I've been with him 6 years total. 4 LTR & 2 here with me since the birth of our son. I've always questioned his fidelity since day one because we were friends first & I know how he can be plus I have alot of trust issues from the past. Recently again I've had "that feeling" again. I needed to know this time once & for all especially because I keep catching him masturbating to porn on different occasions months apart after promising and swearing he won't do it anymore. I went ahead and put in a digital voice recorder in his car and caught him talking to himself. He was saying absurd things like "I miss fking u " and "I wanna fk u". He was also singing along with a song on the radio only putting in his own words saying how he missed her "sucking his cok" and that he has to go back for her. I haven't shown him the recording yet but it baffles me how he cries when I get mad and try to leave and swears he loves me & my son so much and that he's been nothing but faithful. He has even gone as far as taking me to a counseling session with our priest and told the priest that he doesn't cheat on me. Are Taurus capable of lying so huge but making it seem so real?? His bday is May 10 and I attached his chart.....what can u tell me about him?