How compatibale is a Tauras male to each kind of zodiac?
2007-04-17 18:22:35 UTC
Please compare to each. Thanks.
Eight answers:
2007-04-17 19:03:02 UTC
Ok Taurus male should get along pretty well with: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer and Pisces. Scorpio could be a hot match too although they are your "opposite" sign.Lots of passion but also lots of fighting.
2007-04-18 01:27:56 UTC
Very compatible to Virgo, Cancer, Capricorn and Pisces females.
2007-04-18 03:25:59 UTC
Cancer and Virgo and Capricorn and Pisces are good and Leo and the others are okay.
Paul N
2007-04-18 01:36:02 UTC
Umm, horoscopes depend on star position, and that means nothing. how about you guys listen to Weird Al's "Your Horoscope for Today" to see how insane you guys are
2007-04-18 01:34:50 UTC
From my experience, I've been able to get along with every female that i've met......until they tried to get too personal.
2007-04-21 23:08:07 UTC
any will do fine but choose carefully
2007-04-21 19:19:04 UTC
2007-04-18 02:09:55 UTC

He won't sweep you off your feet and ride away with you into a crimson sunset. It's not that he's afraid to do that, it's just that the idea would never occur to him. If his maiden fair were locked up in a tower, he'd be far more likely to call at the front gate to negotiate for her release. That's the sensible thing to do.

Above all, this man is sensible, down-to-earth and practical about love. In his approach to women he is deliberate, looking over the field before he decides. You won't find him trying to win the prize every other man is after. He wants a woman who will satisfy him for the long haul, not a glittering, chromium-plated model that's all too soon ready for the junkheap. He prizes security and stability. This is not to say he will turn down an invitation to a weekend frolic with a beautiful blonde. The world is populated with millions of sexy, sensual, casual-seeming Taurus men who certainly enjoy making love. But scratch the surface and you'll uncover a man who doesn't want a relationship unless he thinks it's going to last. When it comes to his emotional life he can afford to be patient.

He is very sensitive to a rebuff, but is so good at concealing this that most women never suspect it. He may appear too stolid to be really sensitive, but his tough-looking hide is only tissue thin. it isn't always apparent at first meeting but in his own way Taurus is supremely romantic. He puts the woman he cherishes on a pedestal, though he certainly doesn't treat her like a statue. Unlike some men who have an idealized vision that they try to super-impose on a woman, Taurus loves the real you.

This man isn't able to say "I love you" as readily as the more verbal types such as Gemini or Libra, but he will show his devotion by being unexpectedly generous. Of course, his gifts won't be frivolous because he never loses sight of the value he gets for money spent. He's the kind of man who will buy you a single, high-priced piece of jewelry rather than a dozen gaudy trinkets.

Beneath a Taurus male's reserve is a passionate, highly physical nature. for him, romance and sensuality are practically interchangeable. Like his female counterpart, he is simple and direct about his sexual pleasures.

He sees no need for variations on the theme, but on the other hand, he has all the stamina a woman could ask for. His immense physical vitality more than makes up for any lack of variety.

Here is a sensual, strong-willed, sensible man you can depend on. He's loyal, affectionate, kind, and faithful, with a fine understated sense of humor. A lot of women who are looking for Mr. Right need look no further than a Taurus male.


Taureans are not going to be rushed. They like everything, including a friendship or a love affair, to be built on a firm foundation. That may require restraint and patience, but these are qualities Taureans appreciate for they possess those traits themselves.

Hint: The first move is up to you. Taurus is slow to make up his or her mind, and the opportunity will be gone if you don't seize the initiative.

Show them you like to be in their company, and try to amuse them. These quiet, easygoing people respond to those from whom they can borrow laughter. You'll find them charming companions, interested and interesting. A tendency to be somewhat ponderous or to go on at excessive length can be corrected with an apt remark at the right time.

If you tell a joke, remember that Taurus's sense of humor tends to be broad, robust, Rabelaisian. Physical jokes strike their funny bones.

If you're feeding a Taurus, feed him or her well. Take her to a restaurant where the chef knows his business and where you can get a good bottle of wine. Cook him a meal at home that shows you know your way around a kitchen, and don't skimp on the portions.

If the conversations start to lag, try that never-failing topic of interest: money. By all means, show off your prized possessions, from stamps to ivory miniatures to jade, or even Indian-head pennies. To a Taurean, it's all endlessly fascinating.

Don't monopolize the conversation. Once Taureans get started, they like to talk. And don't be stingy with praise—for their home, their car, their clothes, their jewelry, their just plain good taste, and above all, for them.


TAURUS AND ARIES Taurus is not as quick on the trigger as Aries, but both have a mutual interest in making love. Aries is emotional and Taurus is sensual, and they're bound to have fun while the affair lasts. In time, though, Taurus's possessiveness will strike angry sparks from fiery Aries. They'll also argue about money—Taurus tends to be careful and conservative, Aries is reckless and a spendthrift. Aries's impulsiveness in making decisions annoys fixed Taurus, who dislikes a sudden change in routine. An affectionate affair can turn into a difficult marriage.

TAURUS AND TAURUS This isn't the most exciting union ever, for both are domestic creatures who prefer safety to adventure. However, both share a fondness for money, are hardworking, loyal, and affectionate. She tends to be more sentimental than he, but each is as possessive as the other, which works out fine. Because they are both earthy and direct about sexual needs, there should be no problem in that department. Boredom is the threat. The perfect solution is for each to develop some outside hobbies and friends without raising the possessive hackles of the other.

TAURUS AND GEMINI These two are completely unalike in temperament. Taurus is solid, fixed in opinions, resistant to change. Gemini is flighty, restless, vacillating. But they may find each other intriguing for that very reason—for a little while. Gemini is attracted to Taurus's passions, but in time Taurus's instinct for security and stability will be offended by volatile Gemini. Taurus is too much a creature of habit to go along with Gemini's constant need for new stimulation. Eventually, Taurus's demands are simply too much for Gemini, who seeks escape.

TAURUS AND CANCER They have a lot going for them. Both are home-lovers, sentimentalists, and highly sexed. Taurus's even-going, placid nature is a good antidote for Cancer's moodiness, though sometimes plain-spoken Taurus must be careful not to slight Cancer's feelings. Cancer needs someone strong like Taurus to depend on; in turn Cancer gives Taurus the loyalty and feedback it needs. Taurus is ambitious for money and security, and Cancer has exactly those same goals. Similar interests and desires make for a harmonious mating.

TAURUS AND LEO Leo demands constant praise and adulation, and is forever competing with Taurus. As a result, Taurus digs in its heels and gets more sullen with each passing day. Taurus needs appreciation and Leo needs worship, but neither will get what it needs from the other. In addition, Leo is extravagant and Taurus parsimonious. There is a basic conflict between Taurus's desire for a well-ordered schedule and Leo's need for a larger-than-life existence. Sexually, these two are well matched, but Leo thinks life is a circus and tries to perform in all three rings at once. Taurus finds that hard to take, or even to watch.

TAURUS AND VIRGO It's love at first sight. Both are homebodies and they share the same intellectual pursuits. Taurus's tenacity and Virgo's sharp mind are a good combination for success as a team. And Taurus keeps a careful eye on expenditures, which pleases thrifty Virgo. Although they lack what might be called a spontaneous approach to life, neither puts a high value on that. They may have to adjust sexually, for Taurus is more physical. However, Taurus will probably waken Virgo's sleeping passions. and they have everything else in common.

TAURUS AND LIBRA Taurus finds Libra a warm, romantic, vibrant partner. Libra was born to charm and titillate. Steady Taurus balances Libra's indecisiveness. Money may be a problem for Libra doesn't share Taurus's reverential attitude toward a dollar, but both tend to be acquisitive and like to collect beautiful things. Both signs are ruled by Venus and have sensual natures, but each expresses this quality differently. In time, Libra's fickleness and casual air toward love can drive Taurus wild; and Libra will certainly resent Taurus's possessiveness. This romantic pairing may not last long.

TAURUS AND SCORPIO These two are opposites in the zodiac, but they have more in common than other opposites. Both are determined and ambitious, and neither is much of a rover. However, there are two strong wills at work here. Taurus's passionate sexual nature meets more than its match in Scorpio—in fact, the sexual element in this affair borders on the obsessive. But Scorpio's overbearing, possessive, jealous nature makes Taurus simmer with resentment. This is a tempestuous affair, and neither has the tolerance to make the union last.

TAURUS AND SAGITTARIUS This might work if Taurus can tie a string to Sagittarius's kite and hold on tight. They are attracted to each other physically, for Taurus's passions are ignited by Sagittarius's uninhibited lovemaking. But Taurus finds it difficult to deal with Sagittarius's roving eye and search for novelty. Sagittarius has an easy live-and-let live attitude about sex and everything else, whereas Taurus is both serious and possessive. Sagittarius refuses to stay under someone else's thumb. No dull moments—but a good deal of quarreling. An affair can be fun.

TAURUS AND CAPRICORN Capricorn is a strong match for Taurus, for they both have passions that are straightforward and uncomplicated. There won't be much romance but plenty of healthy sex. They share the same goals and like the same kinds of friends, and both are fond of security and m-o-n-e-y. Capricorn is a bit more secretive than Taurus would like, but all the same Capricorn's loyalty makes Taurus feel secure. And Taurus is charmed by Capricorn's unexpected sense of humor. Auguries for the long term are promising.

TAURUS AND AQUARIUS Neither is likely to approve of the other. Taurus is conservative, careful, closemouthed. Aquarius is unconventional, innovative, and vivacious. Taurus is lusty and passionate, while Aquarius operates on a mental plane. Taurus finds it hard to keep Aquarius at home or satisfied with the delights of domesticity. Aquarius looks for openness and self-expression in a relationship, while Taurus needs security and comfort. Aquarius, a fancy-free loner who resents ties that bind, sooner or later slips away from possessive Taurus.

TAURUS AND PISCES Pisces may not altogether understand Taurus's materialistic approach to life. But the dependability of Taurus supplies the anchor Pisces needs to keep from drifting away into a private sea of fantasy. Hard-working Taurus sets a good example for lazy Pisces. Also Taurus's practical, easygoing nature helps Pisces through its frequent changes of mood. In love, Taurus is devoted and Pisces is adoring. Though Pisces can be a little fey for Taurus, they're well suited sexually. Taurus is passionate, Pisces is sensual, and what's wrong with that?



Taurus and Aries

When Aries and Taurus come together in a love affair, the partnership is a natural union of Love, represented by Taurus, and Passion, represented by Aries. This relationship is all about balance. Aries wants to jump right in and get into it, while Taurus prefers to go much more slowly. This can create a problem; Taurus loves to be wooed and romanced -- two concepts that are basically foreign to straightforward, brash, totally unsubtle Aries. An Aries-Taurus partnership can be a great learning experience for both Signs. Taurus can help Aries rein in some of the more foolish, impractical impulses, and Aries can help Taurus be more spontaneous and adventurous.

Taurus is sensual, patient and gentle. Aries is attracted to these qualities; Aries sees Taurus as their rock, totally stable and loyal forever. Taurus sees Aries as possessing that quality they want more of -- knowing when and how to grab on to life's opportunities. These Signs are a good balance for each other. Aries might sometimes play games with Taurus, playing off that Bullish laziness, or try to push Taurus into making hasty decisions, but the Bull can usually convince the Ram to slow down a bit. Aries brings excitement to the relationship, while Taurus brings security and romance. When Aries wants instant gratification, Taurus can show just how sexy and sensual slow, deliberate movement can be.

Aries is ruled by the Planet Mars (passion), and Taurus is ruled by the Planet Venus (love). Venus and Mars go well together; they represent the two necessary halves of the same relationship coin. The symbols are universally recognized as masculine and feminine, so this relationship is a good balance of these energies.



Taurus and Taurus

When two Taureans come together in a love affair, it's a very sensuous and stable relationship -- which pleases both of them to no end. Those are two of the things a Taurus prizes most in a relationship (along with fidelity, sharing good food and other creature comforts ...) When two people both of this Sign get together, it can be the love connection of a lifetime. They will spoil one another to both their hearts' content: Taurus can respect their sweetheart's desire for life's little luxuries, because they have that need themselves. Both partners are charming, graceful and dignified. They can be quite stubborn and opinionated, not to mention jealous and possessive. All Tauruses have to learn to agree to disagree, and especially two Tauruses together; they need to recognize that their relationship is too good to jeopardize with minor arguments.

Taureans are blessed with strong willpower and commitment. They love the wooing process of courting, so the beginning, building stages of their relationship may stretch out deliciously. Taureans rarely rush into a relationship, but once they're committed, it's solid -- maybe even for life. When two Taureans get together, both provide and expect total devotion. Because of this devotion, a Taurus-Taurus pair may be more possessive of each other than most. Nothing upsets these lovers more than infidelity, but -- luckily -- because both partners are so dedicated to each other and the relationship and because Taureans tend to be very reliable, cheating is rare.

Taurus is ruled by the Planet Venus. When two people with Venus energy come together, it can be love at first sight. Both partners are highly romantic and loving, and they never tire of physical contact and touching. They are the great stamina Signs of the Zodiac; they love to go all day and all night and all the next day … They are highly sensual and both enjoy pampering. Emotional security is very important to them, but when this is guaranteed these partners can be as decadent and indulgent as they please. They can tend to be lazy, becoming overly relaxed in the moment, but generally they work very hard to maintain the lifestyle of luxury that they prefer.



Taurus and Gemini

When Taurus and Gemini come together in a love affair, they must both take the time to learn what the dynamics of the relationship are and how they can best get along. They both have much to offer one another and much to learn in this relationship, but it will take a bit of adjustment and effort on both sides. Gemini's Symbol is the Twins; this Sign can often be of two minds about things. If possessive Taurus is able to let go and give one Twin the relationship security and intimacy it wants while allowing the other Twin its freedom, things will go well between these two. Taurus may want too much for Gemini's taste early in the relationship, but Gemini can become dependable and steady -- Taurus must simply be patient.

Taurus's sedate, practical approach to life differs greatly from Gemini's more light, intellectual approach. This can be a difficult dynamic, since Gemini may see Taurus as a bit dull while Taurus may see Gemini as flighty and lacking in substance. They have much to teach one another, however: Taurus can help Gemini become more deeply involved in life; Gemini can help Taurus add variety, fun and excitement to their life.

Taurus is ruled by the Planet Venus (Love) and Gemini is ruled by the Planet Mercury (Communication). Since both of these Planets are close to the Sun, they're always in the same neighborhood even though they're very different. Venus is all about physical pleasures, romance and sensuality. Mercury has both masculine and feminine energy, and Gemini takes on whichever energy best serves at any given moment. Taurus is just looking for a dependable, sensual partner, so Gemini's brilliance may be lost on the Bull. This may be trouble, since Geminis often feel like their quick wits are the most important thing about themselves. The good thing is, Gemini is smart enough to learn to be the romantic, sensual partner that Taurus craves.



Taurus and Cancer

When Taurus and Cancer come together in a love affair, it's usually a very good combination. They are two positions apart within the Zodiac, and such Signs tend to share karmic ties and a deep mutual understanding. These particular two Signs have much in common: Both prize security in a love relationship above almost all else; both tend to be nurturers (Cancer is emotionally nurturing while Taurus loves to spoil their lover with sensual delights, gifts and good, rich meals). They're both quite domestic and love a quiet night spent at home with their sweetie.

The Taurus-Cancer partnership tends to be a happy one due to this mutual enjoyment of the security and comfort of home. They love a solid home base, a strong relationship, nice possessions, good food: all the comforts of domestic life. Theirs is often the ideal family that people of other Signs strive for, with strong ties between them and a relationship that is family-oriented rather than toward the outside world. Their only major problems arise when Taurus insists on having its own way and Cancer responds by sulking. Taurus must understand Cancer's emotional sensitivity, and Cancer needs rely on open, honest communication than on emotional blackmail.

Taurus is ruled by Venus (Love) and Cancer is ruled by the Moon (Emotions). Both of these celestial bodies vibrate with feminine energy. Cancer often keeps emotions bottled up and simmering inside, which can lead to occasional boil-overs. Thus, Cancer is attracted to Taurus's open, honest, unafraid nature. As the Moon controls the tides of the Earth, quietly affecting all life, so does Cancer, manipulating behind the scenes. Cancer tends to be sentimental, and both partners prefer to enjoy each other rather than socializing with large groups.



Taurus and Leo

When Taurus and Leo come together in a love affair, they can be a great couple because they know how to stroke one another's egos and love to have their own stroked! They have similar needs: Taurus needs plenty of affection, to be loved and cherished, while Leo likes compliments and wants to be adored and admired. They're both extremely loyal and possessive lovers. Since they have such similar desires, they can generally provide for one another's needs quite well.

These two Signs both love status and possessions. They prize physical comfort and luxury; Leo is often flamboyant about attentions and gift-giving, which will greatly please Taurus, who loves the most traditional forms of courtship. Though they can work together quite well, it's not all roses between these two; both Signs are very stubborn and must work hard to understand and accept one another.

Taurus is ruled by the Planet Venus (Love and Money) and Leo is ruled by the Sun (Self). The Sun radiates warmth and light; Leo indeed radiates this kind of energy and enthusiasm. Venus is about love, beauty and luxury. This combination of masculine and feminine energy helps these two Signs admire and sustain one another. As a matter of fact, Venus is never more than 48 degrees from the Sun, so they belong close together! The Sun represents life and Venus represents love; as long as they are careful to understand each other, their combination is a positive one.



Taurus and Virgo

When Taurus and Virgo come together in a love affair, it's a union of innate practicality. Both of these Signs employ practicality in their daily lives as the most efficient means to most problems. They can be quite sincere and devoted to one another; as people, both have a great deal of integrity. Virgo likes Taurus's strength and dedication while Taurus appreciates Virgo's quick mind.

Due to Virgo's naturally cautious nature, this relationship can take awhile to develop, but once it's established that both partners are in it for the long haul, it's like a runaway locomotive, running on its own power and difficult to stop. These two Signs have much in common: They highly value common sense and practicality; they're both materialistic but work hard for the creature comforts they so enjoy. Taurus is more sensual and indulgent than Virgo is; Virgo tends to be the inhibitive force in the relationship, tending not to get involved in the chaos of life in favor of analyzing all available options. Virgo's analysis leads to criticism, which Taurus can tend to take too seriously. Conversely, Taurus's stubborn nature can get on Virgo's nerves, causing Virgo to criticize even more! This pair must take care not to take one another too seriously. The good thing is, they're similar enough that they can learn to be patient with one another, especially Virgo, who loves to indulge Taurus's penchant for fine treatment and good food.

Taurus is ruled by Venus (Love and Money) and Virgo is ruled by Mercury (Communication). Both of these Planets are close to the Sun, so they're closely related though they seem very different. Venus is physical; it's about romance and sensuality, both of which are important to Taurus. Mercury is about communication and it's androgynous -- Virgo will take on the form that it chooses. Virgo is very good at understanding other people and can easily learn to be the romantic and sensual partner that Taurus loves. Both partners are so devoted and romantic, their arguments surely won't focus on those issues.



Taurus and Libra

When Taurus and Libra come together in a love affair, it can be the unification of two halves of a whole. These two Signs are thought of as being karmically linked. They're both looking for security in a relationship and they share a love of art, poetry and culture. This relationship may start slowly as, on the surface, they might have few common interests. However, once they understand one another they may learn they have much more in common than was first apparent.

Taurus and Libra both have a love for the arts. They appreciate fine dining and theater, collecting art and music. Pleasure -- physical, aesthetic -- is a premium for these two Signs. They both love to woo and be wooed; courtship is a necessary part of any romantic relationship for them, and since they both have this need, they fit well together. Taurus appreciates Libra's charm; if stubborn Taurus doesn't get their way, diplomatic Libra is able to smooth things over and keep the peace. Libra appreciates the luxuries that sensual Taurus provides them. They also have much to teach one another: Libra can help Taurus see the different sides of a situation, and Taurus can help Libra overcome their notorious indecision.

Both Taurus and Libra are ruled by the Planet Venus (Love and Money). These partners share a love of beauty, luxury, love and romance. Libra in particular is keen on balance; both partners have charming personalities and desire harmony in their personal relationships. Venus's influence can create problems as well, however; these two Signs can both tend toward laziness and snobbery, Taurus based on possessions and Libra based on intellect.


Taurus and Scorpio

When Taurus and Scorpio come together in a love affair, their union is nothing if not intense, whether that's in a positive or a negative way. They are opposite Signs in the Zodiac, giving them a special, complex connection. They can combine to make a whole, each partner's strengths balancing the other's weaknesses. Their sexual attraction is likely to be off the charts! Taurus and Scorpio have tons in common, but because their personalities are so powerful, they often swing between passionate love and passionate disagreement!

Taurus and Scorpio both have deep desires, Taurus for possessions and Scorpio for power. They're both concerned with wealth and resources, and they're both intensely passionate about all sorts of things. Taurus is a bit more self-focused than Scorpio, who is more concerned with their lover and immediate family. Both of these Signs have a great, deep-rooted need for security in a relationship, but with slightly different focuses. While Taurus prizes honesty and forthrightness and abhors infidelity, Scorpio loves to be mysterious. A Scorpio's need for security is more about the need to be constantly reassured that their emotional connection with their loved one is strong. The good thing is, Taurus needs this reassurance too -- and is also willing to provide it for their Scorpio lover.

Taurus is ruled by Venus (Love and Money) and Scorpio is ruled by Mars (Passion) and Pluto (Power). This combination is very intense, thanks to Pluto's influence, but it's an excellent balance of masculine and feminine energy. Scorpio and Taurus together form the basis of all love relationships -- love and passion. Venus and Mars go well together; Venus is about the beauty of romance, and Mars is about the passion of romance. Scorpio is smoldering and intense (and intensely sexual), and Taurus, a sensual and tireless lover, is attracted to this intensity. In turn, Scorpio enjoys the devotion inherent in Venus-ruled Taurus.



Taurus and Sagittarius

When Taurus and Sagittarius come together in a love affair, their connection can be incredibly passionate and steamy, but they must give themselves time to learn about the particular energy this relationship generates. They both have much to gain from their union! While Sagittarius thrives when they're constantly experiencing new people, places, foods and more, Taurus can be quite content with routine as it affords them the security they so prize. Early in the relationship, Taurus might tend to demand more commitment and stability than Sagittarius is ready to give, but if Taurus can learn to be patient, Sagittarius can definitely come to appreciate the comforts of hearth and home.

These two Signs approach life quite differently. Taurus tends to be sedate and practical, which offsets Sagittarius's restless demeanor. Sagittarius may have trouble with Taurus's seemingly dull complacency, and will try to rev Taurus up -- which is about as smart and works about as well as trying to spark a slow, steady Bull to action! (In other words, watch out for those horns!) Taurus actually has much to offer Sagittarius, though Sagittarius may have trouble admitting their need for a secure base. Sagittarius can bring lots of fun and adventure into Taurus's life.

Taurus is ruled by Venus (Love) and Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter (Luck). The Venus influence lends Taurus their love of beauty, luxury and sensual pleasures. The Jupiter influence is what marks Sagittarius as the Teacher of the Zodiac -- Jupiter is concerned with philosophy, higher learning, expansion, optimism, luck and travel. Together this combination of beauty and expansion, masculine and feminine energy is why these two Signs admire and sustain one another.



Taurus and Capricorn

When Taurus and Capricorn come together in a love match, it's a practical, sensible partnership. These two Signs share a certain down-to-earth logic and interest in efficiency. Taurus is not interested in risking more than is necessary in terms of emotional connection and involvement, and Capricorn is similarly disinterested in risk, but more in terms of money and career. Capricorn's career is one of the great focuses of their lives; they're interested in scaling the heights and tend to set very high standards for themselves to adhere to. Taurus has high standards as well, but regarding love, relationships and possessions.

These two Signs admire one another's dedication and strength, but, while they have this in common as well as a dependable, realistic, somewhat conservative approach to life (Capricorn more than Taurus), a love relationship between them can go stale fast. The problem? They're actually rather different at their cores. Taurus may begin to find Capricorn too conservative and restrictive; Capricorn may start to think Taurus is too lazy and doesn't care enough about career and status. If Taurus can encourage Capricorn to relax a little and appreciate the fruits of labor, and if Capricorn can help motivate Taurus to achieve goals and make dreams a reality, their union can be smooth, happy and long-lasting.

Taurus is ruled by Venus (Love) and Capricorn is ruled by Saturn (Karma). Venus is a warm, feminine energy while Saturn is a cold masculine energy. Venus is all about sensual pleasures, the aesthetics of love, the beauty of art. All of these stimulate Taurus and heighten their appreciation of life and love. Saturn, on the other hand, is about hard work and discipline to achieve goals. Taurus will show Capricorn how to enjoy a well-deserved break every so often and how to appreciate beauty and comfort. Capricorn can teach Taurus to be more disciplined and to keep reaching out for what one wants.



Taurus and Aquarius

When Taurus and Aquarius come together, they can move mountains -- if they can figure out how to coordinate their efforts. Taurus's practical, down-to-earth approach to life is about as opposite as can be to Aquarius's unconventional, out-of-this-world approach to just about everything! Taurus resists change and Aquarius is the most progressive of all 12 Signs of the Zodiac. How do these two get along, then? They may appear to have few common interests, but they share a very strong desire to succeed -- which means they may make better business partners than lovers.

Since these two can both be extremely opinionated, they must take care not to get into arguments, especially because of their dissimilar reactions to tension: When Taurus gets angry they tend to charge like the Bulls that they are; when Aquarius feels pressure, they tend to pull away, using an aloof demeanor to put space between themselves and their 'tormentor.' This can make Taurus push even harder, causing Aquarius to pull further away ... and so on. They like to do things their way with as little fuss as possible. Modern, progressive Aquarius may find Taurus's dedication to routine a bit boring. Taurus will find Aquarius exciting yet may feel frustrated trying to keep up with this inventor's quick mind. Despite their differences, however, they do have something to offer one another. Though Aquarius will have a hard time admitting it (even to themselves), they'll find Taurus's solid base to be comfortingly supportive, and Taurus will find Aquarius stimulating, if not altogether comfortable.

Taurus is ruled by Venus (Love) and Aquarius is ruled by Saturn (Karma) and Uranus (Rebellion). Venus is a warm, feminine energy and Saturn a cold masculine energy. Uranus is about all things strange and unusual. Venus focuses on beauty, romance and sensual pleasures, all of which are important and pleasing to Taurus. Saturn causes Aquarius to focus on hard work and discipline to achieve goals; Uranus lends an Aquarius that revolutionary thinking. Taurus can show Aquarius that life is based on emotions and improved by beauty and comfort. Aquarius can show Taurus how to keep striving for betterment -- and how to move away from something if it isn't working, an important lesson for Taurus to learn.



Taurus and Pisces

When Taurus and Pisces come together in a love affair, it's generally a happy union. They are two positions apart within the Zodiac, and such Signs tend to have karmic ties and a deep empathy for one another. While Pisces is idealistic, dreamy and impressionistic, Taurus is more down-to-earth and practical. They're both nurturers, however, and both prize harmony and stability in a relationship.

These two Signs have much to offer one another. Taurus can provide the grounded approach Pisces needs to put all those dreams into action, and Pisces can offer the kindness, gentleness and sweet sympathy that Taurus so loves in a lover. At times, Taurus can't understand Pisces's seemingly simplistic life view; in reality, of course, Pisces isn't simple at all. Still waters truly run deep, in this case.

Taurus is ruled by Venus (Love) and Pisces is ruled by Jupiter (Luck) and Neptune (Illusions). When Venus and Neptune meet, a beautiful spiritual connection is made. Both of these celestial bodies vibrate with feminine energy. Together, they represent an idealistic relationship which borders on the divine. Jupiter adds its masculine energy to the combination; this Planet represents philosophy, expansion and excesses. These two Signs together can produce the kind of union both dream of; it may seem like heaven on Earth to both. The downside? This kind of heady, dreamy connection can be rooted in just that -- dreams, illusions, fantasy.




Taurus is not as quick on the trigger as Aries, but both have a mutual interest in making love. Aries is emotional and Taurus Is sensual, and they're bound to have fun while the affair lasts. In time, though, Taurus's possessiveness will strike angry sparks from fiery Aries. They'll also argue about money-Taurus tends to be careful and conservative, Aries is reckless and a spend thrift. Aries's impulsiveness in making decisions annoys fixed Taurus, who dislikes a sudden change in routine. An affectionate affair can turn into a difficult marriage.


This isn't the most exciting union ever, for both are domestic creatures who prefer safety to adventure. However, both share a fondness for money, are hardworking, loyal, and affectionate. She tends to be more sentimental than he, but each is as possessive as the other, which works out fine. Because they are both earthy and direct about sexual needs, there should be no problem in that department. Boredom is the threat. The perfect solution is for each to develop some outside hobbles and friends without raising the possessive hackles of the other.


These two are completely unalike in temperament. Taurus is stolid, fixed in opinions, resistant to change. Gemini is flighty, restless, vacillating. But they may find each other intriguing for that very reason-for a little while. Gemini is attracted to Taurus's passions, but in time Taurus's instinct for security and stability will be offended by volatile Gemini. Taurus is too much a creature of habit to go along with Gemini & the constant need for new stimulation. Eventually, Taurus's demands are simply too much for Gemini, who seeks escape.


They have a lot going for them. Both are home-lovers, sentimentalists, and highly sexed. Taurus's even-going, placid nature is a good antidote for Cancer's moodiness, though at times plain-spoken Taurus must be careful not to slight Cancer's feelings. Cancer needs someone like Taurus to depend on; Cancer gives Taurus the loyalty and feedback it needs. Taurus is ambitious for money and security, and Cancer has exactly those same goals. Similar interests and desires make for a harmonious mating.


Leo demands constant praise and adulation, and is forever competing with Taurus. As a result, Taurus digs in its heels and gets more sullen with each passing day. Taurus needs appreciation and Leo needs worship, but neither will get what it needs from the other. In addition, Leo is extravagant and Taurus parsimonious. There is a basic conflict between Taurus's desire for a well-ordered schedule and Leo's need for a larger-than-life existence. Sexually, these two are well matched, but Leo thinks life is a circus and tries to perform in all three rings at once. Taurus finds that hard to take, or even to watch.


It's love at first sight- Both are home bodies and they share the same intellectual pursuits. Taurus's tenacity and Virgo's sharp mind are a good combination for success as a team. And Taurus keeps a careful eye on expenditures, which pleases thrifty Virgo. Although they lack what might be called a spontaneous approach to life, neither puts a high value on that. They may have to adjust sexually, for Taurus is more physical. However, Taurus will probably waken Virgo's sleeping passions. And they have everything else in common.


Taurus finds Libra a warm, romantic, vibrant partner. Libra was born to charm and titillate. Steady Taurus balances Libra's indecisiveness. Money may be a problem, for Libra doesn't share Taurus's reverential attitude toward a dollar, but both tend to be acquisitive and like to collect beautiful things. Both signs are ruled by Venus and have sensual natures, but each expresses this quality differently. In time, Libra's fickleness and casual air toward love can drive Taurus wild; and Libra will certainly resent Taurus's possessiveness. This romantic pairing may not last long.


These two are opposites in the zodiac, but they have more in common than other opposites. Both are determined and ambitious, and neither is much of a rover. However, there are two strong wills at work here. Taurus's passionate sexual nature meets more than its match in Scorpio-in fact, the sexual element in this affair borders on the obsessive. But Scorpio's over bearing, possessive, jealous nature makes Taurus simmer with resentment. This is a tempestuous affair, and neither has the tolerance to make the union last.


This might work if Taurus can tie a string to Sagittarius's kite and hold on tight. They are attracted to each other physically, for Taurus's passions are ignited by Sagittarius's uninhibited love making. But Taurus finds it difficult to deal with Sagittarius's roving eye and search for novelty. Sagittarius has an easy live-and-let live attitude about sex and everything else, whereas Taurus is both serious and possessive. Sagittarius refuses to stay under someone else's thumb. No dull moments-but a good deal of quarreling. An affair can be fun.


Capricorn is a strong match for Taurus, for they both have passions that are straightforward and uncomplicated. There won't be much romance but plenty of healthy. sex. They share the same goals and like the same kinds of friends, and both are fond of security and ~m-o-n-e-y. Capricorn is a bit more secretive than Taurus would like, but all the same Capricorn's loyalty makes Taurus feel secure. And Taurus is charmed by Capricorn's unexpected sense of humor. Auguries for the long term are promising.


Neither is likely to approve of the other. Taurus is conservative, careful, close mouthed. Aquarius is unconventional, innovative, and vivacious. Taurus is lusty and passionate, while Aquarius operates on a mental plane. Taurus finds it hard to keep Aquarius at home or satisfied with the delights of domesticity. Aquarius looks for openness and self-expression in a relationship, while Taurus needs security and comfort. Aquarius, a fancy-free loner who resents ties that bind, sooner or later slips away from possessive Taurus.


Pisces may not altogether understand Taurus's materialistic approach to life. But the dependability of Taurus supplies the anchor Pisces needs to keep from drifting away into a private sea of fantasy. Hard-working Taurus sets a good example for lazy Pisces. Also, Taurus's practical, easygoing nature helps Pisces through its frequent changes of mood. In love, Taurus is devoted and Pisces is adoring. Though Pisces can be a little fay for Taurus, they're well suited sexually. Taurus is passionate, Pisces is sensual, and what's wrong with that?



Taurus natives are deeply romantic and very loyal souls who value the harmony that a happy home life creates. They will go to any extremes to keep a loved one happy and no sacrifice will be too great in accomplishment of that goal. It is the nature of a Taurus individual to need the good life and that need is reflected in the desire to share such a life with someone special. In a sexual sense, Taurus is straightforward and down-to-earth. Those governed by this Sign prefer a non-nonsense approach and too much verbalizing or complex fantasizing is not a Taurus trait. This is not to say that Taurus natives are incapable of feeling love. Indeed, the depth of passion here may not be understood by others and music...or other forms of sensual expression that are non-verbal...invariably strikes a chord in the nature of a Taurus person. Extremely faithful to friends and family, the Taurus native prefers long-lasting relationships and will seek to build strong alliances, although he or she can be misled by the inherent sensual make-up, particularly when young. Longevity of any union will require a thorough understanding of the Taurus character. This is a virtually immovable Sign, especially if there is a sense of being forced into something. Knowledge of the ways associated with those governed by Taurus and encouragement to slowly but surely accept any changes will assure a relationship of moving forward and remaining vibrant. It takes a great deal to truly anger the Taurus subject who is in love, but disloyalty will usually prove to be the ultimate factor. These are individuals who are slow to attach and equally as slow to detach. In short, break-ups tend to hang on for an eternity. Still, once a Taurus native does close his or her heart, there is very little chance that it will open up again. Most of the troubles here will emerge over jealousy, possessiveness and the inherent inability of Taurus to change in a basic fashion. Those ruled by this Sign can be immovable forces when they so desire and if they have decided they are perfectly happy with something exactly as it is, nobody can pressure them to change. There is a tendency for Taurus persons to regard those they love as cherished objects and this can transform into a very strong jealousy factor. For the same reasons, letting go can also be problematic.

In affairs of the heart, Taurus natives are very discriminating but completely giving once committed. When young, these are romantic and passionate souls who tend to overlook the fact that they will need mental companionship as they grow older. Those governed by Taurus possess a certain glow which the opposite sex will find extremely attractive and well-nigh irresistible, yet Taurus subjects can be dissatisfied in the early years of a long term relationship and it can take them some time to adapt to the needs of any partner. The inherent stubborn nature of this Sign often brings trouble to a union and learning to give is the hardest lesson for Taurus natives. However, it is the most worthwhile lesson that these individuals can learn during the development of their emotional lives. It is unlikely that those who fall under the jurisdiction of Taurus will be attracted by a partner of limited ambition for secretly, these are persons who desire the good things of the world and are willing to work very hard on a personal level to achieve them. Taurus natives love to create a beautiful home and are often outstanding at home-making, decorating, gardening and the social graces. A binding commitment is synonymous with love to Taurus individuals and they are likely to marry quite early. However, any partnership can be beset by quarrels and disagreements, so it will be necessary for these person to curb their jealousy, keep their tempers and maintain a tight rein on the inherent tendency to contradict.

Taurus natives find much pleasure in objects of real and tangible value, services actually performed or whatever else might represent wealth and quality...and relish the prospect of making such items their own. Promises mean little to those governed by this Sign. For example, offer to reward a Taurus individual with either cash or a kiss in exchange for doing a simple task, and he or she will take the money virtually every time in preference to the promise of a less tangible representation of affection. Satisfaction of appetite...whether courtesy of good food, fine wine or romantic high on the list for Taurus individuals. In short, a good meal, delicious cocktail and alluring outfit will most certainly appeal to the Taurus taste. These natives dislike anything that is poorly made, of inferior quality, or shoddy and lacking in any way. This applies not only to material items, but also to less tangible, friendship and cooperation, for instance. Those ruled by Taurus are only interested in what they personally find to look good, sound good, smell good, feel good and taste good. They will want to occupy the best chair in the house and dine on the best china. In short, if a potential partner can make the Taurus individual feel comfortable, then he or she is demonstrating least in the eyes of the Taurus native.

When it comes to long term commitments, many Taurus individuals are prone to become involved early in life, which often results in a union entered into somewhat hastily and frequently ill-advised. It is not unusual for the initial partner of a Taurus native to be lost either by death or separation. In any event, the first long term commitment is apt to turn out disastrously. However, second time around, the relationship is usually productive and blessed with much happiness.

The Taurus male will be steadfast and conservative...a man who loves his home and children. By nature, he is a hard-worker and usually cautious in financial affairs, although he may well overstep his limits for those he truly loves and trusts. This is a male who will react strongly to any perceived wrong. In such circumstances, when the Taurus temper is sure to flare, it would be unwise for any partner to argue or try to overcome a bad situation. Thus, the best course of action would be to retreat, maintain silence and simply wait for the air to clear. In order to be happy with a man governed by this Sign, it must be remembered that although he may not show really deep affection on the surface, this is only because he has complete confidence in his partner and takes, as a matter of course, that such partner is well aware of his feelings. With an intense love for the good things in life...and nothing affords him more pleasure...this male will probably prepare food and throw lavish parties for mutual friends. He may also become involved in politics, particularly issues dealing with reform of the existing system. Possessed with great animal magnetism, the Taurus man is sure to draw and attract people, including other women, and any potential partner will need to accept this without displays of jealousy. That having been said, this is not to imply that any philandering on his part should be endured or accepted, but simply that constant flirtations are sure to come his way...he is very attractive to the opposite sex. It will also be important for any partner to be certain to give the Taurus male no cause to doubt the intention behind similar personal flirtations with others. Anger and jealousy run exceedingly high in these men and may disturb the molecules of their bodies to such an extent that sickness and even death may result from such a prolonged encounter with negative emotions. The Taurus male is loyal to his friends but must be permitted to have his own way. He will brook little opposition...even from a family member, close friend or mate. On some levels, his motto might even be "My way or the highway!" If an enemy is made of the Taurus male, then he is likely to become a bitter and relentless opponent, one who neither forgives nor easily forgets. For reasons unknown, men ruled by this Sign are often found to possess a decided fear of suffering. This is not so much their own mental or physical suffering, but that of others, and they tend to translate such into seeming callousness. They hate all pain and all mental anguish or weakness that anyone in their world might demonstrate. For a relationship to last, it will be necessary for any mate to make the Taurus male feel comfortable. He likes to be well fed and any partner must learn to give in when the mood to dominate is on him. In addition, it will be necessary to learn about the branch of art in which he is most interested. He likes his mate to always look attractive and would prefer to be consulted about the choice of his loved one's clothing before a purchase is made. He likes to be referred to for most matters concerning family and domestic life. Although the ultimate decision will likely be left in the hands of his partner, the Taurus male likes to be asked first.

The Taurus female is, by nature, true and sincere. She is also subject to flattery and should guard against associating with those who are false and deceitful, as she may be easily fooled by their apparent friendship. The affections of these women are deep and loyal, although they may be shy in expressing personal sentiments. However, once she makes up her mind that she is will be a friend or a sweeheart, her steadfastness can be relied upon implicitly. To be happy with a Taurus female, it will be necessary to give her credit for the good sense and natural self-reliance that she possesses. Under no circumstances should anyone point out the shortcomings of these women with threats or do so may well awaken something within that will prove to be far more than what was bargained for. Since Taurus females are ruled by Venus, far more will be accomplished via love and consideration rather than force. Generally, these women are hungry for everything, not just food. They definitely have a fondness for material things and desire romantic interludes. While this female may appear very affectionate, such should not be taken as an invitation to take advantage of her. Any potential partner must be honest and upright at all times. The Taurus woman can see through a phony with her eyes closed. She must be told exactly what a partner is feeling about her and exactly what that partner wants...or does not a relationship. In short, if she detects any "flim-flam" whatsoever, she is likely to simply "jump ship." On the other hand, this is a woman who will seek to test her partner from time to time and a line will need to be drawn between her expectations and what any partner is truly willing to provide. Another problem with females governed by Taurus is their incredible earthiness. At first meeting, her appearance and taste will be impeccable. But once she becomes comfortable with a mate, she has a tendency to become careless in both her appearance and behavior. Not only will she care less about how she looks, but she is also likely to become more indulgent with food and drink. It will be important to ensure that the Taurus woman treats any partner who has become a staple in her life with the same respect as she would a new love interest. Any potential mate must make it clear that the rumpled clothing and expanding waistline will not be accepted as par for the course. In addition, any partner must let this female know what is expected from the relationship on a personal level and the result is likely to be a woman who will be delighted to work toward such a goal. For a relationship to last, it will be necessary for any mate to flatter this woman in order to keep her. She also needs to be cajoled, playfully teased and constantly told that she is loved. She may not always take these things seriously, but she will relish them all the same. This is a female who abhors being taken for granted and thus, will want to hear expressions of gratitude...but above all else, this woman craves affection.

Positive Aspects Of Taurus In Love:

Loyal - Dedicated - Generous - Protective - Caring - Doting - Understanding - Stable

Negative Aspects Of Taurus In Love:

Jealous - Possessive - Controlling - Immobile - Overly Serious

Romantic Style:

Affectionate - Satisfying - Can Be Generous

Taurus natives value peace, harmony and stability. They look toward the long-term rather than short-lived excitement, preferring a mate who makes them feel emotionally secure. In return, they provide plenty of affection and generosity, but are prone to be jealous and possessive of any partner. These are souls who require creature comforts in order to operate at their maximum...romantically and otherwise. Subjects of Taurus are not particularly interested in dazzling ideas. They believe in playing it steady and safe. Those governed by this Sign have an unfortunate trait of frequently becoming quickly and deeply involved with the first individual they meet who happens to capture their romantic interest.

Initially, this appears to be an excellent match. However, a long lasting relationship is probably not very likely. The calm and logical Taurus partner will soon drive the more active and fun-seeking Aries partner out of his or her mind. By nature, Aries needs to be caught up in the moment, with the involvement of new ideas being the life blood. This is not the case for Taurus. Those governed by Taurus are logical and conservative, refusing to rush into anything. They can also be jealous and possessive. If the Aries partner seems to be more interested in other things, then the Taurus native will not be given the time and attention necessary to keep this domestically included individual happy. Physical contact is paramount to the Taurus subject and he or she can be very demanding in this quarter. The new ideas and actions of the Aries individual will keep Taurus in a state of jealous confusion. On the other hand, the Aries partner must be active in the public life...generally juggling a home and a career very keep the energies stirred up to a certain pitch. If this does not happen, then the physical side of a relationship becomes somewhat passe to the Aries partner who, in his or her boredom, will look for another partner in a thrill-seeking attempt to keep the desired adventure alive. The Taurus native does possess many good points and can bring much to a relationship...but probably not with Aries, who can be fickle if the Taurus nature causes him or her to feel confined or stifled. This will drive away an Aries individual as quickly as he or she was initially attracted. This will be something of a shaky union unless Taurus can manage to calm the inherent Aries characteristics. A clash of wills and personalities here could lead to more than simple arguments...perhaps even physical violence.

The most notable aspect of the Taurus/Aries pairing is its passionate nature and under certain cirumstances, this could be a mutually giving relationship since each partner has much to learn from the other. This union is all about balance, or the lack thereof. Taurus natives adore being wooed and romanced. These are concepts that may be basically foreign to the brash, straightforward and totally unstable Aries. Still, Taurus can help Aries to rein in some of the more foolish and impractical impulses, while Aries will aid Taurus in being more spontaneous and adventurous. Essentially, Taurus is sensual, patient and gentle and an Aries native will be attracted to these qualities, perceiving the Taurus native as possessing that quality those governed by Aries desire in the extreme...knowing when and how to seize life's opportunities. The Aries partner may occasionally toy with his or her Taurus mate...playing off the notorious Taurus laziness or trying to push Taurus into making hasty decisions...but the Taurus native can usually convince Aries to slow things down a little. Aries provides excitement to this relationship whereas Taurus brings security and romance.

Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus and Aries is ruled by the planet Mars. Generally, Venus and Mars blend well, representing the two necessary halves of the same coin and a good balance of energies. Taurus is governed by the element of Earth while Aries is governed by the element of Fire. Thus, Aries individuals want to take charge of their own destiny but Taurus needs to be assured of security and stability. Sometimes, Taurus can be possessive, which the independent Aries native will not tolerate. However, if Aries can assure Taurus that the relationship is strong and that he or she does not intend to go anywhere, then the Taurus partner can be flexible and tolerant of that all important Aries independence. Taurus is Fixed in quality and Aries in Cardinal. In this pairing, the Aries native will not get his or her own way no matter how hard he or she might try...indeed, not to attempt it all would probably be a better course of action. Taurus is not going to budge and Aries will meet with more success by employing finesse and charm instead of argument. Compromise will be essential since both of these persons will want to be the leader. Still, this will be a passionate relationship...impulsive and deliberate. The contrasting personalities and ability to learn from one another can make this a mutually giving and satisfying union.

In essence, this can be a winning combination. Taurus will appreciate the outward nature of Aries and Aries will appreciate the earthy nature of Taurus. However, what each appreciates about the other may come to be what is most disliked with the passage of time. The romance will undoubtedly be dynamic, but there may not be much hope for anything more. Still, excitement could help to stimulate this combination and add to its longevity.

Since both partners in this combination share the same traits and personality flaws, life together will either be filled with chaos or total boredom. The female partner will tend to take a sensible approach to the finances and her business sense will earn the great respect of the Taurus male. She will also be a splendid housekeeper and make for a good hostess...something men governed by this Sign demand in a mate. In addition, both share a love of cooking and fine dining, being domestic creatures who prefer safety to adventure. The feelings of security harbored by a Taurus female will be heightened in this partnership by the male's ability to hold a job and provide for the household. Each possess an in-born need to express personal feelings and will constantly strive to convey their emotions and love to one another. They will enjoy doing things together and share many of the same interests. However, jealousy may well prove to be a large threat to the union. The inherent possessivenes and jealousy associated with this Sign will undoubtedly cause each partner to put the other through an unpleasant time. Unfortunately, this could become a regular occurrence, resulting in a close questioning regarding whereabout and activities of the other. In order for this relationship to work, then the inherent stubborness associated with this Sign must be curbed and both partners will need to learn how to back off gracefully to end the confrontations such a trait is sure to bring. The physical aspect of this combination will be satisfying, resulting in a pair of individuals who spend half their lives cooking the kitchen and the other half frolicking in a romantic setting. The physical aspect of this match is important but relatively straightforward. This could easily be a relationship where both partners are overweight but happy and jolly, and whose lives will revolve around each other. Given all the similarities in personality traits...both good and bad...this could either be an ideal match or a total washout.

A Taurus/Taurus relationship will be a very sensuous and stable one, which will please both partners. Sensuality and stability are two of the things that Taurus individuals prize most highly...together with fidelity, sharing good food and other creature comforts. In essence, this could be the love connection of a lifetime. Each will spoil the other and each will respect the other's desire for life's little luxuries...after all, they share the same desires in that respect. Those governed by this Sign are naturally charming, graceful and dignified. However, they can be quite stubborn and opinionated...not to mention jealous and will have to learn how to agree to disagree. This is particularly true in the pairing of two Taurus natives. They will need to recognize that the union is too good to jeopardize with minor arguments. Blessed with strong willpower and the ability to commit, those who fall under the jurisdiction of this Sign adore the wooing process of courting. Thus, in the beginning, the building stages of the relationship may stretch out in a delicious fashion. Taurus seldom rushes into a relationship but once committed, it will be a solid union...possibly even for life. Both partners here will provide and expect total devotion. Because of this, the Taurus/Taurus pair may be more possessive of each other than most. Nothing will be more upsetting than infidelity but luckily, since both individuals are so dedicated to each other and the relationship...and because Taurus is by nature a reliable character...cheating is rare.

Both partners here are ruled by the planet Venus. When two people influenced by this planet's energy come together, it can result in love at first sight. Each individual in this match will be highly romantic and loving...and they will never tire of physical contact. Taurus is the essential stamina Sign of the Zodiac and those who fall under its jurisdiction love to go all day, all night and all the following day. Here, both partners will be highly sensual and enjoy pampering. Emotional security is paramount but when this is guaranteed, then Taurus natives can be as decadent and indulgent as they please. They can tend to be lazy souls, becoming overly-relaxed in the moment, but as a general rule, they work very hard to maintain the lifestyle of luxury that they prefer. Taurus is governed by the element of Earth. Thus, this pair will likely have a fondness for gardening and share a mutual love of beauty. Signs governed by Earth are also associated with possessions and the Taurus/Taurus combination will probably be surrounded by beautiful things...a lovely home, tasteful artwork, luxurious fabrics and expensive cars, for example. In addition, there is a mutual fondness for rich foods and fine wine. Thus, a regular fitness routine might not be a bad idea for this pair in order to guard against extra pounds. Taurus is Fixed in quality. Thus, both partners here will persevere when working toward their goals...and both will stand by their opinions as though it were a matter of life or death. In general, Taurus is prone to shy away from change, preferring life to be steady, stable and predictable, and once the Taurus/Taurus pair had decided that their relationship is a good one, they will devote themselves to each other. However, if they have differing ideas, they may find themselves in an eternal battle of wills. Still, if they understand that they are working together toward a common goal, then anything will be possible for this partnership. Given the incredible loyalty and dedication to continuing the relationship matter how long term the union might be...the mutual fondness of romance and comfort can make this a magnficently devoted match.

In essence, this appears to be a compatible combination. However, due to the tendencies of jealousy and stubborness associated withTaurus, there could be problems. During difficult times, it is crucial that one of the partners be willing to give way or the relationship could be in serious danger. Still, each individual will understand the frustrations of the other and if the love is strong, the union will doubtless intensify with the passage of years.

The Taurus native would be well-advised to keep a cool head when first meeting an individual governed by the Sign of Gemini. Though easily swept up in the initial wonderful excitement of such a relationship, Taurus will soon find that such euphoria does not last overly long and usually mistakes the wild infatuation for true love. By nature, Gemini is charming but far too involved in a hectic social life to worry unduly about domestic affairs. If the Taurus individual expects this partnership to last, then he or she must work exceedingly hard, since Gemini desires a mate who can share in personal interests and social activities. In short, natives of Gemini refuse to settle for a domestic type. Gemini not only desires a partner who will be an excellent host/hostess (which the Taurus individual is sure to be), but also one who will share all his or her interests. It is important to note that should Taurus should try to curb the Gemini tendency to flirt, then there are sure to be squabbles and accusations from the Gemini partner that he or she is being misunderstood. Still, a firm bond can be established if Gemini comes to recognize and appreciate the strength of Taurus, which will provide a comforting shelter for Gemini when the world becomes too much to handle alone. The physical aspect of this union will gradually be affected by the moods of Gemini, which are exceedingly changeable. Gemini natives can be playful and mischievous one minute, quickly becoming basic and animalistic the next. The typical reaction of Taurus to such behavior may well be the seeking of a new partner. Those governed by Gemini enjoy spice in their life and if this cannot be found at home, then they will undoubtedly look elsewhere.

For the Taurus/Gemini relationship to achieve longevity, it will be necessary for both partners to take the time to learn what the dynamics of the union might be and how they can best get along with each other. Taurus has much to offer Gemini and Gemini has much to offer Taurus, but it will take some adjustment and effort on the part of both to make this pairing a success. Gemini natives are often in two minds about things. If possessive Taurus is willing to let go, providing one facet of the dual-natured Gemini with the security and intimacy he or she desires, while allowing the other facet of dual-natured Gemini to have his or her much-needed freedom, then the relationship will flourish. The Taurus partner may want too much in during early days for Gemini's taste, but those ruled by Gemini can become dependable and steady...the Taurus native must simply be patient. The sedate and practical approach to life associated with Taurus differs greatly from the more light and intellectual approach of Gemini. This can result in a difficult dynamic since the Gemini individual may perceived Taurus as a bit on the dull side...and Taurus may perceive the Gemini partner as being flighty and lacking in substance. Still, Taurus can help Gemini become more deeply involved in life and Gemini can help Taurus to add variety, fun and excitement to his or her life.

Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus and Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury. Since both these planets are close to the Sun, they are always in the same neighborhood, even though very different in character. Venus is associated with physical pleasure, romance and sensuality. Mercury's energy is both masculine and feminine, adopting whichever energy best serves at any given moment. Taurus is simply looking for a dependable and sensual partner. Thus, the brilliance of Gemini may be lost on those governed by Taurus. Gemini natives usually believe that their inherent quick wits are the most important thing about themselves, but they are intelligent enough to learn to be the romantic and sensual partner that Taurus craves...if the desire to do so is there. Taurus is governed by the element of Earth while Gemini is governed by the element of Air. Gemini makes decisions based upon intellect...and whim, on occasion...while Taurus is more practical. Taurus is constantly wondering how something will aid him or her to achieve life's goals, but Gemini goes with the moment, rarely feeling overly pressured to adhere to a set plan. If Taurus gives in to his or her possessive feelings, or if Gemini becomes aloof and detached (as natives of this Sign are prone to do), then the relationship will most assuredly suffer. Here, both partners must strive to remain open and flexible in order to achieve a successful union. Although Gemini seems unpredictable, Taurus can learn to understand that while the Gemini native may flirt, the relationship is still important to him or her. In turn, although the Taurus partner seems overly stubborn, Gemini must use the inherent flexibility associated with this Sign to bend to his or her partner's will every now and again. Taurus is Fixed in quality and Gemini is Mutable. Taurus tends to focus on one thing, person or idea at a time. Gemini moves from one thing, person or idea according to impulse. Thus, the Taurus partner must provide the Gemini native with ample independent and much breathing space. It might also be helpful if Taurus tried to learn the lesson Gemini has to offer...that versatility is sometimes better than a Fixed determination to to things one's own way. The security this pair can give each other...once Taurus allows Gemini to offer such security of his or her own free will...will make for a stable and happy union, provided both partners are able to communicate.

In essence, this combination may be something of a gamble. The Gemini personality may prove to be too restless for the Taurus partner. Gemini natives adore a variety of thoughts and delights, while Taurus is chiefly interested in material items. Thus, given the Taurus bent toward possessiveness, he or she may be unable to hang on to the unsettled Gemini partner. Moreover, Gemini desires change but Taurus wants things to remain as they are. This lends yet more doubt to the possibility of this relationship reaching longevity.

In this partnership, Cancer will want to understand every nuance of the Taurus personality and will make the Taurus native fell as though he or she is the most important thing in the life of the Cancer individual...however, Cancer will expect the same. This pair share a mutual strength in terms of domestic impulses and will devote much time and effort to a home and children. The Taurus partner will never have to worry about being taken for granted by the quiet and moody Cancer native. Being a dreamer by nature, Cancer is sure to place Taurus on a pedestal and always expect nothing less than perfection. Consequently, when the flaws begin to show, Cancer will become disappointed and retreat into his or her infamous shell. Since Taurus is not the most tactful of Zodiac Signs, he or she will clumsily attempt to coax Cancer's emergence, resulting in the Cancer partner retreating even further. Cancer needs and demands...usually in a pouting manner...a plethera of sympathy and those governed by Taurus do possess a nurturing instinct for providing that. Thus, this pair may get along better than might be expected. On occasion, the nerve of the Cancer partner will fail him or her, but with an abundance of support and backing from the Taurus individual, Cancer should be able to face life...and may even be successful in personal endeavors, should any be tried. This is a union that can and will improve with age and hard work. These are two persons with such different personalities that in many ways, the strength of one partner will lend support to overcome the weakness of the other. The physical side of any relationship for a Cancer native will very much depend on what transpired earlier that same evening. If there was an argument or some other unpleasantness, then Cancer is unlikely to be in the mood for intimacy...and if Taurus is subjected to this type of treatment too often, it will certainly drive a wedge between the couple. Still, if both partners here are willing to give rather than get, this could be a match of some longevity.

Basically, this is usually a very good combination. These Signs are two apart within the Zodiac Wheel and such a position tends to indicate a sharing of karmic ties and a deep mutual understanding. In addition, there is much in common here. Both individuals prize security in a love relationship above almost anything else and both are prone to be nurturers...Cancer being emotionally nurturing while Taurus relishes in spoiling a sweetheart with sensual delights, gifts and excellent meals. Both these Signs are somewhat domestic by nature and thus, will enjoy a quiet night spent at home in each other's company. In short, this has an excellent chance of being a happy union, courtesy of the mutual fondness for security and the comforts of home. In this pairing, there is often found the ideal family that those governed by other Signs of the Zodiac strive to attain. This will be a union that is family-oriented rather than directed toward the outside world. The only major problems likely to arise are if the Taurus partner insists on having his or her own way and Cancer responds by sulking. Thus, it is important that the Taurus native understand Cancer's emotional sensitivity. In turn, the Cancer partner needs to rely on open and honest communication instead of resorting to emotional blackmail.

Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus and Cancer is ruled by the Moon. Both these celestial bodies vibrate with feminine energy. Cancer often keeps emotions bottled up and simmering inside, which can lead to the occasional boil-over and this is probably why Cancer is so attracted to the open, honest and unafraid nature associated with those governed by Taurus. As the Moon controls the tides of Earth, quietly affecting all life, so does Cancer, manipulating things behind the scenes. Natives of Cancer are prone to be sentimental and each partner in this pairing will prefer to enjoy each other rather than socializing with large groups. Taurus is governed by the element of Earth while Cancer is governed by the element of Water. Earth and Water are basically compatible as tangible, physicial energies. Influenced by Water, Cancer is born to nurture those Signs ruled by Earth...akin to manner in which rain nurtures the soil and helps crops to grow. In turn, Taurus has a more stable view of life and is less prone to emotional turmoil. Hence, Taurus can help Cancer stablilize tumultuous feelings. Still, both Signs need to be careful in this relationship. The Taurus partner may tire of Cancer's mood swings, causing the Cancer partner to believe that Taurus is insensitive to his or her needs. Taurus is Fixed in quality and Cancer is Cardinal. The habits of Taurus are well-nigh rigid and an opinion once formed will not be changed. This can provide the Cancer native with an emotional rock since Taurus is totally dedicated to the relationship. In return, the Cancer individual can bring new inspiration to the union, beginning new projects that Taurus will undoubtedly enjoy taking over at a later point in time. Basically, these two make for a steady and reliable team. Both Taurus and Cancer are dependable and nurturing Signs, strongly oriented toward domestic life together. A mutual love of home and security could easily result in an ideal family union of some considerable longevity.

In essence, this combination is a very favorable match. Cancer likes a good home with much affection and this is exactly what Taurus hopes to find when embarking upon a relationship. On the emotional side, there is nothing to stop the prospect of a happy and long term union between this pair. However, it is important that the Taurus partner remember that Cancer is very sensitive and is prone to close within himself or herself if emotionally unhappy.

The Taurus native may not be able to help but fall in love with Leo for the strength, warmth, generosity and bearing associated with this Sign are impressive indeed. The Leo native will have great admiration for the ability of Taurus in terms of handling finances and he or she will also admire the effortless sophistication displayed by individuals who are governed by Taurus. Because there is so much mutual admiration between this pair, an infatuation may begin the moment these two become acquainted and could very well lead to a commitment of some longevity. At times, the Taurus partner may feel that Leo is too sure of his or her standing and in fact, Leo may take the Taurus native for granted. In addition, Leo individuals are prone to exhibit an overbearing and demanding say nothing of possessing dogmatic ways. Battles between these two could be epic in proportion. Both Taurus and Leo are capable of making a good living but Leo will likely expect the Taurus partner to stay home rather than pursue a career. Unfortunately, this will not sit well with those ruled by Taurus. Problems may arise if the Taurus partner believes Leo should do something to cultivate emotional compatibility...or if the Leo partner shows a lack of concern for the feelings and/or emotional needs of Taurus. If this attitude is carried over into the romantic arena, then the Leo partner will probably meet with a very cold shoulder, causing much distress to the fiery and amorous Leo native. In order to achieve even a modicum of peace and harmony, each partner in this relationship must strive to keep the physical activity between them alive and well.

Basically, this combination can result in a magnificent pairing because each knows how to stroke the other's ego and each loves to have his or her ego stroked. In addition, the needs of this couple are similar. Taurus desires an abundance of affection...wanting to be loved and cherished. Leo thrives on compliments, craving declarations of adoration and displays of admiration. In a romantic sense, both are extremely loyal and passionate...and since they share the same desires, can usually provide for one another's needs very well. These are Signs that have an almost overwhelming fondness for status and possessions, placing a high value on comfort and luxury. Leo is frequently flamboyant about attentions and gift-giving, which will greatly please the Taurus partner, who adores the most traditional forms of courtship. Although this pair can work together quite nicely, it is not a garden of roses for these two. Both are stubborn individuals who must work hard to understand and accept one another.

Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus and Leo is ruled by the Sun. The Sun radiates warmth and light. Those it governs also radiate this type of energy and enthusiasm. Venus is concerned with love, beauty and luxury. Thus, this combination of masculine and feminine energies will aid both partners to admire and sustain one another. Venus is never more than 48 degrees from the Sun, so these two certainly belong close together. The Sun is representative of life and Venus is representative of romance. As long as each individual here is careful to understand the other, this match could be a positive one. Taurus is governed by the element of Earth while Leo is governed by the element of Fire. Hence, both partners will be ambitious, but in quite different ways. Leo yearns for fame and fortune...Taurus strives for security and stability in life and in love. Unfortunately, both Signs expect to assume the position of leader in a relationship and the tendency to battle for domination is likely. During arguments, Taurus abhors conceding a point, perceiving such to be an acceptance of domination...unless it is considered to be the practical course. Arguments can be fierce and epic between these two but provided each can be reassured that the relationship is important to his or her partner, then things will progress more smoothly. Taurus and Leo are both Fixed in quality. This means that each partner will be stubborn and once the mind is made up, it will take a lot to effectuate a change of attitude. This is why any argument between them can become so intense...both truly believe they are correct and that their way is the only right way to address an issue. Taurus and Leo are Signs prone to shy away from change. They like to get things settled and then allow them to continue in that fashion almost indefinitely...even if there is room for improvement. If either should decide that he or she wants the love relationship to stay intact, then almost nothing will convince him or her to leave the partner. This is good for the stability of the union, but can be bad if the relationship is inhibitive or destructive. Perhaps the best aspect of this combination is mutual admiration. Both individuals here possess exceedingly powerful personalities, so neither will be likely to dominate the other...regardless of how hard they might try. Friends and family may well consider this pair an excellent union since they share the commitment of fulfilling their goals.

In essence, this combination is a rather good match, particularly when each partner understands the errors of the other. Both Taurus and Leo possess a love for the finer things of life and provided Taurus can restrain the inherent jealousy...and allow Leo to show off a little on occasion...this relationship could work to perfection.

Disagreements between these two Signs will be few and far between since both have a strong practical side to their natures. In addition, these individuals share a logical mind and sharp financial ability. Since Taurus loves an abundance of attention and Virgo loves fussing over someone he or she adores, this could be a most satisfying relationship for both partners. Each native here is fond of children and the home. Thus these things will play a large part in their lives...demanding and receiving their constant attention. While this may appear to be an ideal match, there are some drawbacks and being human, neither is perfect. Virgo tends to work very hard at a career or even on a domestic chore that the Taurus partner often believes he or she could accomplish in half the time and with far less effort. Thus, the Taurus native may resort to calling his or her Virgo partner a "fuss budget," which will do nothing to boost the Virgo impression of self-worth that it takes for this Sign to excel. The strong critical streak inherent in Virgo could cause a lot of stress and tension for the Taurus partner since this is a Sign that does not take kindly to having personal faults brought to the forefront...although the more evolved Taurus individual will have learned that the best way to handle this is to simply ignore it. Otherwise, Taurus and Virgo do observe certain routines and always play by the rules, which coincides with each other's moral outlook on life. Generally, Virgo is not an overly active sign in the physical sense but with Taurus, he or she will probably find that romantic interludes are as good as they ever will get with anyone. The Taurus individual does have a knack for breaking down the inhibitions of Virgo and bringing out the more baser instincts...although this may take a lot of patience. Basically, this is a rather favorable match.

A love affair between Taurus and Virgo is a union of innate practicality...something which both Signs employ in daily life as the most efficient means to solve the majority of problems. Both partners can be quite sincere and they will be devoted to each other. As human beings, natives of Taurus and Virgo possess a great deal of integrity. The Virgo partner is sure to like the strength and dedication of Taurus, while the Taurus partner will certainly appreciate the quickness of the Virgo mind. Given Virgo's naturally cautious character, this relationship may well take some time to develop, but once it has been established that both individuals are committed, it will become akin to a runaway train...travelling under its own steam and difficult to stop. Here, both partners place common sense and practicality in high esteem. They will be materialistic but prepared to work hard for the creature comforts that are mutually enjoyed. The Taurus native will be more sensual and indulgent, whereas Virgo is prone to be the inhibitive force in the relationship, tending not to get involved in life's chaos in favor of analyzing all available options. However, the inherent fondness of Virgo for analysis often leads to criticism...something the Taurus partner may well take too seriously. Conversely, the stubborn nature of Taurus can grate on the nerves of the Virgo native, which will only cause him or her to criticize even more. Thus, this pair must take care not to take each other too seriously. Luckily, both are sufficiently similar in basic character to be patient with one another...particularly the Virgo partner, who will love to indulge the Taurus penchant for fine treatment and good food.

Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus and Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury. Both these celestial bodies are close to the Sun, so they are closely related although they may seem very different. Venus is characteristic of the physical, concerned with romance and sensuality...both of which are paramount to the Taurus native. Mercury is characteristic of communication. It is also regarded as an androgynous planet, causing Virgo natives to adopt the form that he or she chooses. Those governed by Virgo are very good at understanding others and can easily learn to be the romantic and sensual partner that Taurus desires. In addition, since both individuals here are devoted and romantic souls by nature, their arguments will rarely focus on these issues. Both Taurus and Virgo are governed by the element of Earth. Thus, these are steady and practic Signs who are concerned with possessions. This pair love to surround themselves with beautiful opulent home, magnificent artwork and stylish cars, for example. Their love of luxury and mutual desire to be financially secure make for a couple who will work hard and seldom (if ever) overspend. Taurus is Fixed in quality and Virgo is Mutable. The Taurus individual is stubborn and prone to make up his or her mind for good. Thus, the Virgo native can help teach Taurus the value in bending the mind a little...when it is practical, of course. There will be a mutual dedication to working for the same goals and both partners enjoy luxury and the nice things life has to offer. Also, Virgo will relish the idea of helping the Taurus partner to achieve goals. Hence, the common interests and desires of this couple can result in a highly compatible union.

In essence, this combination is a good match. However, in order to achieve longevity, the Taurus partner should avoid the criticisms of his or her Virgo mate, since Taurus abhors being critiqued. In addition, since those governed by Virgo are normally in control of their emotional outputs, this may cause problems given that Taurus natives thrive on deep emotion. Nevertheless, there will always be much common ground in this relationship.

Both partners in this combination will work to develop a higher mind and embrace all aspects of the art world. This alone should provide an excellent foundation for their relationship, but the Libra native will probably aggravate Taurus with his or her quick changes since Libra detests routine of any kind. For instance, those governed by Libra may throw themselves into work projects one week to such an extent that the existence of Taurus will barely be noticed...and then the next week, wallow in total laziness, putting off all decisions that need to be made. It is inherent in the Taurus nature to plan life, but Libra individuals will make no such commitment and this can result in violent abuse on both sides. Libra is possibly the worst kind of flirt, but only uses this trait as an ego-booster and nothing more. Still, the jealousy inherent in Taurus would not be able to endure this type of behavior for very long. Unfortunately, for this union to stand a chance, Taurus will have to learn to put up with it. In general, the Libra partner will tolerate the jealous outbursts of Taurus, but if the Taurus native insists on making decisions regarding the relationship, then he or she needs to be right as Libra will lay the entire blame on the Taurus native if thing do not transpire according to plan. Physical attraction will be strong in this strong that the pair can probably escape from some of the personality problems in the romantic arena. However, sooner or later, this will undermine their physical relationship. Basically, this is a match not usually recommended for success in terms of longevity.

In some instances, this combination can be the unification of two halves of a whole. In essence, Taurus and Libra are thought of as being karmically linked. Both are looking for security in a relationship and they do share a love of art, poetry and culture. This is a partnership that may begin slowly since, on the surface, they might have few common interests. Still, once they come to understand each other, they may learn they have much more in common than was initially apparent. Both partners appreciate fine dining, the theater, music and collecting art. Pleasure...physical and a premium for Taurus and Libra alike. Natives of both these Signs love to woo and be wooed. Thus, courtship will be a necessary component of any romantic union and since both have this need, they fit well together. The Taurus partner is sure to appreciate Libra's charm and if stubborn Taurus fails to get his or her way, then the Libra partner will be able to smooth things over and keep the peace. In addition, Libra will appreciate the luxuries that sensual Taurus provides. Furthermore, the Libra partner can help Taurus to see different sides of a given situation and the Taurus native will be able to assist Libra in overcoming the notorious indecision associated with this Zodiac Sign.

Both Taurus and Libra are ruled by the planet Venus. Therefore, the Taurus/Libra combination will share a love of beauty, luxury, affection and romance. Libra is particularly keen on balance and both partners are charming characters with a mutual desire for harmony in personal relationships. However, the influence of Venus can also be problematic in that natives of both Taurus and Libra are prone to laziness and snobbery...Taurus regarding possessions and Libra based on intellect. Taurus is governed by the element of Earth while Libra is governed by the element of Air. Basically, Taurus individuals get through life courtesy of reliance upon innate practicality, while Libra relies upon intellectual expression. Taurus is constantly asking how things will help him or her achieve personal goals, whereas Libra focuses on intellectual stimuli...whether it be practical or not. Conflicts can arise here if the Taurus partner seems too possessive or if the Libra partner appears overly flirtatious and social. On occasion, neither will quite understand where the other is coming from. In order for this union to achieve longevity, each must learn to accept that the other's views of the world tend to be different in tone and focus. Taurus is Fixed in quality and Libra is Cardinal. Generally, it will be the Libra native who initiates this relationship and Taurus who will keep it going. The Taurus partner will never budge and Libra needs to understand the stubborn nature of this Sign. With some gentle persuasion, anything may be possible and there is no individual in the Zodiac who is more gifted at gentle, subtle persuasion than a native of Libra. Still, Libra's inherent indecision may irritate the direct and to-the-point native of Taurus...but as long as the Taurus partner can tone down the urge to declare that his or her way is the only acceptable one, then Libra can accept such decisions. Here, there is a mutual love of pleasure, beauty and culture. Aesthetics will be integral to both partners and their similar tastes can make for a union of great romance and harmony.

In essence, this combination is a very good match. There are common interests and a general meeting of the minds. Both partners appreciate beauty and the finer things of life. It is likely that this pair will need a good influx of money in order to appease their desire for luxury, but in order for this relationship to achieve longevity, then Libra will need to use his or her sense of diplomacy and Taurus will need to exercise patience.

Both Taurus and Scorpio are prone to be extremely stubborn Signs, to say nothing of being opinionated and set in their ways. This can reflect back on the relationship and make even minor issues a cause for all out war...with the more serious conflicts becoming virtually intolerable. Still, money problems are not likely to arise here since both partners take a serious approach to finances. Taurus and Scorpio are by nature possessive and jealous, but this could bring them closer together as each will understand the feelings of insecurity that the other is experiencing. Both partners share the basic need for a secure and stable background. Thus, a domestic environment will play a large part in their life together. However, these shared attitudes and traits may be all that can make this relationship a workable proposition. Fights are not likely to stop long enough for this couple to work on their differences in an unprejudiced manner or for any suggestion on the part of either to be implemented. Yet another cause of tension will be the conflict of Scorpio's strong and emotional nature to the rational and realistic character of Taurus. Here, the romantic life will be erratic at best. Both partners tend to be physically active in a sexual sense but the times their desires conincide could be far too few to provide satisfaction in a long term committment.

If nothing else, a Taurus/Scorpio union will be intense...either positively or negatively. These Signs are opposite on the Zodiac Wheel which does lend a rather special and complex connection between the two and they can, on occasion, combine to make a whole with each partner's strengths balancing the other's weaknesses. There is much in common here, but because both personalities are so powerful, they often swing between passionate romance and passionate disagreement. Taurus and Scorpio are Signs that possess deep desires...Taurus for possessions and Scorpio for power. Both are concerned with wealth and addition to being impassioned about all sorts of things. The Taurus native is probably somewhat more self-focused than Scorpio, who tends to be more involved with his or her mate and immediate family. The Taurus partner will prize honesty and forthrightness and abhor infidelity. Unfortunately for Taurus, natives of Scorpio are prone to be mysterious...their need for security related to the need for constant reassurance that the emotional connection with any mate is a solid one. Luckily, Taurus also requires this type of reassurance and is more than willing to provide such to a partner.

Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus and Scorpio is ruled by the planet Pluto. Courtesy of Pluto's influence, this makes for an intense which is an excellent balance of masculine and feminine energy. Together, Taurus and Scorpio form the basis of all love and passion. Venus also combines well with Mars (the ruling planet of Scorpio prior to the discovery of Pluto). Venus is associated with the beauty of romance and Mars with the passion. By nature, Scorpio natives are smoldering and say nothing of being highly sexual. Taurus, inherently sensual and tireless, cannot help but be attracted to Scorpio's intensity. In turn, Scorpio enjoys the devotion which is a natural trait of Taurus individuals. Taurus is governed by the element of Earth while Scorpio is governed by the element of Water. Scorpio is prone to be an ocean...but too much upset can cause a tidal wave. When natives of Scorpio believe they have been crossed by a partner, then retaliation can be vindictive and vicious. Fortunately, Taurus and Scorpio are Signs that will usually be exceedingly loyal to each other. However, where Taurus is open with everything laid bare on the surface, Scorpio is more secretive and inscrutible. Each can teach the other about their opposite views of life (i.e., direct versus complex) and another factor which adds a tantalizing dimension to this union is the shared tendency toward jealousy. The Taurus partner will just adore Scorpio's jealous displays since it means that he or she is adored and appreciated. Taurus and Scorpio are both Fixed in quality, which means both are likely to be somewhat stubborn and resolute once their minds have been made up. It can only be hoped that their minds agree or there will certainly be battles...the likes of which neither is likely to experience with any other Zodiac Sign. Here, Taurus appears to prevail as the dominant partner, but such is not always the case. The Scorpio native will be very adept at winning through more devious means...employing emotional manipulation to get what he or she wants, for example. This pair must learn to discuss their views and needs in an open fashion to ensure a happy and lasting union. Compromise is also essential and this will depend largely upon the Scorpio partner's ability to learn to trust Taurus. If this couple cannot overcome their opinionated stances, then the relationship is doomed to failure. Still, this is a powerful connection that can shine when obstacles to intimacy are cleared away. Once the Scorpio partner realizes that Taurus is committed and unlikely to create the misery that some natives of Scorpio seem to attract to their lives, this union could blossom and flourish.

In essence, this combination is one of mutual admiration. In a romantic sense, the physical ties will be strong and the pair usually have much in common. However, the chief problem is likely to be jealousy...and it almost invariably shows its face sooner or later. Here, longevity is best achieved when the Taurus native is very careful to keep faith with his or her Scorpio partner.

A love affair between these two Signs is likely to be troublesome. The Sagittarius partner will probably find it difficult to sustain for any length of time the level of affection that Taurus requires. Taurus natives hate changes in relationships and are prone to be inflexible...virtually unable to broaden their horizons. Those governed by Sagittarius are by nature adventurers. They love the outdoors but Taurus is more content to pursue indoor activities. When the Taurus partner refuses to join in with the sporting ways of Sagittarius, then the Sagittarius native is sure to find someone who will. There are few...if any...domestic talents inherent in the Sign of Sagittarius and he or she will not give the domestic abilities of Taurus a second thought. Indeed, the Sagittarius partner will likely not even notice the Taurus proficiency in providing a comfortable home. Sagittarius individuals are able to take criticism and will even change...just a little...but they can never be tamed and fidelity is rare for those governed by this Sign. Thus, the jealous nature of Taurus will be in a constant uproar and the necessity of always keeping up with his or Sagittarius partner...both romantically and otherwise...will eventually take its toll. Sagittarius loves to act out his or her romantic fantasies and the Taurus partner will be expected to be very versatile in this respect, which is something likely to appall the Taurus sense of propriety and the conservative nature of this Sign. Indeed, one or two risque suggestions made by Sagittarius could kill the love between this pair almost immediately. As a friendship, this is a wonderful combination but anything more would probably be ill-advised.

The Taurus/Sagittarius connection can be incredibly passionate and steamy, but each must learn to give the other time to learn about the particular energy this relationship generates. Both have much to gain from this union. While Sagittarius thrives when constantly experiencing new people, places and food, etc., Taurus will probably be content with routine since such affords him or her with the security that is so highly prized. During the early days, the Taurus partner might demand more commitment and stability than Sagittarius is ready...or even give, but if Taurus can learn patience, then Sagittarius can eventually come to appreciate the comforts of hearth and home. Still, these are two Signs who approach life in very different ways. Taurus is by nature sedate and practical, which offsets the restles demeanor inherent in those ruled by Sagittarius. A Sagittarius native may have trouble with the seemingly dull complacency of Taurus and will try to rev him or her up, which is sure to result in failure. Nonetheless, Taurus will actually have much to offer the Sagittarius partner...although Sagittarius will probably not be inclined to admit the need for a secure base. In turn, the Sagittarius partner can bring a vast amount of fun and adventure into the life of a Taurus native.

Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus and Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter. The influence of Venus lends Taurus a love of beauty, luxury and sensual pleasures. The influence of Jupiter, representative of luck, is what marks Sagittarius as the teacher of the Zodiac. Jupiter is associated with philosophy, higher learning, expansion, optimism and travel. Thus, this blend of beauty and expansion...a mix of masculine and feminine energy...makes for two Signs that possess mutual admiration and ones that will sustain each other. Taurus is governed by the element of Earth while Sagittarius by the element of Fire. Sagittarius requires space to move around and keep the flames burning brightly. Conversely, Taurus is down-to-earth and needs stability. Sagittarius natives rely upon feelings and impulses to direct them through life, while Taurus is practical and concerned with efficiency. This pair's approaches to life can either be complementary or sources of stress if either cannot learn to understand and accept the other. Provided both take care to engage in reassurances that the relationship is special and important...and Taurus in particular will need this...then things could likely run quite smoothly. Taurus is Fixed in quality and Sagittarius is Mutable. Natives of Taurus are stubborn and once their minds are made up, it will take much to convince them to make a change. Sagittarius craves variety and if this urge to participate in something fresh and novel should stray into the realm of experiencing new partners, then the Sagittarius individual will need to be careful. Taurus will never tolerate infidelity and if cheating occurs, then Taurus will be deeply wounded and the relationship may not survive the strain. However, it will be necessary for the Taurus partner to give Sagittarius the freedom to enjoy other other experiences and people...on a platonic level, of course. Nonetheless, Taurus can teach Sagittarius the benefits of a secure commitment and Sagittarius can show Taurus that flexibility is sometimes better than following a set and well-worn path. The new perspectives this pair can give one another...once each partner becomes familiar with the ways in which the other differs...can make for a stable and happy union, provided these differences are understood and accepted.

In essence, this combination is rather odd, at where the Taurus trait for possessiveness is coupled with the Sagittarius love of freedom. Thus, the Sagittarius partner will probably find the relationship somewhat stifling and difficult to cope with. Characteristically, Sagittarius is frank and generous and the nature of those who fall under its jursidiction will likely clash with the inherent jealousy of Taurus. Still, with some understanding and effort, this could become a union of harmony.

Initially, a Capricorn native may not appear to be ambitious or particularly intelligent, but these are qualities that Taurus will easily perceive to be apparent as the relationship progresses...together with a strong dominating streak. The Capricorn partner will want to share all of the Taurus individual's worries and fears, which the keen senses of Capricorn quickly detect. Courtesy of a natural empathy existing between these two Signs, each is more than capable of understanding the other's feelings, depressions and sense of humor. Both need stability in their home life, enabling them to feel secure and loved. However, those goverened by Capricorn lack the ability to express themselves well and this could cause the Taurus partner some confusion. Still, Taurus will eventually realize that actions speak louder than words. Life could run smoothly for this couple, but conflict is likely to arise when the Taurus partner does something terribly extravagant that will disturb the cautious and wary nature of Capricorn. Being on the quiet side, the Capricorn native will make a good companion for the home-loving Taurus partner and if satisfaction is experienced in the domestic arena, then a Taurus/Capricorn union could be inseperable. In a romantically physical sense, Capricorn individuals can be overly indulgent or may abstain altogether if affected by outside pressures. The Taurus partner needs to be sensitive to the tensions of Capricorn and be willing to discuss the issues, thereby easing the Capricorn partner's burden of guilt. Given that Taurus is basically well-equipped to deal with Capricorn...and vice versa...this could easily be an ideal match.

The Taurus/Capricorn love match is a practical and sensible partnership. These two Signs share a certain down-to-earth logic and interest in efficiency. A Taurus native is not likely to risk more than is necessary in terms of emotional connection and involvement...Capricorn natives are similarly inclined, but more in terms of money and career. Indeed, the career of an individual governed by Capricorn is one of the great focuses of his or her life. This Sign is interested in scaling the heights and tends to set very lofty standards to adhere to. Taurus also has high standards, but standards that are related to love, relationships and possessions. Here, there is mutual admiration for dedication and strength...qualities inherent in both partners. They also share a dependable, realistic and rather conservative approach to life...although this trait will probably be somewhat more pronounced in the Capricorn native. Nonetheless, a love affair between these two can rapidly become stale because the core personalities are actually rather different. Taurus may find Capricorn too conservative and restrictive...Capricorn may think that Taurus is too lazy and does not care enough about career and status. Still, if the Taurus partner can encourage Capricorn to relax a little and appreciate the fruits of his or her labor, and if the Capricorn partner can help Taurus to achieve goals and make dream a reality, this union can be smooth, happy and long-lasting.

Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus and Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn. Venus is indicative of a warm and feminine energy, whereas Saturn is indicative of a cold and masculine energy. Venus is concerned with sensual pleasures, the aesthetics of love and the beauty of art. All these qualities stimulate the Taurus native and serve to heighten the appreciaton of life and love. Conversely, Saturn is concerned with hard work and the discipline necessary to achieve goals. Thus, Taurus can show Capricorn how to enjoy a well-earned break every now and again and how to appreciate beauty and comfort. In return, Capricorn can teach Taurus to be more disciplined and constantly strive for that which is most desired. Both Taurus and Capricorn are governed by the element of Earth. Hence, this is a combination of Signs that love to indulge in material possessions. They want to possess and be surrounded by beautiful things...a lovely home, designer clothing, luxurious cars and exquisite works of art, for example. Fortunately, since both are prepared to work hard, they can usually attain all these things and will rarely argue about impracticality or overindulgence. Taurus is Fixed in quality and Capricorn is Cardinal. Those governed by Taurus will rarely (if ever) change their minds once they have reached a decision. These are souls who possess a quiet and steadfast determination. While natives of some Zodiac Signs likely find this dull or restrictive, those ruled by Capricorn regard this as a good and comforting trait...and the Taurus partner will certainly be clearly dedicated to the relationship. Here, the best aspect of this union is probably the similarity of each partner's values and mutual dedication to the same goals. This pair share a love of luxury and nice possessions...and they are prepared to also share resources. Thus, the mutual interests of the Taurus/Capricorn union makes for a highly compatible relationship.

In essence, the shared understanding of one partner for the other in this combination usually results in a very good match. Both require a certain amount of flattery and encouragement in their lives, but the Taurus partner will need to take the lead in that area. Taurus and Capricorn are by nature responsible and practical but for the relationship to achieve longevity, each partner will have to infuse a little fun into the union when things become too they are almost sure to do with this pairing.

Natives of Aquarius hate formality and are probably the most unconventional souls in the Zodiac. They do not recognize superiors unless those superiors have earned all due respect. It is inherent in the nature of Aquarius to only talk at length with another person if that person has something interesting to say. To those governed by Taurus, material possessions and security play a large role, but this is not the case with Aquarius individuals. Aquarius enjoys work solely for the sake of sharpening the intellect and increasing his or her knowledge base. Thus, frequent job changes result from the quest to satisfy these needs. Any differences an Aquarius native has with Taurus...or anyone else for that matter...are expected to be discussed in a cool and sensible manner, disdaining emotions that the Aquarius native perceives as impairing the judgment. The time Aquarius devotes to sorting out the problems of other people and to saving the world is sure to stir up the Taurus jealousy to a fever pitch. Unfortunately, it would be unwise for the Taurus partner to expect any sympathy or empathy from Aquarius in that quarter...such simply will not be forthcoming. Natives of Aquarius place a low emphasis on the physically romantic side of a relationship. Indeed, it is far down on the list of this Sign's necessities and such an attitude could cause the Taurus partner some major upsets since Taurus is unable to accept sharing the problems of the world during intimate moments. Thus, in the eyes of the Aquarius partner, Taurus could be perceived as eventually becoming overly demanding. Basically, this is not considered a favorable pairing.

If this combination of Signs can manage to figure out how to coordinate their efforts, then they could move mountains. Still, the practical and down-to-earth approach of Taurus is probably as opposite as could be to the unconventional and out-of-this-world approach of Aquarius. Taurus resists change while Aquarius is easily the most progressive Sign of the Zodiac. Here, there may appear to be few common interests but there is a shared desire to succeed that is very strong on both Taurus and Aquarius...which means they make make better business partners than sweethearts. Since both individuals can be extremely opinionated, in order to achieve longevity, they must take care not to get into arguments...particularly in view of their dissimilar reactions to tension. When Taurus becomes angry, he or she tends to charge. When Aquarius feels pressure, then he or she is prone to pull away and adopt an aloof demeanor in order to create space apart from the aggressor. This can make those governed by Taurus push even harder, causing the Aquarius partner to pull even further away...and so on. Natives of Aquarius are modern and progressive souls, likely to find the Taurus dedication to routine somewhat boring. In turn, Taurus will find the Aquarius partner exciting, but will probably feel frustrated in trying to keep up with the inherently quick mind associated with this Sign. Nonetheless, despite the differences, this pair does have something to offer each other. Although the Aquarius partner will have a difficult time in admitting it (even to himself or herself), he or she will find the sold basis afforded by Taurus to be comforting and supportive. In turn, the Taurus partner will find Aquarius to be stimulating...even if not altogether comfortable company.

Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus and Aquarius is ruled by the planet Saturn...and to a limited degree, Uranus. Venus is indicative of a warm and feminine energy, whereas Saturn is indicative of a cold and masculine energy. Uranus is associated with rebellion and is indicative of all things strange and unusual. Venus focuses on beauty, romance and sensual pleasures...all of which are important and pleasing to the Taurus native. Saturn causes Aquarius to concentrate on hard work and employ discipline to achieve goals. Uranus blesses Aquarius with the famous revolutionary thinking associated with that Sign. Taurus can show Aquarius that life is based upon emotions and may be vastly improved courtesy of beauty and comfort. Aquarius can instruct Taurus on how to keep striving for betterment...and how to move away from something if it fails to work satisfactorily. This is an important lesson for Taurus to learn. Taurus is governed by the element of Earth while Aquarius is governed by the element of Air. Thus, Aquarius focuses on intellectual connections and pursuits, whereas Taurus has more practical and sensual interests. Where Taurus wonders how something will aid in the achievement of personal goals, Aquarius wonders what else there might be. Hence, the Taurus/Aquarius pairing may have trouble understanding each other and if the Taurus partner clings too closely, or if Aquarius becomes too cold and aloof, disputes are sure to erupt. Still, if this couple can operate from a base of mutual love and respect, understanding between the two can eventually be achieved. Both Taurus and Aquarius are Fixed in quality. Therefore, both partners will be stubborn and once minds are made up, there will be little changing of a viewpoint or opinion. This steadfast trait cannot help but extend into their personal life. If they become committed to each other, there is virtually nothing that will make them decide to abandon the relationship. If the union is smooth and mutually benefitcal, then this is a good thing. However, if the union is inhibitive for either or both individuals, then their refusal to admit as much and thus end the affair, can seriously hamper the growth in life of both partners. Still, if they realize that working together yields far more than will the butting of heads, the Taurus/Aquarius pairing will remain productive. Since Taurus tends to be the more practical Sign, he or she might be the first to back down during an argument...assuming, of course, that it is practical to do so. The unstoppable team power here is probably the best aspect of the relationship...once the path has been cleared of obstacles. Both partners possess very powerful personalities, so neither is likely to dominate the matter how hard each may try. This can be a truly exciting and satisfying union if the pair can mange to work out how it will work between them.

In essence, this combination will definitely be a difficult one to maintain for any length of time. By nature, Aquarius is exceedingly unpredictable, which may prove too much for even the most easy-going Taurus partner. In addition, the conservative habits of the Taurus native will soon grate on the nerves of the dynamic Aquarius partner, resulting in tempers beginning to show. Both love ease and comfort, but their view on how to obtain them are extrememly different. In short, this is a union that would probably best be avoided.

Initially, the Pisces native may seem very adaptable, casual and totally at ease in complying with every wish of the Taurus partner. This is likely the attitude that will hook Taurus and bring the pair together in the beginning. However, the Taurus native is in for a rude awakening when he or she discovers that Pisces wants one thing one minute and something completely different the next. While the Taurus partner will try to suggest approaching a given problem in a practical manner, Pisces will express some outlandish method...which often works out better than the suggestion of Taurus and better than even the Taurus partner would have believed possible. Native of Taurus like to have the people they know look up to them, but Pisces embraces no such ideas. In short, those governed by Pisces are indifferent to anyone's opinion, other than their own...still, there will be occasions when the Taurus individual will find that Pisces is actually dependent on him or her. It is inherent in the Pisces character to stick his or her head in the sand when problems arise, refusing to discuss them sensibly and hoping they will simply go away...which they rarely do. When there are too many problems for Pisces to countenance, then the infamous trait for heading to the nearest bar and pleasant companions in order to drown his or her sorrows will undoubtedly materialize. This unfortunate tendency is more common among the males than the females, but is a result of the Pisces tendency to be torn in two directions at the same time. Basically, the Pisces native does not find it easy to make decisions. In order to achieve longevity in this union, the Taurus partner must accept these shortcomings. On a more positive note, the psychic ability of the Pisces partner will enable him or her to keep on top of the feelings of Taurus and thus, will act and react with Taurus to ensure happiness. In a romantically physical sense, the Pisces individual will be very sensitive to all the nuances of the desires associated with Taurus and will try very hard to keep the Taurus partner happy. However, if any failure on the part of Pisces to do this brings about the criticism of Taurus, then Pisces will soon be looking for a new mate. This could be a good working match, provided the Taurus native is not looking for...or expecting...a partner who possesses a great deal of strength.

In general, this is a rather happy union. Being two positions apart in the Zodiac Wheel, these Signs have karmic ties and a deep-rooted empathy for one another. Although Pisces is idealistic, dreamy and impressionistic while Taurus is more down-to-earth and practical, this pair are both nurturers who prize harmony and stability in a relationship. Here, each has much to offer the other. Taurus is capable of providing the grounded approach that the Pisces partner needs in order to put all of his or her dreams into action. In return, Pisces can offer the kindness, gentleness and sweet sympathy that Taurus so loves in a mate. There will be times when the Taurus native cannot understand the seemingly simplistic view of life taken by the Pisces partner...but truth be told, Pisces is not really so simple at all. Pisces is truly deep.

Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus and Pisces by the planet Neptune...and to a limited degree, Jupiter. When Venus...symbolic of love...meets Neptune...symbolic of illusions...there is a magnificent spiritual connection. Both Venus and Neptune vibrate with feminine energy and together, represent an idealistic relationship that has been described as divine. The influence of Jupiter...symbolic of philosophy, expansion and excesses...adds a masculine energy to the combination. A match between these two Signs can produce the type of union that both individuals dream of, but the foundation for this kind of heady and dreamy connection can be just that...dreams, illusions and fantasy. Taurus is governed by the element of Earth while Pisces is governed by the element of Water. In general, these two elements are quite compatible since both Earth and Water are tangible, physical entities. Thus, Taurus can help Pisces to stablilize the inherent sensitivity while Pisces can bring a touch of magic to the practical approach of Taurus. However, care needs to be taken to ensure against too much of a good thing...after all, an over abundance of Water can turn Earth into mud. In short, Taurus could tire of Pisces' emotional instability and in turn, Pisces may feel that Taurus is insensitive to his or her needs. Fortunately, it is often easy for this pair to find a way to overcome their differences. Taurus is Fixed in quality and Pisces is mutable. Where Taurus is steady, stubborn, practical and focused, Pisces adores the sensation of mobility...the feeling of being able to move from one thought to the next according to fancy. Thus, the Taurus rigidity can hamper the flexibility of Pisces and it will be necessary for Taurus to learn how to let Pisces flow if this union is to achieve longevity. In return, Pisces will be very supportive and exceedingly loving. Pisces can show Taurus that mutability is sometimes better than a fixed determination to do thing one way...and one way only. Here, the different emotional natures of the Taurus/Pisces combination tend to complement and harmonize with each other very well. The overall empathy and commitment of this pair is valued greatly by both individuals, resulting in a relationship where the ties will usually be strong.

In essence, this combination is a very good one. The sentimental Pisces partner will find much comfort in the sympathetic nature of the Taurus individual...and the romantic, imaginative, imprerssionable and flexible Pisces native is exactly what Taurus is seeking in a mate. This couple will share their appreciation for beauty, art, sensuality and many of the other fine things life has to offer. Still, each partner here will need to keep a careful watch on his or her emotions in order for this union to work.

Natives of Taurus are probably most in tune with those governed by Capricorn, who possess the same understanding of practical values and the materialistic progress that Taurus needs in life for self-expression. A Capricorn partner will back Taurus all the way with loyalty, affection and steady plodding. The success record of a Capricorn native is good...particularly in business or farming...and Taurus will be happy...though not always necessarily this pairing. For the Taurus male, a partnership with an individual governed by Capricorn can result in true love. Taurus men are down-to-earth and easy to confide in. They are also very intense and passionate, tending to bring out the hidden romantic side ofthe Capricorn nature. Both will share the qualities of being strong-willed and eager for success in life. Thus, each can help the other to maintain a focus on winning and achieving important goals. The Taurus male has a powerful personality and showers a mate with romantic attention. Hence, the Capricorn partner will feel loved and treasured in a very special way. There is much in common here, including a mutual respect and understanding of what is important in life. Both value quality in all forms and will bask in the knowledge that it is so nice to be understood. For the Taurus female, a partnership with an individual governed by Capricorn can result in lasting love. Both share so many important things, including a strong desire for security. Here, each partner will be very deep, passionate and romantic. The lovable and trustworthy nature of the Taurus female relaxes the normally serious Capricorn individual and really brings out a sense of humor. In turn, the Capricorn partner will be devoted to the Taurus woman and make her feel very special indeed. Both value hard work and the better things life has to offer...that will be invaluable if either is stressed over an issue. The Taurus female will always have a shoulder to lean on with the Capricorn native, who both respects and admires the Taurus ability to stick with something to the bitter end. A Capricorn partner can also teach the Taurus woman much about actually getting a job done.

Virgo, another Sign ruled by the element of Earth, would also be favorable, but quarrels will occur on occasion if money matters are not absolutely straightforward. Virgo natives are prone to be persnickety about the little things. Still, Virgo is a Sign that is indicative of the perfectionist...the quiet and ambitious yet affectionate individuals who also make good home-builders...and rather ideal as a mate for Taurus. For the Taurus male, a partnership with an individual governed by Virgo will be deeply passionate and possibly even spiritual. The Taurus man will encourage the Virgo native to be the best possible person and in turn, the Virgo partner will be drawn to the deeply emotional side of the Taurus male's nature. Men ruled by Taurus have a passion for life and a knack for succeeding at their goals, which will inspire Virgo partners to pursue their own personal desires. This is also one of the few love matches that is suitable for a business relationship. A Virgo partner may become frustrated at the Taurus male due to his never being on time for anything but still, there is a certain something about a Taurus man that never fails to make him appealing to the Virgo native. For the Taurus female, a partnership with an individual governed by Virgo is one where many needs, qualities and values are shared. Both yearn for a secure and committed relationship and both will strive together to create that ideal. This is also a good match in physical terms. Indeed, the adorable Taurus female will awaken inner passions in the Virgo native that were heretofor unknown. Thus, the Virgo partner will become more romantic simply by virtue of being with the Taurus woman and the Taurus woman will benefit by the Virgo individual's practice of new romantic ways. The Virgo native considers the Taurus female to be quite amazing...loyal and diligent in achieving her goals...and these are exactly the qualities that hard-working Virgo wants in a companion.



TAURUS & ARIES: - This union is better as a hot passionate affair. Your possessiveness will cramp the Aries free-loving nature and soon the relationship will become boring and cumbersome.

TAURUS & TAURUS: - Not bad sexually, however this union is somewhat dull in other areas of life. You will have a tendency to grow fat together. Visualize two couch potatoes eating in front of the television.

TAURUS & GEMINI: - Gemini's lack of respect for possessions and stability will drive you up a wall. You aren't spontaneous enough for the versatile Twin. Not really a likely combination.

TAURUS & CANCER: - Good partnership. You will enhance one another. You offer the Crab the necessary security and in return you receive the affection and loyalty you desire.

TAURUS & LEO: - This is not only an unlikely connection but one that is built on deception. If your financial position is good you will attract the Lion however, this partner will want the freedom to roam.

TAURUS & VIRGO: - Problems usually arise in the bedroom, however in all other areas you and your Virgoan will do remarkably well. You are both practical and hard working.

TAURUS & LIBRA: - Compromise is necessity if you want this union to work. Your Libran mate will be far too indecisive for you and you lack the sophistication that the Scales demand in a partner.

TAURUS & SCORPIO: - Polarity attraction, sexually dynamic, however you are both fixed signs that can cause difficulties. Your stubbornness and the Scorpions jealousy will result in a no win situation.

TAURUS & SAGITTARIUS: - This combo is better left as friends. The archer likes to gamble, free-spirited and taking each day as it comes. You on the other hand could want a stable and faithful partner.

TAURUS & CAPRICORN: - This is not a bad alliance as you both have the same interests where money, possessions and security are concerned. The biggest drawback is sexually this union will not be satisfied.

TAURUS & AQUARIUS: - You are both fixed signs with a totally different concept of life. The water-bearer is too much of a loner and you always want to own or possess your partner.

TAURUS & PISCES: - This combination can work, however the Fish lacks practicality which can be a deterrent for you. On the other hand your Pisces mate may leave if you become too domineering. Fish needs too much space and fantasy which will be difficult for you to handle.


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.