The Planets, each resonating with a unique vibration of Solar light, are an integral part of our existence in this Solar system. The Sun, Moon and planets are energetically merged with the souls on earth - they feed us with cosmic energy. Thus, just as a body is made up of bones, fluid and flesh, so a soul is made up of astral elements from the Lights and planets, such as mercurial, lunar or martian energy.
Tropical Astrology is a traditional method of mapping the positions of, and harmonic relationships between Celestial bodies (planets, Sun, Moon) - within the framework of the seasonal archetypes of the Zodiac Signs, and the Houses of the Nativity - which are determined by the daily rotational movement of the earth. Through the cosmic imprinting of each birth, event or moment in time, we can find the potential within our individual human consciousness, as well as the inpouring of energy that mirrors human evolution and events.
Before birth, each of us chooses a birth time and place - in order to connect with certain other souls, work out past karma, and continue progressing as spirits in human form. There is also a certain element of chance - by necessity and design - that helps to make each of us unique and bring us surprises and new experiences.
Learning about your Natal chart serves two key purposes: first, you may gain a better understanding of your inborn personality traits and how they serve to strengthen and nurture you; and second, you consciously reunite with the universal elements. This is a way of opening to the God-force, or universal light of which we are a part.
The birth chart is divided into 12 sections, or Houses. They are numbered counter-clockwise, starting in the East (left), or Rising position. The sign at that point is your Rising Sign. The Sun, Moon & Planets are seen at different positions within the houses. Planets at the top of your chart, or near the Midheaven line, were overhead when you were born. Planets on the right hand side were setting, and planets at the bottom were beneath you (Nadir). Each house rules a different area or experience of life. Houses may appear to be different in size from each other. This is because of the commonly used Placidus house system, which accurately depicts the houses in time and space from our perspective. Planets which were retrograde are shown with an "Rx". These are planets that appear to be moving backwards through the Zodiac - but are roughly in the same orbital position around the Sun as the earth, and temporarily moving at a slower rate. The North and South Nodes are the points at which the Moon crossed the plane of the ecliptic (earth's orbital path) going north and south respectively.
Astrology is not your daily horoscope. How could 1/12th of the world's population have the same fate as you? Real Astrology is so much more. Your personality has a bit of every sign and every planet, in a blend of elements unique to you.
It's not the best way to decide what to do today. Regardless of what your astrologer or horoscope may say, your choices will ideally be based on your own inner voice, your higher self - the voice of reason and clarity. Whatever you may learn from a Transit or other predictive reading will hopefully give you insights into trends and possibilities in your future, with a focus on opportunities and feelings - not specific events. The intention will hopefully be to help you accept and prepare for your challenges.
Astrology is not a religion, nor does it make one irreligious to use astrology. God - whomever or whatever that means to you - created our universe ages ago, and gave people varying visions of spiritual meaning for existence in this universe. One of those visions grew into the art of Astrology - in all it's many forms in various cultures. It is deeply ingrained in Eastern philosophies, and in the West it has been accepted more often than rejected by popular theology*. It is a living art, growing and changing with each new cosmic discovery.
Your Natal Chart is not a way to cop out on personality problems. Whatever difficult traits you may have are meant to challenge you to become a better, stronger, more spiritual person