ok so i'm a libra and i was just wondering, why don't i get along with my dad, i dont usually like to argue or fight but with him its a nonstop bickering! hes an aries! ik we are oppistie on the signs or something. but no matter how hard i try, i cant understand his point of view on it! i can always see both sides of things, like i could never choose democrate or republican, i see both sides of that very clearly. and he goes against what i bleive in so i try to make him see how i fell about it but he just refuses! like i belive to live life and have fun! and to make the most out of what i havem im very optimistic! every body but him says that about me! hes a big buisness person! i just can't stand him! i want to have a good relationship with him, because it usually doesnt bother me when people dont like me, but this bothers me that he doesnt. just on everything! anybody have just anything to say about this!!?? i guess im just asking why! i'm not really sure what im asking but i just need some advise or help!