Tarot Zodiac
There is no specific love-compatibility zodiac match up in Tarot Readings as the system is far too complex as well as far too respectful of individual realities to crunch the issue down into some quick fix tips. One's love life is always a difficult business to navigate and the Tarot helps you to take into account all the factors of the situation as it is unfolding, not just the 'compatibility'. Nevertheless, there are certain propensities for the various signs of the zodiac when they are in love. In the Inner Phases system of the zodiac that we follow, there will be thirty-six phases to take into account and not just twelve as in the classical zodiac. We give a short account of each phase's behavior in love.
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo
Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
A r i e s
Two of Aries (March 21 to March 30) There is likely to be a great deal of compatibility and agreement in any relationship this person enters into. Even if they begin by disagreement it usually resolves itself. Very quickly, the Two of Aries will convert the other person into a common dream or goal that they will spend the rest of their life in achieving or bringing about. The strains that will inevitably result in any relationship are when this dream is lost sight of and both parties go off track. Usually the Two of Aries is a wonderful lover.
Three of Aries (March 31 to April 10) These people fall impulsively in love. They usually meet their mate in improbable situations or through the contrivance of friends. A commonality of ideas, especially on the spiritual plane, is the only real way this relationship can last. If that is taken care of then all other matters become harmonious too. Be prepared to do a lot of travelling to strange places with the Three of Aries, if you want to keep the romantic interest alive.
Four of Aries (April 11 to April 20) Until they are ready to settle down, their romances will prove to be fickle and insubstantial. They seem to have a prolonged 'sowing of wild oats stage' as they are afraid of making a mistake. Paradoxically, domesticity brings out the best in them as lovers. They sink gratefully into routine and convention and resist any abrupt changes in the relationship with vigor.
Zodiac Signs
T a u r u s
Five of Taurus (April 21 to April 30) These people are stingy in love and slow to give commitments. This is not because they are unloving or unlovable but because they need to have financial security first before they will allow thoughts of love to intrude. They are also prone to get entangled with people who have a different point of view about life and that cause some trouble. The Five of Taurus never really gets comfortable with love until almost middle age.
Six of Taurus (May 1 to May 10) A very comfortable sort of relationship will be set up as soon as possible, as these people hate all sorts of strife and conflict. The Six of Taurus is a great pillar of support and comfort for those they love and can be relied upon implicitly. They are not hung up about dominating the relationship and prove to be quite flexible in changing circumstances. The health of the Six of Taurus is always a good indicator of the health of the relationship, waxing and waning in perfect lock step.
Seven of Taurus (May 11 to May 20) They are extremely cautious in matters of love and have a tendency to review and rethink and reexamine that will drive many people crazy. A little bit of understanding of this personal quirk will go a long way for anybody who is serious about the Seven of Taurus. This constant navel gazing s how the person grows into the relationship and the Seven of Taurus is far more likely to judge themselves severely than their partner. They may make some dramatic changes in their life after brooding so.
Zodiac Signs
G e m i n i
Eight of Gemini (May 21 to May 31) For a brilliantly communicative sign like Gemini, it is astonishing how many romantic problems they create for themselves. The Eight of Gemini is charm personified in the early stages of a relationship, but gets cold feet almost instantly after. They fear being tied down; they fear loss of independence almost as much as they fear being lonely and alone. This is obviously a strange yin-yang of emotions to be in and not the most pleasant experience for somebody involved with them.
Nine of Gemini (June 1 to June 10) Two things are unforgivable for the Nine of Gemini. One is to be unfaithful. The other is to be boring. Either one of these issues, even if suspected at, is enough for them to turn off the relationship. They also require your spotlight to be firmly turned upon them at all times or they can be very grumpy. Be prepared for lots of talk about what love is all about and where you are in the mutual bond, but action will be less prompt. Jealousy is to be watched out for.
Ten of Gemini (June 11 to June 20) They are very wary about falling in love as they have an inspired talent to get into relationships that end up badly for them. Everything is red-hot passion for a while and then it turns all horribly wrong. Don't depress their anxiety lever as they believe in pre-emptive strikes, running away before they can be dumped. The real issue here is for the Ten of Gemini to let go of the past and try to find happiness with the person available in the present.
Zodiac Signs
C a n c e r
Two of Cancer (June 21 to July 1) While they are capable of deep love, they make the cardinal mistake of confusing sexual attraction with love for a very long time. This operates at a very deep instinctive plane and it is many years before they get out of it. They also seem to repeat the patterns of their loves so make sure that you are not getting caught into some such action replay scenario. At the deepest level they are earnestly seeking their soul mate. Once found, all issues are resolved forever.
Three of Cancer (July 2 to July 11) What is most important for the Three of Cancer is to have a good time and romance should above all be fun. If dullness appears in the relationship they soon pull out. This may not be fair to other people but that is their nature. They also have the habit of canvassing the opinions of friends and family in their love life and going by that, so it is very important to be liked by those two groups if you are serious about this person.
Four of Cancer (July 12 to July 21) They have a curious sense of being unfulfilled and may have many broken relationships as a consequence. While the romance is on it becomes very important but there is always some flaw that soon unravels it. Specifics are endlessly debated and gone over and there is a tendency to constantly rework what has been agreed upon. The Four of Cancer finds it difficult to love anybody in particular, and may not be particularly loyal. A surprising number of them end up on a spiritual quest, as love does not give them what they are seeking.
Zodiac Signs
L e o
Five of Leo (July 22 to August 1) Love is a matter of one-upmanship for many of them and even the most relaxed Five of Leo is not capable of letting go of their competitive instincts. They will always be trying to do you one better and in the early stages of a romance this is great fun, but it can become a real pain. If anybody else expresses any interest in somebody they want then the Five of Leo goes into romantic overdrive and is not too scrupulous about the means employed to win the loved one. In some rare cases it means that work will always be a rival for their affections.
Six of Leo (August 2 to August 11) These people have the ability to wait for the perfect person to come along and more often than not they are right! Again and again they pass over reasonably good choices in what appears to be unreasonable manners, but they know that there is something and someone special out there for them and they are not content with anything other than the best in their love life. There is not too much verbalization of love here. Since the choice fits perfectly, what do you need to talk about?
Seven of Leo (August 12 to August 22) These people are commitment reluctant because inevitably they begin to feel stifled, if not suffocated, in their relationships. Unlike the Six of Leo, the Seven is not waiting for the perfect person to come along. The Seven of Leo feels that their precious independence will be lost with any person. This is a trying person to be with as they remain in this stage for a great many years before they decide it is not so bad after all. Any perceived rival in love is enough reason for them to take off - or even worse overreact - so be careful if you want their love. Also be prepared for unusual amounts of arguments if you contradict them in anything.
Zodiac Signs
V i r g o
Eight of Virgo (August 23 to September 1) These people agonize endlessly about the small details of their relationship and indeed they are perhaps wise to do so. It is the small things, the little quirks of habit and behavior, that become insurmountable difficulties in later life. They know that unless the little things go smoothly, the relationship will come apart when a big crisis hits it. In their quest for the ever finer nuance, they end up meeting some strange people and going to unusual places to find love.
Nine of Virgo (September 2 to September 11) They are people who go to great lengths to maintain harmonious bonds with their loved ones. They prefer an atmosphere of ease and comfort and they do not like disputes of any sort. Some of them actually put up with passive abuse before they will take a stand on this. They tend to fall quickly in love and stay there. Even in rare cases where they are unfaithful, they will do anything to keep the original relationship intact. The Nine of Virgo repays loyalty and care in spades.
Ten of Virgo (September 12 to September 21) They are rather quiet but immensely rich in their vein of romance. It is best to meet this person when they have matured a little, as the rewards are unbelievable. They have no romantic delusions, but they have many romantic dreams and they will work hard to achieve them. Their partners will find themselves in agreement with practically everything. They are apt to find soul mates while travelling, though in many cases they seem to attract the right person through magnetism.
Zodiac Signs
L i b r a
Two of Libra (September 22 to October 2) They are fascinated by and resentful of the romantic impulse. The Two of Libra can swing from extreme to extreme and finally end up in a situation where the best that can be said about it is "Can't complain". This uneasy truce element is always at the back of their minds and their partners have to be very careful not to upset them. They are prone to break up on trivial issues just to get out of deadlocks like this. Unless given lots of free time for themselves, their romances all end up unluckily.
Three of Libra (October 3 to October 12) A somewhat luckless sign in that these people have more than their fair share of heartache if not heartbreak. Part of the problem is a hanging on to the past when it is clear to everybody around them that it is over. The uncertainties of change are more fearful for them in a romantic context than the pain of the present. The three of Libra will continue this seesaw until they change their basic programs, one of which is that they do not believe they can be loved by extraordinary people.
Four of Libra (October 13 to October 22) The four of Libra is likely to be a very introspective sign requiring long periods of time away form the relationship, while they try to make sense of it. This rumination usually rebounds to the credit of the person they are in love with, but panicky lovers usually think they are about to be dumped. However, they are prone to develop new relationships without totally canceling the first. They suffer from a strong sense of being alone and reassurance to the contrary does not work.
Zodiac Signs
S c o r p i o
Five of Scorpio (October 23 to November 1) They move warily through the field of love, as they fear getting burned. They also tend to have an idealized early romance against which they judge all subsequent romances and find them wanting. This is a trying trait for those in love with them. To let go is not easy for them, and they may be prone to strange depressions in the midst of a happy time. Sometimes, their usually fine judgement is off and they realize that they have alienated the ideal person with their glum moods.
Six of Scorpio (November 2 to November 12) There is a childlike quality about the romances these people get into. Beware of old flames making a sudden appearance in their life. They are sure to check them out, not because they are unfaithful but because of an overwhelming nostalgia that governs all actions. They view all love affairs through a haze of sentiment, a disconcerting trait in the Six of Scorpio who is as hardheaded as they come otherwise.
Seven of Scorpio (November 13 to November 22) They shilly-shally to an amazing extent and usually get married only when they are given a final ultimatum by the loved one. They would much prefer to be falling in love than settling down in love. All their relationships seem to be disappointments in retrospect, but that's because no love can always remain at such a blaze! Once they accept that this sort of dream world will not do, they become steady and considerate lovers.
Zodiac Signs
S a g i t t a r i u s
Eight of Sagittarius (November 23 to December 2) They are very good at whirlwind romances. The Eight of Sagittarius has an uncanny ability to get under the skin of someone and rapidly establish a relationship of trust and closeness. They are also very good at uncovering the spiritual beliefs of the other person even thought they might not subscribe to them. There is also a lot of honesty and clear and open communication, though in some cases that becomes brutal frankness and disdain for others.
Nine of Sagittarius (December 3 to December 12) Things begin smartly, proceed well, but then the Nine of Sagittarius needs to back off a bit and allow matters to be a bit less combustible. They dislike cloying and clinging, though they are prone to that fault themselves without quite realizing it. Any relationship with them must include clear and compatible goals that are within the realms of achievement. If not, there is really no hope of a future together.
Ten of Sagittarius (December 12 to December 21) Romantic entanglements prove themselves to be burdensome to this group. They also manage to fall in love at the most inconvenient times for their own sakes. Knowing this trait within themselves, they are apt to go in for a series of shallow flings rather than work at anything serious. Until they get their life goals clear, any person who gets involved with them should not expect anything long-term.
Zodiac Signs
C a p r i c o r n
Two of Capricorn (December 22 to December 30) The romance works best if there are many, many spaces in the togetherness. The Two of Capricorn almost always finds somebody to love who is as driven and as busy as they invariably are. Love can become a matter of schedules and co-ordination if they are not careful. Perhaps they are smart, for these people have a love life that always has the heat turned up. Anybody in love with them should also be prepared for frequent changes in personality.
Three of Capricorn (December 31 to January 9) These people come to love late in life, or at least comparatively late in life. They have an intuitive understanding of when they are mature enough to deal with complex emotions and avoid them till then. Any difficulties and misunderstandings that crop up are resolved with swift efficiency, as they do not like disharmony. They are very loyal once their trust has been won.
Four of Capricorn (January 10 to January 19) Even though they recognize it sometimes, the Four of Capricorn has a habit of repeating past patterns of behavior almost as though it was a compulsion. They make the same mistakes in love, or find themselves involved with the same kind of person all over again to the disgust and weary wonder of their friends. They are also reluctant to call it quits, as a strong element of nostalgia operates within them. Decisively forming new patterns is the way they resolve these issues, but that takes time.
Zodiac Signs
A q u a r i u s
Five of Aquarius (January 20 to January 29) Perhaps a more unromantic sign does not exist. Being creatures of the intellect first, and so they should be, the Five of Aquarius is a reluctant lover. They make many mistakes but primary is the desire to dominate the other. This soon leads to resentment in the other person and one more romance goes bust. To learn to compromise even though they 'know better' is the most difficult lesson for them. Once learnt they are fine, even unique, lovers.
Six of Aquarius (January 30 to February 8) This person is likely to be a strange sort of lover in that they are always looking for something new and they may also appear to be taking more than a reasonable interest in other people. They have ingrained commitment phobia and secure themselves by falling in love with unsuitable sorts of people. They are also prone to 'move on' for reasons that make sense only to themselves. Even when they settle down, they are apt to be slightly unsettling in their views.
Seven of Aquarius (February 9 to February 18) The seven of Aquarius, like all Aquarius, is deeply suspicious of getting tied down. They enter into peculiar relationships as a consequence. If they feel trapped they are capable of slyness and deceit, contrary to their usual honest nature. They are very ********* with their true feelings, preferring to analyze those of their partner first before contributing anything in turn. Straight talk alone works with these people, as they respect that.
Zodiac Signs
P i s c e s
Eight of Pisces (February 19 to February 28) The eight of Pisces is likely to be rather melancholy though they are quite kind and caring. They are prone to sacrifice a lot in their relationships, even more than they should. However, once convinced that a bond has outlived its usefulness, they can let go without any regret. This is a gradual process that can be reversed at any time. Their personal goals also alter slowly but firmly and if you are not in tune with that, they fall out of love with you.
Nine of Pisces (March 1 to March 10) These people are very intuitive and attract their soul mate at just the right time. They may seem to be going along with no softer emotions and suddenly they fall in love and get married. They are also prone to find their mates in strange and unfamiliar surroundings. They are surprisingly sensual and sexual beings as their partners will learn to their delight. They cannot be hurried into a relationship, however, until they are ready for it.
Ten of Pisces (March 11 to March 20) This person is always one step ahead of their partner in understanding the nature of the relationship and what it requires now. They are unquestionably the soul of the bond, though it might not be visible, as they tend to be the quieter sorts. They detest all forms of pretension and fakery, and none more so than in matters of love. A long-term relationship with the Ten of Pisces is almost a given, they do not go in for flings normally.
Zodiac Signs
Tarot Zodiac
There is no specific love-compatibility zodiac match up in Tarot Readings as the system is far too complex as well as far too respectful of individual realities to crunch the issue down into some quick fix tips. One's love life is always a difficult business to navigate and the Tarot helps you to take into account all the factors of the situation as it is unfolding, not just the 'compatibility'. Nevertheless, there are certain propensities for the various signs of the zodiac when they are in love. In the Inner Phases system of the zodiac that we follow, there will be thirty-six phases to take into account and not just twelve as in the classical zodiac. We give a short account of each phase's behavior in love.
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo
Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
A r i e s
Two of Aries (March 21 to March 30) There is likely to be a great deal of compatibility and agreement in any relationship this person enters into. Even if they begin by disagreement it usually resolves itself. Very quickly, the Two of Aries will convert the other person into a common dream or goal that they will spend the rest of their life in achieving or bringing about. The strains that will inevitably result in any relationship are when this dream is lost sight of and both parties go off track. Usually the Two of Aries is a wonderful lover.
Three of Aries (March 31 to April 10) These people fall impulsively in love. They usually meet their mate in improbable situations or through the contrivance of friends. A commonality of ideas, especially on the spiritual plane, is the only real way this relationship can last. If that is taken care of then all other matters become harmonious too. Be prepared to do a lot of travelling to strange places with the Three of Aries, if you want to keep the romantic interest alive.
Four of Aries (April 11 to April 20) Until they are ready to settle down, their romances will prove to be fickle and insubstantial. They seem to have a prolonged 'sowing of wild oats stage' as they are afraid of making a mistake. Paradoxically, domesticity brings out the best in them as lovers. They sink gratefully into routine and convention and resist any abrupt changes in the relationship with vigor.
Zodiac Signs
T a u r u s
Five of Taurus (April 21 to April 30) These people are stingy in love and slow to give commitments. This is not because they are unloving or unlovable but because they need to have financial security first before they will allow thoughts of love to intrude. They are also prone to get entangled with people who have a different point of view about life and that cause some trouble. The Five of Taurus never really gets comfortable with love until almost middle age.
Six of Taurus (May 1 to May 10) A very comfortable sort of relationship will be set up as soon as possible, as these people hate all sorts of strife and conflict. The Six of Taurus is a great pillar of support and comfort for those they love and can be relied upon implicitly. They are not hung up about dominating the relationship and prove to be quite flexible in changing circumstances. The health of the Six of Taurus is always a good indicator of the health of the relationship, waxing and waning in perfect lock step.
Seven of Taurus (May 11 to May 20) They are extremely cautious in matters of love and have a tendency to review and rethink and reexamine that will drive many people crazy. A little bit of understanding of this personal quirk will go a long way for anybody who is serious about the Seven of Taurus. This constant navel gazing s how the person grows into the relationship and the Seven of Taurus is far more likely to judge themselves severely than their partner. They may make some dramatic changes in their life after brooding so.
Zodiac Signs
G e m i n i
Eight of Gemini (May 21 to May 31) For a brilliantly communicative sign like Gemini, it is astonishing how many romantic problems they create for themselves. The Eight of Gemini is charm personified in the early stages of a relationship, but gets cold feet almost instantly after. They fear being tied down; they fear loss of independence almost as much as they fear being lonely and alone. This is obviously a strange yin-yang of emotions to be in and not the most pleasant experience for somebody involved with them.
Nine of Gemini (June 1 to June 10) Two things are unforgivable for the Nine of Gemini. One is to be unfaithful. The other is to be boring. Either one of these issues, even if suspected at, is enough for them to turn off the relationship. They also require your spotlight to be firmly turned upon them at all times or they can be very grumpy. Be prepared for lots of talk about what love is all about and where you are in the mutual bond, but action will be less prompt. Jealousy is to be watched out for.
Ten of Gemini (June 11 to June 20) They are very wary about falling in love as they have an inspired talent to get into relationships that end up badly for them. Everything is red-hot passion for a while and then it turns all horribly wrong. Don't depress their anxiety lever as they believe in pre-emptive strikes, running away before they can be dumped. The real issue here is for the Ten of Gemini to let go of the past and try to find happiness with the person available in the present.
Zodiac Signs
C a n c e r
Two of Cancer (June 21 to July 1) While they are capable of deep love, they make the cardinal mistake of confusing sexual attraction with love for a very long time. This operates at a very deep instinctive plane and it is many years before they get out of it. They also seem to repeat the patterns of their loves so make sure that you are not getting caught into some such action replay scenario. At the deepest level they are earnestly seeking their soul mate. Once found, all issues are resolved forever.
Three of Cancer (July 2 to July 11) What is most important for the Three of Cancer is to have a good time and romance should above all be fun. If dullness appears in the relationship they soon pull out. This may not be fair to other people but that is their nature. They also have the habit of canvassing the opinions of friends and family in their love life and going by that, so it is very important to be liked by those two groups if you are serious about this person.
Four of Cancer (July 12 to July 21) They have a curious sense of being unfulfilled and may have many broken relationships as a consequence. While the romance is on it becomes very important but there is always some flaw that soon unravels it. Specifics are endlessly debated and gone over and there is a tendency to constantly rework what has been agreed upon. The Four of Cancer finds it difficult to love anybody in particular, and may not be particularly loyal. A surprising number of them end up on a spiritual quest, as love does not give them what they are seeking.
Zodiac Signs
L e o
Five of Leo (July 22 to August 1) Love is a matter of one-upmanship for many of them and even the most relaxed Five of Leo is not capable of letting go of their competitive instincts. They will always be trying to do you one better and in the early stages of a romance this is great fun, but it can become a real pain. If anybody else expresses any interest in somebody they want then the Five of Leo goes into romantic overdrive and is not too scrupulous about the means employed to win the loved one. In some rare cases it means that work will always be a rival for their affections.
Six of Leo (August 2 to August 11) These people have the ability to wait for the perfect person to come along and more often than not they are right! Again and again they pass over reasonably good choices in what appears to be unreasonable manners, but they know that there is something and someone special out there for them and they are not content with anything other than the best in their love life. There is not too much verbalization of love here. Since the choice fits perfectly, what do you need to talk about?
Seven of Leo (August 12 to August 22) These people are commitment reluctant because inevitably they begin to feel stifled, if not suffocated, in their relationships. Unlike the Six of Leo, the Seven is not waiting for the perfect person to come along. The Seven of Leo feels that their precious independence will be lost with any person. This is a trying person to be with as they remain in this stage for a great many years before they decide it is not so bad after all. Any perceived rival in love is enough reason for them to take off - or even worse overreact - so be careful if you want their love. Also be prepared for unusual amounts of arguments if you contradict them in anything.
Zodiac Signs
V i r g o
Eight of Virgo (August 23 to September 1) These people agonize endlessly about the small details of their relationship and indeed they are perhaps wise to do so. It is the small things, the little quirks of habit and behavior, that become insurmountable difficulties in later life. They know that unless the little things go smoothly, the relationship will come apart when a big crisis hits it. In their quest for the ever finer nuance, they end up meeting some strange people and going to unusual places to find love.
Nine of Virgo (September 2 to September 11) They are people who go to great lengths to maintain harmonious bonds with their loved ones. They prefer an atmosphere of ease and comfort and they do not like disputes of any sort. Some of them actually put up with passive abuse before they will take a stand on this. They tend to fall quickly in love and stay there. Even in rare cases where they are unfaithful, they will do anything to keep the original relationship intact. The Nine of Virgo repays loyalty and care in spades.
Ten of Virgo (September 12 to September 21) They are rather quiet but immensely rich in their vein of romance. It is best to meet this person when they have matured a little, as the rewards are unbelievable. They have no romantic delusions, but they have many romantic dreams and they will work hard to achieve them. Their partners will find themselves in agreement with practically everything. They are apt to find soul mates while travelling, though in many cases they seem to attract the right person through magnetism.
Zodiac Signs
L i b r a
Two of Libra (September 22 to October 2) They are fascinated by and resentful of the romantic impulse. The Two of Libra can swing from extreme to extreme and finally end up in a situation where the best that can be said about it is "Can't complain". This uneasy truce element is always at the back of their minds and their partners have to be very careful not to upset them. They are prone to break up on trivial issues just to get out of deadlocks like this. Unless given lots of free time for themselves, their romances all end up unluckily.
Three of Libra (October 3 to October 12) A somewhat luckless sign in that these people have more than their fair share of heartache if not heartbreak. Part of the problem is a hanging on to the past when it is clear to everybody around them that it is over. The uncertainties of change are more fearful for them in a romantic context than the pain of the present. The three of Libra will continue this seesaw until they change their basic programs, one of which is that they do not believe they can be loved by extraordinary people.
Four of Libra (October 13 to October 22) The four of Libra is likely to be a very introspective sign requiring long periods of time away form the relationship, while they try to make sense of it. This rumination usually rebounds to the credit of the person they are in love with, but panicky lovers usually think they are about to be dumped. However, they are prone to develop new relationships without totally canceling the first. They suffer from a strong sense of being alone and reassurance to the contrary does not work.
Zodiac Signs
S c o r p i o
Five of Scorpio (October 23 to November 1) They move warily through the field of love, as they fear getting burned. They also tend to have an idealized early romance against which they judge all subsequent romances and find them wanting. This is a trying trait for those in love with them. To let go is not easy for them, and they may be prone to strange depressions in the midst of a happy time. Sometimes, their usually fine judgement is off and they realize that they have alienated the ideal person with their glum moods.
Six of Scorpio (November 2 to November 12) There is a childlike quality about the romances these people get into. Beware of old flames making a sudden appearance in their life. They are sure to check them out, not because they are unfaithful but because of an overwhelming nostalgia that governs all actions. They view all love affairs through a haze of sentiment, a disconcerting trait in the Six of Scorpio who is as hardheaded as they come otherwise.
Seven of Scorpio (November 13 to November 22) They shilly-shally to an amazing extent and usually get married only when they are given a final ultimatum by the loved one. They would much prefer to be falling in love than settling down in love. All their relationships seem to be disappointments in retrospect, but that's because no love can always remain at such a blaze! Once they accept that this sort of dream world will not do, they become steady and considerate lovers.
Zodiac Signs
S a g i t t a r i u s
Eight of Sagittarius (November 23 to December 2) They are very good at whirlwind romances. The Eight of Sagittarius has an uncanny ability to get under the skin of someone and rapidly establish a relationship of trust and closeness. They are also very good at uncovering the spiritual beliefs of the other person even thought they might not subscribe to them. There is also a lot of honesty and clear and open communication, though in some cases that becomes brutal frankness and disdain for others.
Nine of Sagittarius (December 3 to December 12) Things begin smartly, proceed well, but then the Nine of Sagittarius needs to back off a bit and allow matters to be a bit less combustible. They dislike cloying and clinging, though they are prone to that fault themselves without quite realizing it. Any relationship with them must include clear and compatible goals that are within the realms of achievement. If not, there is really no hope of a future together.
Ten of Sagittarius (December 12 to December 21) Romantic entanglements prove themselves to be burdensome to this group. They also manage to fall in love at the most inconvenient times for their own sakes. Knowing this trait within themselves, they are apt to go in for a series of shallow flings rather than work at anything serious. Until they get their life goals clear, any person who gets involved with them should not expect anything long-term.
Zodiac Signs
C a p r i c o r n
Two of Capricorn (December 22 to December 30) The romance works best if there are many, many spaces in the togetherness. The Two of Capricorn almost always finds somebody to love who is as driven and as busy as they invariably are. Love can become a matter of schedules and co-ordination if they are not careful. Perhaps they are smart, for these people have a love life that always has the heat turned up. Anybody in love with them should also be prepared for frequent changes in personality.
Three of Capricorn (December 31 to January 9) These people come to love late in life, or at least comparatively late in life. They have an intuitive understanding of when they are mature enough to deal with complex emotions and avoid them till then. Any difficulties and misunderstandings that crop up are resolved with swift efficiency, as they do not like disharmony. They are very loyal once their trust has been won.
Four of Capricorn (January 10 to January 19) Even though they recognize it sometimes, the Four of Capricorn has a habit of repeating past patterns of behavior almost as though it was a compulsion. They make the same mistakes in love, or find themselves involved with the same kind of person all over again to the disgust and weary wonder of their friends. They are also reluctant to call it quits, as a strong element of nostalgia operates within them. Decisively forming new patterns is the way they resolve these issues, but that takes time.
Zodiac Signs
A q u a r i u s
Five of Aquarius (January 20 to January 29) Perhaps a more unromantic sign does not exist. Being creatures of the intellect first, and so they should be, the Five of Aquarius is a reluctant lover. They make many mistakes but primary is the desire to dominate the other. This soon leads to resentment in the other person and one more romance goes bust. To learn to compromise even though they 'know better' is the most difficult lesson for them. Once learnt they are fine, even unique, lovers.
Six of Aquarius (January 30 to February 8) This person is likely to be a strange sort of lover in that they are always looking for something new and they may also appear to be taking more than a reasonable interest in other people. They have ingrained commitment phobia and secure themselves by falling in love with unsuitable sorts of people. They are also prone to 'move on' for reasons that make sense only to themselves. Even when they settle down, they are apt to be slightly unsettling in their views.
Seven of Aquarius (February 9 to February 18) The seven of Aquarius, like all Aquarius, is deeply suspicious of getting tied down. They enter into peculiar relationships as a consequence. If they feel trapped they are capable of slyness and deceit, contrary to their usual honest nature. They are very ********* with their true feelings, preferring to analyze those of their partner first before contributing anything in turn. Straight talk alone works with these people, as they respect that.
Zodiac Signs
P i s c e s
Eight of Pisces (February 19 to February 28) The eight of Pisces is likely to be rather melancholy though they are quite kind and caring. They are prone to sacrifice a lot in their relationships, even more than they should. However, once convinced that a bond has outlived its usefulness, they can let go without any regret. This is a gradual process that can be reversed at any time. Their personal goals also alter slowly but firmly and if you are not in tune with that, they fall out of love with you.
Nine of Pisces (March 1 to March 10) These people are very intuitive and attract their soul mate at just the right time. They may seem to be going along with no softer emotions and suddenly they fall in love and get married. They are also prone to find their mates in strange and unfamiliar surroundings. They are surprisingly sensual and sexual beings as their partners will learn to their delight. They cannot be hurried into a relationship, however, until they are ready for it.
Ten of Pisces (March 11 to March 20) This person is always one step ahead of their partner in understanding the nature of the relationship and what it requires now. They are unquestionably the soul of the bond, though it might not be visible, as they tend to be the quieter sorts. They detest all forms of pretension and fakery, and none more so than in matters of love. A long-term relationship with the Ten of Pisces is almost a given, they do not go in for flings normally.
Zodiac Signs
There is no specific love-compatibility zodiac match up in Tarot Readings as the system is far too complex as well as far too respectful of individual realities to crunch the issue down into some quick fix tips. One's love life is always a difficult business to navigate and the Tarot helps you to take into account all the factors of the situation as it is unfolding, not just the 'compatibility'. Nevertheless, there are certain propensities for the various signs of the zodiac when they are in love. In the Inner Phases system of the zodiac that we follow, there will be thirty-six phases to take into account and not just twelve as in the classical zodiac. We give a short account of each phase's behavior in love.
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo
Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
A r i e s
Two of Aries (March 21 to March 30) There is likely to be a great deal of compatibility and agreement in any relationship this person enters into. Even if they begin by disagreement it usually resolves itself. Very quickly, the Two of Aries will convert the other person into a common dream or goal that they will spend the rest of their life in achieving or bringing about. The strains that will inevitably result in any relationship are when this dream is lost sight of and both parties go off track. Usually the Two of Aries is a wonderful lover.
Three of Aries (March 31 to April 10) These people fall impulsively in love. They usually meet their mate in improbable situations or through the contrivance of friends. A commonality of ideas, especially on the spiritual plane, is the only real way this relationship can last. If that is taken care of then all other matters become harmonious too. Be prepared to do a lot of travelling to strange places with the Three of Aries, if you want to keep the romantic interest alive.
Four of Aries (April 11 to April 20) Until they are ready to settle down, their romances will prove to be fickle and insubstantial. They seem to have a prolonged 'sowing of wild oats stage' as they are afraid of making a mistake. Paradoxically, domesticity brings out the best in them as lovers. They sink gratefully into routine and convention and resist any abrupt changes in the relationship with vigor.
Zodiac Signs
T a u r u s
Five of Taurus (April 21 to April 30) These people are stingy in love and slow to give commitments. This is not because they are unloving or unlovable but because they need to have financial security first before they will allow thoughts of love to intrude. They are also prone to get entangled with people who have a different point of view about life and that cause some trouble. The Five of Taurus never really gets comfortable with love until almost middle age.
Six of Taurus (May 1 to May 10) A very comfortable sort of relationship will be set up as soon as possible, as these people hate all sorts of strife and conflict. The Six of Taurus is a great pillar of support and comfort for those they love and can be relied upon implicitly. They are not hung up about dominating the relationship and prove to be quite flexible in changing circumstances. The health of the Six of Taurus is always a good indicator of the health of the relationship, waxing and waning in perfect lock step.
Seven of Taurus (May 11 to May 20) They are extremely cautious in matters of love and have a tendency to review and rethink and reexamine that will drive many people crazy. A little bit of understanding of this personal quirk will go a long way for anybody who is serious about the Seven of Taurus. This constant navel gazing s how the person grows into the relationship and the Seven of Taurus is far more likely to judge themselves severely than their partner. They may make some dramatic changes in their life after brooding so.
Zodiac Signs
G e m i n i
Eight of Gemini (May 21 to May 31) For a brilliantly communicative sign like Gemini, it is astonishing how many romantic problems they create for themselves. The Eight of Gemini is charm personified in the early stages of a relationship, but gets cold feet almost instantly after. They fear being tied down; they fear loss of independence almost as much as they fear being lonely and alone. This is obviously a strange yin-yang of emotions to be in and not the most pleasant experience for somebody involved with them.
Nine of Gemini (June 1 to June 10) Two things are unforgivable for the Nine of Gemini. One is to be unfaithful. The other is to be boring. Either one of these issues, even if suspected at, is enough for them to turn off the relationship. They also require your spotlight to be firmly turned upon them at all times or they can be very grumpy. Be prepared for lots of talk about what love is all about and where you are in the mutual bond, but action will be less prompt. Jealousy is to be watched out for.
Ten of Gemini (June 11 to June 20) They are very wary about falling in love as they have an inspired talent to get into relationships that end up badly for them. Everything is red-hot passion for a while and then it turns all horribly wrong. Don't depress their anxiety lever as they believe in pre-emptive strikes, running away before they can be dumped. The real issue here is for the Ten of Gemini to let go of the past and try to find happiness with the person available in the present.
Zodiac Signs
C a n c e r
Two of Cancer (June 21 to July 1) While they are capable of deep love, they make the cardinal mistake of confusing sexual attraction with love for a very long time. This operates at a very deep instinctive plane and it is many years before they get out of it. They also seem to repeat the patterns of their loves so make sure that you are not getting caught into some such action replay scenario. At the deepest level they are earnestly seeking their soul mate. Once found, all issues are resolved forever.
Three of Cancer (July 2 to July 11) What is most important for the Three of Cancer is to have a good time and romance should above all be fun. If dullness appears in the relationship they soon pull out. This may not be fair to other people but that is their nature. They also have the habit of canvassing the opinions of friends and family in their love life and going by that, so it is very important to be liked by those two groups if you are serious about this person.
Four of Cancer (July 12 to July 21) They have a curious sense of being unfulfilled and may have many broken relationships as a consequence. While the romance is on it becomes very important but there is always some flaw that soon unravels it. Specifics are endlessly debated and gone over and there is a tendency to constantly rework what has been agreed upon. The Four of Cancer finds it difficult to love anybody in particular, and may not be particularly loyal. A surprising number of them end up on a spiritual quest, as love does not give them what they are seeking.
Zodiac Signs
L e o
Five of Leo (July 22 to August 1) Love is a matter of one-upmanship for many of them and even the most relaxed Five of Leo is not capable of letting go of their competitive instincts. They will always be trying to do you one better and in the early stages of a romance this is great fun, but it can become a real pain. If anybody else expresses any interest in somebody they want then the Five of Leo goes into romantic overdrive and is not too scrupulous about the means employed to win the loved one. In some rare cases it means that work will always be a rival for their affections.
Six of Leo (August 2 to August 11) These people have the ability to wait for the perfect person to come along and more often than not they are right! Again and again they pass over reasonably good choices in what appears to be unreasonable manners, but they know that there is something and someone special out there for them and they are not content with anything other than the best in their love life. There is not too much verbalization of love here. Since the choice fits perfectly, what do you need to talk about?
Seven of Leo (August 12 to August 22) These people are commitment reluctant because inevitably they begin to feel stifled, if not suffocated, in their relationships. Unlike the Six of Leo, the Seven is not waiting for the perfect person to come along. The Seven of Leo feels that their precious independence will be lost with any person. This is a trying person to be with as they remain in this stage for a great many years before they decide it is not so bad after all. Any perceived rival in love is enough reason for them to take off - or even worse overreact - so be careful if you want their love. Also be prepared for unusual amounts of arguments if you contradict them in anything.
Zodiac Signs
V i r g o
Eight of Virgo (August 23 to September 1) These people agonize endlessly about the small details of their relationship and indeed they are perhaps wise to do so. It is the small things, the little quirks of habit and behavior, that become insurmountable difficulties in later life. They know that unless the little things go smoothly, the relationship will come apart when a big crisis hits it. In their quest for the ever finer nuance, they end up meeting some strange people and going to unusual places to find love.
Nine of Virgo (September 2 to September 11) They are people who go to great lengths to maintain harmonious bonds with their loved ones. They prefer an atmosphere of ease and comfort and they do not like disputes of any sort. Some of them actually put up with passive abuse before they will take a stand on this. They tend to fall quickly in love and stay there. Even in rare cases where they are unfaithful, they will do anything to keep the original relationship intact. The Nine of Virgo repays loyalty and care in spades.
Ten of Virgo (September 12 to September 21) They are rather quiet but immensely rich in their vein of romance. It is best to meet this person when they have matured a little, as the rewards are unbelievable. They have no romantic delusions, but they have many romantic dreams and they will work hard to achieve them. Their partners will find themselves in agreement with practically everything. They are apt to find soul mates while travelling, though in many cases they seem to attract the right person through magnetism.
Zodiac Signs
L i b r a
Two of Libra (September 22 to October 2) They are fascinated by and resentful of the romantic impulse. The Two of Libra can swing from extreme to extreme and finally end up in a situation where the best that can be said about it is "Can't complain". This uneasy truce element is always at the back of their minds and their partners have to be very careful not to upset them. They are prone to break up on trivial issues just to get out of deadlocks like this. Unless given lots of free time for themselves, their romances all end up unluckily.
Three of Libra (October 3 to October 12) A somewhat luckless sign in that these people have more than their fair share of heartache if not heartbreak. Part of the problem is a hanging on to the past when it is clear to everybody around them that it is over. The uncertainties of change are more fearful for them in a romantic context than the pain of the present. The three of Libra will continue this seesaw until they change their basic programs, one of which is that they do not believe they can be loved by extraordinary people.
Four of Libra (October 13 to October 22) The four of Libra is likely to be a very introspective sign requiring long periods of time away form the relationship, while they try to make sense of it. This rumination usually rebounds to the credit of the person they are in love with, but panicky lovers usually think they are about to be dumped. However, they are prone to develop new relationships without totally canceling the first. They suffer from a strong sense of being alone and reassurance to the contrary does not work.
Zodiac Signs
S c o r p i o
Five of Scorpio (October 23 to November 1) They move warily through the field of love, as they fear getting burned. They also tend to have an idealized early romance against which they judge all subsequent romances and find them wanting. This is a trying trait for those in love with them. To let go is not easy for them, and they may be prone to strange depressions in the midst of a happy time. Sometimes, their usually fine judgement is off and they realize that they have alienated the ideal person with their glum moods.
Six of Scorpio (November 2 to November 12) There is a childlike quality about the romances these people get into. Beware of old flames making a sudden appearance in their life. They are sure to check them out, not because they are unfaithful but because of an overwhelming nostalgia that governs all actions. They view all love affairs through a haze of sentiment, a disconcerting trait in the Six of Scorpio who is as hardheaded as they come otherwise.
Seven of Scorpio (November 13 to November 22) They shilly-shally to an amazing extent and usually get married only when they are given a final ultimatum by the loved one. They would much prefer to be falling in love than settling down in love. All their relationships seem to be disappointments in retrospect, but that's because no love can always remain at such a blaze! Once they accept that this sort of dream world will not do, they become steady and considerate lovers.
Zodiac Signs
S a g i t t a r i u s
Eight of Sagittarius (November 23 to December 2) They are very good at whirlwind romances. The Eight of Sagittarius has an uncanny ability to get under the skin of someone and rapidly establish a relationship of trust and closeness. They are also very good at uncovering the spiritual beliefs of the other person even thought they might not subscribe to them. There is also a lot of honesty and clear and open communication, though in some cases that becomes brutal frankness and disdain for others.
Nine of Sagittarius (December 3 to December 12) Things begin smartly, proceed well, but then the Nine of Sagittarius needs to back off a bit and allow matters to be a bit less combustible. They dislike cloying and clinging, though they are prone to that fault themselves without quite realizing it. Any relationship with them must include clear and compatible goals that are within the realms of achievement. If not, there is really no hope of a future together.
Ten of Sagittarius (December 12 to December 21) Romantic entanglements prove themselves to be burdensome to this group. They also manage to fall in love at the most inconvenient times for their own sakes. Knowing this trait within themselves, they are apt to go in for a series of shallow flings rather than work at anything serious. Until they get their life goals clear, any person who gets involved with them should not expect anything long-term.
Zodiac Signs
C a p r i c o r n
Two of Capricorn (December 22 to December 30) The romance works best if there are many, many spaces in the togetherness. The Two of Capricorn almost always finds somebody to love who is as driven and as busy as they invariably are. Love can become a matter of schedules and co-ordination if they are not careful. Perhaps they are smart, for these people have a love life that always has the heat turned up. Anybody in love with them should also be prepared for frequent changes in personality.
Three of Capricorn (December 31 to January 9) These people come to love late in life, or at least comparatively late in life. They have an intuitive understanding of when they are mature enough to deal with complex emotions and avoid them till then. Any difficulties and misunderstandings that crop up are resolved with swift efficiency, as they do not like disharmony. They are very loyal once their trust has been won.
Four of Capricorn (January 10 to January 19) Even though they recognize it sometimes, the Four of Capricorn has a habit of repeating past patterns of behavior almost as though it was a compulsion. They make the same mistakes in love, or find themselves involved with the same kind of person all over again to the disgust and weary wonder of their friends. They are also reluctant to call it quits, as a strong element of nostalgia operates within them. Decisively forming new patterns is the way they resolve these issues, but that takes time.
Zodiac Signs
A q u a r i u s
Five of Aquarius (January 20 to January 29) Perhaps a more unromantic sign does not exist. Being creatures of the intellect first, and so they should be, the Five of Aquarius is a reluctant lover. They make many mistakes but primary is the desire to dominate the other. This soon leads to resentment in the other person and one more romance goes bust. To learn to compromise even though they 'know better' is the most difficult lesson for them. Once learnt they are fine, even unique, lovers.
Six of Aquarius (January 30 to February 8) This person is likely to be a strange sort of lover in that they are always looking for something new and they may also appear to be taking more than a reasonable interest in other people. They have ingrained commitment phobia and secure themselves by falling in love with unsuitable sorts of people. They are also prone to 'move on' for reasons that make sense only to themselves. Even when they settle down, they are apt to be slightly unsettling in their views.
Seven of Aquarius (February 9 to February 18) The seven of Aquarius, like all Aquarius, is deeply suspicious of getting tied down. They enter into peculiar relationships as a consequence. If they feel trapped they are capable of slyness and deceit, contrary to their usual honest nature. They are very ********* with their true feelings, preferring to analyze those of their partner first before contributing anything in turn. Straight talk alone works with these people, as they respect that.
Zodiac Signs
P i s c e s
Eight of Pisces (February 19 to February 28) The eight of Pisces is likely to be rather melancholy though they are quite kind and caring. They are prone to sacrifice a lot in their relationships, even more than they should. However, once convinced that a bond has outlived its usefulness, they can let go without any regret. This is a gradual process that can be reversed at any time. Their personal goals also alter slowly but firmly and if you are not in tune with that, they fall out of love with you.
Nine of Pisces (March 1 to March 10) These people are very intuitive and attract their soul mate at just the right time. They may seem to be going along with no softer emotions and suddenly they fall in love and get married. They are also prone to find their mates in strange and unfamiliar surroundings. They are surprisingly sensual and sexual beings as their partners will learn to their delight. They cannot be hurried into a relationship, however, until they are ready for it.
Ten of Pisces (March 11 to March 20) This person is always one step ahead of their partner in understanding the nature of the relationship and what it requires now. They are unquestionably the soul of the bond, though it might not be visible, as they tend to be the quieter sorts. They detest all forms of pretension and fakery, and none more so than in matters of love. A long-term relationship with the Ten of Pisces is almost a given, they do not go in for flings normally.