I have Mercury in Capricorn, quincunx Chiron in Gemini.
I have obsessive patterns to my thoughts. I can't seem to ever gather enough information about things that interest me.
"The Moon inconjunct the Ascendant shows that you are a glutton for punishment. You are so eager to show that you really care about other people that you allow them to take advantage of your sympathetic nature. You are emotionally vulnerable to other people's problems and want to help them resolve their difficulties if you can. Generous with your time and efforts, you can always be depended upon to volunteer your services. You simply like to do things for others, but in the process you may undermine your own health.
Unfortunately, you don't differentiate between people who deserve your help and those who are undeserving. Those who don't merit assistance from you may secretly laugh at you for all your efforts. If you will set a price on your services, you won't have to waste so much energy on those who don't appreciate them to begin with.
You will always be able to earn a living because you know how to adapt to a variety of employment requirements. You won't refuse an occupation simply because it doesn't give you status among your associates and friends; the needs of the moment are of more concern to you. You are attracted to occupations that serve the public. Your superiors think well of you as a competent employee who isn't afraid of work, although your friends may criticize you for doing more than your share. You may not have been interested in getting a higher education, but you can always compensate in other ways. If you do get an education you will still draw upon your experience to derive the most benefit from it.
You like to feel that you are providing something constructive in the lives of those you deal with. You haven't forgotten the assistance you received when you were younger, and the help you give is in some way a repayment. If you are appreciated, it is reward enough for you."