the answer is No.
The rules of Horary are very clear, and not like the rules for reading natal astrology.
You have to take the 1st house to represent you (the 1st always represents whoever is asking the question).
Since Scorpio is on the cusp of the 1st house, you are represented by Mars and by Pluto (both are rulers of Scorpio).
And, always, the asker is co-ruled by the Moon, so Moon represents you too.
When doing a horary, there are 3 things that you have to settle:
(1) That the time your use for the chart WAS the "birth" of the question .. not some other time, and
(2) You are very clear in your own head just what you are asking
(3) You know which houses you are going to use.
That is the mistake here ... he is not your husband, so you cannot use the 7th house.
In a Horary chart, the 7th is... your spouse, your partner, someone you have never met, your lawyer, an opponent (especially in a legal action).
Nor is he Venus: Venus rules Taurus and Libra, and in this Horary chart, Taurus is on the 7th house and Libra is on the 12th house (representing hidden enemies, widows, orphans, prison guards, kidnappers, informers).
Since he is none of these things, Venus does not rule him.
He IS someone you hope to have a love affair with, so we use the 5th house of love affairs to represent him. With Pisces on the cusp of the 5th, both Jupiter and Neptune rule him.
Now ... is there anything APPLYING aspect to between any of your 3 rulers and either of his 2 rulers? If there is no applying aspect, there is nothing to bring the two of you together.
A separating aspect means something that has already happened, and an applying aspect indicates something that has YET to happen. So without applying aspects, nothing will happen in whatever the Horary question is about.
There IS an applying aspect between one of your rulers and one of his rulers, but it is a negative one.
Jupiter is applying to an opposition aspect to Pluto.
Oppositions and squares mean "No".
Even if you two were able to start something it would not work out.
It doesn't matter if someone has a planet in the other person's sign (assuming you WERE asking about your husband .. which you aren't).
Nor do we follow the planets into the next sign. In other words, once someone's ruler (or the ruler for what or who was asked about) leaves the sign it is in, you stop following it. The question ends when one of the rulers in the Horary leaves its sign.
So if Venus WAS his ruler (which is isn't) you would NOT follow it into Pisces. When it reaches 29:59 Aquarius, it goes not further .. in terms of the question you have asked. Therefore, in terms of the Horary question, Venus never WILL trine Jupiter. because it never moves into the next sign. Not in regard to the question you asked.