What sign's match up with gemini?
2007-08-04 13:27:26 UTC
What sign's match up with gemini? Please give me a description, and go into details for me please? Also another question: my ex's birthday is may 21,1984... is he a gemini or a taurus? please give me a detail into of which one he is please? Thanks so much. I really appreate it! :)
Twelve answers:
2007-08-04 21:08:25 UTC
virgo- libra- sagittarius-aquarius
2016-05-18 04:57:56 UTC
omg, gemini can get along with almost any sign lol. they are very versatile. the main difference will be the length of time they can last with each sign. for the longest, most durable relationships, go for taurus or scorpio (i''ve read on a website somewhere that these are the signs that geminis divorce the least). these two signs will keep things interesting since they have different natures from you, but they are very loyal and won't give up on you as quickly as air or fire signs. oh, also, another gemini is also a great match (and they also had a low divorce rate, according to that site). gemini should make sure to find someone interesting, adventurous, and complex, but not too aloof or "all over the place", because two people who are "all over the place" is a bad combo for long-term love.
2007-08-05 02:24:15 UTC
Whoever said a Virgo is lying. No sign matches with a Gemini. You guys talk too much for anyone else to get a word in edgewise, and besides, you're the sign of the twin. Talk to your other personality- you know that you have one.
2016-04-13 09:23:09 UTC
Wishing to know even more regarding yourselves and exactly what future is awaiting you after that you must pay a look here

Sometimes people obtain worried about points the future holds and due to this gets so excited concerning what is coming. Numerology much like psychic reading and hand reading are study of sensations which can not be examined by convectional scientific technique (Parasciences) however all record present in Numerologist is a great significance with specific details and the confidence to encounter just what is to come would be built with this website, Numerologist.
2007-08-05 11:22:07 UTC
You are a gemini and he is a gemini too

Best partners for Gemini Woman : Sagittarius Man, Capricorn Man

51%Aries, 63%Taurus, 75%Gemini, 57%Cancer, 48%Leo, 56%Virgo, 73%Libra, 60%Scorpio, 66%Sagittarius, 86%Capricorn, 89%Aquarius, 38%Pisces

Best partners for Gemini Man : Virgo Woman, Sagittarius Woman

46%Aries, 72%Taurus, 75%Gemini, 67%Cancer, 43%Leo, 54%Virgo, 66%Libra, 58%Scorpio, 71%Sagittarius, 72%Capricorn, 78%Aquarius, 39%Pisces

Your ex chinese sign is Rat

Best partners for Rat Man : Ox (Buffalo) Woman, Dragon Woman, Monkey Woman

57%Rat, 94%Ox, 47%Tiger, 39%Rabbit, 95%Dragon, 61%Snake, 32%Horse, 53%Goat, 75%Monkey, 47%Rooster, 71%Dog, 75%Pig

His numerology is 3. Man 3 go with Woman 7

2016-04-23 21:46:46 UTC
Want to know how to get your ex back? Change yourself. Don't worry about changing other people, worry about changing yourself. Go to

Once you do that then you can start to worry about getting back together with your ex, other wise you will find that you are fighting about all the same things and getting no where. Do what it takes and I promise things will work out in your favor.

The funny thing is I came to the realization that I had to change a little too late. After I was kicked out and after I was about to lose the only things that truly mattered to me - her love. A funny thing happens when we truly love someone and lose them. We do what ever it takes to get them back. For me I had to drop bad habits that had caused not only our relationship to sour but practically every other relationship I had had in the past. Not only with women, but with friends, co-workers, family, you name it.

Which is why I say to you as my ex at the time said to me, the only thing you can do is change yourself. Work on yourself and improve on the person that you already are. Drop the negative things in your life that don't belong there and you will see all of your relationships start to take off to new heights.
2007-08-04 15:20:13 UTC
im a piceses and my girl is a gemini , we for the most part get along well but very different sometimes
2007-08-04 13:40:59 UTC
He is a gemini
2007-08-04 13:31:25 UTC
refer to's a good site.
2007-08-07 17:22:30 UTC
VIXION??? Maybe you can find a partner who can teach you the value of shpelllllihng propparly. Sagittarius all the way, my VIXEN friend.
2007-08-05 04:53:28 UTC
Your ex is Taurus.
2007-08-04 14:36:49 UTC
Gemini natives possess a lively and thought-oriented approach to affairs of the heart. They adore being captivated in a mental sense and are dynamically active. Any Gemini love interest will probably, first and foremost, be a friend and a sweetheart second. Being able to share and discuss new thoughts, new ideals and everything the Gemini individual conceives and learns will be important qualities in a relationship. This is a talkative and communicative Sign and the Gemini mind is constantly sifting through information. Thus, these are individuals who often speak before they think and although their words are not intended to inflict pain, can fall flat when they fail to follow through on an intention or promise. It is not unusual the the partner of a Gemini native to feel abandoned and unimportant when Gemini discovers a new and fascinating subject or person to is then that words from the past can become empty and hurtful. However, when Gemini natives are at their best, there is no more intruiging, joyful and enjoyable partner to be found in the entire Zodiac. When that is backed up by feelings of wholeness and completeness...frequently the very things Gemini seeks from a partnership...these are dynamic and loyal souls. Physically romantic interludes tend to be voyages of the mind for those governed by Gemini...they experience the height of their passion via thoughts and what sensations mean to them. These are open-minded individuals who are experimental but not necessarily driven by passion to engage in new techniques and adventure. Rather, it is curiosity that will compel natives of Gemini to embark upon fresh discoveries. They bring wit and laughter to an intimate situation and can be disheartened...even shocked...that their partners may not always go along with the ever-present sense of humor. Here, desires are prone to come and go with amazing speed and suddenness. In short, those ruled by Gemini can turn off equally as quickly as they can turn on. It is not in the Gemini nature to wait for anyone...and that includes a mate who needs a little more time to feel stimulated. To achieve longevity in a romantic affair, the Gemini native requires friendship, companionship and a partner who can share in mind explorations and journey as much as they need a mate. These are souls who generally require a partner who is secure or open enough not to be threatened by the quickly changing Gemini interests or whole-hearted experiments. They also need an individual who can help them ground out in order to penetrate one of their intrigues in depth. Gemini is a dual Sign and as such, frequently project part of themselves when attracted to a potential mate. Hence, the relationship becomes an external way for the Gemini native to work toward merging the two very different aspects which form his or her personality. This can create an intriuging and exciting spark in the beginning of any relationship, but can burn out once the Gemini indiviual has "owned up" to his or her other half, or has simply become bored and retreated back within the self.

Intelligent and freedom-loving, versatile and erratic, Gemini individuals tend to be a romantic challenge to any potential mate...and something of a mystery as well. The face of a Gemini is never a "blank page." The expression is either lit by a light from within or eroded by depression and moodiness...although, on the whole, Gemini males appear to be less moody in realtionship that the females. In addition, the emotions of Gemini natives are never at a standstill. In youth, eveything is either marvellous or absolutely awful...a tendency which is somewhat overcome with the experience of age. Gemini individuals are fascinated by all aspects of the concept of love, with the domestic angle being less of a fascination. Gemini subjects will definitely enter into a long-term relationship for passionate love and for no other reason, sweeping aside all older and wiser advice which may be offered. In short, they will act exactly as the heart dictates. Those governed by Gemini are counted among the lucky few who most certainly know the deep expression of being truly "in love." This can sometimes occur more than once during the lifetime of those ruled by this Sign. Gemini natives require a partner who understands them and who will accompany them to the heights of feeling. They need to feel free to wander...both mentally and physically. Thus, if a Gemini individual considers that an institution has become outmoded...a "humdrum" partnership, for example...then he or she will have no reservations about quickly severing all ties and moving on.

A potential mate must keep the Gemini native totally involved and completely busy if he or she wishes to achieve longevity in the union. This is not necessrily an easy task but if it can be accomplished, then it will probably prove to be very worthwhile. Communication is important to Gemini...but it would probably be wise to allow him or her to do most of the talking. Lively conversation, regardless of whether or not it truly leads anywhere, is exceedingly appealing to those governed by Gemini. However, the new and most current topics...perhaps even a bit of gossip every now and again...will fascinate these naturally curious natives. Gemini will be pleased at the suggestion of places to go and the offer of a mate's company on such excursions...and a partner should be on the lookout for anything interesting along the way which he or she could point out to the Gemini individual that the Gemini individual may have not noticed. It is important to note that the relationship never be lacking in newness and variety. A repeat of the same old things and same old approaches...whether it be in terms of greetings, conversation topics, going to the same places, seeing the same friends or playing the same games, etc...will undoubtedly bore a Gemini native to the point of actually grating on his or her nerves. In essence, sameness and routine are sure to end any relationship with a Gemini.

When it comes to long term commitments, few Gemini individuals get involved early in life due to their variable nature. In youth, they seldom occupy their time with only one relationship. When they do commit, it must be with a partner who has a liberal supply of patience and a saving sense of humor in order for the union to survive. However, those governed by Gemini often experience troublesome complications in a partnership and more than one long-term involvement is not uncommon for this Sign.

The Gemini male usually possesses a dual nature that when in active operation, can drive many of those governed by other Signs to the very edge of their patience and sanity. One minute, this man may be happy and the next, he is miserable...almost in the same breath. Since it is virtually impossible to predict which aspect of the Gemini personality may be on display at any given time, private life with this male can easily become a living hell. At worse, men governed by Gemini can sink into the depths of such misery that they lack the mental and spiritual power to control desires, appetites and passions. There is no other Zodiac Sign where opposites are so finely and clearly defined as Gemini. This male can be vicious one day and a veritable saint the next. His lower nature is of the very lowest caliber, while his higher nature reaches almost divine proportions. Only when the lower nature is subdued or dominated by the higher self can the Gemini man become one of the great spiritual giants of the world...joining ranks with the illustrious philosophers, seers, sages and poets. Males ruled by this Sign possess extraordinary intellectuality. They are susceptible to kindness, love and consideration but are given to various moods and may be perceived as persons with a dual personality. The Gemini man can be happy and unhappy...contented and rapid succession, with no apparent reason for these changes. This is a male of many contradictions and it will be necessary for a potential partner to play varying roles...sweetheart, mate, parent and order to keep peace with this man both mentally and socially. There is no doubt that his contradictory tendencies will be well-nigh impossible for him to overcome because they are truly part and parcel of who he is. Hence, it would be foolish for any partner to enter the relationship thinking that he can be altered or saved. There will be nothing to gain here by partners losing their tempers while trying to get the Gemini man to see his idiosyncrasies. Even if he does acknowledge them, he is powerless to effectuate a change. Still, almost anything else that is desired from the Gemini male can be obtained...provided his partner use common sense and patience.

The Gemini man is a who likes to have many friends and wants a partner who will keep him interested and guessing. He likes to travel and see the world. Thus, it would probably be unwise for this male to settle down too early in life since he is sure to regret it later. This is an emotionally changeable man, but not one who is bad-tempered. Generally, only tiredness will make him grumpy. The Gemini male finds life to be a challenge and is often so exhausted by his own thoughts and emotional experiences that he is unable to cope. Still, the energies here are soon reassembled and he will be back on track with the fascinating business of living...and watching others live. This man will doubtless engage in many love affairs before making a long-term commitment. However, once that commitment has been made, he will devote all his thoughts and engergies to pleasing his chosen partner. He prefers a mate who can share in his interests and often likes to keep a partner in the picture where his job is concerned. Gemini is the artistic Sign of the Zodiac and thus, any career will probably be connection in some fashion with the Arts. For a relationship to last, it will be necessary for any mate to be relatively intellectual. The Gemini male is highly strung and can be passionate, but not necessarily interested in the attraction of sex-appeal. He prefers to find the ideal blend of physical attraction coupled with mental and spiritual glow. This man adapts well to the character and personality of his chosen partner and will not be a dominating or demanding soul once his has committed to a long-term relationship. One of the major problems in a relationship with this male is that it may be well-night impossible for any mate to get a word in edgeways.

The Gemini female is perhaps the most complex of the entire Zodiac when it comes to love and understanding. Her life will be full of contradictions. Not only does this woman say one thing and then do something else, her interests are so broad and her idealism so great, that she appears change with lightning speed. For example, in religious matters, her nature if often very strong...yet, she frequently does not confine or limit her beliefs to any one religion, sect, doctrine or creed, harboring much respect for all religious teachings and inclined to be very tolerant and liberal. The best ploy for any potential partner is to seduce her by promises of a long-term commitment. If a potential mate cannot do this in good conscience, then it should at least be made plain to the Gemini female that a long-term commitment is not out of the question some time in the future. Aside from this, she will need intellectual stimulation but should be allowed to win arguments. In terms of physical intimacy, the Gemini woman is difficult because she is so unpredictable and changeable...a partner will seldom know how to interpret what she says or what she does. One moment, she may be a siren and the next, a devout nun. There is a natural tendency for females governed by this Sign to crave things they do not possess only to find them mundane and unimportant once the desires have been granted. This woman often appears to be looking for something...hoping to find total happiness. Unfortunately, due to the inherent dual personality of this female, she may never be truly gratified for any length of time. In everything she does, the Gemini woman goes to extremes, almost as though she fails to understand the meaning of moderation. She is constantly nervous and always searching anxiously for something to do. When the lower nature of this female has full sway, she will seem to be obsessed with sensations of dissatisfaction and discontent that nothing in the outside world can explain, but which will cause those around her to feel totally disturbed.

The Gemini female is symbolic of the modern and intelligent who questions every covention and/or tradition. She is fun to know, although sometimes difficult to pin down. Her view of life is original and her mental qualities are first class, but she possesses a light touch and is never boring. Trying out her ideas in conversation, flitting from one subject to another, entertaining and amusing those around her is the Gemini female's notion of how to spend a pleasant evening. Nevertheless, she will never impose views on others, no matter how forthright they may be. Perhaps this woman's major fault is a strange elusiveness, which could be interpreted by some as the shelving of responsibility. She is not keen on engaging in the more serious tasks of life too early and is rarely ready for a long-term commitment at a young age. In short, females governed by Gemini are truly better off remaining unattached during their early twenties, allowing themselves plenty of time to shop around. If not, they may find themselves in a long-term relationship that is marred by personal regret. However, when a commitment is made later in life, this woman enters the relationship with much enthusiasm and will bring a good deal of love to a life with someone she greatly admires. As a partner, this is an exciting female who is never boring but is often rather undomesticated...or at least not particuarly interested in the practical mechanics of running a household. Her idea of a home is a place where her family can feel free and relaxed, especially in expressing their individualities. As a mother, she is great fun, though not always tolerant since her patience runs out somewhat quickly. For a relationship to last, it will be necessary for any mate to provide constant change is order for the Gemini woman to remain happy...and if she cannot change her scene, then she is liable to change the cast, keeping a variety of friends on a merry-go-round of entertaining...but not of a very elaborate scale. Essentially, the Gemini female is charming and lovable...but elusive.

Positive Aspects Of Gemini In Love:

Joyful - Good-Natured - Broad-Minded - Experimental - Radiant - Friendly - Enthusiastic - Flexible - Gentle

Negative Aspects Of Gemini In Love:

Unreliable - Fickle - Insincere - Dual-Natured - Self-Focused - Restless - Critical - Temperamental

Romantic Style:

Flirtatious - Lively - Fun

Gemini natives enjoy intellectual rapport equally as much as physical intimacy. However, not entirely at ease with their emotions, they tend to over-rationalize romantic feeling. Thus, those governed by Gemini need a partner who is not likely to insist on the whispering of sweet nothings. These can be moody souls and must be stimulated at all levels. The popular impression is that Gemini is brainy, flighty and sharp...but they are quite capable of loyalty provided a mate can match their wit and conversation. Romantic interludes are often a projection of mental images for natives of this Sign and it will be necessary for any partner to remain bright, cheerful, trim and constantly well turned out.

The Aries individual will initially be attracted to the good-looking and socially amusing Gemini native, but the Aries desire to dominate will quickly rouse the rebellious tendencies of those governed by Gemini...tendencies that are always lurking just beneath the surface at the best of times. At first, the Gemini subject will laugh off the inherently bossy manner of Aries but if such continues, then there will be a revolution and one that will surely lead to a parting of the ways. Gemini individuals require fun and mental stimulation. Routine is death to these persons and any attempt to get a Gemini native to take care with health or finances must be undertaken in an extremely casual fashion. This union will undoubtedly be plagued with constant bickering until one or the other eventually throws in the towel and leaves the arena. The disagreements may be kept to a minimum, but both of these Signs relish having a good argument...and Gemini is prone to stir one up if he or she has to. For this relationship to last, the Aries partner needs to have developed (or is willing to develop) a keen sense of justice and patience...neither of which come easily to this Sign. Those governed by Gemini can be exalted one minute and in the depths of depression the next, which behavior will usually leave the Aries partner in a state of total confusion. Even though Gemini natives are eloquent in their speech, they are often superficial with the mind working busily on two different things at once. Still, in terms of a casual relationship, this could be a perfect match. Both will share in the excitement and adventure. Neither will ever be bored when they are together and neither will waste time wondering if the union will meet with a sad or happy ending.

The Aries/Gemini combination connects on both a physical and intellectual level. Each adores activity and remains optimistic even in the most trying of situations. They generally enjoy good communication and a deep understanding of the other's nature. Gemini natives find the pioneering and independent character of Aries to be most appealing. Still, should the Gemini partner find Aries to be too controlling or if the Aries partner takes the flirtatious nature of Gemini too seriously, arguments are sure to set the tone in this relationship. Nevertheless, there is a good balance here. The Aries individual wants to experience things and Gemini wants to discuss them. Together, they can make all kinds of new discoveries that each may have missed alone. Both partners will be blessed with a plethera of energy and share many common goals. Gemini is a thinker and a who prizes intellectual stimulation and freedom and who loves to look at all sides of an argument. Aries adores jumping headlong into new projects and has no aversion to getting dirty hands in the process. In this union, while the Gemini individual might be wishy-washy, Aries will be straightforward and decisive, making for a rather wonderful combination. Still, it is imperative that the Aries native allow the Gemini partner intellectual space.

Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury and Aries is ruled by the planet Mars. Due to the differing approaches, this pair usually works marvellously in tandem...getting their respective points across in different ways. However, each definitely needs to get those points across. Fevered debates can either add spice to this combination or ruin it altogether. The Aries subject needs to understand that Gemini adores a heatedly good argument, not to inflict insults or to dominate but simply as a magnificent workout for the brain. Gemini is governed by the element of Air while Aries is governed by the element of Fire. This is an excellent combination since Air fuels Fire and makes it spread. Thus, the Gemini partner will help Aries to realize his or her full potential since Gemini possesses the energy to keep up the the fast pace and wild ideas of the Aries individual. The blend of true, driving passion and intellectual prowess makes just about anything possible for this pair. Both will have wide-ranging interests and best of all, the Aries partner can come home at the conclusion of a long and active day to tell chat-hungry Gemini all about what happened. Gemini is Mutable is quality and Aries is Cardinal. Hence, the Aries native will naturally initiate new plans and Gemini will be willing to undertake almost anything...provided he or she is not forced to do so. Another dynamic aspect to this pairing will be the low level of competition between the two. Aries revels in the glory and Gemini will be more than happy to remain in the background, operating the strings. Both of these Signs are apt to be better at starting things than ending them, so if one partner becomes bored with the direction the relationship is heading, the other will not resent moving on to something new. Perhaps the best aspect of a Gemini/Aries match is the ability to work together as a single unit. In some instances, it might even be beneficial if this pair were to stay separated for a short period and then take a fresh look at each other from a distance. It could go far in helping them to keep their relationship interesting and possibly even eternal.

In essence, this combination may well experience difficult times due to the strong differences in the physically romantic arena. The mind plays an important role in such an area for the Gemini individual. Thus, Aries may prove to be simply too conventional. Though not a perfect match, the GeminiAries union can succeed with a little understanding and effort by both partners.

The Taurus native would be well-advised to keep a cool head when first meeting an individual governed by the Sign of Gemini. Though easily swept up in the initial wonderful excitement of such a relationship, Taurus will soon find that such euphoria does not last overly long and usually mistakes the wild infatuation for true love. By nature, Gemini is charming but far too involved in a hectic social life to worry unduly about domestic affairs. If the Taurus individual expects this partnership to last, then he or she must work exceedingly hard, since Gemini desires a mate who can share in personal interests and social activities. In short, natives of Gemini refuse to settle for a domestic type. Gemini not only desires a partner who will be an excellent host/hostess (which the Taurus individual is sure to be), but also one who will share all his or her interests. It is important to note that should Taurus should try to curb the Gemini tendency to flirt, then there are sure to be squabbles and accusations from the Gemini partner that he or she is being misunderstood. Still, a firm bond can be established if Gemini comes to recognize and appreciate the strength of Taurus, which will provide a comforting shelter for Gemini when the world becomes too much to handle alone. The physical aspect of this union will gradually be affected by the moods of Gemini, which are exceedingly changeable. Gemini natives can be playful and mischievous one minute, quickly becoming basic and animalistic the next. The typical reaction of Taurus to such behavior may well be the seeking of a new partner. Those governed by Gemini enjoy spice in their life and if this cannot be found at home, then they will undoubtedly look elsewhere.

For the Gemini/Taurus relationship to achieve longevity, it will be necessary for both partners to take the time to learn what the dynamics of the union might be and how they can best get along with each other. Taurus has much to offer Gemini and Gemini has much to offer Taurus, but it will take some adjustment and effort on the part of both to make this pairing a success. Gemini natives are often in two minds about things. If possessive Taurus is willing to let go, providing one facet of the dual-natured Gemini with the security and intimacy he or she desires, while allowing the other facet of dual-natured Gemini to have his or her much-needed freedom, then the relationship will flourish. The Taurus partner may want too much in during early days for Gemini's taste, but those ruled by Gemini can become dependable and steady...the Taurus native must simply be patient. The sedate and practical approach to life associated with Taurus differs greatly from the more light and intellectual approach of Gemini. This can result in a difficult dynamic since the Gemini individual may perceived Taurus as a bit on the dull side...and Taurus may perceive the Gemini partner as being flighty and lacking in substance. Still, Taurus can help Gemini become more deeply involved in life and Gemini can help Taurus to add variety, fun and excitement to his or her life.

Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury and Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus. Since both these planets are close to the Sun, they are always in the same neighborhood, even though very different in character. Venus is associated with physical pleasure, romance and sensuality. Mercury's energy is both masculine and feminine, adopting whichever energy best serves at any given moment. Taurus is simply looking for a dependable and sensual partner. Thus, the brilliance of Gemini may be lost on those governed by Taurus. Gemini natives usually believe that their inherent quick wits are the most important thing about themselves, but they are intelligent enough to learn to be the romantic and sensual partner that Taurus craves...if the desire to do so is there. Gemini is governed by the element of Air while Taurus is governed by the element of Earth. Gemini makes decisions based upon intellect...and whim, on occasion...while Taurus is more practical. Taurus is constantly wondering how something will aid him or her to achieve life's goals, but Gemini goes with the moment, rarely feeling overly pressured to adhere to a set plan. If Taurus gives in to his or her possessive feelings, or if Gemini becomes aloof and detached (as natives of this Sign are prone to do), then the relationship will most assuredly suffer. Here, both partners must strive to remain open and flexible in order to achieve a successful union. Although Gemini seems unpredictable, Taurus can learn to understand that while the Gemini native may flirt, the relationship is still important to him or her. In turn, although the Taurus partner seems overly stubborn, Gemini must use the inherent flexibility associated with this Sign to bend to his or her partner's will every now and again. Gemini is Mutable in qualtiy and Taurus is Fixed. Taurus tends to focus on one thing, person or idea at a time. Gemini moves from one thing, person or idea according to impulse. Thus, the Taurus partner must provide the Gemini native with ample independent and much breathing space. It might also be helpful if Taurus tried to learn the lesson Gemini has to offer...that versatility is sometimes better than a Fixed determination to to things one's own way. The security this pair can give each other...once Taurus allows Gemini to offer such security of his or her own free will...will make for a stable and happy union, provided both partners are able to communicate.

In essence, this combination may be something of a gamble. The Gemini personality may prove to be too restless for the Taurus partner. Gemini natives adore a variety of thoughts and delights, while Taurus is chiefly interested in material items. Thus, given the Taurus bent toward possessiveness, he or she may be unable to hang on to the unsettled Gemini partner. Moreover, Gemini desires change but Taurus wants things to remain as they are. This lends yet more doubt to the possibility of this relationship reaching longevity.

This would initially appear to be an ideal pairing...each partner presumably understanding the needs of the other on a high level and ideas being in agreement on individual improvements. In addition, there will be a general accord on intellectual matters. However, there is a tendency toward childish moods on both sides here that could result in many arguments. Hopefully, these two should be able to quarrel without allowing the animosity toward each other to get out of hand. If it should reach that point, then it could prove dangerous to the relationship, unless each partner learns to put a measure of control on his or her temper. If one of the individuals is of a more lower type, then the other will be subjected to a person who twists the truth, is deceptive and irresponsible. Still, the needs here are shared and there will be a mutual understanding of likes and dislikes. This pair is also attuned in a physically romantic sense. Still, this is a union that could be disastrous if there is a lack of strength and honesty on either side and in order to achieve longevity, there must be a mutually deep love.

A Gemini/Gemini match is rather like four people coming together, since this Sign is essentially dual-natured. The relationship will certainly never be dull...which is a good thing because natives of Gemini tend to get bored very easily. Here, there is same need for intellectual stimulation and near-constant chatter. Thus, each partner will serve very nicely as a sounding board for the other, off which to bounce new ideas and theories. Gemini is concerned with freedom and variety of expression and together, this pair will enjoy these things to the fullest extent. Others will also enjoy spending time with this couple...they are sure to be the life of the party with their sharp wits and well-honed entertainment routines. If they can manage to avoid competition with each other and instead learn to cooperate, then this union could prove to be extremely happy and mutually satisfying. There will be much tossing back-and-forth of playful banter, sarcasm and the occasional ironic cynicism. This is certainly fun, but may prevent one or both partners from taking the commitment seriously. In any intimate relationship, a place must be found for seriousness...something natives of Gemini would do well to learn. If both partners can pay more attention to their feelings rather than being ruled by thoughts and intellect, the love experience will be greatly enhanced.

Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury. Thus, this couple could talk each other around in circles almost endlessly. Courtesy of Mercury, both will share a love of variety in places and conversation topics...but the inherent "gift of the gab" could be misinterpreted as gossip and each must learn to use the art of communication in a positive fashion. Gemini is governed by the element of Air. Thus, its natives respond to the world and to a romantic partner with a rational rather than emotional focus. There is a short attention span here that may result in an occasional burn out...unfortunately, two Gemini individuals together may well burn out at the same time. Still, that infamous Gemini creativity will likely dream up a new scheme mere moments later. Gemini is Mutable in quality. Hence, this will be a match of easy-going natures...ones that have mastered the skill of compromise and two Mutuable Signs together can form a conflict-free union with relative ease. The chief cause of a real argument between these two is likely to be a discussion that has gotten out of hand. Still, Gemini is quick to realize the insignificance of proving a point...and of fighting in general. Given the enormous amount of intellectual energy and stimulation each partner provides to the other in this union, it will never be a relationship of mundane existence and together, they can entertain the world and accomplish much more than either could have done alone.

In essence, this combination is compatible. Each understands the changeable nature of the other and the physically romantic demands and will be virtually the same. There is much potential here for an excellent relationship where both partners are engaged in corresponding vocations. Success for longevity will probably hinge on at least one of the individuals paying attention some of the time.

Initially, a Gemini subject will probably be attracted to Cancer due to the stability and peace-loving nature, coupled with domestic tendencies. The compliments that a Cancer partner regularly delivers will be a large ego-booster to Gemini, who also appreciates the manner in which Cancer responds to his or her sense of humor and fun. If all goes well, then Gemini will learn from Cancer to be more sensitive to the feelings of others and Cancer will adopt the Gemini way of speedy action. Cancer natives are basically home-loving and will be content to remain there, locking the rest of the world outside. On the other hand, being a very sociable soul who enjoys the company of other people, Gemini would soon become restless and angry at such isolation. A Gemini individual has no desire to be a prisoner in his or her own home...indeed, such a life would be unbearable and intolerable. The actions of Cancer are always dicatated by feelings, no matter what the level of intelligence. Thus, there is likely to be much bickering due to the clash of this pair's personalities...a situation in which neither partner would want to remain for very long. Cancer natives also depend upon the feelings of the moment in terms of physical intimacy and those feelings can run very deep. Conversely, the desires of Gemini are dictated by the mind. This alone would undoubtedly create much confusion in the romantic arena since the same things cannot be expected to stimulate both partners and eventually, frustration in this area is probably inevitable.

Basically, the Gemini/Cancer love match is a rather curious affair. Those governed by Cancer have trouble in communicating clearly, but clear communication is what defines Gemini. Still the chivalrous nature and silver tongue of Gemini may encourage the Cancer individual to emerge from his or her shell more quickly than usual and in turn, Cancer can teach the Gemini native to slow down and appreciate the world...which the frenetic Gemini rarely takes time to do. However, if the Gemini partner seems to ignore Cancer or fails to provide Cancer with the necessary reassurance and intimacy, problems are sure to arise. These are two Signs who approach the world in very different fashions and each must be able to understand and accept the other's differences. Cancer is associated with home and hearth...Gemini is a thinker. On occasions, the Gemini partner can easily slip into the role of "knight in shining armor" to a Cancer individual, who returns the favor with a characteristic urge to protect loved ones. Quality of home life is of paramount importance to Cancer and the Gemini partner will undoubtedly be spoiled by the Cancer mate's hearty home cooking, soft bed and other creature comforts. It is natural for those ruled by Cancer to be strongly intuitive and maintain an almost psychic connection with those they love...but this can tend toward possessivenes and idealization. Nonetheless, if the Gemini partner can just reassure Cancer they he or she is loved and cherished, then all will probably go quite smoothly.

Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury and Cancer is ruled by the Moon. Natives of Cancer are prone to keep their emotions bottled up since they have trouble in expressing themselves. Cancer individuals envy the gift of open and clear communication that comes so easily...courtesy of those governed by Gemini. Still, Gemini can benefit from Cancer's intuitive approach, which is so different from the bubbly suface nature of Gemini...and Cancer can teach Gemini how to slow down and appreciate life instead of passing up the good things in a rush to get to the next new thing. Gemini is governed by the element of Air while Cancer is governed by the element of Water. When Air and Water work together, it can produce a formidable team...after all, the best decisions are made by incorporating emotion and intellect. However, the problem lies in cooperation. These two Signs come from such opposite points of view that at times, it can seem as though they simply have nothing in common. The deep and emotional Cancer can also dampen Gemini's airy enthusiasm on occasion, while the light and fast-paced Gemini can leave Cancer feeling ruffled...even tattered. Here, the key to balance is learning to talk openly. Gemini is Mutable in quality and Cancer is Cardinal. Thus, Gemini is flexible, willing to "go with the flow" and follow another's lead. On the other hand, Cancer is an initiator and likes to provide that lead. Still, Gemini may try to lead by being brave and even confontational. In order to achieve longevity, each must learn when to back down and let the other lead the way. If this pair can come to the realization that they are allies, then they could soar to great heights together. Gemini is always thinking ahead and Cancer will quietly support Gemini's ideas from behind the scenes. Here, each partner's ability to provide what the other is lacking can make for a fulfilling relationship.

In essence, this combination may not be an easy one. While the Gemini native is constantly on the alert for change, the Cancer individual is satisfied to become a truly domesticated partner. In addition, the inherent Cancer moodiness may prove to be too much for the Gemini partner to cope with. The best chance for longevity here would probably be a relationship between a female Gemini and a Cancer male.

Being strong-willed, natives of Leo have every intention of getting their own way...but since Leo also possesses more warm-hearted moods, Gemini individuals do not find this trait to be so unreasonable. Those governed by Gemini have the strength and adaptability to allow Leo to have his or her own way much of the time since the probing manner of Gemini soon finds that Leo is not only sincere, but that the over-demanding manner is designed to ensure that what is best for both partners is accomplished, The Leo subject is prone to periods of pure laziness during which nothing ever gets done and this changeability in the Leo nature may be beyond Gemini's comprehension. The Gemini partner may experience some jealousy regarding Leo's knack of stealing the spotlight wherever he or she goes since this is sure to overshadow Gemini's inherent gregarious nature. Still, Gemini is smart enough to know that Leo will soon shake off the lazy spell and Leo is smart enough to step aside and allow Gemini to bask in the limelight every now and again. This couple share an ability to adapt to each other's moods and ways, making for a very good union...either because of the challenges it offers or in spite of them. Leo is blessed with the power to forgive and forget Gemini's occasional neurotic outbursts, as well as respecting the Gemini desire for individual freedom. In a physically romantic sense, the variable desires of Gemini may be a complete mystery to the Leo native, who is prone to love whole-heartedly. Still, the Leo partner will be perfectly capable of breaking a warm and affectionate manner...any resentments that Gemini may be harboring and thereby easing the tension in the intimate arena. In short, this is regarded as a favorable union.

The Gemini/Leo relationship will be playful and high-spirited, characterized by light activity and optimism. Natives of Gemini thrive on mental stimulation and thus, will be extremely attracted to Leo's creative and dramatic spirit. However, if the Leo partner takes Gemini's flirty and outgoing nature too seriously, or if the Gemini partner believes Leo desires to maintain total control of the relationship, then trouble is sure to arise and arguments may result. Though the approaches here are different...Gemini likes to analyze things from all sides in an intellectual conversation while Leo would rather not talk about it, preferring to simply jump in...this pair is well-matched. Both Signs are known for their abundance of energy. Those governed by Leo adore being at the helm of any project or venture and those governed by Gemini want to be free to think as fast and as far as they please. Being direct and decisive, the Leo partner can help Gemini to make a decision, if the Gemini native begins to vacillate due to an inability to see all options...but, Leo must take care not to be too bossy, which will certainly ruffle Gemini's feathers.

Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury and Leo is ruled by the Sun. Thus, both individuals will be skilled at communication since the planetary influences are similar and each will simply utilize different approaches to self-expression. There could be many heated debates between this pairing, but while Gemini finds it fun and mentally stimulating, Leo will probably take it rather seriously which could result in hurt feelings. Gemini is governed by the element of Air while Leo is governed by the element of Fire. Air fuels Fire and helps it to spread far and wide. Gemini will find it easy to keep up with Leo's energy and creativity. Leo is prone to be demonstrative and dramatic but the intellectual Gemini will always understand Leo's message. One of the wonderful aspects of this relationship is that Leo can have an energetic and active day and then go home and tell Gemini all about it. Gemini is Mutable in quality and Leo is Fixed. By nature, Leo is stubborn and resolute...a magnificent leader, but somewhat rigid when it comes to changing ideas or direction. Once the mind of a Leo individual is made up, he or she will see something through to the end. On the other hand, Gemini is flexible to the extreme. Natives of Gemini become bored easily and have no problem in allowing Leo to take the a certain extent. Individuals ruled by Gemini want to be leaders of their own thoughts. Still, they are happy to be in the background, content with their thoughts, permitting Leo to take the spotlight and the glory. This couple share a youthful...even childlike...view of the world and their union can be very successful, given the optimism and explorative natures of both partners.

In essence, this combination can be a good one but not necessarily. The Leo native loves with the heart first, while Gemini loves with the mind. Both are naturally attracted to glamor, flattery and good fellowship but in order to achieve longevity, the Leo partner will have to understand that Gemini will not always be around to provide the attention upon which Leo thrives. In addition, the Gemini partner will need to understand that the desire to run the world is part and parcel of the Leo make-up.

The attraction of Virgo to Gemini will probably be that of giving the appearance of being solid and dependable, which represents security, and the willingness to do anything for the loved one. Virgo can provide a scope for the Gemini intelligence, as well as mental stimulation. However, with the passage of time, the Gemini partner will likely become restless due the Virgo inability of going along with Gemini's rather unorthodox ideas and the Virgo partner's sensible approach to matters may well prove to be a deep-seated cause of rancor in Gemini. In addition, the somewhat petty attitude of Virgo regarding finances will also become irritating and may breed a good deal of resentment on the part of Gemini toward the Virgo partner. The critical attitude of Virgo may be another bone of contention, which will invariably cause some distress to the Virgo partner...particularly since those governed by this Sign seldom recognize this trait in themselves. Due to the Gemini lack of being constant in most things, Virgo will certainly come to doubt the Gemini partner's ability for anything but self-love. This could result in a claustrophobic reaction from Gemini to the Virgo mate's insecurities and could bring about violent actions on the part of Gemini. Initially, the physical attraction between these two will be strong, but when Gemini feels that his or her ego is threatened, then it is easy for the Gemini native to turn off desire for the person perceived to have given the offense. While this is unlikely to bother the Virgo partner, Gemini may go in search of love elsewhere.

Crucial to the survival of the Gemini/Virgo relationship is that each individual take time to learn about the other's approach to life and love...and to remember that the attitudes of both are worth understanding. It is in the Gemini nature to see both sides of any given story, but there is a tendency to vacillate between two courses of action and on occasion, the Gemini native does seem to possess a split personality. This match will be greatly strengthened when steady Virgo can provide one aspect of the Gemini character with a firm and emotional anchor, while allowing the other aspect of the Gemini personality to flit about at will. However, Virgo may be a little too serious and demanding for Gemini...especially if this occurs early in the relationship, before Gemini has fully committed. If the Virgo partner can just give it some time, there is a good chance that things will smooth out. Nonetheless, the approaches to life are vastly different here and mutual acceptance can be difficult to come by...particularly since Virgo tends to be so critical and exacting. The Gemini partner is sure to strain against Virgo's ultra-practical stance in the world and the Virgo partner will certainly tire quickly of Gemini's flighty ways. Still, there is much this pair can teach one another. Virgo can help Gemini to be more involved in life and see the depths of ideas rather than simply the surface. In turn, Gemini can help bring some fun and excitement to Virgo's world.

Both Gemini and Virgo are ruled by the planet Mercury. However, Gemini represents the masculine aspect of this planet, while Virgo represents the feminine aspect. Mercury in and of itself is androgynous. Virgo desires a dependenable partner and therefore, uses the penchant for clear communication toward forming the perfect relationship. Gemini is more intellectually focused than Virgo, but is blessed with the gift of relating to others. Gemini is governed by the element of Air while Virgo is governed by the element of Earth. Thus, Virgo is practical, direct and precise, always questioning whether something will aid in the achievement of life's goals. Gemini moves through life relying upon the power of the mind, seldom wasting time on focusing upon goals...simply journeying wherever the mind might lead. The fussy and critical nature of Virgo, coupled with the aloof detachment and capriciousness of Gemini, can create problems for both partners. Virgo will need to understand that Gemini's flirtatious nature in no way affects feelings related to the relationship...and Gemini must help foster that understanding courtesy of both words and deeds. Gemini and Virgo are both Mutable in quality. Thus, both partners will be quite flexible and able to adapt to change at a moment's notice. Unfortunately, both are also prone to be wishy-washy...Gemini due to incessant intellectual ruminations and Virgo due to a penchant for analysis as opposed to action. Perhaps the major benefit of this pairing is the security each partner can provide to the other...once Virgo allows Gemini to commit willingly to the relationship. Provided this couple communciate and use the powers afforded by Mercury effectively, this could be a gratifying union.

In essence, this combination is not normally a recommended match in terms of longevity. The Gemini desire for change would eventually prove too much for the realistic nature of Virgo. Both partners here desire nice things, are concerned with cleanliness and possess a mutual desire for friends and associates who engage in intellectual matters...but for this union to be successful, Virgo would have to endure the seemingly hair-brained schemes of the Gemini partner and Gemini would need to deal with Virgo's critical eye.

This pairing comes with similar attitudes, feelings and intellect. If both partners are an equal force, then an ideal situation of personal freedom should exist. Here, each individual harbors a need for constant change together with a shared love of a very active social life. However, the Gemini partner will have to make Libra feel totally independent so that the Libra native can lead his or her own life since Libra rates this aspect of freedom on a higher level than does Gemini. Natives of Libra are not domestically inclined and this could lead to some nagging on the part of the Gemini mate to share some of the burden in this area, resulting in a speedy exit from the relationship on the part of Libra. Gemini's displays of childish temperament could be considered out of line by the Libra native, although he or she may respond in a favorable manner to the Gemini insecurities and jealousy that are the root of the problem. Still, if Gemini takes this too far, or does it too often, then he or she will lose the sympathy of Libra. Since both individuals believe a relationship must always be worked at, this could be a rewarding union. Romantic Libra will constantly be wooing his or her loved one, openly expressing affection at every given opportunity...of course, it should be noted that it is inherent in the Libra personality to behave in the same fashion to all of his or her sweethearts. Natives of Gemini are always in love with love and will feed happily on these avowals, making them more secure in the affair. The Libra individual is a highly-charged soul when it comes to intimacy and thus, romantic interludes between this couple will lack nothing. In addition, life itself will never be dull for this pair and while not an ideal union, love can make it a successful match.

The Gemini/Libra affair is basically an enjoyable relationship rooted in intellectual interests and mental agility. The dual nature of Gemini adores Libra's balance and Libra cannot fail to be entertained by the chatty and brainy Gemini. Libra loves art and beauty while Gemini loves the beauty of an idea...but these loves are not too far from one another. There is a great deal of mental energy in this pairing and both partners can hatch all sorts of magnificent ideas when working together. Plus, Libra has the "get up and go" ability needed to put those ideas into action...a quality that is often lacking in the Gemini character. In the birth of an idea, Gemini is better at pontification than direction, but this is a valuable contribution to the Libra mental process. In addition, both individuals share a need for intellectual freedom...something each can certainly provide to one another.

Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury and Libra is ruled by the planet Venus. Hence, these two Signs work well together, combining the forces of communication and love. However, virtually above all else, Libra prizes harmony in a romantic affair. Thus, Gemini will be unable to indulge the inherent love of a good hearty debate very often, since Libra would rather do almost anything than argue. Gemini and Libra are both governed by the element of Air. Gemini adores Libra's energy and will experience no trouble in keeping up when Libra is off and running with a new idea, project or other pursuit. Since both Signs possess wide-ranging interests, there will be a plethera of wonderful material for provocative discussion. Gemini is Mutable in quality and Libra is Cardinal. Libra likes the position of leader in a relationship. Those governed by this Sign most often come up with the ideas for where to go on a date, for example, and flexible Gemini is more than happy to go along...provided it is in order to change his or her mind at the last minute. Libra tends to initiate things, but has trouble in finishing them...Gemini is so adaptable that he or she will have no problem switching gears at a moment's notice and quickly moving on to something else, should Libra become bored. The ability here to work together as an intellectual team can expose each partner to new and different points of view and areas of interest. Thus, each can help the other to open up new worlds.

In essence, this combination is favorable in terms of longevity. Both partners have much in common and sufficient contrast to make for a rather ideal union. Plus, each individual favors similar changes of interests. In this relationship, Libra probably plays the judge while Gemini play the responsive jury. The nature of each mate brings out the better part of the other. Gemini will find it easy to communicate with Libra, who is always delighted to share information and ideas.

Natives of Gemini strive to live a life that is full and busy...not so with natives of Scorpio, who are more centered on the idea of self-improvement. Gemini takes great joy in being with stimulating people and this could give rise to the infamous Scorpio jealousy, which forever lurks below the surface since those governed by this Sign are exceedingly suspicious by nature. Scorpio possesses a protective urge toward a partner and will do his or her utmost to protect that individual. In addition, Scorpio needs a mate who will be proud of his or her accomplishments. There is no doubt that the Scorpio partner will try very hard to make Gemini happy but unfortunately, will often fall short of this goal because Gemini needs to be involved with many other life to the order to achieve happiness. The Gemini partner is sure to find Scorpio's jealous streak and displays of possessiveness to be utterly appalling, which could cause the relationship to crumble. In short, Gemini will likely feel imprisoned rather than attached. The moods of this pair will not always coincide but when they do, it can serve to bring the couple closer together. Still, this state of affairs does not happen often enough to make for a happy union...due chiefly to the insecurities of the Scorpio partner and which can result in violent and frequently physical quarrels, after which Scorpio could well seek refuge in alcohol or drugs. The intimacy between these two is also somewhat shaky since romantic interludes are certain to be shaded by the foregoing events of the day and is unlikely to be one that will bring much joy or satisfaction to either individual. Basically, this is not a recommended relationship in terms of longevity.

A Gemini/Scorpio pairing has the best chance of success if each can learn to understand and accept the other's differences...and if this can be achieved, they could make for a well-nigh unbreakable couple. However, Gemini is adaptable, intellectual, outgoing and chatty, while Scorpio tends to be secretive, focused, intense and determined. The Gemini native is prone to take things lightly, which includes romantic relationships. Conversely, Scorpio harbors a deep need for emotional connection and intimacy. Indeed, generally speaking, those ruled by Scorpio are very loyal to their mates and extremely committed to the union. An affair between these two will likely run high in passion and can often be characterized by arguments. Gemini adores a good debate, considering it to be the epitome of mental stimulation, and the characterisic flirtatiousness of this Sign is sure to grate upon the jealous and possessive nerves of any Scorpio partner. Still, despite these differences, this will be no dull relationship. Both Signs here love taking chances and seize any opportunity to add some spice to their lives. This pair will experience many adventures together but if things become too tense and quarrels begin to take a negative turn, then each individual must make the effort to reconcile if they value the relationship and want their union to last.

Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury and Scorpio is ruled by the planet Pluto. Mars also plays an influential part in the Scorpio make-up, being the planetary ruler of this Sign prior to the discovery of Pluto. Scorpio is generally quite concerned with physical and emotional intimacy, requiring much reassurance that any mate values the relationship with a fervor equal to that of the Scorpio partner. Luckily, the excellent communicative abilities of Gemini are a plus in that area and the Gemini native should have no trouble in conveying dedication to the Scorpio individual...assuming that dedication is the feeling invoked. It is impossible for Gemini to fake commitment...this Sign cannot and will not do it. Such being the case, the intense Scorpio partner must then learn to back off a little. Gemini individuals are certainly prepared to enter into a commitment, but only if free to do so. They refuse to be coerced. Gemini is governed by the element of Air while Scorpio is governed by the element of Water. These two elements can result in a wonderful combination. Indeed, the best decisions are made when the intellect is incorporated with emotions...a blending of the mind and the heart. However, the trick comes in getting Air and Water to work in tandem. Scorpio is an expert strategist. If there is a decision to be made or a project at hand, Scorpio can certainly help flightly Gemini to focus on the most favorable options. In turn, Gemini can teach Scorpio how to relinquish and move on when efforts are thwarted. Still, there is a negative aspect to the union of Air and Water. The emotional manipulations of Scorpio can prove to dampen Gemini's inherent energy and enthusiasm. Also, airy Gemini can leave the deep waters of Scorpio in a state that is choppy, rough and disturbed. Gemini is Mutable in quality and Scorpio is Fixed in quality. Gemini is prone to do things on a whim...solely for the experience. This is contrary to the Scorpio nature, where there is almost always a plan in mind, or at least an ulterior motive. Still, Scorpio can employ focus and determination in order to teach Gemini the value of finishing something before leaping headlong into the next new experience. If these two can come to understand each other, then a truly mutually satisfying relationship could be the result with Gemini providing the reasoning and brain power and Scorpio supplying a healthy measure of sex appeal, emotionalism and passion. Both these Signs are winners who refuse to give up and when coupled with the strength of this union...assuming the couple can function as a single unit...this will certainly result in a relationship that refuses to settle for second best.

In essence, this combination could be a fair match, but will not come easy or without problems. In Scorpio, the Gemini partner finds a mate who can surpass his or her urge for action. From a mental point of view, this couple is probably equal...although sexually and physically, Gemini will likely be too modest to meet Scorpio demands. Perhaps the chief danger here is the inherent Gemini desire for freedom that is sure to clash with the jealous and possessive nature of Scorpio. In short, this pairing will have some difficulty in rectifying their basic natures and their love connection will need to be strong in order for the relationship to survive.

Those governed by Sagittarius are attractive and lovable souls, being full of fun and life with a genuine affection for their fellow creatures. However, the Gemini/Sagittarius pairing is not necessarily an easy one to maintain. Still, the need of Gemini individuals to talk, learn and observe could be a strong attraction for Sagittarius natives, who share these same traits. Nonetheless, Gemini possesses a well-hidden stubborn streak that could give the Sagittarius partner cause for reflection when he or she does not always comply with ideas and Sagittarius, material things are not a consideration. In addition, both these Signs have magnetic personalities which means this couple will likely have very little time alone. Both individuals here require much personal freedom, but in different ways. Sagittarius subjects must always feel as though they are at liberty to do anything they choose, whereas Gemini usually only wants to experience the forbidden or restricted. Although possessing something of a nagging trait, Sagittarius cannot abide being produces a feeling of personal restriction which will eventually result in separation. Another hurdle will be jealousy on the part of the Gemini native since Sagittarius is notorious for rarely being true to one person. Still, the physical aspect of this relationship will be rewarding...and assuming it is not the sole area where this pairing can find compatibility, the relationship stands a fair chance at longevity.

Gemini will be able to provide the pioneering and adventurous Sagittarius partner with the independence he or she requires in a close relationship...due largely to the fact that Gemini shares that same need. But where Sagittarius desires physical independence, Gemini yearns for mental freedom. Still, the need is the same at its base. Both individuals here love new experiences, people and sensations. Thus, this couple is sure to have marvellous adventures together and each has an attention span that enjoys moving quickly from one thing to the next in order to absorb as much experience as possible. Perhaps the best quality of a Gemini/Sagittarius affair is that these two will also be great friends. They share a deep understanding and a very similar view of that is based upon a refreshing optimism and enthusiasm. Sagittarius is inclined to be somewhat blunt on occasion, saying things without thinking ahead about whether or not the words will be hurtful. Still, Gemini is a hardy Sign and, much like Sagittarius, can forgive and forget quickly. In short, neither Gemini nor Sagittarius have the time or the interest required to hold a grudge.

Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury and Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter. Mercury provides Gemini with a chatty and intellectual demeanor. Concerned with both luck and philosophy, Jupiter lends Sagittarius the constant questing for truth and knowledge. Basically, this is a marvellous blend. Gemini can come up with a new idea and Sagittarius can jump right on, ready to explore the notion to its limits. Gemini is governed by the element of Air while Sagittarius is governed by the element of Fire. The result is an active relationship. Air spreads Fire far and wide, helping it increase in power. Together, Gemini and Sagittarius have exactly this effect on one another. It is a fiery and passionate connection where there is always something going on and every now and again, what is going in escalates into an argument where feelings become hurt. These two Signs are opposite one another in the Zodiac Wheel, which means they have quite a deep and complex connection. In short, when it is good, it is excellent...but when it is bad, it can be terrible. This couple may well fight most about who is in charge since both will possess competitive streaks that can flare up at inopportune moments. On the bright side, although they may often disagree, any difference of opinion is likely to be short lived...Gemini will be too busy moving onto the next challenge to bear a grudge and Sagittarius can forgive a partner anything but lack of respect. Both Gemini and Sagittarius are Mutable in quality. Thus, both individuals will be flexible to the extreme...willing and able to adapt to change. This is just as well since Gemini natives tend to change their minds in mid-thought. Still, Sagittarius has no problem in keeping pace and taking a 180-degree turn. In addition, when Sagittarius gets hit by wanderlust, Gemini will be very amiable about coming along for the ride. There is a mutual interest in this coupling for the cultivation of knowledge, utilization of intellect and then the employment of action. Enthusiasm, energy and drive is well-matched between these two, together with a sharing of common interests and similar personalities.

In essence, this combination could well be a compatible one. Both Signs are inclined to be frank and outspoken, as well as cherishing a certain amount of personal freedom. This couple usually meet on a common ground and can plan their lives with equanimity. On occasion, the relationship may become somewhat ruffled, but fights between these two are often for the sake of diversion as much as anything else.

Natives of Capricorn are reserved, serious and practical. Capricorn also places much emphasis on career and it will be necessary for the Gemini individual to also cultivate an interest since not to do so will alienate him or her from a large area in the Capricorn partner's life. Listening to the Capricorn mate's problems may be somewhat difficult for a talker such as Gemini, but this too is a requirement necessary to ease the tensions that accumulate. In turn, Capricorn will have to quiet some of the restless tendencies that seem to churn continually within this Sign's character and the understanding and listening of the Gemini mate could very well provide Capricorn with the strength to control such tendencies. Capricorn is thrifty...dwelling on saving for the future...while Gemini lives and spends for the moment. These basic differences must be brought into the open and discussed if the relationship is alone will not overcome. In the romantic arena, Gemini will have to distract the Capricorn partner's mind from his or her career and the accompanying problems. Since this will doubtless take much extra effort, the Gemini individual may consider it all beneath him or her since Gemini is accustomed to being the object of desire. Thus, Gemini may not venture far beyond the normal amount of trying. Basically, this union is likely to require an abundance of hard work in order to achieve longevity.

At times, it may be difficult for the Gemini/Capricorn couple to remember why they are together at all since the manner in which each approaches the world could not be more opposite. If they operate from a foundation of love and mutual respect, then they will probably be able to overcome most obstacles, but it certainly will not be an easy task. Gemini individuals must have freedom to think outside the boundaries. They rely on quick wits, humor and intellectual prowess to move through life at a speedy pace. Capricorn is concerned with advancement and status. Natives of this Sign rely on following the rules and finding tried-and-true paths in order to garner success...and they are indifferent to how long it might take. Gemini is always looking for ways to cut corners while Capricorn likes to be thorough. Thus, the major challenge associated with this pairing is for each individual to strive for and maintain a similar pace, so they can arrive at the same place at the same time. By nature, Capricorn is rather unassuming and quiet...a direct contrast to the outgoing and boisterous Gemini personality. Capricorn also tends to be slow, steady and stubborn, whereas Gemini is flexible and changeable in decisions. Those ruled by Gemini possess a quick brain that can spot a loophole in an instant...but it is far from easy to convince a Capricorn subject that taking advantage of a shortcut is a better idea than following that well-mapped course he or she just knows will ensure success. However, if these two can learn to understand and then implement one another's approaches, they can achieve far more that either could by working alone. Still, the Gemini/Capricorn union will likely work much better within a business relationship than a romantic one.

Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury and Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn. These two planetary influences are inclined to oppose one another. Saturn is associated with a cold and masculine energy that is related to perseverence and thus, aids Capricorn in moving ahead through all manner of difficulties. The energy of Mercury is basically considered to be androgynous, lending Gemini the gift of intellect and communication. Neither Gemini nor Capricorn is apt to give up easily but together, they may cause one another to repress their natural emotions. Indeed, Gemini already tends to skim the surface of emotions, chosing to take love affairs as lightly as this Sign takes most things in life. In addition, Capricorn may dampen Gemini's enthusiastic spirit if both partners do not take care to maintain their boundaries and allow each other to do the same. Gemini is governed by the element of Air while Capricorn is governed by the element of Earth. Capricorn is practical, steady and efficient, seeing no need to take risks if there is no guarantee of a pay-off. Conversely, Gemini is theoretical and analytical, totally absorbed with risk-taking and following wherever inventive ideas may lead. While Capricorn busily wonders what good something will be in achieving life's main plan, Gemini simply moves with the flow according to no set path in particular. Gemini is Mutable in quality and Capricorn is Cardinal. Capricorn initiates things and constantly want to be in control. Gemini is more flexible and generally content to follow Capricorn's lead...provided there is no force involved. Gemini needs to feel free to agree, disagree and choose at will. If Gemini begins to feel coerced, then the response will be nothing short of aloofness and inaccessibility. If this couple value their relationship and want it to continue, they must learn to compromise. Here, each individual will bring his or her own particular qualities to the union. If each can allow the other to be himself or herself...rather than measuring one another against impossible standards...then they could blend well to make a whole. This will be a challenging match but could prove to be one that is worth the effort.

In essence, this combination represents something of an odd pairing. Patience is a virtue to natives of Capricorn...not so for Gemini. Unless there is a willingness on the part of Gemini to slow down and heed the good advice of the Capricorn mate, there is sure to be much dissension and unhappiness. The Capricorn drive to excel will also probably prove to be too much for the Gemini partner. The natural tendency of Gemini to communicate can become rather bogged down under Capricorn's influence and so, in order for this union to work, both will need to reach a truce based upon simply getting on with things.

Initially, Aquarius will most likely be attracted to the Gemini native's versatility and need to communicate his or her feelings and thoughts. Gemini adores a good debate and thus, is well-equipped to hold forth on any subject that Aquarius can dream up. Hence, it would not be beyond the realm of possibilityi for this couple to become totally absorbed in each other's feelings and interests, since this would stimulate the minds of both individuals. Gemini is a changeable Sign and this applies to employment as much as anything else. The Gemini subject tends to be a jack or jill of all trades and master or mistress of none...going through many jobs in a single year, for example. Since Aquarius possesses the same traits, this could present a problem. However, the Aquarius native has an entirely different reason for seeking new employment. For instance, his or her present job may not be broad enough in scope to offer the challenge this Sign needs. Still, this will be a shared trait for this couple and could result in some major financial problems. The sexual chemistry between these two is liable to reach intense proportions. Indeed, Aquarius in particular finds Gemini to be exceedingly attractive in a physical sense and basically, this could be a very favorable match.

The Gemini/Aquarius pairing usually makes for an enjoyable and magnificently stimulating mental connection. Gemini is in love with ideas...and the visionary Aquarius has them in abundance. Both Signs require independence and each can easily provide this for the other, since there is a mutual understanding of this need. Perhaps the chief cause for disruption here will be if the Gemini partner begins to consider Aquarius as too stubborn in his or her thinking...or if Gemini dawdles a little too much for the fast-paced and forward-moving standards of the Aquarius mate. Still, this type of problem is unlikely to cause any major disturbances. Basically, these two work very well together and understand each other on a very deep level. Both individuals possess a great deal of energy. In addition, their minds are so quick that they can easily come up with newer and better ideas...and there will be the determination of Aquarius at the helm to put such ideas into action. Both partners rely on quick wits...especially Gemini...and both detest wasting time. Aquarius can help Gemini to focus if he or she starts to waver, but must take care to allow the Gemini partner plenty of mental space and freedom. Gemini hates feeling crowded and refuses to be pushed into anything.

Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury and Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus, with some influence from the planet Saturn. Uranus and Saturn combine their powers here to lend Aquarius a progressive and original mind, coupled with the determination to put ideas to good use. Indeed, Aquarius is the great humanitarian of the Zodiac. Gemini is an expert thinker and conversationalist, well-equipped to help out if Aquarius should get stuck on an idea and in need of a small mental shove. Since the Gemini mind is more flexible, this is a wonderful aid to Aquarius in times of tension or rigidity. Both Gemini and Aquarius are governed by the element of Air. Thus, the intellectual bond here is strong and true. Both Signs are quite social by nature...Gemini being witty and chatty, fond of impressing others with that inherently quick and agile brain, and Aquarius simply loving all types of people. Indeed, the more different kinds of individuals Aqurius knows, the better Aquarius feels in life. The interests of both Signs are multiple and wide-ranging and Gemini's penchant for good talks and debates is satisfied by the many experiences that these two are likely to share. Gemini is Mutable in quality and Aquarius is Fixed. Gemini likes free flow, prizing independence and exceedingly adaptable to change. However, Aquarius is much more determined...even stubborn...and generally prefers to assume the position of leader in a romantic relationship. There is much promise here for this pair to work together and provide each other with a sounding board for inspirations and flights of fancy. Coupled with a successful verbal interaction, this makes for a very healthy relationship.

In essence, this combination is a very favorable match. The caring and humanitarian thoughts of the Aquarius partner will find a willing home with the Gemini nature. There will be an abundance of nonstop variety to provide the stimulation needed by Gemini...given the dual personality of those governed by this Sign...and since the Gemini individual is constantly searching for surprises, Aquarius can readily supply same. However, in order for this union to achieve longevity, Gemini will need to learn not to take offense when the Aquarius mate wants to be alone.

In the Gemini/Pisces combination, there are essentially four people...or four personalities...present to interact with each other, since both Gemini and Pisces are dual or double-sided Signs. One aspect of Pisces is positive and brimming with ideas, while the other aspect is mystic, secretive and illogical. Unfortunately, these two aspects are capable of switching places and assuming domination at the drop of a hat. Gemini is also moody and changeable, and may fall in love with only one aspect of the Pisces character...that side of Pisces which is perceptive and intuitive...the facet that makes Pisces able to understand Gemini's every desire. The other facet to the Pisces character may well come as a shock to the Gemini partner as it is nothing that he or she may have been prepared for. Gemini will want to know the reason behind everything that Pisces might do. Unfortunately for Gemini, it is inherent in the nature of Pisces to withdraw into his or her shell in order to work out a problem and then come to a decision on what he or she wants...all without ever providing a reason. The Gemini partner will either have to learn to accept this and live with it, or it will create a lot of friction between the couple. Gemini often needs to exercise mental abilities with the opposite sex and this will cause the Pisces jealousy to escalate in intensity...something that Gemini cannot abide. Physically, this is a wonderful match for a short and wild relationship, but would become increasingly shaky with the passage of time. Although Pisces can provide the greatest mental stimulation for intimacy, this will eventually lead to the pair attempting to resolve their differences in the romantic arena...until both come to realize that they must face the world in order to survive.

The Gemini/Pisces love affair can make for a very empathatic and mutually satisfying pairing. Gemini is cerebral, quick-witted and silver-tongued, able to bring a dash of humor and intellectual direction to help focus the Pisces individual's dreamy view of the world. Pisces is blessed with intuitive empathy. Those governed by this Sign connect extremely well with others on something of a subtle emotional plane...and the dreamy nature of Pisces makes its natives quite open-minded. Basically, Pisces expects the unexpected. Gemini is also open-minded...agile and flexible on a mental level...and gifted with the ability to see all sides of an issue. In addition, Gemini is skilled at communicating with others. Thus, this relationship is all about flexibility and connection. Gemini and Pisces make for great friends as well as sweethearts. Pisces is somewhat emotionally sensitive and those ruled by this Sign can get their feelings easily hurt when brash Gemini speaks without thinking. Still, even when this couple does experience problems, each can forgive and forget with relatively minimal effort. Indeed, neither of these Signs sees any reason to harbor a grudge...Pisces because he or she understands the partner's true intentions and Gemini because he or she simply does not have the time to dwell on past hurts.

Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury and Pisces is ruled by the planet Neptune. Jupiter also plays an influential part in the Pisces make-up. Concerned with learning, philosophy and luck, Jupiter provides Pisces with the desire to know on a deeper level than most other individuals. Concerned with illusion, it is the influence of Neptune that makes Pisces natives so dreamy. Mercury is associated with quick wit, innovation and invention...the watch words of Gemini subjects. Pisces is able to understand Gemini's frequent new ideas on a deeply intuitive plane. Gemini is governed by the element of Air while Pisces is governed by the element of Water. Thus, this is a combination of intellectual focus with an emotional and intuitive grasp of the world. It is a blend that makes decisions more solid and if these two can work together, much can be achieved. The trouble is that communication breakdowns can result if Pisces believes that Gemini is not sufficiently understanding...or if Gemini feels hampered by the emotional sensitivity of Pisces. Luckily, both these Signs try to recover from hurt feelings in rapid fashion. Both Gemini and Pisces are Mutable in quality. Hence, this is a compatible blend based on adaptability, flexibility and the ability to deal with change. It is fortunate that these Signs are equally open-minded since there will be much last minute decision changing on both sides. Yet another plus is that neither Gemini nor Pisces harbor a desire to take the lead and each can provide the other with plenty of space and freedom. This is a pairing where there will be a mutual interest in cultivating knowledge and utilizing intellect. The partners are well-matched in flexibility and the shared interests, coupled with similar personality traits, makes for a very companiable relationship.

In essence, this combination could be a favorable match, but it is not without pitfalls. The Gemini partner must be prepared to give up most...if not all...outside interests in order to devote the majority of his or her time and thoughts to Pisces. It may well be that the distrustful and sensitive nature of Pisces eventually proves too much for the liberty-loving Gemini to cope with. For this union to achieve longevity, it will probably be necessary for the Gemini individual to make some radical changes in his or her ways and be prepared to forego some of that much-cherished freedom.

Natives of Gemini are probably most in tune with those governed by Aquarius, since Aquarius is fascinating, ambitious and perfectly equal to the Gemini moods and fancies. This is a couple who will enjoy life together and have a lot of fun in the process. For the Gemini male, a partnership with an individual governed by Aquarius makes for an excellent match because each will truly appreciate the most interesting qualities in the other. There will also be a sharing of each other's taste for variety and new experiences. The physical chemistry here is strong and romance for both partners will be most creative and enjoyable. Gemini has the best of both worlds in this relationship since the Aquarius individual will be a magnificent friend as well as a wonderful mate in the romantic arena. In the man governed by Gemini, Aquarius finds a kindred spirit who can keep up on an intellectual level. In essence, the Gemini male is thrilling company to a native of who can provide a wealth of inspiring ideas. For the Gemini female, a partnership with an individual governed by Aquarius will be one that is very well-matched intellectually...but Aquarius possesses no staying power when it comes to life's little chores and the Gemini woman will probably find that every aspect of housekeeping will be her sole responsbility. Still, this is a union blessed with true love and happiness. This couple will have many things in common, including an adventurous streak and unpredictable nature. The Gemini female loves to be spontaneous and Aquarius is notorious for hating to make plans, which works out perfectly for these two. A bonus here is that the physical chemistry between this pairing is liable to grow and grow with the passage of time. In short, the Gemini woman will bring out the best in the Aquarius partner's personality and vice versa. Eerily in tune with each other...even when they are not in the same place at the same time...the Gemini female is inspired by her Aquarius partner and the feeling is definitely mutual.

Libra, another Sign ruled by the element of Air, would also be favorable since Libra is amusing, tolerant, oozing with sex appeal and clever enough to keep Gemini guessing. For the Gemini male, a partnership with an individual governed by Libra is virtually ideal and the chemistry certainly sizzles. Libra is excited by the Gemini man's outgoing and sociable personality. Indeed, this male is a charming soul. This couple is sure to engage in amazing conversations because both partners are blessed with intelligent minds and are intellectually well-matched. The relationship will be a confident one for both individuals and rather wonderful in every aspect. The one pitfall is that both Gemini and Libra have trouble when it comes to making decisions...but if the Gemini male and his Libra mate can live with that on both sides, then this will be a near-perfect union. Libra will be inspired and captivated by the Gemini male, who is never at a loss for words...or deeds...of love and this is an authentic case of mutual attraction at its finest. For the Gemini female, a relationship with an individual governed by Libra will be experimental, creative and even wild. This woman is outgoing, spontaneous and loves to try new things. When coupled with a Libra partner, this results in a rather electric love match. Libra is notorious for being incredibly romantic and a Libra partner would never forget the Gemini woman's birthday. In addition, Libra will happily deliver constant expressions of flattery, which will make the Gemini female feel adored. One of the pitfalls here is that both the Gemini woman and her Libra partner will love spending money. Other than that, this is a near-perfect match with the potential to become rather addictive on both sides.

Your ex is a gemini, born right at the end of the sign.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.