i hope that horoscope isn't for this month... thank god im a virgo. just missed that die twice part! (about 3 days to be exact)
Gemini Insight
2006-03-28 20:09:08 UTC
I am gemini and feel very blessed. I get to experience life i a way that you never will. I wil die twice in his lifetime - once internally (heart, mind, soul) and once physically. But the internal death allows for rebirth and growth in a way that many people never get to experience. Geminis-feel privelaged! Also wise words-truer words have never been spoken, even if they did come from Chris Rock first!
2006-03-22 16:11:56 UTC
We're all gonna die one day.
2006-03-29 10:17:14 UTC
Are you demonic, or something?????
How do you know when I'm going to die??
well, who cares any way! I know I'll Forever live with my king Jesus Christ,
2006-03-24 03:44:49 UTC
Are u gemini??
i want to see how u die twice...!!
posibly i will kill u once..then u will go to doctor and he will kill u next time..BARVO.
2006-03-23 06:54:43 UTC
Die Hard, Die Even Harder (Die Hard 2), and so on. :/
2006-03-22 18:52:51 UTC
u gonna die ... i gonna die ... we gonna die ... will u live forever
allah is only will live forever and give u life after death
2006-03-22 16:13:58 UTC
Yeah you got that from Chris Rock..."Champagne Room"song but he didn't say anything about Cancer's
2006-03-23 12:52:59 UTC
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.....laughing mainly cuz....i KNOW u aint GOD, u cant SAY when ppl gonna die! no matter WHAT Sign they are! Hell if u could do dat! YUH KNOW HOW RICH YUH WOULD BE RIGHT NOW????
2006-03-22 21:37:02 UTC
die twice...that means I'll die and come back? cool. thanks. and that virgo is more than three days off gemini...sorry! :D
2006-03-26 15:12:39 UTC
no one know when will die . bcs thats just GOD welling .
im Pisces
2006-03-23 04:16:31 UTC
were all going to die someday, so you are right! but i am not going to die i am going to live forever with my king!
My king promices us that if we believe with him we will live forever
2006-03-23 06:19:05 UTC
Die another day..:)
2006-03-22 22:13:44 UTC
That's what your mother said last night!
2006-03-22 18:12:26 UTC
i thnik you are gonna die before me, so HA!
2006-03-22 23:56:09 UTC
everyone of us ig gonna die.you are just wasting points
2006-03-24 01:17:04 UTC
You are thd best Astrologist i have never met...
You told universal truth my friend...Good ;)
2006-03-23 05:28:05 UTC
Really? What a surprise!
2006-03-23 01:21:59 UTC
what is wrong with geminis?
2006-03-22 23:19:54 UTC
glad i am the 13th sign..
because i keep living...
2006-03-23 06:59:29 UTC
lmfao!!! hopefully no time soon. i want to see my kid grow up and have kids.