I am a Leo, why can't I get on with my Libra husband.?
2007-09-02 00:35:32 UTC
We seem to clash in every thing we do or say, what can we do to solve this.
25 answers:
vicky s
2007-09-02 00:40:29 UTC
well i wouldnrt take any notice of horoscopes and who is suppose to match with who. they say aries and pises clash and me and my bf are perfect together maybe you guys are just not capatable
2007-09-02 03:01:53 UTC
Because you are relying on a stupid superstition to work out your partnership. Forget the horoscopes which are a load of rubbish. Just think that with only 12 star signs then in the UK alone there are about 5 million of each. How on earth can 5 million people all have the same characteristics.There is probably an underlying problem between you. He may not be happy in his job or might be finding money problems crowding in on him. He might like to get out more but cannot afford to or even has no real friends, this is not unusual for men. Sit down and talk to each other and perhaps you can find a reason why you are not getting on. The worst thing could be that he is having a fling with another woman and he is wondering how to tell you etc. Best of luck.
2007-09-02 01:03:46 UTC

This can be a very warm and mutually fulfilling relationship. Both of you are romantics at heart and tend to be "in love with love". You both need and love romantic gestures, the giving and receiving of gifts, etc. Personal appearances and attractiveness is important to both of you as well, and you both are somewhat vain.

LEO is more decisive and very clear about personal preferences and desires, while LIBRA is more flexible and will compromise graciously in order to please LEO. LEO is more self-absorbed or self-centered than LIBRA. Of the two of you, LEO is the stronger individual, and the balance of power in your relationship may be somewhat lopsided. However, LIBRA has a highly developed sense of fairness and equality, and will protest sooner or later if LEO begins to expect obeisance all of the time.

It would have been easier if you were Libra and husband Leo.

Leo likes to be #1. Lead. Maybe the clash is for this.

Otherwise you 2 are good together.

Find ways out. Change yourself a bit. Bend. Try give in at times and see what happens.

All the best.
2007-09-02 13:41:09 UTC
Leo likes to jump right in and get their hands dirty, while their Libra prefers to coach from the sidelines. Leo and Libra will have many things in common, though, including a love of theaters, museums and the arts in general. While some people find Leo antics amusing, Libra may disapprove. And while some signs are intimidated by or fascinated with Libra's quiet sophistication, Leo may find it stuffy and dull. More often, however, Leo and Libra's differences will strike the delicate balance they need to form a long-lasting, happiness-filled relationship.
2007-09-02 08:31:25 UTC
Librans love perfection. Leos are a bit laid back BUT would never play second fiddle. Leos need an audience and Libra men are not always around to clap for them.

For Libra men, their children mean the world, but for a Leo, her husband is more important, thus she will be jealous of his affections toward her ( their ) own children.

Libra men love their wives, but equally love their friends, mother, and usually have a favorite sister. Leo wants to be first and are possessive in love. Leos are loyal to their family but tend to get a bit jealous when her Libra husband shows the same towards his own family.

Thus they clash
2007-09-03 08:59:29 UTC

I take it you were ok before you got married, otherwise it wouldn't have happened.

I dated a Libra and it didn't work out, so there may be some issues there over how compatible we are (as a leo myself), because i believe in that kinda stuff, but if there are, you are not going to divorce your husband for the sake of astrology! so you need to look deeper, whats changed in your relationship?! how do you feel towards each other? hows the communication?! I don't think astrology is the issue here.

all the best.
2007-09-02 14:25:20 UTC
As I am Leo myself, I can tell you straight that you need person who admires you and agrees with you all the time. However it is nothing to do with horoscopes:)


Leo might have first been attracted to Virgo due to an unfilled need for constant flattery that caused him/her a rare moment of feeling inferior, as Virgos virtues are not normally attractive to Leo. Virgo may have viewed Leos crestfallen expressions as that of someone in trouble, and since Virgo is the helpful sign, helping would have been right up his/her alley; not expecting to see a different person once he/she had regained his/her self confidence.

Virgo will spend miserly while Leo is much more generous, their differences about finances include a wide array of things including, planning a budget, and putting money away for the future. Leo lives for the moment while Virgo exists in the mental world of the future; a cause of much tension between them. Critical Virgos cutting remarks can wound Leo deeply if Virgo is displeased over any extravagance on Leos part. Unlike Leos reactions, Virgo feels that recreational pursuits is a waste of time and would spend that time in going over future plans.

Leo would rather be doing something fun such as hosting a party or going out with friends. This attitude on both parts will go far in breaking up the relationship. The approach to the earning power of each could also be a source of irritation for Virgo. Virgo can work long hard hours and barely make a living while one of Leos wild schemes might pay off big. Tolerance is the main ingredient that must be introduced to this union if it is to work at all.

The fiery sexuality of Leo is not met and matched with Virgo since Virgo is easily satisfied he/she has no need for games or fantasies. This is a shaky match that is ill advised to go into; definitely not a match made in Heaven.
Danuta B
2007-09-02 13:34:53 UTC
October 17,on the one hand the quiet,seemingly stable kind who appear to have it all together,and on the other hand the daredevils to whom life without risk-taking is dull and tedious,those born on the 17th day of the month are ruled by the number 8,and by the planet Saturn,Saturn carries with it a strong feeling of limitation and restriction ,and also indicates a judgmental aspect as well ,reinforcing the above-mentioned tendency of October 17 people to be self-righteous.The connection between Saturn and Venus (Libra's rules)can trigger the darker ,more discontented aspects of their personality,leading to all sorts of complications in their private life....(Leo)
2007-09-02 00:58:43 UTC
Don't expect your libra husband to agree with an acquiese to everything you say anymore. Libra is the sign of the scales and an inanimate one at that. they have iron will.

Libra, if he feels he is wronged, will not give in the slightest, even to someone he loves. You are the sun and you like to shine, and be adored. There's only so much adoration libra can give. In the end it's about him and his balanced scales.

You might think libra is a giving and partnership sign, but that's where you'd be more wrong. He is as concerned about himself as the next person, and to argue with a libra is to argue a losing battle. The only way leo wins, and wins everytime, is to give that loud roar (need not be verbal, but you know what i mean). Libra will acquiese but fume inside and think Leo difficult.

You want to talk reason with an (unreasonable, fuming) libra, you're not gonna win.

The best solution is to talk it out in a gentle nice manner and pray that he sees your point of view and is not too immature to put his ego aside for a while. Fights need forgiveness and willingness to put that aside. If both of you can, this can be a positive relationship because Leo in actuality is a very positive sign and thinks highly of libras the opposite sex.

Libras love Leos too as they're so easy to get along with and the energies flow so well.

My advice: Put your egoes aside for a while and see how it works out.

Good luck!
2007-09-05 15:28:00 UTC
you two need to talk to each other and forget all these crap excuses about which star signs you are - You're using it as an excuse to hide the real issues - be adult, be honest with each other (if you need an arbitrator do it) BUT TALK.

I find it interesting that you say "I can't get on ..." are you subconciously accepting that it's you that's at fault? First do some self analysis, what's changed in you since you got married? Obviously you did get on at some time!

If your self analysis can't reveal anything TALK TO HIM why don't both of you do that self examination excercise, be as objective as possible and be honest with each other when you TALK IT OVER afterwards. If there's something niggling you it's amazing how trivial it becomes when you SAY IT OUT LOUD in fact the more difficult it is to say out loud the more ridiculously trivial it was in the first place.


I've emphasised that enough
2007-09-02 10:00:47 UTC
Hey im a leo and my partner is a libra also and we can never agree,we are too like minded and neither of us like to give in.

But instead of arguing now we just walk away from each other then abit later we are both fine.
2007-09-02 01:36:55 UTC
Proper astrology has a thing called synastry where the full birth chart (with date and time of birth) is compared with the partners full birth chart. What you are reffering to is what is called sun sign astrology which is almost useless on its own.

However, I suggest, like the others that you look to more earthly reasons why you are having problems and sit down calmly together and try to work it out between you, if your husband is willing.
♥Ello♥Vee♥E♥ says Shut Up, Take Notes
2007-09-02 00:44:34 UTC
And You Two Didn't Clash Before You Got Married? (I'm Not Trying To Be Rude) I'm Not A Fan Of Horoscopes.
2007-09-02 04:11:07 UTC
LEO ………THE LION AND SON, ALSO SUN.!!!! Life’ Fury, Ferociousness and of course, FIRE, Everyone knows, everyone is invested in me,OH no, no, its not EGO, its only just me….


.LIBRA ?.A CLASS BY ITSELF. Libras lie at the center of the universe, Indeed always the one around which u converse, Be it Big ?B, or bigger or small, Right you are I?m a LIBRA after all, A class , a jade, a legend of my own.



2007-09-02 00:47:15 UTC
Well me being a Leo and my sister being a Libra i can relate... just over look it and bring it back to his attention when in he is in a good mood.. don't say it in a smart way either... just ease it on to him... but make sure the answer is equally benefiting the both of you.. because that's what a relationship is about. =]
nicola h
2007-09-02 14:10:01 UTC
im a leo and hubby is a libra,

we get along fine!

starsigns dont mean a thing hon
rich k
2007-09-02 00:57:02 UTC
i think that you may not be addressing the underlying problem(s) if you're looking at a horosope for the answer. probably better to look for counselling
2007-09-02 00:41:22 UTC
I don't think the stars are playing a part in this, you are just incompatible, i suggest counselling and if that doesn't work find someone else.
2007-09-02 00:47:39 UTC
Have an affair with a Virgo.
2007-09-02 00:51:56 UTC
Because it's a load of nonsense.
2007-09-02 01:34:37 UTC
the problem should lie in you and not with him. think over your behaviuor and improve and things will improve.
sugar XD
2007-09-02 00:45:37 UTC
because libras are more independent.. try to give in lo..
Robin C
2007-09-02 00:46:47 UTC
Patrick Moore said that horoscopes proved only one thing "That there is one born every minute"

Best Wishes
2007-09-03 23:14:03 UTC
2007-09-02 00:50:32 UTC
if i was you i would start making plans for when you separate lol

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