Well, I totally agree, that's why no offense, I don't believe in astrology. I mean, yes, it's fun and all, and sometimes it can be true, but how also can they decide to stereotype 12 kinds of people in this whole vast world? Sure, there are other aspects and plantets, and being an aquarius, I guess I know what you're talking about idealistically, but when you said you don't choose to love your family, I don't know if I agree with that. Sure, we're probably over thousands of years been biologically inclined to naturally love our family, but that's not always the case.... and vice versa....anyways, yeah, I believe we weren't all meant to get along, those people teach us and challenge us... but we sure need some sanity relationships...lol! Yes, it can be insulting when reading the online so and so vs, so and son combinations, but hey, we don't ignore them, we just go about our daily lives, and so what if it can't work out? I mean, o.k., really, it would be nice getting along with them, but I'm definitely not going to bore myself, or change my character to get along with them. For example, I find it very hard to get along with pisces, capricorns, cancers, scorpios, and tauruses, some virgos. So, what do I do? I keep my ground, even if it hurts me inside. I'm sorry to break it to such an optomistic Sag like you (one of my best friends is a sag) :) but there will probably never be a web site that shows how to fix the incompatibility. They only mention on online that maybe if aquarius tried being less distant, and more open, blah, blah, blah. They make aquarians look like ice cold stones and saggs look to lost and loose, not structured, and that is just so wrong and stereotypical. Sorry, for raining on your parade, my Sag friend, but I would rather know the truth. Good luck with how you deal with half of the signs in astrology. ;)