The key clearly says ''Property of the 3 Bears,if found please return '',but it's got lots of numbers engraved in gold and encased in crystal..and ohh when I turn it over..I see my reflection..I look like Granny ,but it's not's me, Goldilocks. What is this?
I look up and Baby Bear is coming towards me..he says ''Goldi, good to see you again.Mama and Papa Bear are over there looking for the lost key to the cottage''.I don't really want to hand over the key,cause it intrigues and mystifies me ,I hand it over to Baby Bear anyway. Baby Bear gives me a Bear Hug and then say's to me ''let's sit down''.I tell him how very tired I am now,so ok..we walk a bit and I ache now..I was fine a few minutes ago.Mama and Papa Bear catch up to us,cause I slow down and can barely move now..I fall to the ground and I'm dizzy..everything is blurry, but I see something glistening next to memory takes me back to how I met the 3 bears after I was told not to wander in the Woods,but I did anyway.I ate the porridge,broke a chair,slept in all the beds and fell asleep.Don't know how long I was sleep,before the Bears came back to the cottage,but I was scared and jumped out of the window..when they discovered me.
I grab the glistening object and slowly begin to focus.The Bears help me to my feet and I am still holding on to the object.I look at it and again,I see numbers ,but this time ,it is like a crystal ball,with a center that con caves,making it look more like a bowl ,I walk to the stream of water and fill my bowl ,so so thirsty.I drink and the more I drink the water, I begin to feel refreshed.
The Bears now begin to tell me my real story as I am now, to my surprise laying on the Bed that belonged to Mama Bear..they tell me that when I jumped out of the window to escape them,that I hit my head and was unconscious.So they took me back into the cottage,not knowing where I came from and since Humans are always scared of us bears,we decided to care for you and hoped one day,you would wake you are back with us Goldilocks and we want to help you find your way home.I asked ''How long was I asleep?,They said gently ''Goldi look at us,Baby Bear now has his own cubs and his cubs have cubs. .You've been asleep for 70 human years ! ''.
I thought about Granny ,but knew with all the time that passed,she was gone.I wanted to go home and face my reality.After 2 days of porridge,I felt strong enough to walk out of the Woods,past the tall trees and out of this fairy tell.
Great Q ! had fun with reversing the scenario.