>Been Their made this statement, like it's a matter of fact.<
I think it's "Been There." I'm sure he (?) did and I'm sure he believes it. It is in virtually every modern astrology book so it is natural that someone would accept it. This is also true in other fields of study, particularly history. I'm reading a book right now on conspiracy theorists that repeats as fact several historical events that are factually incorrect. It happens.
>Is there a world wide organization for astrology? <
No. There are several organizations in the US like AFA and NCGR and the AA in Great Britain, but there is no world organization. Nor is there any real organization in astrology. It's pretty much of a free-for-all among several groups.
>Where (alleged) research results are submitted and examined? (sic) <
Name some and I'll tell you.Gauquelin's work was peer reviewed. He held a PhD in statistics and Psychology (or psychiatry - I forget which). He submitted his work to an appropriate group.
>If some promote Gauquelin as they love to here, what is the use of his research if no one uses it?<
Why is it when you stop asking leading questions and come to a fact, you never get it right? The only person that I know of other than myself who has cited Gauquelin is Antares. Please direct me to the others that "love" to cite him. Furthermore you don't know what the Gauquelin research is - not that it stops you from dismissing it. Michel Gauquelin tested the position of planets in the charts of members of specific professions, and that's about it. He did not directly test rulerships.
As an FYI, what Gauquelin found was that particular planets were found near the angles in numbers greater than chance for people who were considered the best in their field. The initial testing was done with Military leaders and athletes and the position of Mars. Hence the title of his work "The Mars Effect." Mars was found near one of the angles in numbers exceeding chance in multiple tests. Therefore, according to the laws of statistics, the planet Mars had an effect on the choice of profession. He found the same results with Saturn and Scientists and other links between planets and professions. For over half a century sputtering scientists have done everything including distorting data and lying about their own findings with the same data to simple slander, but the results stand. The only link to ruleships would be the obvious: Mars, god of war, rules things military and physical. Saturn rules methods.
What is the use of asking why no one uses Gauquelin's research, if you don't know what it is, and have always, or other members of your group have always, discounted it?