From personal experience, funnily enough Saturn in 12th is a sure way to ending up in the psych ward due to a depression. Add the Sun to that (in my case), and it becomes chronical. Or is it the other way around?
Woohoo... o_o
Although I simply like to call it cynism. :p
I'm still trying to figure out exactly what was your question; the psychological effect of 12th house placements? The point of view from people with certain 12th house placements? The effed upness of modern society and its chronical psychological hypochondria?
Either way, I can't say from a schizophrenic's point of view. But I can say it from a clinically chronically depressed / bipolar / hypersensitive nymphomaniac point of view, if you like... My "mental illnesses" are pretty much a combination of positions all over my chart: chronically depressed: sun conjunct saturn in 12th. bipolar: gemini moon? Nymphomaniac: I honestly think that is a combination of being bipolar *and* chronically depressed (really, I thought those two didn't go together...) and the fact that having sex releases dopamine which makes you feel better (or whatever that hormone is called). Hypersensitive: I don't know, never thought about it so anyone who is willing, fill me in.
Not all mental illnesses can be directed back to the 12th house, although a lot of them can be found there. I have experienced that many dyselxic people have mercury retrograde in the 12th house. Other speech impairments are also attributed to mercury in the 12th house. Some people even go as far as saying that autism is attributed to mercury in the 12th house; although I have met an autistic person who had mercury there (in pisces as well), most people with that position seem to lack autism with that position... so most likely not true. Low self esteem is attributed to sun in the 12th house and possibly moon in 12th means lack of emotional needs or some or other mild form of sociopathic behaviour.
And so on...
Of course people who are wired differently are going to act differently; that's to be expected. Not sure if you are thinking "could we use the mental patient's chart to understand them better?" but I'm going to say yes anyway. A person's mental state says a lot about how things are from their point of view, so a 12th house should say a lot about a person's point of view...
*stops self* there's some object opposing my chiron, isn't there?
That was *me* I was talking about! [lol] Clinically depressed and bipolar and hypersensitive, but a self confessed nymphomaniac.