2011-06-03 05:36:35 UTC
Leo woman
rising Gemini.
Cancer moon
My husband
Cancer man
rising Virgo
Capricorn moon
In the beginning of our relationship, we got along great. We seemed strong and unshakable despite what hardships came our way. But lately things have settled down. My husband seems to never want to leave the house and I've become (as bad as it sounds) terribly bored with our sedentary lifestyle. We go to a restaurant, and he complains so much about the price of the menu we end up leaving and picking up McDonalds on our way home. Its impossible for me to work because he's in the court system and has no drivers licence after several incidents after the passing of his mother, so I'm stuck taking him to work as well as all his court appointments. Thus, my life consists of sitting in my house and waiting for him to get off work so that we can rush to see the courts. I feel I never get out of my house and I've lost my zest for life. My husband seems ok with this as he is in a perfectly comfortable environment. He doesn't even seem to realize or care how sad I am. He's comfortable and thats all that matters. He shuns my creativity as "petty" and my dreaming as "improbable". The sex feels almost beurocratic, and everything comes with strings attached. He complains about my temper, and refuses to fix anything until I fix it, but my temper is a direct result of my boredom and depression in this relationship. I've threatened to leave a few times, and he always plays pity party. He says things lie "Yeah, I'm so horrible to you. At least I don't beat on you lie your last boyfriend" or "You're going to leave me all alone. I guess I'll just go pay the rest of my fines off by rotting in jail". Because I don't want him to go to jail and he makes me feel bad for wanting to leave, I end up staying. I keep hoping life will go back to the way it was. He's not a bad guy, but I'm beginning to debate if he's the right guy. Is this relationship a lost cause from an astrological point of view?