Why do aquarius like to do the disappearing act when emotions get too crazy between them and someone they care about. I have been friends with this aquarius guy for 4 years and we have gotten really close during the that time. We have talked about being together and he asked to date me but it sounded like he was just asking to make me happy andvthen told me he didnt want to because hed be a bad boyfriend. Weve gotten into arguments before about us being together and him flirting with other girls but this has been the longest fight. I apologized for my actions of pushing myself on him but he never responded. I havent contacted him since because I want to give him space and wait for him to contact me. But its been a month and I wanted to get an opinion on how long I should wait toncontact him? Or how much longer should I wait for him to contact me before I should move on?
Thanknunso much :)