Hello again Ryan...........oh you are infectious :-)
Yeeesssssssssss..........can be beneficial for discipline, rigor etc.
The effects can be two-folds though..
venus/saturn conjunction : am thinking of someone now who married a woman 18 years older than himself (saturn can represent older age).
Venus sq Saturn : a woman who only goes out with wealthy men (saturn/cap : achievements) but it is never lasting.
Oh...will come back !
edit : Yep I agree with Spica.
Liz Greene has written a book " a new look at the old devil : saturn" which is excellent ( the time I read it that is).
Saturn is the opposite of Jupiter. Jupiter is expansion for the better or the worse. People always think of Jupiter as great but it can bring misfortune by being OTT also !
Saturn is restriction.
That is the guy who brings you back to earth prompto. Responsabilities, duties, all what has to do with "earth". Depending on its position it can be strangling.
Or it gives you long term benefits. Think patience with this one. Long time goals.
Some say that it is karma returned on this earth. (Saturn return !).
Think of it ( well I like to use images) like an old school principal with a cane and all that. You either get on with him or you do not.
So in some cases it can go from single mindedness to really small- mindedness.
Saturn conjunct Sun will dampen the energy of the sun. A square would be like having the school teacher, however annoying it is telling you to mind your steps all the time.
An opposition : well..........you either do what you want to do : like for ex. some kid escaping from the house to party but coming back home later to face the parents. So the kid is torn between desire to party or fear of punishment. Which is he going to choose ?
Apply that principle to all the planets......
Moon is complicated though. One of the toughest aspect. People do not open up at all but when they do.........they spill all over the place.
Mars : a mars square (square is a bit of a war !) saturn usually indicates passive-aggressive mentality or a sudden flare up. Saturn applies the breaks but when mars has had enough : there it goes !
mars conj.saturn : carefulness/or fear to move forward.
mars opp saturn : fight or flee
venus ...saturn can be beneficial if venus gets a bit too lazy or too vain ( venus in pisces) but then it can also deny venus of pleasures in life.....
All those depends on the sign as well.....
Take a sun conj merc. in Gem for ex......could be a bit over the top so saturn will give some discipline in thoughts.
Saturn on the angles........well.....usually not a good sign unless people have to accept it and get on with it. In the first : fear of life. 4th : restriction in subconscious, 7th : fear of closeness, 10th ; fear of achievement, fear of going into the world.
But like any planet if you do not own it.........it comes back to you in real life either in the aspect of a person (like 7th : an oppressing spouse) or events.
OK...am stopping here......there would be so much to write and my Saturn has taken a leave :-)
edit : was just giving info on planets' hierarchy to Sand but she just closed the question as I posted.
One theory among others ( it was a long post with a few variables...not going to write it again on here)
Jungian psychology:
Saturn : Superego
Sun : Ego
Mars : Id.
Edit (8.30 pm now) : Yeah leftie...let's rent a hall !:-)
Ahhh well...........you see : you are writing a bit of a contradiction in your post. "Saturn cannot be Mr Nice Guy" but then you attribute him qualities also !.............the benefits of Saturn if you stick with him will be sowed .........later !
And let's face it : if Saturn was non existent in the chart : there would be total anarchy.
Yes : I know that very prominent people have Saturn on the MC ( will add Napoleon too)........funny how they raised to the top but then failed badly so !
Saturn on the MC is double edged. Very problematic for weak-willed people because although saturn finds itself in its own house , there will be great tension to achieve either from oneself or from the environment. For people who follow it, yes I agree with you : Saturn proves to be extremely beneficial.
It depends on the individual really.
Saturn is also called the "teacher". If there was an analogy maybe " one learns throught their own mistakes" when not following saturn.
Hey am not arguing !!! Saturn as you describe it is old astrology. Since, people have taken a new look at it.
Saturn is so problematic that we can't possibly discuss it in one post anyway nor can we really give a black or white image. It just depends on how it is handled or either how and if the person is willing to handle it.
Saturn can take many forms: from the most annoying ones to yes as you describe it also : a helpful one in some situations.
Basically it is all down to the individual, planets positions etc etc etc..
AGAIN : you have to take the whole chart into consideration anyway before singling Saturn out. And I take charts on a one to one basis.........like people. Saturn will show itself as unique as the individual itself.
Well..that is my take on it anyway.
3 thumbs down.........lol......I must either write really good posts or really bad ones :-)