Pluto transits to Mars affect ones drive and desire nature, strength, stamina, as well as the ability to assert ones self.
Mars square or Opposite Pluto implies the tendency of verbal or physical abuse when upset, and this may carry over and possibly influence a "dark" energy for them sexually. ordinary life often seems drab and uninteresting to someone with this aspect, and one must have something that stirs the imagination. they have a strong urge to act out their fantasies, possibly influencing the urge to bring to fruition things that others only talk or dream about (regarding sex). this aspect gives a somewhat Scorpio attitude towards the natives lovers, and it can modify the traits associated with the sign of the their Mars considerably. in other words, there is a distinct possessive and demanding streak in their sexual nature. their approach towards love and sex can be quite intense at times. the nature of the sexual desire is a very strong one, inspiring the use of sex as a bargaining chip in relationships in order to achieve goals. they tend to come across as stronger than intended. they crave a deep, soulful attachment. sexually/romantically, they do not take rejection well, fearing betrayal and abandonment. this aspect promotes a highly-developed sex drive, but may possibly distort the projection of their lover.
those with their Mars Conjunct Pluto possess a fascinating, alluring, and even commanding aura. they prefer that others see you as strong and in control. a Trine between these planets indicates the highest level of energy and vitality. this could affect the sex drive in a dark way if that person is truly into that kind of thing. this also influences robust health, opening the possibility to a stronger sexual energy. this also effects the emotions, causing a high increase in passion.