A while back I did quite a report on Juno and Chiron. But since this question seems to be my field of interest I know a little bit about it.
I'm going to start by giving you the symbolisms of each planet, since they are available on the internet I will just give you the links:
Other things about Magi Astrology is that there is very little guess work because of the accuracy of the planetary symbolism. And unlike traditional astrology there are no negative interpretations of natal aspects. There is a good reason for this; many people have terrible charts and traditional astrology would probably have them believe that they will live short miserable lives, yet they have great timing and turn their lives into exemplary lives. We have also seen the opposite shine true; where people with wonderful charts just have the worst timing.
It is true that we believe that Saturn is a horrible planet, but not in your natal chart. We also believe that astrology has a benevolent design, meaning that there are more good aspects than bad and more good planets than bad. Astrology is supposed to be a message of hope and we are trying to steer clear of astrologers that tell people that they are stuck in a bad situation with no way out.
Chiron trine Jupiter: This is a Super Success aspect as well as a Cinderella aspect. It indicates someone who is lucky in their family relationships for the most part. I noticed the square to the moon so it may not be so with your mother.
Chiron sextile Mercury: This gives you great communication skills and a very hypnotic voice.
Chiron opposite Uranus: This make you unconventional and perhaps a bit eccentric. This can make it difficult for you to adjust to this world and will attract you to different cultures, perhaps even in marriage, marrying someone that is from a foreign country or someone that often leaves this country.
A bit more about Magi Astrology:
We all have 4 charts. We read aspects from declinations and Heliocentric Longitude and Latitudes. The orbs will differ on each one.
Geocentric Latitudes: 3 degree orb
Geocentric Declinations: 1.2 degree orb
Heliocentric Latitudes: 3 degree orb
Heliocentric longitudes: 0.3 degree orb
Without the software it's difficult to get all the information you need about your chart but it can be done.
I have also found that when Juno is conjunct to your Sun or rising sign it gives you alluring looks.
Venus Juno: ( This is my interpretation, Not Magi astrology's) This person will have incredible sex appeal and the ability to get what they want through sex. Since Juno rules addictions, the native maybe addicted to things that have to do with Venus(money, beauty, seduction, jewelry, fashion,etc)
Juno Neptune: This is often found in people that have long term drug (Neptune) additions(Juno). Just remember that we can always choose the best interpretation for any natal aspect. It can also mean addictions to art or music, creativity. This is why you see so many artists that are addicted to drugs. It also indicates that the addiction is long term.
I hope you found this helpful.