Next time I hire employees, should I use astrology?
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2010-02-10 19:45:38 UTC
I'm a co-owner of a think-tank organization which does a great deal of different types of research. I'm wanting to experiment with astrology as a basis for hiring. On the astrology software package, it says I can put the birthdays into it and then look at the information on everyone. I want to give this a try, rather than the traditional method of looking at resumes for people's experience and background. If astrology is correct, it seems there should be no need for that?

I don't want drunks, so which signs and aspects should I avoid hiring? Same with drug problems, so what signs and aspects would show this? I'm looking for self-motivated types who will be ambious without being cut-throat to anyone who crosses their path, so again what to look for there? I also don't want the types who would do dishonest and underhanded things behind the scenes and pretend to be all innocent, moral and loyal. Again, what should I expect to see in the chart of such a person?
24 answers:
2010-02-10 20:47:47 UTC
psychic here

Love the idea and I hope you succeed I posted my answer to your question on my video blog. I hope I was able to help

your answer is here

also check out my written blogs on horoscope and numerology

added later.... and with the question of discrimination???? actually you can first accept applications and sort through according to qualifications and then as a last "tie breaker" choose the astrology sign you are looking for its called hiring out of personal preference and it can be proven you are looking for the good of the company. just like you choose the most polite or the most assertive that is not discrimination.
2016-12-20 07:07:51 UTC
2010-02-10 20:03:25 UTC
I do not know what software you are using but if it is "Jigsaw" there is a tab called "Research".If you have typed in the data you can filter for example certain aspects e.g. Mercury square Neptune. If it is not Jigsaw I am sure you have the same option on it. Mostly squares or conjunctions from Neptune to the Sun or Mercury may highlight drug or alcohol problems keep an eye out for or signs if they are mutable e.g virgo , gemini, sagittarius and pisces. Not all aspects or signs that have them between each other are drug addicts or thieves. Look for well aspected Jupiter's or Capricorn planets for hard workers. Again nothing is concrete but there are indicators. the worst it could be with some neptune squares is that the person has a problem concentrating or daydreams a lot at work. Look for well aspected 10th house planets as well or trines from saturn to the sun. Hope this is of some help.
2010-02-11 06:04:44 UTC

I also theorized this idea if one day I would own a company.

However, western and eastern astrology can not explain if someone has had a bad upbringing in a hostile/poor/unpleasant environment.

Every zodiac sign has a strength and weakness. So each person should be seen as useful in their own way guaranteed they are seen in the role that is best fit for them.

I would suggest you first look at chinese astrology since Western astrology mainly shows the personality trait. Chinese astrology explains more the outlook and goals in life people have.

Let's use me as an example. I am a taurus with a Capricorn moon. People may assume "Hardworking, lazy, materialistic, reliable and affable."

This is true to a certain extent but with Chinese Astrology you can see more about me.

Year of the Wood Ox - Serious, likes efficiency and slow but steady

Month of the Metal Snake - likes mental challenges and a bit caluclating and firm in beliefs. great mental abilities for working out logical problems.

Day of the Fire Sheep - not the most timid of sheep but when you get to know me I'm not materialistic and I don't like conflict at all or it brings out my fiery bad temper.

If you are true to yourself and meet people whilst judging them on a very neutral level, you will likely find the correct people for the job easily.

You don't wanna think

"Ahhh, he's a Capricorn so he'll be great at authority and management."

I've seen Capricorns make awful leaders who tend to favour some over others depending on who strokes their ego the most.

Well, hope this gave you an insight into something else you may find interesting to explore.
2010-02-11 08:14:39 UTC
What you're asking for is someone with an entrepreneurial attitude. I wouldn't exactly use astrology for a hire, especially when you're looking for extremely specific type of personality. The answer maybe a problem within your training and hiring system. Your hiring system should be developed to filter out most of the unwanted people. Tweaking your hiring system will help. Example: Two or more interviews cycles. Questions that make them second guess the position.

Your training system maybe need to be altered to, it should produce your atleast close to what you expect. Maybe first three weeks, never left alone. always busy, not having a lot of free time. This way when they do work by themselves they work load doesn't drop too far from the tree.
2010-02-10 22:12:20 UTC
no. that would mean no pisces which is sad because they actually have great ideas. generally caps are associated with businesses but they can also be dishonest, fake, and the things you don't want. i would say scorpio only because they tend to be moral and are serious about it, ambitious, and self-motivated. i can't say they won't drink and do drugs (they like danger)

aquarius could be very good as well especially for think tanks. they are thinkers, philosophers and very open-minded so they would be willing to learn. they are also very people-oriented so they would get along well whereas scorpios can be social but are more likely to be loners and to prefer it that way. but both signs are good at research and go very in-depth

i would say resumes are still important because there is more than one sign for each person and you won't be able to tell if the signs are afflicted (that doesn't show up on a chart because it can change) if a sign is afflicted it can cause differences or deviations from normal behavior and such
2010-02-10 20:57:40 UTC
i dont know how to interpret an entire chart but you would certainly need to do this for hiring based strictly on astrology. all of the qualities that you mentioned you dont want sound very piscean so you probably should avoid them at all costs. very much prone to escapism whether it be alcohol, drugs, or day dreaming. they wont be ambitious or self-motivated unless its something they really believe in and/or they are able to be creative. and being dishonest behind the scenes while putting up an innocent front is one of their specialties. although if you want an idea person or someone who will be diplomatic and well-liked by most people then they would be great.

earth signs (especially capricorn) i think would be best. they are more grounded and self-motivated and ambitious than most water and air but they are not cutthroat and insanely competitive like fire.
2016-02-28 05:46:37 UTC
I'm not sure if this is supposed to be serious or not. Just in case it is - gays and lesbians have children all the time - they adopt or use alternative methods of conceiving. That's a really poor way of trying to save money. Plus, what would you do - ask them their sexual orientation in the interview? (You can't do that.) It's more likely you would end up losing a lot more money in a discrimination suit. I'm just hoping this question was supposed to be a joke.
2010-02-14 04:47:18 UTC
Yes you should try to use astrology to hire people, it can give many clues. Read this article to find more about the relation between astrology and profession

It is something like:

"The relation between astrology and profession can be seen on two levels: a personal level, in order to define one's professional route in life, and an organizational level, in order to improve the company's efficiency. At an organizational level astrology will, probably, become a very important management tool, at least in the Human Resource area. Because people are the most important resource of a company, it is very important to understand them better, to find their weaknesses and strengths, to find their best position in company, to motivate them, to make equilibrated teams with people complementary one to each other, etc."

It can be interesting.
2013-09-22 07:32:51 UTC
hi I don't know if you'll even get this but I noticed I fit a lot of what your looking for, my birthday is august 28,1997, im only 16. I found this page because I had the same idea you asked about and im really interested to know how that went for you and what your company/business is all about. Again, I doubt you'll ever see this but if so feel free to contact me . 210-584-9373 or or
♠ Hot Mess
2010-02-10 20:13:39 UTC
I don't think you should use astrology to hire employees like that.

It's nice to have varieties. Although I must admit. My favorite place that I worked at only had fire and water signs. We all got along very well, but I did wonder if the boss of the company used astrology, because I tried looking at the charts and we all seem quite compatible.

The workplace was very laid back and we had fun, but what held us all together was the Scorpio manager. She was firm, caring and patient. I was her assistant and I am pretty sure I was opposite of that, but hey I was dependable.
2010-02-10 19:52:01 UTC
I know a few companies who actually check the data on people because they handle a lot of cash and credit cards. I guess that would sort of limit theft somehow. Good question and a good idea. Check any afflictions to Mercury especially from Neptune. That's a starter. Scammers fall under many different signs so you need to look at the planets and aspects first. An afflicted planet in Gemini would also create dishonesty or Sagittarius rising with saturn in the first house.

2010-02-10 20:25:03 UTC
Please don't...but if do, A Cardinal Group would be self starters and highly self motivated.....don't look for them to worship you.

Any sign can have negatives, first impression ,experience and references checked out , is the best way to go.

I like to do working interviews for about 3 days for prospective employees and yes we eventually get around to Birthdays...we throw BD parties
2010-02-10 19:56:58 UTC
use degrees and qualifications not astrology signs. i love horoscopes and all but don't be biased and say "oh my ex was she was a leo and i hate her so im not gonna hire this leo" an gemini can be just as good as worker as a virgo etc.
Witch, please!
2010-02-10 20:03:06 UTC
well it's just as fair as those ridiculous personality tests they give you. so go ahead. but doing a proper analysis of everyone's chart would be more time consuming than looking over their resumé and references, not to mention the obvious fact that astrology is your personality blueprint but not by any means the finished product.
2010-02-10 19:59:19 UTC
verrry interesting! this could work as a good method, but you would have to take the time to look at the persons chart...meaning find their birthdate and then hop onto free astrology chart on google and type the birthdate in.

it would be good to hire people with capricorn placements (most responsible, and so are virgos and taurus people).

aries and sagittarians tend to be unreliable and lack staying power---but this is in general. good luck!
2010-02-10 21:15:45 UTC
Mart (great name), i'm glad you asked this. i am totally with you on this viewpoint, and yes you can use astrology. I gave you the link to the correct dates of this year from Wikipedia. They're all the way on the right. If you're going to use astrology, I must let you see the current dates for astrology. First, just know that the dates that get marketed to the masses are severely out of date, and on average, the dates have moved so much that the average person is one full sign behind. So for example, say you meet a person who says he/she is a Taurus, 99% chance he/she is an Aries unless that person knows about the dates. I don't know how in-depth that software gets, but if it only pretty much lets you choose between tropical and sidereal astrology, you'll want to use sidereal. Tropical is the kind you see in newspapers, magazines, etc. Sidereal has been somewhat updated. It's just the constellations that have moved around in the past couple thousand years that have caused the dates to change. So anyway, lemme give you some tips about hiring people. It all depends on what type of job it is because different signs are better for different jobs. Just how it is. For example, if you want a speaking position, your best bet is to hire fire signs. They're simply the best speakers of the zodiac. Leo is always good if you need someone in charge. If you'd like to hire a person with ideas, just hit up the air signs, particularly Aquarius. Virgo is said to be the best technician of the zodiac. It just comes so easy to them. I like to see Leo, Aquarius, and Virgo together because Aquarius can be the person who comes up with all the gadgets. Apple, for example, whose CEO is Steve Jobs, an Aquarius. Leo would be the salesperson. After the Aquarius invents the gadget, Leo is going to grow the business. And Virgo will be able to fix the gadget whenever something goes wrong. It also helps to know which signs would get along the best and also how each pair of signs would get along best so you can know how to organize your people and then utilize their natural talents the best. You'd want to put Leo with any air sign. That's simply who'd they do best with, particularly Aquarius of course. I'd like to see the opposites go together. Aquarius would go well with any fire sign. Taurus would go well with any water sign. Scorpio would go well with any earth sign. On top of this, you can put Aries with Sagittarius, Pisces, or Taurus, Libra with Gemini, Virgo, or Scorpio, Capricorn with Virgo, Sagittarius, or Aquarius, and Cancer with Pisces, Leo, or Gemini. You wouldn't want stick Virgo with Aquarius or Aries, Taurus with Libra or Sagittarius, Capricorn with Leo or Gemini, Cancer with Sagittarius or Aquarius, Scorpio with Gemini or Aries, Pisces with Leo or Libra, Gemini with Capricorn or Scorpio, Aquarius with Cancer or Virgo, Libra with Pisces or Taurus, Sagittarius with Taurus or Cancer, Leo with Pisces or Capricorn, and Aries with Virgo or Scorpio. Now of course, based on the planets' position in a person's chart, you get different types of people. This is why one Leo would be better than another Leo. So this is why I would just say like I said before, find the signs for the job, and then once you find say all the Leos you want, just pick the Leo you like best. I'm sure it wouldn't be a bad to simply trust your intuition. So how do I see the signs working out together?

Well, Aquarius comes first. They are the inventor. They are the sign of the genius. They're excellent with concepts, inventions, etc. They're artists, designers, etc. They need to express themselves. This is where the business ideas come from. After Aquarius, you go to Leo. You'll need a face and voice to the business. This is where Leo comes in. Leo is also highly intelligent and extremely charismatic. Leo and Aquarius are a wonderful business match. You'll want them at the top. After Leo, you should go to Virgo. They are the zodiac's technician. This is the sign that would be best as learning how Aquarius's inventions function. They'll fix them when they break. If there isn't an invention that needs fixing (clothes for example), a Virgo can maintain the facility the products are manufactured in. They can also manufacture the parts. Now you'll want Pisces, probably working alongside Virgo. They can strengthen each other's weaknesses. Virgo is bad with people; Pisces likes to talk. Pisces has technical difficulties; Virgo is the technician. After this, I guess we can go for Taurus. Don't put a Taurus in an area that needs innovation, but they are great for finishing projects. Any of the projects that a business must pursue, a Taurus will make sure it gets done. However, I think Taurus can be inconsiderate of others. You'd probably want to pair a Taurus with a Scorpio, another great leader who can expand Taurus's mind. These two will be good at managing projects. They just like to make sure things
2010-02-10 19:55:19 UTC
well, the whole thing seems rather illogical, and perhaps unfair, but if you were to want a good, hard-working sign, i'd go for a leo or a virgo (more virgo, i suppose) since they both have tendencies to be driven workers who apply themselves well, and i know that virgos tend to be perhaps over organized, neat freaks, who tend to like order in things...
2016-09-13 02:27:41 UTC
Could you give more details?
The boring unemotional capricorn
2010-02-10 20:01:40 UTC
i think you could do can't just say that one sign will be all in drugs or be drunks..

so..i would be careful and not rely on it fully
2010-02-10 20:09:25 UTC
capricorns, taurus and canceres are said to be the hardest workers they value money and strive for financial comfort
2010-02-10 20:15:56 UTC
I see a law suit for discrimination.
2010-02-10 20:50:16 UTC
I would - you can find great FREE astrology stuff here:
2010-02-10 19:50:36 UTC
Capricorn Sun, for one, is a good placement.

We work hard and don't give up. Give us high positions.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.