like i said before, i don't believe magic numbers and i believe in signs and their different energies. x planet in pisces, y planet in gemini and that not good and that's how they figured the number 90.
ancient astro guy with his ancient protractor figured that 90 degree is the absolute average (or something) between those signs and then said this is square and then said square is not good.
any other logical explanation for 90 degree to be bad ? biblical references maybe? no. then 66 should be very evil too.
so, if it's 90 but connecting two planets in a sextile-like way (beginning of scorpio and ending of capricorn) then i should read it as a sextile. in fact, i shouldn't read it as a sextile, i just should read it as x planet in scorpio, y planet in capricorn so their relationship is "like this".
what's the thought behind the semi-square theory then? adjacent signs are not "so" compatible? problem is semi-squares too work like sextiles, even more frequently than squares.
my cancer sun (13°00') semi-square the leo mars (28°45')
but my libra moon (15°13) also semi-square my leo mars ?
this is bullsh!t and unfreakinneccessary maths. aspects are nothing but lines between signs.
so you don't need semi-square and you just have to know what's the cancer/leo relationship is like, or aquarius/pisces.
and i wouldn't ignore that.
i mean if you believe that each planet there has an effect on you then you also have to believe all planets affects each other.
and then the final outcome is you.
and then, if your sun is cancer and moon is leo... how to ignore that? or how to say that the semi-square they making should have "some minor influence" ?