Astrology is the study of the relationship between cosmic events and events on earth.
Astronomy is a fascinating yet fundamentally useless pseudoscience that is a goldmine for guys that want to be paid to peer through telescopes at the taxpayers' expense so they never have to grow up and assume responsibility for themselves - preferring to determine the age of the universe and other senseless quests. See "Tilting at Windmills."
EDIT: Those that fail at astronomy usually take up sillier studies like climate science.
>The word science is a verb not a noun<
Please "science" for me. (You're a riot)
From the online American Heritage dictionary:
sci '·ence
The observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena.
Such activities restricted to a class of natural phenomena.
Such activities applied to an object of inquiry or study.
Methodological activity, discipline, or study: I've got packing a suitcase down to a science.
An activity that appears to require study and method: the science of purchasing.
*******Knowledge, especially that gained through experience.*******
You know as much about English as you do about astrology and science.
EDIT: How "Science handles results they don't like, from Markab's link on the Cura website:
" In the report KZA tried to obscure the clear success Gauquelin had scored. The Control Test had entailed analyzing 16,756 non-champions born near (in time and space) 303 champions (a sub-sample of the original 2088 champions). KZA had believed that they too would score at 22 percent in key sectors ( I and 4) thus establishing that the champions' 22 percent hit rate was "natural."
Instead the non-champions scored at exactly the chance -level (17 percent) that Gauquelin and I had predicted from our Mars/dawn-corrected expectation-curve analysis.
Faced with this disaster KZA pulled a bait-and-switch."
"Bottom line, ask if the claim can be tested. You have the Net at your fingertips, search for independent test results." And when you don't like the results, lie about it. That's the scientific method Chain loves.