Pisces man has rare charisma. The secret of his extraordinary appeal to women is a deep and sensitive appreciation for their inner qualities. He always sees a woman at her best. Pisces male is a real charmer, the eternal romantic.
All the water signs have the quality of emotional imagination. Cancer uses it t o create a protective environment; Scorpio seeks to delve into the secrets of the human psyche. Pisces tries to live in a world of dreams and romance. He lives for the whim of the moment, and while the moment lasts he can make it seem enchanted, everything a woman ever dreamed of, champagne and caviar, moonlight and poetry and passion. Unfortunately, when the sun comes up the words don't quite rhyme and the champagne is flat. In the cold light of day you may reflect on what a fool you were to have thought it could be otherwise.
Basically, he would like to find happiness with one woman, but the vagaries of his character and the constant appeal of change to him make that unlikely. He is unable to steer a steady course between his conflicting desires. He prefers clandestine meetings and secret affairs with high risk quotients. Married women are his natural prey. Pisces man falls in love easily, but his is the sign of self-undoing and he has an instinct for choosing the wrong woman. His love life often tends to be chaotic and turbulent, and over his lifetime he may lose his heart many times to the wrong partner.
He is intensely emotional about making love because he considers it not a merely physical act but the culmination of a romantic yearning. His bedroom behavior, like that of female Pisces, tends toward the offbeat. But he is tender and loving and considerate, and won't insist on having his way. He is a marvelously sensuous, understanding, innovative lover.
As a husband, he probably won't be a good provider. His career problem is that he looks for the easy way—not realizing there is no easy way. But he won't neglect you and is generously willing to share what he has. This man is a giver in an emotional sense. He will do almost anything for someone he cares for. Once he commits himself to a woman, he will give unselfishly of his time, energy, sympathy, and concern.
If you're looking for an attentive, romantic lover, a kind and compassionate man to fulfill your spiritual needs as well your physical ones, Pisces male is for you. He may be a dreamer, but he can make the right woman's dreams come true.
PISCES AND ARIES Sensuous Pisces is drawn to Aries's dynamic passions, and Pisces's desire to shower affection on a lover will flatter Aries. Pisces's imagination and mysterious allure bring out a new sensitivity and romanticism in this aggressive lover. Aries will handle decisions and fight battles for Pisces, which is just what Pisces is looking for. Headstrong Aries will dominate, but that doesn't necessarily displease Pisces who likes to have someone to lean on. What may trouble Pisces more is Aries's tendency to criticize. Tact is needed to cement this otherwise sexy partnership.
How to Recognize PISCES
Hush-a-by lady, in Alice's lap! Till the feasts ready, -we've time for a nap:
When the feast's over, we'll go to the ball- Red Queen, and White Queen, and Alice, and all!
Then fill up the glasses with treacle and ink, Or anything else that is pleasant to drink.
If you should happen to see a Pisces behind a teller's cage, or sitting at a bank president's desk, you'll be viewing a rare kind of fish. Very few of these people can stand being confined for long in one place. You'll have better luck if you wander into a spiritual seance, visit an art gallery, walk through a convent or a monastery, attend a concert or catch a floor show in a nightclub. You might check an Authors League meeting, drop backstage after a play, or try some sunbathing on a yacht
The chances are you'll come up with a pretty good catch in any of those streams of life. The more creative and artistic, the more leisurely and esoteric the surround–ings, the more fish you'll find. The net will be full of colorful, shimmering types, if you spread it out at cocktail parties or gala balls. You might even hook a couple of mollies, or an exotic species, like Princess Lee Radziwill.
There's little worldly ambition in Neptune people. Most of them wouldn't give a minnow for rank, power or leader–ship, and wealth holds little attraction. Few Pisces people accumulate money by the bushel, unless they marry it or inherit it. Mind you, they have nothing against cash. They'll gladly accept any old coins you can't use. But they're more aware than most of us of its temporal qual–ities.
Whoever said, "I don't want to be a millionaire-I just want to live like one," was truly reflecting the Piscean philosophy. The typical Neptune heart is free of greed. There's a lack of intensity, almost a carelessness about tomorrow. There's also an intuitive knowledge of yesterday and a gentle tolerance of today. It's never easy for either real or human fish to struggle and fight their way up–stream. It's more common, and it takes less effort, to go with the current wherever it takes them. But to swim up–stream is the challenge of Pisces-and the only way he ever finds true peace and happiness. Taking the easy way is a trap for those born under this Sun sign, a glittering bait that entices them, while it hides the dangerous hook -a wasted life.
You'll be impressed with the Piscean charm of manner and lazy good nature. He's indifferent to most limiting restrictions, if they don't rob him of his freedom to dream and feel his way through life. He's even more indifferent to insults, recriminations and other people's bristling opinions. Tell a Piscean that society is decadent, the gov–ernment is cracking, air pollution will put us all in our graves and the world is coming to a dead stop, and he'll yawn, or smile enchantingly, or look vaguely sympathetic. Very little will excite him to violent action or reaction. Of course, the fish is not completely bland. He does have a temper. When he's finally aroused, he can be bitingly sar–castic, with a clever, caustic tongue. Neptunians can lash their tails angrily and spill forth a torrent of nervous irritability, but the typical Pisces will normally take the path of least resistance, and the cool waters of Neptune continually wash away his anger. To arouse the fish to a display of temper is rather like tossmg a pebble into a clear, mirror-smooth lake, You'll create some ripples, but the surface will soon be calm again.
When you meet Pisces people, look first at their feet. They'll be quite noticeably small and dainty (including the men's), or else they'll be huge and spread out like a tired washerwoman's. The Pisces hands will also be tiny, fragile, and exquisitely formed-or else big ham bones that look as though they belong behind a plow. The skin is silky soft; the hair is fine, often wavy, and usually light (though you'll find a goodly number of brunette fish). Pisces eyes are liquid, heavy-lidded, and full of strange lights. Fre–quently, but not always, they're slightly protruding, bulbous and extremely compelling. Some Piscean eyes are simply beautiful. There's no other word to describe them. The features are elastic and mobile, and you'll usually find more dimples than wrinkles. Few Pisceans are tall; Neptune bodies are sometimes awkwardly built, but with their ex–traordinary grace, it's seldom discernible. They seem to sort of flow along, instead of walking-as if they were swim–ming across the room or down the street. Sometimes they really are. Where's the liquid? It may be nearby, and the fish is attracted to it.
It can be a love of ice water, the habit of a dozen cups of tea or coffee a day, a hankering for soda pop-or a yen for something stronger. Like Scorpios and Cancerians, Pisces people are wise to stay miles away from alcohol. Very few Neptunians can have a social cocktail, then leave it alone. There are some, naturally. But too many Pisceans find enticing relief from trouble in liquor. It lulls them pleasantly with a false sense of security and it's a dan–gerous lullaby. Of course, every Pisces who drinks a pousse-cafe doesn't become an alcoholic, but the percentage is higher than it ought to be.
The fish was born with the desire to see the world through rose-colored spectacles. He knows well enough about the seamy side of humanity, but he prefers to live in his own watery, gentle world, where everyone is beauti–ful and all actions are lovely. If reality becomes too terrible to face, he often escapes into rosy daydreams with powder puff foundations and not a prayer of coming true. When life dumps him with a splash-a real belly-smacker-into a stagnant river of dismal failure and hopeless conditions, instead of leaping out of the murky danger, he's more inclined to hide behind his pale green illusions which keep him from making practical decisions. The rejected Pisces is too inclined to face the ugliness of failure by deepening his false hopes, when a determined switch of course or some new, forceful action might shower him with real, instead of imaginary, success.
Not every March-born person falls into such a typical Neptune trap, but enough of them do to make it a necessary warning. The Pisces writer may be tempted to lounge for years in bars, telling himself he's gathering material, when he's really just gathering moss and unpaid bills. The Pisces artist who can't get the patronage he seeks may stroll through the park, day after day, mumbling into his beard that he's studying nature as a background for his great masterpiece, while his paint brushes gather dust. Where is the angel who will support him while he splashes canvases with glory? The Piscean woman, left alone, with just enough fixed income to keep a roof over her head and a little seaweed in the cupboard, will tend to dream away the hours, tenderly remembering yesterday, hazily hoping for tomorrow, and wasting the bright sunlight of today. The actor, composer, musician-you fill in the i stories.
I You may have read that the Pisces symbol of two fish, ? swimming in opposite directions, indicates that the Nep–tunian is torn by dual desires. It's not so. Dual desires belong to Gemini. The two fish in reversed directions symbolize the choice given Pisces: to swim to the top-or to swim to the bottom and never quite reach his goals. Pisces must leam that he is to serve mankind in some way, and eschew worldly possessions. Piscean Einstein, who swam upstream, formulated a whole new world of relative time. Pisceans who swim downstream serve by washing dishes or shoveling snow. The choice is always there, be–cause there's never a lack of unusual talent, but the fish, with eyes that see clearly on both sides, sometimes has difficulty seeing straight ahead. Pisces often retreats-either to the sublime heights of a dedicated professional life, or to stimulants, artificial emotions and false excitement.
Although Pisceans shrink from competition, the strong pull of Neptune sends many of them, even the shy ones, toward the bright footlights, where they can use their fabulous powers of interpretation to project myriad emo–tions. In spite of their natural timidity, they often become some of the finest performers in the theater. But only if they fight their distaste for the hard work of grueling re–hearsals, and the dullness of the dreary, but necessary years of experience. Sometimes the sharp wounds of the critics leave such a scar on sensitive Pisces souls that a po–tential Barrymore or Bemhardt retires when fame was just ahead. Memorization is seldom a problem. The Pisces memory is legendary, although with an afflicted Moon or Mercury they can forget their own telephone numbers.
To every Pisces, from the fisherman on the wharf to the nurse in the children's hospital, life itself is a huge stage. In the reflective eye of the fish, the entire scene is elusive and fleeting. Knowing this, Neptunians accept most storms with tranquil equilibrium. Despondency, however, is al–ways threatening to swoop down and bring peculiar dreams or weird nightmares which are often precognitive. When Pisces has a feeling something will happen, it usually does.
If he tells you not to get on that plane or in that car, you'd better plan to swim or walk.
Astrologers who speak of an old soul refer to a soul which has gone through many lives, retaining the wisdom of each. Often they refer to Pisces, because a life as the fish is either the most difficult obligation a soul can choose _or a chance to reach perfect fulfillment. While Aries represents birth in the zodiac, Pisces represents death and eternity. The fish is the twelfth sign, a composite of all that's gone before, and his nature is a blend of all the other signs, which is quite a lot to cope with. His surprising ability to organize and concentrate on detail which pops up now and then, as well as his gentleness, reflects his inner knowledge of the lessons of Virgo. His judgment is as fair and detached as that of Libra, and his love of pleasure is also purely Libran. Pisces people have the crazy sense of fun of Cancer, as well as both the Cancerian sympathy and crabbiness. They're sometimes full of the Sagittarian outspoken frankness and generosity, as fun-loving and outgoing as Leo, yet as devoted to duty as Capricorn, and often just as envious of social distinction. There may also be a smattering of the Saturnine melan–choly. Perhaps more than just a smattering. The fish can be as moody as a Moon child and as happy as a lion. He likes to tease and analyze in Aquarian fashion. He's often overflowing with Aries idealism and enthusiasm, but usually without the Mars drive. A Pisces person can zip around with Gemini quickness, talk just as fast and think just as cleverly. He can also be as lazy and peaceful as Taurus. He has the clever wit of Mercury and the soft grace of Venus, and he combines it with the mystic penetration of Scorpio, without the Scorpio's ruthlessness.
Pisces holds within himself the fondness of debate of all the air signs, the love for nature of all the earth signs and the flaming aspirations of all the fire signs. But he is neither fixed nor cardinal. The fish is mutable always; in this respect he is undiluted. The one and only quality which originates with his own sign is his strange power to stand outside himself and see yesterday, today and to–morrow as one. The Piscean love of music and art, and his highly developed senses and versatility he owes to other signs, but his deep wisdom and compassion belong only to him, culled from the combined knowledge of every hu–man experience. Now that you understand all that, is it any wonder that your Pisces friends are a bit of a puzzle at times, not to mention being outright kooky odd balls on occasion?
Pisceans tend to think they can live forever, and they often act as though they believed it fervently. The fish typically doesn't take very good care of himself. Chances are he spends most of his excess energy (and he doesn't have too much to spare) helping relatives in trouble or taking on the burdens of friends. Their troubles can be emotional or financial, but either can be a serious drain on Piscean health, which is rarely robust to begin with. The fish must conserve his energy and refrain from suc–cumbing to stimulants or sedatives, fatigue and other peo–ple's emergencies. Weakest as infants, seldom sturdy as children (unless there's a strong Mars influence in the natal chart), Pisces people seem to have slow metabolisms, which is why they often wake up sleepy-eyed and listless. Poor eating habits can bring troubles with liver and in–testinal functions and digestive troubles. Accidents to, or some abnormalities of the feet, hands or hips are common, also colds, flu and pneumonia. The lungs are not strong, and weak toes and ankles may result from March births. The fish seem to have fallen arches and metatarsal injuries or superbly strong and supple feet. There's no inbetween. They have a hidden inner resistance, however, and one of the challenges of Neptune is to discover this latent strength and call on it. Pisceans can literally hypnotize themselves into or out of anything they choose-including fear of cats, mice, heights, subways, elevators and people.
Humor is one of their secret weapons. Pisceans grin to cover unshed tears. They're masters of satire, and you may cringe from a bright remark thrown at you so casually that you're unable to pin down the exact meaning or the in–tent. Yet, you'll have a decidedly uncomfortable feeling. The fish can scatter caustic observations around like flashing lights which wink on and off so fast you can't keep up with them. He's an excellent practical joker, great at pulling hilarious lines while he keeps his own elastic face mournful and straight. He can move gracefully from slapstick to brittle, sophisticated jokes. Sometimes the fun is warm and harmless, sometimes it's cold and merciless; but it's always a cover for another emotion the fish wants to hide, seldom spontaneous of itself. Pisces wears his laughs as a mask, and they disguise him well.
There's a great feeling of pity and a desire to help the sick and weak. Pisces may share compassion for the ill with Virgo, but he takes the extra step to try to understand the hearts of the burdened and the friendless, the failures and the misfits, no matter how weird or how rejected by so–ciety. The fish will gently comfort those whom Virgo feels are weak by choice, and therefore undeserving. If you need a dime or a dollar, a large loan, or just a small en–couragement that no one else would give, go to Pisces. You'll get no lectures and no glances of superiority. He judges no man-thief, murderer, addict, pervert, sinner, saint, hypocrite or liar. Greed, lust, sloth and envy will bring no critical wrath, if he's a typical Neptunian. His understanding overflows, along with whatever practical help he's able to offer. He senses every vice and virtue, and he knows each pitfall. Many fish, for this reason, don the robes of the priest or monk, and spend their lives in prayer or contemplation.
To help is his first instinct. There are Pisces people who are crusty and brusque, but it's only a fragile shell, worn for protection. The fish soon learns how vulnerable he is. The world is not yet tuned to the sensitive Piscean wave–length, so to avoid ridicule (as well as to avoid being taken for every last dime he owns), he sometimes feigns indifference. The impositions of those who would trample him force the fish to hide his true spirit. Since the depth of Neptune's waters causes him to absorb every pain and joy as if they were his own, it's little wonder many Pisceans pretend disinterest in hearing sad stories. But remember that they are pretending. If you've been rebuffed once, try 'twice, and the real fish will surface.
The glorious Piscean imagination, their marvelous elfin tumor and the Neptunian sense of beauty can create the most delicate, yet eternally lasting prose and poetry. In–deed, the world couldn't do without their artistic efforts and their gentle compassion for a moment. It would stop spin–ning. You'll frequently find fish who have buried their personal dreams to brighten odd corners of the lives of relatives and friends, or to bring the gift of tears and laughter to the public through the stage, at the cost of the privacy Pisces seeks and needs. Yet Neptune is a deceptive planet, capable of giving birth to natures that twist and turn in two directions at once, distorting the truth, an influence which often causes Pisces to hide his real emotions. ^
This thespian quality is obvious if you've ever tried pin down the elusive, flashing fish. He hates to answer direct question with a yes or a no. It's always maybe simple curiosity about what play he just saw or what boc he just read can bring an evasive answer for no reason particular. He can turn on tears, then turn on sunshine t pressing another invisible switch. Neither is truly real A is illusion with Pisces, and they find it hard to tell tt difference themselves. Their internal nature is as ui fathomable as Neptune's great oceans. The altruistic fish filled with an inexhaustible, tender love for every livin creature which is truly saint-like, when it's not turned u ward in self-pity and self-love. Typically Piscean are tr gregarious housewives with hearts big enough for th troubles of all the neighbors, and the patient bartendei who listen sympathetically to hundreds of tales of wo each week.
Hanging somewhere between the silent waters of th sea below and the vast, star-studded mist above, only bare ly touching the earth from necessity, Pisces lives his lif in lonely understanding of truth too deep to express L words. Those who want him for a friend, those who lov' him, must use their imagination to grasp the strange plane of his mind and emotions. The other two water signs-Scorpio and Cancer-are symbolized by half land-hal water creatures, amphibious and flexible-but the fish can' breathe air. He must live in cool green water, sometime muddy, always moving.
Pisces is represented, not by iron or mercury or gold o lead, but by the vibrations of the indefinable, artiflcia metals-again, an echo of the unreal and the illusionary He sees his reflection in three dimensions in the viole amethyst and the clear emerald; and his natal flowers an the water lily and the lotus. Their blossoms are pink an white and delicate, but their stems and leaves are made of strong fibers, tough and indestructible, unless they're ton up by the roots. Few can follow Pisces and probe the aquamarine nature, whether he swims downstream to obliv ion, just another lashing speck in the large, moving schoo:
of fish-or fights his way upstream to conquer the swif current and find serenity in pure waters. He is stronge] than he thinks and wiser than he knows, but Neptunt guards this secret until he discovers it for himself.
Famous Pisces Personalities
Edward Albee Harry Belafonte Elizabeth Browning Luther Burbank Enrico Caruso Frederic Chopin Grover Cleveland Albert Einstein Jaekie Gleason Handel
Rex Harrison Ben Heeht Victor Hugo Ted Kennedy Gordon MaeRae
James Madison Michelangelo Zero Mostel Vaslav Nijinsky Rudolf Nureyev Auguste Renoir Rimsky-Korsakov David Sarnoff Dinah Shore Earl of Snowden Svetlana Stalin John Steinbeck Elizabeth Taylor Earl Warren George Washington
We are but older children, dear, Who fret to find our bedtime near.
William Shakespeare was a Taurus, but he left this message for anyone who is considering becoming involved with a Pisces man:
.There is a tide in the affairs of men,
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shallows and in miseries.
If you're about to fall over the dam for a Neptunian, you should paste those lines on your compact mirror, where you can see them every time you powder your nose. They may possibly make or break your future, not to mention your heart.
Try to untangle your probably rosy state of mind and make sure that Pisces fellow you're about to join in a moonlight swim knows when the tide is coming in. If he takes it at the flood, you're as lucky as any girl can be. On to fame and fortune! But if, perchance, your Pisces lad can't see the tide for the stardust in his eyes, and he misses that big flood-well, let me warn you that those Neptunian shallows can result in some of the most dismal miseries you'll ever know.
A Pisces man can be everything you want him to be- or everything you don't want him to be. A tide in his affairs is synonymous with opportunity. It requires a firm decision, determined action, and the ability to drown any old, soggy dreams that prevent success. The trouble is that some Pisces men never recognize that tide at its flood, even when it sloshes over their feet.
The Pisces man isn't weak. It's just that he may linger too long on a fading, silver star, and miss the bright sun–light of success. Not all Pisceans are gentle dreamers. But more of them than you can scatter with a pebble are. However, there is hope. There's always hope, where there's life. Although the world needs his lovely imagination only too desperately, there comes a time when the Pisces male has to go about the business of earning his potatoes. When he does that, he has a snap of it, because the Neptune intuition coupled with his clever mind can turn him toward sensible goals which could bring him fame and recog–nition-even wealth and immortality. If not all that (you can't hit the jackpot every time), then at least respectability and comfortable security. Let's hope that's the kind of Pisces male you're sailing with. Practically no other Sun sign can stop his potential under those circumstances.
However, if, say by the age of twenty-five or so, he hasn't recognized that tide in his affairs, frankly, his future isn't too hopeful. You think that's unfair? All right, make it by the age of thirty-five, but you're gambling. When I said his future isn't too hopeful, I meant with you. As a wife-with the family routine. His personal future can be more or less satisfactory. Lots of Pisces men who can't bury stale dreams and dig up fresh ideas for success live fairly contented lives. That's because all they need is that dream, rusty as it is around the edges. Add a jug of wine, a loaf of good rye bread, and he's as happy as most of us other misfits. Ahl You noticed I stopped short of one item. It's a loaf of bread, a jug of wine and Thou-right? I'm glad you're up on the Rubaiyat. But you see, I left "Thou" out on purpose. The dreamy, sensitive, artistic fish can exist nicely on bread and wine-even thrive on it. But such a diet won't feed a wife, one to five little bundles of joy, and who knows, maybe even some goldfish and guppies (considering his Sun sign). You need things like stockings and cosmetics and shoes and spinach and rent money and celery and milk and light bulbs and, well, you know what I mean.
There's only one way out with this kind of fish: Be an heiress. No, there is another way out: Get two jobs-one for you and one for him, and work at both of them your–self like the very dickens.
Now, I didn't say you wouldn't be happy in the romantic hours. That's one thing no kind of Pisces ever born will ever be short of-romance. They fairly breathe it. It's just that it's no substitute for spinach and baby shoes, or your sanity. The planets, in their wisdom, take care of such com–plications of life by giving oodles of chances for this dreamy, unworldly type of Piscean male to become a proteg6. If he finds a patron or patroness (much more likelihood of the latter, but it can be either), he can turn into a great painter, a great writer, a great composer, a great musician-or at least just a great guy. But how is he going to find a patron, let alone a patroness, if he has you and those bundles of joy and the goldfish and the guppies and all cluttering up the artistic simplicity of his existence?
You have to admit it just won't work. Better say farewell to him right now. You'll cry a little, and it may hurt-even deeply. But not as much as being married to a walking, talking dream, and having to face the landlord with nothing but empty wishes m your pocketbook. That really hurts.
Now that we've been brave and practical about the bread and wine type, we can talk about the other kind of Pisces, the one who grabbed the tide at its flood. Obviously, he's a real catch for any girl. There's always the chance he could turn out to be an Einstein or a George Washington, which would be simply wonderful. You couldn't ask for much more, though I suppose Einstein might have been a little engrossed in his equations on weekends and George may have brought a few problems home from the office at night. But you don't have to seek perfection. Even a super practical Capricorn or an aggressive, driving Aries man can have little flaws. The point is that a Piscean who fights his way upstream will have plenty of chances to lay the twin gifts of fame and fortune at your feet And he's quite a guy in other ways, too.
A Pisces man has no prejudices. He'll never judge an Indian until he's walked a few miles in his moccasins, or a nudist until he's tried going barefoot. Even then he'll understand and not pass critical judgment. He's very short on cold accusations and very long on warm tolerance. He'll even make a stab at trying to understand his mother-in-law, and how many men do that? The Neptune male possesses a rare sympathy of spirit. His friends confide in him and never worry that he'll be shocked. It takes a real blockbuster to shock the fish. If you and I and your Piscean were all three sitting in a room, and a man walked in and told us he was a little worried because he was a bigamist, with four different wives in four different states- you might glare at him and think he deserved to go to jail;
I might sneer at him and call him a skunk; but your Pisces man would probably ask, "What four states? Were you in love with any of them?" The fish is curious, but totally shockproof. As far as he's concerned, the fellow needs heaps of sympathy and a darned good lawyer.
He might tell a secret or two accidentally, never on pur–pose. Pisces sometimes speaks before he realizes the pos–sible damage. It's a little tough for him to comprehend that what he says could perhaps be interpreted in the wrong light by more severe souls with less relenting atti–tudes. (It would take some thought, for example, for him to grasp that people like his sister or your mother wouldn't understand the domestic difficulties of that poor bigamist.) However, once the fish has been specifically requested to keep it under his fin, he'll be close-mouthed and reliable, and you can trust him with your darkest secrets.
An occasional Pisces who's the victim of an afflicted Mercury talks very fast, fluently and frequently. But the typical Neptunian speaks slowly, thinks gently, and tries to mind his own business, even though he's continually sub–jected to the problems of friends, relatives and neighbors. They flock to him because Neptune listens so beautifully. You'll find yourself tempted to confide your own little worries with the broken hair dryer, your father's sinus trouble and your overdrawn bank balance, but try to go easy. If there's anything a Pisces husband or boy friend doesn't need, it's more tribulations dropped in his lap. Others have been dropping them all day. Bundles of them. He needs some relief when he's with you. People don't mean to impose on Pisces. They seldom realize that the Neptune nature is so receptive it just soaks up all the vibrations around, good or bad, joyful or fearful, dark or light. The life of an absorbent, spiritual sponge can be kind of wearing on the psyche, as any mystic can tell you. (Many of them are Piscean.) The very fact that he's sensi–tive means that he vividly feels the emotions of those who seek his ear and get his heart. Pisces people often have to rest for long periods. The Neptune soul must be alone at times so fresh breezes can blow through to heal the wounds of all those vicarious troubles and bring back calm, undefiled individuality. So never begrudge your Pisces man his moments of silence. He sorely needs them. If he feels like being alone or taking a walk by himself, let him go. Too much togethemess can spoil the beauty of Pisces love. It needs space to grow untangled.
Remember that the fish is sensitive and can be easily hurt. His shyness is due to a painful consciousness of his own limitations, whatever they may be, and he feels them keenly. He needs to know that his virtues are counted by someone he admires. You. Never hold back encouragement from him.
He may try Yoga and Zen, or experiment with occult beliefs, and hell probably be interested in astrology and numerology, even reincarnation. Like the Scorpio, he was born with an understanding of esoteric principles, and these things are usually good for him. They help keep his emotions stable, and they provide an anchor for his vivid imagination. Pisces men get upset now and then, but their anger is seldom violent or long lasting. When it's over, the waters grow placid again, and life is just as peaceful as before. Some Neptune males do a little yelling around the house, but it's harmless. It's almost impossible for the fish to really bellow, like Taurus the bull, for example. See how lucky you are?
Although he's difficult to fathom himself, Pisces has no problem in seeing all the subtleties of others clearly. It's difficult to fool him; he'll look right through to the other side. Yet, he can fool you when he takes a notion to do so, through some quirk he has which makes him want to keep his personal affairs safely hidden from close scrutiny.
One Piscean I know carries this trait so far he has actual–ly been able to fool the government, and thafs no easy trick. All his life he has managed to avoid the census taker. The Internal Revenue knows less about him than they kirow about a native in Pago Pago. He gets away with it because he's a writer. His phone is listed under a fictitious name, and he's never applied for a social security card or a driver's license. He has a horror of some imagi–nary Big Brother turning him into a number and knowing all his private secrets.
Your fish may not be quite so neurotic about it, but there will probably be times when he'll tell you he was at the cleaner's when he was really buying a cigar. Why? I really don't know. Nor does he. It's a sort of mild de–ception the Piscean (also the Geminian) seems to enjoy. As long as he's wearing green suspenders and people think he's wearing orange suspenders-or no suspenders-he feels secure, somehow. Since it makes him happy, let him have his little mysteries. Why make a big deal of it? Even if you know he wasn't at the cleaner because you saw him in the cigar store yourself, ask him if his slacks were ready. When he tells you the man said they won't be ready until Monday, remark that the cleaner is as slow as molasses and let it go at that. He could have far worse habits than practicing a little harmless make-believe just to keep his vivid imagination oiled up and in top working condition.
There won't be many tremendous surges of jealousy. Or if there are, he's such an excellent natural actor (if you let him practice) that hell probably pretend them away. But he's a man, for all his poetic, tender nature, so he'll expect your technical loyalty when everything is said and done. You may have to control your own jealousy, how–ever, because he'll have warm friends of both sexes, and he'll be sympathetic to them, sometimes at odd hours. It's his nature to be gregarious. He can't help it. There's danger here if you're the violently possessive type. An Aries or Leo girl had better chase another moonbeam. He does admire beauty, and he may stare at pretty legs from time to time. But you can keep that in bounds and innocent with a little extra effort, and your reward will be a gentle hus–band who's both a romantic lover and a companion who can talk about everything under the sun.
When those spells of loneliness and depression cause the gloom to gather, toss your apron in the comer behind the aquarium, throw on a yellow dress and a golden smile, buy some green tickets to a happy show, and trick him right out of it. Pisoeans are particularly vulnerable to sug–gestion. You may hit a few snags trying to get him to be economical and cautious about money. Neptune people, frankly, aren't noted for their triple A credit ratings (unless he has a Capricorn ascendant or strong planets m Taurus, Aquarius or Cancer, for example). He'll learn, but don't compound the situation by being extravagant yourself, if you can help it. One loose spender per family goes a long way-toward the poor house. He needs a good example. It's surprising how that works with the Pisces character in a sort of follow-the-leader manner. That is, if the leader is close to him and someone he respects. The Piscean nature is vividly receptive to the vibrations around him, especially if they're intensified by emotion.
The children will find him one whale of a lot of fun. Chances are hell take them boating and swimming and snorkel diving. He'll play the part of the Wicked Crocodile and Little Boy Blue until they think they've found a human nursery rhyme, in living color. He may sprinkle them with a little way-out philosophy, sing them some mildly salty ballads, or teach them to stand on their heads, yoga style. They'll probably adore him, and they just may turn out to be well-balanced, well-adjusted adults, thanks to his rare ability to hold a tiny bird in his hand without crushing it or frightening it. You do the spanking and hell do the listening to their young problems-you keep their noses and their clothes clean and he'll keep their minds active. It should work out fine.
Never tread on this man's dreams-he won't forgive that, or forget it. Give him a chance to turn them into realities by helping him find a good, firm star to hitch his wagon to -one that will sparkle instead of fizzing out in an eclipse of common sense. In love, Pisces is a leaner emotionally, which means he needs boundless reassurance and faith, but it also means you musn't lean on him with imaginary com–plaints. His enthusiastic hopes need to be watered with understanding affection, and make sure you supply the rich soil of a happy home life. Keep the deadly insects of nag–ging and criticism away from the roots, and someday those wild and crazy hopes of his will change from useless weeds into tall money trees in the backyard, high enough to reach a few of your own private dreams. Hope springs eternal in the Piscean heart. Don't knock it. It may shower you with some gigantic and surprising luck if you nurture it tenderly.
You may have heard or read that Pisces is the sign of "self-undoing," and that could make you all nervous and negative, but don't let it frighten you. True, there's always a bit of self-undoing in all Neptune men, but just "do him back up again," like you would a package that comes un–tied. If you make the knots tight enough, it won't happen often. Serve him a dream for breakfast, a clever joke for lunch, and Chopin for dinner, with Browning for a chaser. After that, you're on your own. Don't be afraid to jump in. The water's fine.