Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths - Imagine you are walking along and then notice some trees ahead?
2013-08-29 09:00:46 UTC
1.These trees could be the entrance to a deep forest, a patch of fruit trees....evergreens - or any kind or size of place. Use your imagination, describe how you see it and feel there-

2. You walk further, (going into this place just described), and come upon some kind of body of water-what is it like? Describe it as fully as possible Do you get in the water, drink it, or want to, etc.? Why or not?

3. You now find a receptacle that could be a cup or used as one-Please describe what it's made of, the condition, size, quality, etc. Do you use it to drink from, keep it? What do you do with it?

4. Now you are aware there is a bear ahead - You see it, what happens? Does he see you, attack, walk away...what is your reaction to seeing the bear?

5. You find what seems to be a key. What is the key like? Do you keep it...use it or know what it's for?

List your Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars:
I will give the meaning of each question in a few days-
If you want some interesting insight, just use your imagination, and be honest-
Nineteen answers:
2013-08-31 16:00:41 UTC
1)I see some evergreen trees that encase me around an open Field of breezy grass.The area is kinda cartoonist .Mostly like a anime scene.I walk down this forest path that easily spreads evenly away from me.I in this place with a dumb but Curious look on my face.As I walk down I notice that the path turns into dirt but is smooth. Eventually I reach a grey cave and I enter inside.

2)I imagine this pond of water to be light blue.As I touch it seems to be light blue and consistency is like green goo like you see on nickelodeon.Now it definitely looks animeish .Now I reach down and grab the water with my hands letting the water drip slowly on my wrist I don't go inside the water.I stared at it endlessly .looking at it so excitedly. I don't want to drink the water because it is gooey

3)Well in my dream I really just okay with using y hands.But If I was to imagine a container it will be bowl.a bowl from an ancient civilization like the Mayans. It will be dusty and red,the color of iron.I will just pick it up, dust it, and hold it with my hands since I imagine myself to be wearing a long shirt that drapes my legs and some pants that is like what most traditional Indians wear.

4)he is sniffing the water.He then looks at me.Then he walks to the exit of the cave which is bright white.I'm confuse.I'm like uh uh.I will jump.

5)The key will be in a shape of a apple like the apple of Eden from the game assassin creed 3.I will go to this wall full of native Indian drawings and I will insert the key(which is golden )and then it will be suck through the hole like a black hole from outer space..I then I am floating in the air with starts around me.I'm so happy for the first time in my life.Like I'm about to find the ultimate truth of something.Then everything turns dark.

sun Aquarius

moon Pisces

Mercury Pisces

Venus Pisces

mars Scorpio
2013-08-30 11:42:30 UTC
1. The trees are in a small cluster in the middle of a roundabout/road junction. It's like a little city island. I find it very pleasant.

2. Walking further, I see a swimming pool behind a fence of an apartment complex. I suppose the water looks nice, but there are no people swimming in it. It smells of chlorine and I find this a little off putting.

3. I see an old red bucket with a mop near it. I kick it lightly. It was already kinda rolling around anyway.

4. A bear?! In the middle of the city!?!?! I'm pretty sure that's a guy in a bear costume. He's going about his business. Whatever.

5. It's just an old key. Probably to the janitor's closet, which I assume is where the bucket and mop came from. Not mine to touch.

Pisces Sun, Gemini Moon, Aquarius Mercury, Aries Venus, Capricorn Mars.

Nice question.
ashes to ashes we all fall down
2013-08-29 15:24:31 UTC
1. It's a forest with birds and chirping along with other forest type sounds. It reminds me of a scene from a Disney movie. I like it so much and stay until it starts to get darker. Then I start to feel uncomfortable and anxious and don't like the darkness.

2.It's a small but pretty waterfall that I want to jump in and swim. It looks so pure and inviting. When I get there I realize things have changed and I'm going to have to do something now. I can't just keep walking like I was and must do something more.

3. This is a beautiful china cup, without any chips or brakes and seems kind of magical as it is just sitting there as though it was meant for me. I take it and am careful not to damage it so carry it in my hand. I'll probably wash it out and use it to drink from later on.

4. The bear leaves me alone when I stop moving. I wait till it's gone to continue on the walk.

5. The key is big, heavy, golden but I don't want the responsibility to pick it up or take it anywhere. It seems to belong where it is and someone else might need it. I don't even now what it's for and feel like would be dangerous for me to tamper with it.

Capricorn Sun, Moon Taurus, Mercury Cap. Venus Sagittarius, Mars Aries
2013-09-03 06:35:05 UTC
1.Lush forest trees :) you know the kinds they have in fairy tale stories? Welcoming yet creepy in some way! The place is huge and the leaves are bright green, however there is no sign of animal life visible to the eye. I walk along a paved dirt path with rocks underneath my feet.

2. A small lake. The water is not moving, but somehow sparkling in the distance. It's clean, but so clean that it is too good to be true. I stand there examining the water. Who knows what is in there?

3. I find a small glass cup nearby. With gold edges on the side, it matches perfectly with the lake. It has the shape of a wine glass, but with more sharp edges. I shove it in my bag on my hip, hoping to find use of it later on.

4. A big brown bear suddenly pops out in front of me and stares, making a loud atrocious noise. I quickly stand behind the thickest tree I can find and wait until the animal disappears into the wild again.

5. The key is antique and golden, but with cuts along the edges. It's broken and wore down as if someone has used it before. After examining it, I also put in my bag along with the glass cup.

Sun: Scorpio

Moon: Aries

Mercury: Scorpio

Venus: Libra

Mars: Capricorn
Happy Hippie
2013-08-29 09:39:56 UTC
1.- Deep green English-like trees, and they're the entrance to a fairy forest, and the thick trunks are covered with moss. The forest is one of those so dark that the sunlight only gets partially, the light in there is fresh and quiet, so is the air, there's a calm stream in the forest and part of the water in the sides is calm, with a few tiny insects flying above it. The ground is dark earth, humid, and with some plants in it.

2.- I walk further and I find the source of the stream. It's a natural fountain in the rocks, like a waterfall, and the water is clear. The rocks are also covered with moss, thick and very full of life, lighter green. I touch the water, walk in it barefoot, and yeah, why not, also drink a bit of it.

3.- It's underwater, I find it as I walk on the shallow waters and it's some kind of white clay mug... that somebody must have left there. It's in perfect condition and very clean as it has been underwater for such a long time (there are no signs of people walking around for a long time). I might keep it, probably keep it, and think what to do with it later.

4.- First, I'd be surprised to see a bear in a British forest! It doesn't see me, since I'm usually invisible and people directly don't notice me unless they're special people, and animals take a while to realise I'm there. So no, the bear doesn't see me and I stand very still looking at it but pretending not to look (so it takes even longer to notice my presence). It just walks around looking for food and smelling the ground for a few minutes, then leaves.

5.- The key is next to the waterfall, a bit deep into the thick moss. It's one of those artistic keys, golden, quite big, about 10cm, and heavy. Yes, I keep it, and when I go behind the little waterfall I find a secret door and use it... there's a tunnel to a bigger place with light from above (there's a hole in the roof). I find a treasure in there, part of which I can use to bring my soulmate over to the UK and be able to live together without the system interfering. The rest of the treasure, I decide to keep it there and also keep the key, so if anybody needs it later I can help.
2013-08-30 10:03:39 UTC
1) A coniferous the middle of a bitter snowstorm. I struggle through the storm, using the trees as support to prevent myself from getting uprooted by the gale-like winds.

2) I come upon a frozen lake. There is a small cave just beside it. As there is practically nothing I can do (don't have my ice skates with me), I decided to seek shelter in the cave.

3) There is an abandoned...plastic cup within the cave, probably something from the previous occupant when he decided to camp here. I left it alone and sat down against the inner wall of the cave to wait out the storm.

4) I see a bear wandering the snowy forest. For my safety, I decided that the easiest and safest way is to stay out of sight. I hid behind the cave wall and stayed out of the bear's line of sight.

5) After the bear passed, I noticed a key lying in the corner of the cave. It seems to be old. As I do not recall anything remotely resembling a hut/cottage/house on my way here, I decided to leave it alone.

Sun - Gemini (12th House)

Moon - Virgo

Mercury - Cancer

Venus - Taurus

Mars - Cancer
2013-08-29 12:07:34 UTC
1. I see a big field of grass and flowers. That's where the trees lead to.

2. I see a river... kind of like a flowing river. It sounds very serene.

3. I see a plastic cup, see through, you know lol the usual one. I don't drink from it. I just hold it up and look at it.

4. Well the bear is across from the river. It looks at me, and I look back at it. It seems to be staring at me, to see what my next move is. Then he walks away. When I first saw the bear, I got fearful. But then felt okay, mainly because it was across the river.

5. I see a key but IDK what it is used for. Maybe a chest filled with supplies under the river?

I'm a Pisces Sun, Leo Moon, Aquarius Mercury, Pisces Venus, and Aquarius Mars.
2013-08-31 15:01:14 UTC

1. There are coconut and palm tees on green grass with sand around too

it feels so peaceful and breezy feeling~

it looks so vintage, the sky was kinda orange-ish/ sunset-ey look..

2. I see the ocean. Not too far away. It was big and clear and open-like, calm ocean-like, no waves or any movement.. I don't drink it cuz the ocean is salty... But I did walk in, cuz I felt like it haha.

3. A glass cup, is tall and thin kinda glass cup, sticking out on the sand...... I didn't do nothing to the glass cup, just left it alone...

4. I see a big furry panda bear! He looks at me slowly then walks into the ocean and disappears in the water. I was like, " whoa cool a panda!" And just stared at it, as it slowly walked into the ocean...

5. I find a copper colored key ( it looks like the keys pirates use to open treasure chests), sticking out of the sand and picked it up, to keep, put it in pocket...

I don't know what my moon, sun, etc.. signs are :(

But I was born on 8/5/99 on a Thursday morning (early dawn)

I'm a Leo... That's all I know.. :(

I enjoy answering these kind of questions! ^_^
2013-08-30 09:45:12 UTC
1. I see an entrance.. Its pretty much like this...

2. d waterbody... like this

but with more sunlight... And I sit on the ground and dip my ankles in the water....

3. Its a plain white plastic cup... Its soiled and only half visible through the grass around it.. I just let it lie there...

4. I run and the bear pursues me.. I climb onto a tree and it comes and stops and looks up and roars and scratches the bark... After a while it walks away, apparently bored...

5. Its a tiny little silver key.. Theres a bow on the top of it, the bow is totally soiled now, but it was probably white... I let it lie there.. Its of no use to me..

Taurus Sun

Aries Moon

Taurus Mercury

Pisces Mars // Venus
2013-08-29 09:23:52 UTC
1. It's light, clear, with cherry-trees with many pink leaves from the cherry-flowers on the ground. I know it's a big forest, but I can only see about 10 meters around me, the rest is blurry/darker. I feel happy, free and curious.

2. When I go further, the light and clarity moves with me - like a spotlight on an entertainer on stage, so it's always light and clear 10 meters around me. It's a small waterfall in a beautiful lake, icy light blue water - very clean. I'm standing under the waterfall and letting the water pour down on me.

3. It's a big green leaf folded round as a drinking-bowl. Not a flaw, the size of both my hands. It wont "break" easily, but it's not thick either. I fill it with the clean water from the lake and drink it.

4. The bear is walking around between the trees, so I can never see him clear, I'm curious and follow the bear with my eyes, it's almost like it's hiding from me.

5. It's a big key, old and antique-looking, but not rusty at all. Shiny and beautiful with round shapes and details. I keep it - curious about what it will open.

Sun Virgo, Moon Gemini, Mercury Virgo, Venus Libra, Mars Saggitarius
2013-09-01 06:18:44 UTC
yay ^-^ an excuse to be creative + weird lol

1) The trees are fairy-tale trees; different colors like deep blue, silver, green etc. They're draped in twinkling lights, like the kind you find on a Christmas tree. Some of them have wish ribbons tied to the branches, and others have wind chimes hanging from them. They sound eerie when the breeze catches them because they're out of tune. The trees adorn the start of a winding path, which goes deep into the forest. The further I walk, the darker it is; because the trees inside don't have lights. I think I can hear somebody whispering my name but the logical side of my mind says its an illusion. Sometimes the wind whips up super fast and blows my hair around for a few seconds. It's a balmy night but the breeze is making it feel colder. I wish I didn't leave my red hooded cape at home ;)

2) The water is a small brook. At first it looks clear and sparkling, and almost blue toned...but as I think about reaching down to put my hand in it, it suddenly takes on a red tint; which runs scarlet. I skim a finger across the surface and then tentatively raise it to my lips. It tastes like candy at first but then becomes metallic.

3) The receptacle is a hollow heart shaped piece of glass, Inside there is a glittering gemstone with a lock in the middle. The outside is engraved with a message: do not take. I decide to keep it because I love gemstones, and I'm a bad-a$$ who likes taking things that don't belong to her; including hearts.

4) The bear is sweepy and so doesn't bother me. I don't really like bears all that much anyways, so I don't plan on pausing for a conversation. I wonder what it's dreaming about as I walk by.

5) I find the key on the ground, nestled between leaves left over from a thousand long lost Autumns. Its silver and gothic looking. I twirl it around in my fingers for a while, stroking it and looking at it, until I suddenly realize that it will fit the locket inside the glass heart. But....I have to smash the heart in order to get the locket. I set it on the ground in front of me and sit down, wondering how to break it. I reach out to touch it and it smashes by itself. I hear my name whispered once more as the glass breaks into a million broken shards. I put the key into the locket on the gemstone and turn it. As I do, a shadow falls across my face and the space surrounding me. I glance up to see who it is...
2013-08-29 09:16:35 UTC
1. The trees in the forest are a lush green. Their full of all different kinds of fruit. The wind is blowing lightly against them as if welcoming me. As I enter them there's a mixture of light and darkness all around. I feel at peace.

2.It's a small body of water with a waterfall. The crashing of the water sounds nice, almost as if its calling me to it. I get on my knees and places my hands in the water, drinking it with much delight.

3.Its a small glass coffee-like mug. It's slightly cracked down the middle of the heart image placed on it. I keep it to drink from the water.

4.I'm not afraid, me and the bear just look at each other for several minutes not making any movements before he turns and walks away. When it leaves I feel a bit saddened but I find myself smiling as well.

5. The key is golden and looks as one of the keys found in royalty. I don't know where it goes or what use it is but I keep a hold of it just in case.

Sun: Cancer Moon:Cancer Mercury: Cancer Venus: Gemini Mars: Gemini
2016-03-11 04:26:46 UTC
Sleeping Bear Dunes National Park....*sigh*
2013-08-30 10:15:39 UTC

1~ The group of pines ahead is dense... I KNOW this is gonna hurt. I'm wondering if I should continue on to Q2 at this point, but I'm a survivor... I'M GOIN' IN!

2~ Walking out of the group of pines, with needles hanging out of my skin

everywhere, I look like a porcuPINE. ;0)

Just ahead of me is a little algae filled pond, with Nymphaeaceae ( ) floating all over the surface.

I don't swim in or drink this none too tempting green water. I pick up a stick and try to pull a lily pad over to myself... I almost fall in in the process, so I give up and march on.

3~ I look over to my left and there sits a red Solo cup ( too bad that's pond water over there... I could really use a drink. I walk away dejectedly... all cottony-mouthed.

4~ O_O I stand stalk-still, not daring to take a breath, as a black bear crosses my path without noticing me & thank God that it wasn't a mama and her cub.

5~ As I continue moseying along, I look down and there's an old, rusty skeleton key ) on the ground. I wonder who it belongs to & think, "Heh, finders keepers," and stick it in my pocket. My key-chain can NEVER have enough random, useless, mystery keys on it.

The End.

2013-08-30 04:11:50 UTC
1. I pictured tall, pink, beautiful cherry blossom trees in full bloom. In my head, i didn't really have any facial expressions, it was just neutral, but if I was there in real life, I would have felt happy and relaxed. :)

2. There's a brook. The water seems to be as clean and clear as pool water, and there are actually tiles at the bottom of the brook. (Weird, I know) I just stared at the water with a slight smile on my face...

3. I pulled a clear, normal-sized glass out of my pocket. It looked exactly like the clear glass that most people might find in their cabinet. I just held it up in front of my face and stared at it, this time with a blank expression. o_o I don't know what's up with me and staring at things!

4. A black bear walked by me. He suddenly turned his head, growled at me, and walked away. I just stared at it, again with a blank expression on my face. (Seriously, what is wrong with my brain?!?!)

5. I found a key on the ground in front of me. I picked it up, but in my head, but like in movies, the shot zoomed it on my arms holding the key. The key is fancy and gold. I found a key on Google Images that looks a lot like it:

That was very fun, thank you for making this!
Desperate for Intelligent Entities
2013-08-29 10:31:38 UTC
1. The trees are dark and on fire in the moonlight.

2. The water is a stream going under a poorly managed bridge where the body was laying bluer than the water (what's your psych review for that xD)

3. I do nothing with it as it is irrelevant...

4. I stare and continue doing what I was doing without reacting or caring.

5. Unless it's an antique I leave it alone.


(Sorry as you can see even my imagination is apathetic and angry)...Also you said "These trees could be the entrance to a deep forest" etc...In psychology you shouldn't use suggestion like that...You won't get an uninfluenced/Honest answer that way...Just a tip :)...Especially if you were talking to children...That's like saying "Does your mommy or daddy hit you? How hard was it if so?" ...You already are injecting your thoughts into their own...So of course they will say yes...Luckily I read it first then did the whole eyes shut thing...
2013-08-31 08:35:41 UTC
The key clearly says ''Property of the 3 Bears,if found please return '',but it's got lots of numbers engraved in gold and encased in crystal..and ohh when I turn it over..I see my reflection..I look like Granny ,but it's not's me, Goldilocks. What is this?

I look up and Baby Bear is coming towards me..he says ''Goldi, good to see you again.Mama and Papa Bear are over there looking for the lost key to the cottage''.I don't really want to hand over the key,cause it intrigues and mystifies me ,I hand it over to Baby Bear anyway. Baby Bear gives me a Bear Hug and then say's to me ''let's sit down''.I tell him how very tired I am now,so ok..we walk a bit and I ache now..I was fine a few minutes ago.Mama and Papa Bear catch up to us,cause I slow down and can barely move now..I fall to the ground and I'm dizzy..everything is blurry, but I see something glistening next to memory takes me back to how I met the 3 bears after I was told not to wander in the Woods,but I did anyway.I ate the porridge,broke a chair,slept in all the beds and fell asleep.Don't know how long I was sleep,before the Bears came back to the cottage,but I was scared and jumped out of the window..when they discovered me.

I grab the glistening object and slowly begin to focus.The Bears help me to my feet and I am still holding on to the object.I look at it and again,I see numbers ,but this time ,it is like a crystal ball,with a center that con caves,making it look more like a bowl ,I walk to the stream of water and fill my bowl ,so so thirsty.I drink and the more I drink the water, I begin to feel refreshed.

The Bears now begin to tell me my real story as I am now, to my surprise laying on the Bed that belonged to Mama Bear..they tell me that when I jumped out of the window to escape them,that I hit my head and was unconscious.So they took me back into the cottage,not knowing where I came from and since Humans are always scared of us bears,we decided to care for you and hoped one day,you would wake you are back with us Goldilocks and we want to help you find your way home.I asked ''How long was I asleep?,They said gently ''Goldi look at us,Baby Bear now has his own cubs and his cubs have cubs. .You've been asleep for 70 human years ! ''.

I thought about Granny ,but knew with all the time that passed,she was gone.I wanted to go home and face my reality.After 2 days of porridge,I felt strong enough to walk out of the Woods,past the tall trees and out of this fairy tell.

Great Q ! had fun with reversing the scenario.
2013-08-29 12:16:17 UTC
1. I walk through the rusty gates, there's a statue of an angel to the left, the angel is looking down and there's red paint on the wings. The place is grey and spooky. I keep walking and walking, there's old people around me but they're not really people, they're spirits and they look confused, as if they're looking for something. The trees are tall and grey, some of them forming faces, sad faces. I keep walking and I notice graves and I still see the spirits wandering around. I'm not scared. I feel like I want to help but I don't know how to help..

2. It's a lake, it's a sad lake. There's no life around it. There's old boats around. There's a mother and a baby sitting by the lake. The mother is crying while holding the baby and singing a lullaby to the baby. I stand there and observe. I don't want to go in the lake, I want to talk to the woman, but as I get closer to her, she moves away towards the lake. I stop walking and she continues singing the lullaby. She feels happier when the lake water touches her feet, so I get in the lake to see for myself why this lake makes her happier. The baby starts to make noises. As I'm in the lake, I feel happier too. I see more people in there and they're all happy. I get out of the lake and I suddenly feel sad and lifeless.

3. It's a rusty mug. I pick it up and the side of it cuts my thumb and makes it bleed. I look at it and I notice something written at the bottom but I can't see what it's written. I find this mug very interesting so I put it in my bag and I continue walking.

4. The bear is sitting on a big rock. His head is tilted to the right and he's looking down. He looks sad. I walk towards him, he looks up at me and his attitude changes. He's trying to get me to back off. I stand still. I try to talk to him but he doesn't understand what I'm saying. I look around the bear and I see a mommy bear and baby bear lying on the ground with arrows to their chest. They're lifeless. I change the tone of my voice, I speak to papa bear softly, assuring him that I won't cause any harm and I just want to help. I walk towards him and he seems calm. I sit down on the rock with him and I talk to him. He has his paw on my right shoulder and I just hug him. And we sit there and keep each other company.

5. The key is made of gold. I stare at it, not sure of what to do with it. I look around and everything is still grey, everything but the key. I finally kneel down and pick it up. It has something written to the side, it's in Latin but I don't know what it says. I take it and I start walking towards where I saw the graves. I stand in front of a grave and I notice a keyhole on the side of it. I look at the other graves and they all have keyholes. I take the key out of my bag and I put it in one of the graves' keyholes. The place changes color, the spirit whose grave that was smiles and disappears. I try it with all the other graves and the same thing happens. I notice the trees have keyholes as well and I do the same with the trees. They turn green, birds start singing, animals start prancing around. There's life in the forest now. As I make my way towards the rusty gates, I notice the angel hasn't changed. The angel has no keyhole though. I feel sad and I touch it and suddenly I'm transformed into a statue while the angel statue comes to life. He takes the key from my bag, smiles and says "He was right.", and flies off.

I really enjoyed this. :) Thank you! :)
2013-08-29 09:23:54 UTC
1. Empty

2. A river, I pee on it.

3. *I should have pee'd in that cup*

4. Wrestle it

5. A key for my car I forgot!

Scorpio / Virgo / Sagittarius / Scorpio / VirgoLeoAries <<< Choose one Western/Vedic/Draconic

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.