Me and my boyfriend got into a fight about a female who won't leave us alone.. the fight got out of hand and he said to me that he doesnt think we should talk anymore that it isnt good for neither of us.. he also said that "If im not good for you i am not good for anybody" after this we haven't spoken since. this was all last saturday. I love him more than words can describe.. and I don't want to lose him so Ive been trying to give him his space but also texting a smiley (only once) so he knows I am thinking of him.. He still wont speak to me and I know I hurt him alot, I told him I am sorry and that I am aware that the fight was my fault and I didnt mean for this to happen. and that he means everything to me and I want us to work...
What can I do to get him back? I don't want to lose him.. He means the world to me.. please helppp.