You will find many astrologers enjoy the solar fire gold, but wise to hold off for a couple of weeks, as an upgrade is going to happen. I have been using astrolabe since 1986, and find their stuff stellar. The biggest short coming in my opinion with the solar fire is the asteroids. It has only about 1000, Kelper has 10,000. No meanings for them but their orbital value. However, most astrologers don't use more than 5 asteroids at a time. Just that Kepler does have them. Before buying software, think how you are going to use it. To save a 100 dollars now, maybe a regret later. For financial astrology you may want to consider AIR, (Alphee Lavoie's stuff), for relocation look at Matrix or Solar Maps, for chart rectification I like Jigsaw 2.1 (also good for research data base). These are a few to consider. Keep in mind, are you going to use the word processor, and or sell charts printouts, then you may want to look at a specialty software. However, warning about selling printouts, which once was a good business, nowadays, you can get it on the net for free. I own and use 9 different software, all for different applications.
PS: Then I would look at Matrix winstar, or Solar Fire Gold. As for lat and long, both of these programs have a good atlas, with solar fire you can add to the atlas.
When stuck for lat and long I usually go to this site: it is very good to find almost the hole in the wall...