite of the many ways we may choose to react to this force within us, we have been gifted with all of the talents and energy needed to fulfill our Destiny. You are a pioneer. Independent, original and strong willed you have all of the tools of leadership and self-mastery. You must learn to use your courage, creativity and unique individuality to steadfastly make your dreams come true. Inventor, originator, initiator your key word is discover.

Love & Blessings

I know, I know!!!!
2006-10-28 08:43:53 UTC
2006-10-28 08:50:38 UTC
2006-10-28 15:52:49 UTC
2006-10-28 08:45:00 UTC
2006-10-28 08:43:43 UTC
2006-10-29 14:22:24 UTC
you are a SAGATARIUS.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.