Don't I look delicious.
2010-10-28 21:18:58 UTC
Saturn in 1st house - self limited
Saturn in 2nd house - to earn a limit amount of money
Saturn in 3rd house - limit amount of education
Saturn in 4th house - limited time with family or at home
Saturn in 5th house - Limit in one’s creative self-expression until you find your talents
Saturn in 6th house - work limitations
Saturn in 7th house - limit in love relationship
Saturn in 8th house - limited to sex?
Saturn in 9th house - limit any further mental progress
Saturn in 10th house - limited achievement/success
Saturn in 11th house - limited friends
Saturn in 12th house - limited illusion
I have natal Saturn in 1st house and transit Saturn in 6th house.
I'm okay. How are you doing?