There are two basic kinds of Western astrology:
1) Sun sign .. the "what's your Sign?" that you find from using just the month-day of birth. A commercial gimmick to make money writing for those who are too lazy, afraid or stupid to learn real astrology.
2) Real astrology, individual for each person. Based on the moment the person was born, as the sky appeared from the location of birth. Forty to 50 factors, only one of which is your Sun sign.
“Many people think that astrology is the Sun-sign columns found in every newspaper and online news media sites. Nothing could be further from the truth. That’s not astrology, that’s entertainment, which is what’s often stated in the fine print beneath astrology columns. Unfortunately, Sun-sign columns are one of the most persistently misleading representations of astrology. “
(Dorothy Oja: “What Astrology is and isn’t”)
Real astrology is only an influence on what goes on inside of us. It does not control, nor predict. BUT can help focus our self-examination, and an examination of our relationship .. so it can be quite useful. As long as we examine and don't just blindly suck it in.
“All anyone can see in a birth chart are tendencies that will become facts if the person does not do something to alter them.” (Isabel M Hickey)
“The birthchart (horoscope) stripped to bare bones is simply a description of the happiest, most-fulfilling life that is available to you – personally. It spells out a set of strategies you can use to avoid boring routines, bad choices, and dead ends. It lists your resources. And it talks about how your life looks when you’re missing the resources and distorting the strategies – shooting yourself in the foot, in other words.”
(Steven Forrest, “What Astrology Can Do For You: from “Astrology Considered: A Thinking Person’s Guide” in Kindle).
"A college professor once remarked that is possible to be so open-minded your brains fall out. It is neither healthy nor productive to dabble with ideas that cannot be substantiated by observable facts .
To guard against this potentially calamitous outcome the mind must wall itself against nonsensical ideas that have the power to muddle clear thinking.
It is important to make critical distinctions between the types of evidence that can be reasonably considered and that which flies in the face of common sense assumptions about the way things work in the natural world."
(Preface: Astrology Considered)
And yes, this can be applied to real astrology and STILL see validity in the natal chart.